- Stu finding out Ned's singing talent
- Alex finding out Rachel is on a date with an older guy
- Rachel finding out Jake is the prank caller
- Izzy and Paul finding out they may be poisoned
Pizzy Palace
Izzy is convinced the letter was poisoned, as she gasps for breath. Paul tries to calm her down, insisting it's only an anxiety attack, but Izzy nearly collapses onto the couch. Paul dials for an ambulance.
Izzy is wheeled in with breathing mask in place, and Paul informs Karl she may have come in contact with a poisonous letter which prompts Karl to ask everyone to put protective clothing on. Izzy gets wheeled away, and Karl takes a look at Paul. You got any feelings of nausea? No...not from Paul's fetching white skivvy - Karl asks Paul how he is. He admits he is feeling sick, so Karl takes him inside.
Amazed at the revelation his brother is into musical theatre, Stu (with Ned's red scarf around him) demands a dance! He does a few little jigs to ask which one he likes - nice outfit by the way, a Lyn Scully creation is it? ... Lyn certainly made those white pants of his tight, and quite high. +ahem+ Meanwhile, Elle tries to stop this teasing, but of course it doesn't work. Stu wants to call back home, let their parents know, the footy club! Ned puts a stop to this, and his brother agrees...but only if he does a dance SAILOR BOY! (insert 'River Dance inspired dancing from Stu).
Alex demands Zeke spill the location of Rachel, but Bree swiftly (and secretly) squishes his foot so he won't. Susan tries to calm Alex down, insisting he is simply overreacting. Nah uh! ANYTHING could happen in our current climate of plane crashes, white skivvies, neighbours in pirate outfits, and crank phone calls... Zeke blurts out it's Jake (Weasley)! This gets Suse's attention, as she admits he is a bit of a trouble maker. This translates into a hooligan for Alex, and he thinks the kid could even be a bomber! That's it Zeke, WHERE IS RACHEL?! In Zeke's other ear is Bree whispering that 'no one likes a dobber'. Nice work Bree Timmins.
Rachel looks so-impressed as Jake enforces what a big man he is - showing up his mother, having all the power at school, in fact Ms Smith is wrapped around his finger! Ooooh yeah, I'm good. So is that why you cranked called her you big bully? Weasley remarks 'that cow' deserved it, and demands she keep her trap shut - even grabbing her to prove his point! Rachel doesn't care and runs off - Jake following closely.
Sans ruffly white shirt, Ned tries to tell Elle his brother's teasing is just his way. Elle doesn't believe this, he should be supportive! She deduces he is the reason Ned wanted to keep it a secret, or even why Ned can't talk about his feelings! (what, so like most males Elle?) He'll be in pain if he doesn't put a stop to it - she cites her brothers as an example. Robert mercilessly teased Cameron for years, until Cameron...snapped, put Robert into his place. Ned should be proud of who he is! Sing it loud and proud dammit.
Zeke must have cracked under pressure, as they're all out looking for Rachel. Susan walks out and explains how some witness saw a boy chase Rachel little Miss Muppet. Rachel and Jake come running around the corner, but Jake grabs her again and promises she not say a word.
Jake explains he got given detention from Ms Smith, so now his mum won't let him go to Europe over Christmas. He had to do it see, she was being completely unfair. Rachel doesn't buy it, and points out how Susan was in a plane crash! And she lost some best friends (has she Rachel, has she really?) too. Calmer, Jake is sorry. No, not to Susan, but to Rachel for man handling her.
Alex chooses this point to run over, and have a yelling spree at Jake. Doesn't Rachel realise he is the person making crank calls? Who knows, he could be the bomber! We'll just let the police do the once over him.
Hospital Room
Izzy and Paul share a room with fantastic plastic flaps to "protect" the outside world from others coming in contact with the poison. Paul is better, but Izzy has a higher amount of toxin in her system. They can only monitor her state, until they get the lab results back before they start treatment. Ooh, they need Dr House on the case. Anyway, Stu comes into the protective chamber, and Paul asks him to get Elle here. Izzy begins to seize, but Karl is in there. Paul just mutters to himself they're after him, this is his fault.
What was Rachel thinking, seeing that...delinquent? It's interrogation time, and Alex is giving Rachel a complete grilling. That Jake is a criminal. Insert eye roll from Rachel. She defends her new boyfriend, and says he hasn't done anything else and is really sorry for the prank calls. How does she know? He told her of course. Duh. Alex pulls out the 'you're too naive' card, and then 'he's banned' card. In fact, all boys are banned unless she is chaperoned. Of course, this mortifies Rachel, and she snidely remarks she will simply go behind his back again. NO SHE WILL NOT. Alex will say who she can and cannot see. That is final.
