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Neighbours Episode 5001 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5000 - 5002>>
Episode title: 5001: Oh, Mine Papa
Australian airdate: 3/7/06
UK airdate: 25/09/06
Writer: David Hannam
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Gail Robinson: Fiona Corke
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Robert/Cameron Robinson: Adam Hunter
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Izzy-da-vixen
Harold letting slip about Sky being pregnant to Janelle.
Izzy asking what happens if they track Paul and CamRob.
CamRob leaving the mine with Paul tied up inside it.
Izzy discovering Paul's broken phone and then shouting Paul's name.
CamRob asking if Paul is ready then starting the car and driving off resulting in the mine disintegrating
The ladies continue shouting Paul's name but no reply comes. Gail says they have to be somewhere and Izzy wonders if they are worrying about nothing and it is just the men trying to get in touch with their masculinity. Elle backs Izzy up and without realising it they actually walk past where Paul is buried. He can hear their voices (there is a gap where the ground isn't totally covered) but because of the gag round his mouth, his attempts at attracting help are unheard. Gail gives in to Elle's moans and agrees to go back to the car to get the map and compass so they can start looking properly. Paul's cries again go unheard.
No. 26
Dylan gets suspicious when his mum starts being nice to him and finally twigs that Janelle knows about the baby and wants to know who blabbed. Janelle replies Harold before asking him if it was a surprise. "You could say that," replies Dylan before going onto add that he didn't deliberately not want to tell her but it's complicated between himself and Sky. Janelle reminds him of the positives - a new generation of Timmins'! Dylan explains that he isn't ready to be someone's dad and Janelle tells him that he will be a terrific parent citing her as a great example of how to raise kids!
DYLAN: Then the kid really is in trouble!
Janelle reassures him that being nervous is part of becoming a parent for the first time and promises him that things fall into place when bubs arrives, which he seems to take comfort from.
Camp site
CamRob packs away the camping gear just as the ladies arrive and he seems rather surprised to see them and asks why they are there. Izzy asks the obvious question - why is he packing up and he struggles for an answer eventually saying they decided to change location due to the current site being on an ant hill and Paul not liking bugs. She then asks the next obvious question - where is Paul and again he struggles for an answer before trying to change tact and asking them why they look strung out and is everything okay? Gail replies for them to again ask where Paul is and CamRob plays dumb, so Elle says that he can tell them if something has happened to Paul. "Why would something have happened to him?" replies CamRob and eventually puts Paul's absence down to getting firewood...but he can go get him. The ladies don't exactly believe him and Gail demands that he tells her where Paul is.
No. 26
Janelle tells Dylan that she was just 16 when she had her first child and when Dwayne was put into her arms says that sometimes the worst thing in the world can be the best. Dylan admits that there are some bits of being a dad that he is looking forward to but Janelle reminds him that it is a hard slog but the two of them will be great. There seems to be a bit of communication breakdown between mother and son - he thinks she meant Elle and himself whereas Janelle really meant Sky and himself after assuming that he'd give Elle the boot. He firmly tells her that there will be no Sky and him because he is with Elle and that he can't forget Sky cheating on him...ever!
Camp site
CamRob is trying to tell Gail that Paul is probably down at the new camping site beside the water and can go to see him if they want. Izzy catches him out over the story he's used but he gets himself out of it before asking Gail why the third degree. Gail tells him that he knows what it is about and Izzy demands to know what has happened to Paul.
CAMROB: What are you suggesting? Do you seriously think I could hurt my own father? That's just sick.
(He half-laughs)
GAIL: What did you do?
(Atmosphere changes)
CAMROB: You had to come down here didn't you? Asking questions and ruining everything. I didn't want to hurt anyone else but I guess now I'll have to. (He reaches into the boot for a shovel and threatens them with it) You'll all get the same as dad.
GAIL: Robert. Please.
