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Neighbours Episode 4905 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4904 - 4906>>
Episode title: 4905: Tiny Weeny Free Bikini
Australian airdate: 17/02/06
UK airdate: 26/04/06
Writer: John Upton
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Ally (AllyAngel)
- Lou tells Harold to get over his guilt
- Dylan begs Paul for more time to double the $2000
- Lou tells Paul he isn't a pushover like Harold, and will play as dirty as Paul
Paul watches on in the background as Dylan sells a hotdog to Boyd. He tells Boyd he is just under doubling Paul's money. Max walks across the complex, leaving a message on Lyn's voicemail for either Steph or her to give him a call...please? Puppy dog eyes please? Max hangs up and wants a word with Boyd. He is off to enroll in Uni this arvo, and Max wants to know if he still wanted a computer. Boyd says yeah he is going to put a deposit down, but Max says he will pay for one!
Paul pulls Sky aside for a word and Sky gives him the what for being cruel to Harold, but Paul says he is better off dealing with him than the police...so is Sky, as she is an accessory. Sky says she isn't afraid of him. Dyl comes over to see what is going on, and Sky says they were just talking about Karma...
Paul asks Dylan how the deadline is going, and he says it is a piece of cake.
General Store
SKY: I hate him!
LOU: Ahh, welcome aboard!
Lou tells Sky that their trading is taking a beating, but they knew it would be hard. Sky wants to know what they are going to do about it, but Harold says he doesn't want to put them in any further danger. Lou tells Harold Paul has had a word with their baker, and he will no longer be supplying to them - Paul's money speaks. My money speaks too...although all it really says is GOODBYE! (/lame)... Ahem. Harold has one more idea up his sleeve.
Connor is practicing his PI skills on Bob...from the dirt on his paws...I deduce that he has been digging a hole! So does Connor. But Toadie doesn't appear too proud of his skills of deduction. Janae walks in. Wow, Eliza mustn't have filled her quota of scenes for the week. She's bored - Toadie realised that from the fact she is visiting them. Connor tells her about his PI course, and Toadie says he is going to bust Janelle for the neck brace fiasco. Janae tells Toadie that she was reading in All Her that more couples are abstaining. It helps them. Toadie says all it helps is their journey down the highway to Splitsville...Janae says he doesn't even have a girlfriend - he is an immature loser! Toadie replies that she is just a Holiday Girlfriend - just wait till Boydie meets all the hot chicks at Uni! Janae tells him to take it back, and storms out. Toad tries to light the Barbie in the loungeroom, but he's forgotten meat...the Bar it is.
Paul delivers 2 glasses of wine to a Random Extra Couple. Watch as the REC toast each other. It's hilarious. *rewinds tape* Heee there they go! *rewinds tape* Heee!!! Ok...anyway...Harold comes in, not looking too amused at the REC's happy toasting. Actually, no, he's just peeved because they are losing business at the Store. He's thinking of handing himself into the police. Paul says he won't do it because it will drag Sky and Lou into it. He says the Bishops' deaths were a tragedy - but one that had nothing to do with him, yet Harold strangled him anyway. Harold says this is their fight - Sky and Harold only tried to protect him. Paul points out it is guilt by association. Harold wants to keep this just between the two of them, but Paul says Harold doesn't get to choose the punishment - he does.
Scarlet Bar
Toadie is moaning because the bikini shop folded and he spent thousands on it. All he has left are hundreds of bikinis. Hang on, bikini shop? Oh. That's right. Anyhoo. Connor just wants food.
Max is gloating because he managed to score 100 bucks off the price of Boyd's swanky new laptop. But he says he is proud of Boyd.
MAX: Nah, really - you've worked really hard to get into Medical School, and it's not been an easy year (mental note - is it ever an easy year if you have the surname Hoyland?). Ok, well that's your weeks worth of fatherly praise, now nick off!
Boyd wants to know if Lyn has called back, and Max says no...but she will... Straws. Clutching. Boyd asks Max to come over to the Uni with him to enroll. Max says he doesn't want his daggy Dad hanging around, but Boyd insists. Janae comes in and Boyd quickly tells her that he wants to spend a bit of time with his dad this afternoon, so can he see her later on? Boyd leaves and Toadie riles Janae about Boyd and how he is off to find himself another chick. She tells him to grow up, and storms out. Toadie gloats, but Connor just slaps him on the cheek.
General Store
Harold tells Lou he won't tolerate Paul punishing Lou and Sky too. He wonders aloud how they are going to overcome Paul. Well, that's an invitation for a Plan™ to walk in the door if ever I heard one. And that Plan™ comes in the shape of Toadie, Connor, and a box of bikinis. They propose that Harold and Lou give away a free bikini with every main meal! All they would want in return is to eat at the Store for free...for a year! Harold is all 'oh, I don't know' but Lou is functioning on 'Skimpy. Lycra. Heaven!'
Dylan and Sky are still on the Hotdog!Cruisade, when Dylan asks what Paul wanted before. Sky makes a lame excuse, and then asks what Dyl is going to do when he doubles Paul's money. Dyl says that's easy - put Kim on his payroll. Max and Boyd come along and Max says he'll have a hotdog. Sky pulls Boyd aside and asks him to buy a whole heap - she'll pay him back. Boyd asks for 20 - Med School lunch is on him! One of Max's eyebrows almost reach the heavens. Almost.
