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Neighbours Episode 4855 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4854 - 4856>>
Episode title: 4855: Slightly Off Key
Australian airdate: 18/11/05
UK airdate: 13/02/06
Writer: Hamish Cameron
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Joe Mangel: Mark Little
Alex Kinski: Andrew Clarke
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Jenny McKenna: Carrie Barr
- "Danger Zone" by Endorphin
Summary/Images by: Carly/Izzy-da-vixen
- Connor telling Dylan not to let anyone know he's alive
- Karl meeting Jenny
- Alex thinking Jake's a bad egg
- Joe proposing to Lyn
Dark Alleyway Place
Harold and his Salvo crew are serving up coffee and bread to the homeless people of the area when Harold spots a person sitting by their lonesome, blanket wrapped completely around them. He goes over and asks if there's anything they can do for them, getting the shock of his life when he lifts the person's head up and finds out it's Connor - looking very much like a dishevelled hobbit. He starts to run away but collapses from weakness by the side of the food van.
Scarlet Bar
Karl, on the phone to Jenny, double checks with Alex and Susan if they're sure about having the both of them for dinner. Of course they are! They can't wait to meet her. He tells Jenny the good news, hangs up, and after an awkward beat makes his way to the bar for a much-needed drink.
Lyn (Oscar-less since he's hanging out with God Father Gino), Joe and Steph are having fun chattering while Sky looks on with a frown. Lyn feels funny being this joyous on the Bishops' memorial day but Steph says Lil would have wanted her to be happy. Sky remarks that it feels like a bolt out of the blue but Lynnie thinks Joe's a regular Prince Charming (if he was suddenly possessed by the spirit of Steve Irwin, I'm sure). Max pours some more drinks and congratulates them.
LYN: (to the girls) Hey, when we're married you're going to be stepsisters.
STEPH: Yeah I guess we will be.
SKY: (faux cheerful) How about that.
LYN: (to Sky) And Boyd will be your step-nephew. Isn't that a hoot!
Sky's jaw goes ker-thunk on the floor at this disturbing revelation and she icily asks her dad for a private word.
Dark Alleyway Place
Harold gets Connor some food and he explains that he's going to head up to Lorne to do a spot of woofing (no, he hasn't gone completely bonkers and thinks he's a dog - he tells us it's when you work on an organic farm for food and a room). Harold says there are a lot of people who love and care for him in Erinsborough but Connor retorts there's nothing here for him now that Serena's gone. Harold says in distress that they've all lost someone and urges him to eat his food.
Scarlet Bar
Around the corner of the bar Sky asks why Joe chose today of all days to propose but Joe says to give him a break, it's not like he's gone about this like a "headless quokka". He wants her to be happy for her old man.
"Of course we're happy for you," Max smiles at Lyn. She smiles back and says it feels right, she loves Joe so much. Steph says it's been weird getting her head around the fact that Lyn wants to marry someone else but she'll be fine.
Karl has plonked himself down between Susan and Alex to have a good old yarn. He and Susan go a bit over the top in their belief that everything is going to be super fun tonight and not weird at all. Once Karl scurries off to get Jenny, Susan refrains from burying her face in her hands and says to Alex it's not too late to back out of the crazy dinner plan idea if they want. Alex good-naturedly teases her about her and Karl trying too hard.
ALEX: 'We've both moved on!' the arena spectacular.
Number 28
Song lyrics jump out at us - Danger Zone and then promptly disappear out of the scene again... Excellent.
Zeke struts out with a hilarious mohawk adorning his head causing Rachel to crack up. He says it's "metrosexual" and he wouldn't expect Rachel to understand.
ZEKE: Don't get jealous 'cause the Zekester's got himself a killer babe.
RACHEL: ... Okay, I'm not jealous. And did you just call yourself the Zekester?
ZEKE: (does a complicated hand signal in her face) Like what-ever.
RACHEL: I think I'm gonna be sick.
ZEKE: The Zekester isn't listening.
RACHEL: Would you stop calling yourself that!
ZEKE: (hearing the phone) I'll get it, it'll probably be my little lady.
Zeke? Hilariously deluded. It's actually Jake Weasley on the line and Rachel snatches the phone off her brother when he starts to say she's not home. She shoves Zeke out of the room so she can continue the conversation in private, well, as private as you're going to get in Ramsay Street, which usually means you'll be eavesdropped on. The Zekester upholds this by listening in the hallway.
Dark Alleyway Place
Harold offers to take Connor to see Karl for a check-up, or to even take him back home but Connor is adamant he doesn't have a home anymore. Harold tells sweaty, scruffy Connor that people will forgive him for whatever he's done but Connor isn't listening.