Ramsay Street - cul de sac cricket!
Ned is teaching Elle the finer points of cricket, although I suspect Elle just likes the close body contact. No worries Elle, you'll 'feel it' eventually. They try the swinging thing again.
Alex and Susan have come outside, to give some distance I presume. She is surprised Rachel has never spoken like that, it's just pretty average teenage behaviour - she's testing the boundaries. Not in the Kinski household apparently. And what about Zeke? How will both of them live in "this world". Susan prefers to think their little part of the world is safe and secure. This street where cricket is played in the street. It's nice. Cue to a police siren charging up the street to ruin Susan's moment.
Stu needs to Elle to hop into the car as she could be in mortal danger!
Hospital Room
Izzy has now been given a mild sedative, as Karl explains they can't treat her until they know what is wrong. It could kill her. Elle rushes in, concerned for her father and Izzy. She's worried about somebody targeting their family. No, not "us". Me, Paul insists.
Meanwhile those magical mild sedatives haven't done the trick on Izzy at all, as her eyes pop open (or half an hour passed quite quickly in that amount of time).
Hospital Room
Karl marches in and announces treatment for Izzy, she should be okay! Stu also asks Paul for his statement, as he can't wait any longer.
Hospital Corridor
Karl tells Ned that Izzy should get better now, much to his relief. Elle notices, and somewhat remarks with some snark it's good he's worried about her... She grabs a coffee, and he pulls out a brochure to the hospital florist.
Hospital Room
Paul is sure that Tony Corbett is the culprit - I mean he nearly killed Paul, threatened to kill Lil! Stu knows, but they can't find him. Besides, there isn't actual evidence. Their analysis tells them it's not in his profile to use bombs and poisoned letters. Stu needs to consider something else...that the threats are targetted towards Izzy. They need to start investigating her.
Ramsay Street
The Kinski's minus a sooky Rachel, and Bree play street cricket. Alex is being taunted by Susan for having a bad arm. Jake Weasley comes back, although not before Alex and co notice. It's alright! He just came to apologise to Ms Smith. She accepts (though Alex is amazed) with a suspension for him, but that's ok. He realises his stupidity, and it can't be as bad as the police.
Alex orders him away, but Jake wants to let Rachel know how much he likes her. He hopes they can go out again...but with Alex standing there, I doubt it Weasley. They all leave, and Alex has a "quiet word" with Jake. Go near my daughter again, and you're dead meat buddy. Bree yells over he just needs the love of a good woman, but Zeke disagrees. He gets a punch for his effort, and Bree spits out he's such a suck.
Hospital Room
Karl cancels his date with Jenny, and I am sure ChipmunkJenny is very disappointed to miss out on Doctor Luuuuuurve. The plastic protective flaps have been removed, and Izzy is sorry for becoming between 'him and his true love' again. No word from Karl, and he just leaves.
Hospital Corridor
Karl tells the gang Izzy is all better now. Stu reckons Ned should cheer her up with a dance! Elle thinks Stu is out of line again, but Ned maintains it's just what brothers do. Yeah! Stu reckons Ned would do the same anyway. Nope - Ned never says one bad word against Stuey. They admire her flowers, although there is no name on the card...Paul, who has stuck his head out to tell the kiddies to be quiet, panics that Elle could be the next target. Ned tries to say it's okay...
Hospital Room
Of course, the flowers were just from Ned and he had no idea what to write. Nevertheless, Paul isn't impressed with such stupidity. Stu informs him they will have to check out his office, but remember he may not be the target. No, me MEE! Paul is the target. Izzy quietly says SHE could be the target, she got both letters - she has done lots in her past she isn't proud of. Paul doesn't buy this, HE is the target. Karl agrees with his assessment - Paul is the reason people have been killed. He should just do them a favour and leave town.
Zeke's complaints about being hit are rebuffed by Bree. She hates he was a suck AND a double - if he isn't careful, she will just dump him.
Rachel walks out of her room, much to Alex's displeasure as he'd ordered her to stay. Nope, she will not. And he can't physically do it either. Alex asks for Suse's opinion but she is hesitant...he insists however... She thinks he could be more reasonable - they would have been honest with him after all. Alex can't - he can't just watch them fall of the rails, like today! Susan thinks Rachel handled it fine and no, she hardly went off the rails.
Hospital Room
Elle doesn't want Paul to leave, but he is determined. Izzy tries to talk to him about it...but he insists he needs to leave to keep them safe. She may have broken hearts, and who knows what else but he has done far worse. Izzy still insists whether he is here or not, they will still be targeted. By leaving, he is exposing both of them to danger.