Max and Boyd come across Toadie, and have a chat, while Janae watches from behind the bushes. Some girls walk past and Max tells Boyd to go offer them a hotdog. Boyd doesn't want them to think he is hitting on them, but Max tells him to go. Janae's facials are classic as he watches Boyd approach the chickees, but she is sprung by Toadie, who says he can see why she would be worried. Boyd hanging around all these babes. Janae tells him to...GO AWAY! But just between you, me, and the hotdogs, she looks kinda bummed.
Paul counts out all the moolah - $4000. Looks like Dylan has come up with the goods. But he has made him an offer - to manage Lucinda's. Dylan says he can't - there's Sky...Paul thinks Sky will understand, but Dylan isn't convinced. He says there is his Dad too - he needs a job. Paul says so put him on the payroll. Dylan says he doesn't think he will want to have anything to do with Paul. Paul can't believe he is even considering passing up this opportunity, but it's a *crosses hands over chest* NO DEAL from Dylan.
General Store
Lou serves some please bikini-scoring customers and looks pleased. Meanwhile, Toadie is about to burst. He doesn't even think he can fit dessert! Connor slaps him - try harder! Harold comments if Paul doesn't do them out of business, Connor and Toadie will. Sky comes in and Lou says business is picking up. (may I point out they have all of about 2 customers, but hey, it's a vast improvement on a big fat ZERO!). He goes off to find some dessert for Connor and Toadie.
Toadie and Connor are looking through the bikinis (Connor wants a sexy one) when Janae storms in demanding Toadie take back the mean things he said. He tells her to go first but she says the things she said were true! He says she has to go first, so she says he isn't an immature loser...and she is sure he has plenty of chicks after him...apparently. Toadie says he takes back that Janae is a Holiday Girlfriend, but he won't agree that Boyd would never cheat on Janae. So she takes back her taking back and says everything she took back is back on. Phewf. Oh, and she hates him too. She nicks a bikini as she storms out the door.
Connor comes in wearing a bikini top.
CONNOR: You knew this would happen. And you knew it would all end up in tears. Now can you do me up at the back please?
Ummm... *sheilds eyes*
Number 26
Janae answers the door to Boyd wearing her skimpy bikini. He wants to know what the emergency is, but she just wanted him to see her...her to see him...she wanted to see him...ok, the bans off! As they kiss, Boyd's phone rings.
BOYD: Hey! It's really good to hear from you! I can't wait to see you too! What is it? Right...um...yeah, let me see what I can do, ok? Bye.
JANAE: Was that the girls from Uni?
Boyd has to go - it's important.
JANAE: But...but what about me?
Boyd says it is urgent and he will see her tomorrow.
Scarlet Bar
Max says he thought Paul was turning over a new leaf. But all this bizzo with Lou and Harold - it's like old times. Paul says maybe from where he is standing...Boyd comes in and Max realises it is important.
BOYD: Steph just called - she'll be back from the health retreat in the morning.
MAX: (eyes light up) well that's great news! (eyes de-light) How is she?
BOYD: She doesn't want to see you...yet. When she gets back to the house, she doesn't want you there, she doesn't want to talk - she thinks the two of you will only fight.
MAX: Oh, she...
BOYD: Dad, I'm really sorry.
MAX: We're not going to fight, we're adults - we can talk.
BOYD: Please.
MAX: Listen, don't worry about me - I'm not gonna do anything stupid. Really mate, I'll be fine.
Number 26
Sky thinks this is a plot from Paul to break her and Dylan up. Dylan says he refused didn't he? They start to get...cozy...when Janae walks out, and goes off on one. Are they *trying8 to rub her nose in it? And if Boyd thinks he can dump her for some Uni chick, then he has another thing coming! Sky and Dylan make a hasty exit.
Outside the Hoylands (the next morning)
Boyd comes out to get the paper, just as Max drives his car into the driveway. Boyd says Steph is in there, and puts out a hand to stop him. Max just wants to talk to her. Boyd says it won't to any good.
MAX: Listen. I want to talk to my wife.
BOYD: Now isn't the time, I'm sorry. Dad! Please! I promised her!
Max tells him he doesn't have to pick sides, and Boyd says he isn't. Max asks why is he stopping him going into his own home to talk to his own wife then? Boyd tells Max to calm down. Max tells Boyd to get out of his way.
<<4904 - 4906>>
Boyd Hoyland, Paul Robinson, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4905
Boyd Hoyland, Paul Robinson, Dylan Timmins

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4905
Max Hoyland

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4905
Paul Robinson

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4905
Sky Mangel

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4905
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Bob, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O
Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O'Neill

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4905
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4905
Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4905
Boyd Hoyland

Janae Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4905
Janae Timmins

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4905
Paul Robinson

Dylan Timmins, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4905
Dylan Timmins, Paul Robinson

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4905
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Janae Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4905
Janae Timmins

Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4905
Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4905
Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland

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