CONNOR: My life there's over. Just forget you ever saw me, I'm better off alone.
Number 28
Rachel hangs up after making some plans with Jake and Zeke's voice rings out from the hallway, wanting to know what's going on. Rachel informs him that she's going tenpin bowling with Jake and says there's nothing to be worried about after noting Zeke's concern. She likes him because he's interesting and mysterious.
ZEKE: (thinks he's figured it out) The O.C. that's what's behind this.
RACHEL: (getting frustrated) Oh God...
ZEKE: Not all bad boys are like Ryan you know!
RACHEL: I like him because I like him. End of story.
Susan, Alex, Lyn (swiping her hand over the Zekester's hair 'cause they're kind of looking like hairstyle buddies at the moment) and Joe bound in to get ready for the dinner party, informing the kidlets of what's going on. Rachel says not to worry; they won't hear a word out of them. Promise. Ooh, I sense a cunning double meaning.
Scarlet Bar
Steph tells Sky to buck up, Lyn and Joe are both adults and although she's not doing cartwheels over this either, there's not a lot they can do about it. She adds that she's come to really like Joe and she wishes Sky could do the same for her mum. Sky says Lyn's not the problem, it's her dad - he only proposed to keep Lyn happy, he's done similar things to all his girlfriends in the past. Steph says this time could be different but her and Max share a worrying look all the same.
Number 28
The adults joke around as Joe makes a crack about Lynnie being chained to the kitchen when they're married. Zekester and Rachel look on in alarm like Joe is literally going to chain Lyn up. Oh you Kinski kids, so much to learn still. Next week I'll let you in on a little thing called humour. Lynnie asks if they've heard back from Jake the prankster but Susan says there's been no more calls.
Rachel and Zekester make obvious shifty eyes at one another with Zeke saying she's got to tell their dad about the date. Rachel's thinking not. They make their way to bed as Karl and Jenny arrive.
Susan checks her out as she walks in and gives Alex a bottle of red and Karl shouts and waves, "HEY EVERYBODY!" like they're in an arena or something. Suse and Jenny exchange pleasantries with Susan asking what Jenny does. Her revelation that she's an advisor to the Federal Government is met with a bit of surprise. They have a quick snipe at one another, disguised as friendly banter, over their respective political parties. Oh this dinner party is going to be swell.
General Store
Harold has brought Connor by to supply him with food. He doesn't know how he's going to survive though; he looks like a bag lady-man already after only one week. Connor says he survived with nothing when he first came to Australia but Harold, shoving lumps of fake bread into his backpack, urges him to think about his family and friends. He doesn't understand how Connor can just stand back and let them go through torture like that.
Number 28
Wow that's a lotta people. Susan, Alex, Lyn, Joe, Max, Steph, Jenny and Karl are all sitting along the couches eating chocolate cake. Jenny finds out that Lynnie does a lot of baking for everyone and Lynnie comments that they all tend to help one another out; they're a generous lot here. "It wasn't so long ago that Susan and I were dating the same bloke!" laughs Lynnie, over-sharing just a tad. Susan tries to shush her but between you, me and the cake, I think Lynnie's a little sloshed. Lyn says they're always welcoming new people in - Jenny thinks that's grand, variety's the spice of life and all that, hey?
JENNY: Well let's liven things up shall we? (She fishes around for Karl's car keys and throws them on the middle of the table). Come on fellas, keys in! (Looking at Joe) Got my eyes on yours, tiger!
A key party! On Neighbours! Hehe.
Everyone looks uncomfortable as all heck. Except for Jenny of course who is grinning away to the bow-chicka-bow-wow chorus, and Karl who wants the earth to open up and swallow him.
General Store
Harold tries to give Connor some money but he refuses to take it. He also refuses to listen to Harold's pleas for him to stay, so Harold brings out the big guns. Maddy. He says it's not fair for a child to grow up without a dad, and to think of all the things he'll miss out on if he's not around. Connor replies that she doesn't deserve a father who's a liar and a thief but Harold begs him to not throw his life away.
Number 28
Jenny lets everyone know she was just kidding while all the Ramsay Street-ites squirm and tell her it was a good one. Lynnie blusters through an explanation of how her and Susan weren't dating the guy at the same time, or even in the same physical space but Karl and Susan jump in and tell her to stop talking. For the love of God. Stop. Talking. Have some more wine. Good Lynnie.
Karl says it's probably time for them to head off and Jenny reassures them again she was just kidding. Susan throws Karl his keys before he leaves. "You might need these..." He gives her a bashful look and heads out the door with everyone cracking up in an incredulous manner.
