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Neighbours Episode 4706 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4705 - 4707>>
Episode title: 4706: What Lies Beneath
Australian airdate: 25/4/05
UK airdate: 14/7/05
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Dylan Timmins: Damien Bodie
Sheena Wilson: Zoe Stark
Tony Reynard: Jeff Tyler
Blue Foggarty: Joshua Kalender
- "Lift" by Sunk Loto
Summary/Images by: Phil/David
- Paul telling Dylan to do the job properly or he'll get someone else to.
- Karl telling the family that Boyd will be in a medical coma for a few days.
Sheena telling Stu that he has it all wrong about Sindi.
Scarlet Bar
Stu tells Sindi he's taking her home. Sindi tells him she's fine, and she doesn't want to let Izzy down having only just got the job. Stu tells Sheena to move on from the schoolyard. She says she will once they're both clear on the past. She tells him to ask Sindi about Kelly Weaver. Suddenly, a clanging noise rings out as Sindi drops something. Stu helps her, and Sindi tells him she promised herself she wouldn't let them get to her again. Stu tells her it's okay.
Max talks to Boyd about football, trying to get him to wake up. Steph and Summer join him. Max tells them that Boyd just had his last dose of sedative, and in another 12 hours it will be over.
General Store
Sky attempts to work, but realises she has just made a ham and chocolate sandwich. She is about to throw it out when Dylan runs up and tells her that ham and chocolate's his favourite. He also gives her her MP3 player, which she left at his house. Sensing some awkwardness between them, Dylan turns to leave, but Sky stops him and tells him that what happened between them was just a moment that shouldn't have happened. Dylan says it was his fault, and he shouldn't have sleazed onto her while she was vulnerable. He asks how Boyd is, and Sky says he's no better. He then asks what time she finishes work, because he has an idea that might just involve Sky's MP3 player.
Number 24
Dylan says the place looks great now. Sky admits that it still freaks her out when she thinks about what happened, and how someone hated her enough to do it. Dylan says that the criminal probably didn't hate Sky, and Sky says that they still hated her family. And the jerk put his foot through her painting. "Well I didn't know," Dylan says quietly.
Fortunately, Sky doesn't catch on and asks what he meant. Thinking quickly, he answers, "that you could paint."
Sky tells him they should get on with their plan.
Steph suggests they should go home to get some sleep. Max doesn't want to, but Steph tells him that Boyd will need him there round the clock when he wakes up, and Max will be far more useful if he's had sleep. Max says he hasn't been much use lately, and Steph says that he was away and didn't even know he was sick. Max says he would have if he had been told sooner. Steph asks him if he's just going to lay all the blame on her. "Oh no," Max says sarcastically, "clearly it's all my fault."
Summer asks Steph if she's just going to take that. Max tells Summer it doesn't concern her. Summer tells him that he doesn't know what Steph went through trying to find out what was wrong with Boyd, and how much she tried to contact him. He dumped her and Boyd on Steph, then went to a place without any proper phone. If anyone has the right to be mad, she says, it's Steph with Max. Steph says that max didn't dump the kids, and Max tells Summer that he had work to do. Summer says that when Boyd got sick, Steph didn't say it wasn't her problem, and she didn't blame Max. She looked after the two of them when they needed her. Steph tries to stop the arguing, saying that they're all tired, etc. Max says that Summer's right, and apologises to Steph.
Number 24
Sky and Dylan record some of Boyd's favourite things on Sky's MP3 player, to help him with his memory. They record his favourite video game, and Dylan opens up a Coke and some chips, and they record some noises from that. Sky wonders if they should record some cricket noises. Dylan says smells can also help trigger memories. Maybe Sky could spray some perfume on his pillow, and comments on the perfume she's wearing. Sky tells him it's getting a little weird. Dylan gets up to leave. Sky tells him he can finish his drink, but Dylan says it's alright, it's Boyd's.
Number 30
Stu has brought Sindi home. Sindi says she'll just have a glass of water, then go to bed and forget tonight ever happened. Stu tries to find out what Sheena meant, she sounded like Sindi had a dark past or something. Sindi doesn't want to talk about Sheena, and Stu relents. Sindi goes to the bedroom, and Stu goes into the loungeroom, where all the furniture has been removed, replaced by a wrestling ring. He jumps in there, and Toadie sticks his head out from the bathroom... through a newly created hole in the wall. Or as Toadie calls it, his "handy inter-room portal."
Toadie asks if the Sheena Wilson he overheard Stu and Sindi talking about is the same Sheena Wilson he once knew before Stu's time, one of Dee's best mates. Stu explains the blowup at the Scarlet Bar, and how Sheena and Sindi used to go to school together. He says that the impression he got tonight is that Sheena is a real piece of work. Toadie disagrees, he says that she is a top chick and her mum's really nice too. Stu says that Sheena made Sindi's life at school torture, and now Sindi can't even say her name without bawling... even though Sindi bawls all the time. Toadie says Sheena wouldn't do that, and so the best conclusion the two of them can come to is that someone is lying.
Park (next morning)
Stu and Sindi go for a run. Sindi asks if the fact that Toadie turned the loungeroom into a wrestling ring bothers him. But Stu's preoccupied with something else. He asks if she knew a girl called Kelly Weaver. Sindi doesn't respond, and Stu turns around to find that she has run into a tree.
Number 30
Dylan has come over to visit Toadie, and to two of them have a match in the ring. Toadie tells him to take off anything that will rip. Dylan says it'll all rip, it's his good suit. So he has to strip down to his boxers. Dylan asks if it's possible to have a normal conversation. But apparently that isn't possible. While they wrestle, Dylan asks how Toadie got things to work out so good for him. Toadie says it was 90% sweat, 10% time. Dylan thinks it must be great being a lawyer - money, prestige, fast cars, fast women. He asks about the VCE result you need to study law. Last time Toadie checked, it was 99.
Sindi and Stu return, and Stu explains what happened. Sindi goes to their room to lie down, and Stu offers to cancel his eye appointment for her. Sindi tells him not to. Toadie tells Stu he'll be home most of the day and offers to look after her. Stu jumps into the ring and joins the other two.
Number 32
Max lifts weights outside. Steph and Summer go out to the car to go to the hospital with a pile of stuff for Boyd. As they get into the car, they hear Max praying for Boyd.