Commercial break over and CamRob is still threatening the ladies with the shovel and Gail asks him to put the shovel down so they can talk but he quickly says no because he can't trust his mum because she betrayed him. She wants to know why he thinks that, so he says it is because she still loves Paul despite what he's done to them. Gail fanatically denies this and again asks him to reveal where Paul is because she doesn't want her kids getting into trouble.
IZZY: He's not going to tell us. (Shouting) He's a freak. Why would anybody love somebody like you?
CamRob takes exception to this and throws the shovel in their direction (they quickly duck) before taking off leaving the ladies thankful that the shovel missed.
No. 28
Katya lets Toadie, Lyn & Oscar and Susan into the house while Lyn tells them all not to worry about Paul because he is invincible! Toadie makes a joke too, to lighten the mood, which Lyn seems to take offence to but Susan backs him up by saying that Paul does seem to have nine lives. Katya admits she wishes she'd been more forceful in getting people to believe her earlier and Toadie says that wouldn't have made any difference. Changing tact completely, Lyn tells them that they look good as a couple and Toadie points out that they are just friends.
Susan then attracts us to Oscar's arm and we find out that his right arm is in a plaster cast! Poor little man. He broke his arm in real life although no explanation was given today as to why the arm was in plaster.
Toadie and Katya leave to watch a DVD at his place and when they leave after their playful banter, Lyn doesn't believe that they are just friends. Lyn then notices that there is something up with Susan and tells her to spill.
No. 30/Bush
Katya is getting impatient waiting for news, so Toadie decides to phone Gail for an update. While he talks to Gail, she tells him that CamRob virtually admitted he'd done something to Paul and that the police and two rescue teams have arrived and that CamRob has taken off but they don't know where to start looking. He relays this info to Katya but she takes the phone off him to ask Gail what effect this news will now have for RealCam. Gail asks her to ask Toadie to make some calls to see about getting him out. Katya hangs up and feels frustrated that nobody believed she was telling the truth.
Izzy tells Gail and Elle that the police will soon be calling off the search until the morning because it will be dark soon. Gail and Elle can see the logic in it but Izzy can't and quietly Elle says that it may be too late, which has a sobering effect on Izzy and Gail.
No. 28
Susan plays dumb by trying to say she is worried about Katya but Lyn is seeing right through her it despite her protestations. Lyn announces that she is refusing to go until she is told and Susan informs her that it will be a long night! Lyn now tries to guess what is up with Susan.
LYN: Okay, you've been made School Principal again?
LYN: Billy and Anne are pregnant?
SUSAN: No, but I wish they were though.
(Lyn thinks for a second)
LYN: Karl.
The smile Susan has on her face virtually gives the game away and Susan confirms that they are back together again. Lyn is excited for her friend and wants details and is surprised to hear that the kids don't know and wonders how they'll react to finding Karl at the table one morning in his dressing gown. Susan replies that she doesn't want to say anything until they are rock solid then she'll tell the kids.
Paul tries to free himself and eventually manages to get the gag off his mouth and he shouts for help. Sadly nobody can hear him.
No. 28
Lyn is impressed at hearing how Susan and Karl got back together again, saying it is all romantic. Susan again reiterates that she doesn't want to say anything until she is sure that they are rock solid. Lyn states the third obvious question of the night - is she worried about Karl being unfaithful again? Surprisingly Susan says that she isn't so Lyn reminds her what she's been through because of what Karl did but Susan says that he has learned from his mistakes. Susan then confesses that she is enjoying all the sneaking around that they are doing...and things are better (inserts the naughty smilie here!) than when they were teenagers!
Paul croaks our "help" but nobody can hear him.
No. 26
Dylan firmly tells his mum that getting back with Sky isn't on the agenda and reminds her that he can look after his own interests and that he is a big boy now. Janelle replies that he isn't too big to go over her knee when Lyn, Oscar and Susan enter. Janelle asks them to back her up in saying that Dylan should get back together again with Sky. Lyn says that should be for Dylan and Sky to decide and while Dylan thanks her for sticking up for him, he wishes his mum would shut up after she blabs that he was the one who trashed Harold's house. Susan confirms that Sky has been supportive to Dylan and Janelle reminds him about Sky willing to wait for him when he was given 10 years. All Dylan can remember though is that Sky cheated on him and that puts everything he did into the shade. Susan and Lyn are then shocked to hear that Sky is pregnant and Dylan has finally heard enough and leaves but quickly comes back when Elle calls, despite Janelle telling her that he wasn't home.