Erinsborough Hospital
Jenny has swung by to see Karl the next morning, telling him he's a hard man to track down, especially if he's avoiding her. He says the key thing was a little awkward but Jenny says it was an awkward situation to begin with; she was nervous and just wanted to try and make everyone like her. Why don't you suggest strip poker next time Jen? That'll go down a treat.
JENNY: I've got a pretty warped sense of humour but I reckon I've got pretty good taste in men. (She hands Karl a pressie) I really like you, Karl.
He admits her likes her too so she suggests another date, just the two of them this time. She promises to be on her best behaviour and adds that it's hard to find someone that you click with so well, it'd be a shame to let a silly misunderstanding get in the way. Karl looks happy and says he'll give her a call when he's finished work.
General Store
Sky brings over Joe and Lyn's food, practically dumping it in their laps. Fire her! Joe and Lyn make cutesy talk about Lynnie being a Mangel-Scully-O'Rourke and ask Sky what she thinks. Sky thinks she'll walk off in the huffiest huff that ever huffed. Joe reckons she'll get over it.
Max and Steph join them with Max joking that Joe's a brave man leaving his keys on the table like that. Susan and Alex also join them and they all have a good old laugh about the "swinger sister". They all make more wisecracks about her, but could have used some of that wise-ness to realise Karl was standing right behind them looking mightily peeved. He snarls that it was a joke; and for their information he really likes Jenny and will be seeing her again.
Number 28
Zeke is quoting some cheesy pick-up line from a movie on the telly and looks surprised when Rachel asks what he's doing, even though she just walked right past him. He claims he's just expanding his mind (and thankfully not the size of his hair again - the mohawk has died a mohawky death). He wants to know why his sister is so dressed up then realises she's going out with Jake. Zeke frets, he's going to have to tell his dad where she is, she knows he can't lie. But Rachel says if he tells, she's going to tell Bree what a big dobber he is, and dobbing is one of Bree's pet hates. "If I can't see Jake you won't be seeing Bree, got it?" Ooh, Rachel's got some attitude. She must have caught it from the Zekester's mohawk.
General Store
Susan apologises to Karl and says, politics aside, Jenny's very charming and funny. He says he's not seeking approval but Susan says he doesn't have to, why should it matter to anyone who he sees? It's what he thinks that counts. He gives her a look and she gets the message. "Okay, going now..."
Suse heads back and Joe and Lyn make with the Mrs M talk once again, having a smoochy-smooch with Oscar giving everyone the biggest grin on earth. Cute. Sky delivers some drinks and is all, 'Woah, back up on the PDA's there, dude'. Joe's had enough though and says Sky's been as "toey as a Roman sandal ever since we announced our engagement", what gives?
SKY: What is my beef, dad? You toying with Lyn's feelings. Saying you're going to get married and not going through with it.
LYN: What?
JOE: That's out of order, Sky.
SKY: No it's not.
STEPH: Sky, now's not the time.
SKY: Dad, why can't you be honest. Tell Lyn the truth; there isn't going to be any sort of wedding at all.
Lynnie looks shocked. She, like, had her froofy dress picked out already and everything you know!
<<4854 - 4856>>
Connor O
Connor O'Neill

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4855
Harold Bishop

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4855
Sky Mangel

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Harold Bishop

Lyn Scully, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4855
Lyn Scully, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4855
Zeke Kinski

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4855
Rachel Kinski

Jenny McKenna, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4855
Jenny McKenna, Karl Kennedy

Jenny McKenna, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4855
Jenny McKenna, Karl Kennedy

Lyn Scully, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4855
Lyn Scully, Joe Mangel

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4855
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Lyn Scully, Joe Mangel, Sky Mangel, Oscar Scully in Neighbours Episode 4855
Lyn Scully, Joe Mangel, Sky Mangel, Oscar Scully

Oscar Scully, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4855
Oscar Scully, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4855
Zeke Kinski

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4855
Rachel Kinski

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4855
Joe Mangel

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4855
Sky Mangel

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