The family sits in Boyd's room while Nurse Sheena tries to find any sign of consciousness from Boyd. Max gets worried, and asks if the sedatives have worn off by now. Sheena tells him that Boyd is simply taking his time, and that there's nothing to worry about at this stage. She tells them she'll try to get a doctor to talk to them.
Number 24
Out on the driveway, Sky has her car running, and is recording another message for Boyd. She says it's the sound of her car, on their trip to the coast... or at least it will be when she finally gets it into first gear. When they get there, he can go surfing and she'll read on the beach. Then they'll find a great spot to camp. While she talks, Dylan comes out of number 26 and hears her. He comes over to her, and she asks why he's always there whenever she turns around. Dylan says he's just on his way out, and thought she'd be at the hospital by now. Sky tells him she's nearly finished recording, then she'll go to the hospital. She says that she looks at Boyd, and there's nothing. Dylan tells her that when the lights come back on, it'll be Sky that Boyd wants to see. He offers to drive her to the hospital, but Sky declines.
Stu comes in and asks Sheena what the secret about Sindi is. She says that there's no secret, Sindi was famous at the school. There used to be an expression, "doing a Sindi", when someone would deliberately break up a relationship just to get the guy for herself. Sindi was the master, always on the girl's side but at the same time already moving in on the boyfriend. Then when she got found out, she'd do the old trembling lip, eyes filling with tears. Stu can't believe they're talking about the same person. He asks if it was simply a personality clash between the two of them. Sheena tells him that they all voted on whether to invite Sindi to the reunion and it was a unanimous "no". Stu asks who Kelly Weaver is, and Sheena says that it doesn't matter. Besides, nothing was ever proven. Stu says that it doesn't matter, he loves Sindi and Sindi loves him, and he thinks that Sheena is full of it.
Scarlet Bar
Dylan overhears Toadie talking business with some guys. He tries to look impressive and passes himself off as an old friend of Toadie's, and talks about how the work never stops, but the drive to succeed is what made him who he is. Fortunately for him, Toadie plays along, but tells him that they are in the middle of a meeting. Dylan asks them what line of work they are in, and makes some more failed small talk, then accidentally spills some drink on himself when he drinks. One of Toadie's clients says that they should move on, "unless your friend has some hot tips for the property market." Dylan notices the client's keys (with BMW key-ring) on the table, then leaves, but not before giving the guy a "tip" of his own.
Outside, he finds the BMW, and is about to trash it when he catches himself.
Number 30
Stu tells Toadie about meeting Sheena, and says that she's obviously insane. She's had something against Sindi all these years that she just hasn't let go. They talk about how chicks never let anything go, they just let it fester for years. But blokes, if they have a problem, they lay it out on the table and deal with it. Stu says that meeting Sheena has explained why Sindi is the way she is. She was victimised at school, then meeting the women in the bar brought those feelings back up again. Toadie suggests organising a counter-reunion, and invite all of Sindi's old friends. Only problem is, they can't think of any.
TOADIE: There's got to be someone. Who does she ring when she wants to complain about men?
STU: That'd be me.
Toadie suggests the chicks that came to her birthday party, but apparently they all worked at the magazine, and Sindi hasn't talked to them since losing her job. Then Toadie says that he still has her sister Penny's number, so he might be able to find someone.
Lassiter's Car Park
Dylan leans on the front of the BMW. An old ute pulls up and two guys get out. Assuming that Dylan (wearing his suit) owns the car, they start hassling him, thinking Daddy bought it for him for Christmas. Dylan tells them that he worked hard to get the car, and he doesn't stop til he gets what he wants. He calls the two guys losers and says that they probably don't get any chicks in a car like that. But then, some people will go for anything. The guy is less than impressed, and knocks Dylan over. He gets up and asks if he wants to try that again.
The Hoylands still wait for Boyd to wake up. Max confirms with Sheena that the sedation has worn off. Sheena says that it has, and the doctors will now have to run some more tests. Boyd is now in an unassisted coma because his brain hasn't recovered sufficiently from the operation. When Max asks for more information, she reluctantly tells him that his brain sustained some trauma during the operation, which may be more extensive than anticipated. He might never wake up.
<<4705 - 4707>>
Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4706
Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts

Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4706
Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4706
Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4706
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4706
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4706
Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4706
Toadie Rebecchi

Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4706
Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4706
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Dylan Timmins, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4706
Dylan Timmins, Toadie Rebecchi

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4706
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4706
Max Hoyland

Summer Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4706
Summer Hoyland, Steph Scully

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4706
Boyd Hoyland

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4706
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Sheena Wilson, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4706
Sheena Wilson, Stuart Parker

Toadie Rebecchi, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4706
Toadie Rebecchi, Dylan Timmins

Tony Reynard in Neighbours Episode 4706
Tony Reynard

Stuart Parker, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4706
Stuart Parker, Toadie Rebecchi

Dylan Timmins, Blue Foggarty in Neighbours Episode 4706
Dylan Timmins, Blue Foggarty

Dylan Timmins, Blue Foggarty in Neighbours Episode 4706
Dylan Timmins, Blue Foggarty

Summer Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4706
Summer Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Sheena Wilson, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4706
Sheena Wilson, Max Hoyland

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