Elle is obviously telling Dylan about what is happening in the bush and can't believe what he is being told.
JANELLE: Oh, another drama?! Gee that Robinson chick sure is high maintenance.
Bush (next day)
Dylan has now arrived to join in the search and Elle takes comfort from their hug even though she thinks it was a waste of time him coming because she thinks it is too late, that Paul won't be found alive, but he tells her to keep positive like Paul would. Izzy tells her to listen to Dylan that Paul would never give up and so neither should they.
Warrinor prison
RealCam is thrilled to find out that the authorities know about CamRob but Toadie brings him crashing down to earth by telling him that getting him out is going to be difficult because of his fingerprints being on the evidence and a hearsay confession isn't going to hold much weight. RealCam reminds them that with CamRob still on the loose, everyone is still in danger, Katya especially. Katya looks worried.
No. 28
Susan tells Lyn and Janelle to keep positive about Paul being missing and a teary Lyn admits she wouldn't know what to do if it is bad news about Paul. Susan says not to worry until they know the facts and Lyn leaves in a hurry just in case someone calls about Paul.
With Lyn away, Susan admits to Janelle that Lyn rushing off like that is a bit weird is told to wake up and smell the coffee because Lyn loves Paul! Susan doesn't believe what Janelle is suggesting when Katya and Toadie enter with his stuff (he is going to be moving in until CamRob is caught). Janelle thinks it is a good idea because CamRob is the type to turn up with an axe! And guess who is listening in to the conversation after shimmying up a drainpipe? Yes, you've guessed it CamRob!
He listens in to them talking about organising a rota so Katya isn't left alone and Katya say that if CamRob was going to do something he'd have already done something and that there is no reason to now. Janelle reminds her that he is a wacko and they don't need a reason. CamRob seems to be shocked to hear himself described as a wacko.
In the mine, Paul tries to untie himself as above ground the search for him is ongoing.
Dylan notices that Elle is shivering but she dismisses it and reluctantly gives in to Gail's suggestion that Dylan takes her home on the condition that Gail phones as soon as they hear anything.
Izzy is a bit surprised about them covering ground they've already been too and Gail points out that was their original intention as from the mine below, Paul shouts out for Gail and Izzy but his voice is so weak he can barely shout out their names. As the rescuers pass right above him he gives up shouting and instead frantically tries to untie himself and in best soap traditions he succeeds. He goes right under where the gap is and again tries to shout on Gail and Izzy but his voice is very weak so he instead makes a noise with the materials around him.
On the surface, Izzy hears this noise and tries to tell Gail that she heard something but Gail replies that she heard nothing and they continue walking up the hill.
Below, Paul again makes a noise to attract attention but nobody seems to be listening as we head into the preview.
<<5000 - 5002>>
Gail Robinson, Izzy Hoyland, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5001
Gail Robinson, Izzy Hoyland, Elle Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5001
Paul Robinson

Elle Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5001
Elle Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Janelle Timmins, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5001
Janelle Timmins, Dylan Timmins

Robert Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5001
Robert Robinson, Gail Robinson

Gail Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5001
Gail Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Katya Kinski, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5001
Katya Kinski, Toadie Rebecchi

Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5001
Gail Robinson

Katya Kinski, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5001
Katya Kinski, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5001
Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5001
Susan Kennedy

Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5001
Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy

Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5001
Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5001
Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5001
Paul Robinson

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