- Boyd and Sky getting steamy in the sauna...and then getting caught
- Paul and Izzy's new arrangement..."friends and partners but never lovers"
- Crystal asking why she shouldn't fire Boyd
A montage of Boyd plays, as he exercises himself into a good old sweat. The phone rings and he hesitates before answering. It's Sky. Cut between the Hoylands' and the Bishops' residences - Boyd is a little annoyed at her calling as he needs to work out. Sky can't believe Boyd would go back to work after how that woman treated him. She says she'd never stand for it! Boyd just hangs up.
Lil (dressed very nicely in a red dress and her hair done up) has overheard the end of Sky's conversation and teases her for not realising how important a job is to some people. Sky gets on her high horse and explains to Lil how horrible that Crystal woman was and they were just mucking about in the Boyd's workplace finishes Lil.
Dylan has come back from doing an excellent round at the supermarket. He further impresses Susan as he pulls out some lightbulbs to fix the broken front light. He insists on paying for all the groceries as well. When he leaves to fix the light, Stingray follows him and immediately interrogates on where he got the money. It turns out their father gave it to him when he got out of juvie, and that's how he also bought his car and got his mobile. Stingray is shocked that his dad would do that as he hasn't even heard from him - but Dylan explains dad reckons Stinger is a mummy's he always took her side. Dylan successfully changes the lightbulbs and demonstrates his speediness.
DYLAN: How much white trash does it take to change a lightbulb? One, ME!
Sky puts the finishing touches on Lil's hairdo when David comes out and immediately asks if Lil is going to wear "those earrings". (the earrings are these cute red, dangly bead ones with a fan-shape towards the bottom) Lil defiantly replies that she is! They're Sky's which she made but David isn't sure they're the right they're a bit..."creative? eccentric? unique?" questions Sky? David huffs off, he's just unsure that his colleagues on the council will appreciate it.
Lil tells Sky that sometimes David gets a little obsessive about how other people will think about him and Sky points out that Boyd is the same way with the gym! In a slightly melodramatic spiral, she supposes she and Boyd not have anything in common and he'll go off with another gym junkie and go on dates to see Vin Diesel movies!
She wants to know the secret behind Lil and David's relationship, as they are oh so very different. Lil gets a thoughtful expression on her face and muses she likes the silly jokes, they defend one another and they're always completely honest. David reappears with a hideous, navy blue tie with bright yellow faces and Lil brightly says she loves it. (he says she looks hot too) He disappears again and Sky laughs that they're always honest? Of course, says Lil! They're honest as they ask each other questions which the other partner is duty bind to lie "Do I look fat in this?" finishes Sky.
Lil advises Sky to find the similarities, not the differences and let each other get on with their life. Then just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Community Hall
On the phone with Izzy watching on, Paul pretends to be Karl, with a K and demands that they send him a replacement credit card. He eventually gets his way and Izzy congratulates him. She's grateful as Karl would have killed her if he knew she lost the card...Paul naughtily responds "unless of course you truly deserved it."
Dylan serves a pasta dinner and from Susan's expression, it smells and looks absolutely wonderful. He modestly replies it's just the fresh oregano - the cook at juvie taught him a few things. Meanwhile, Susan is trying to get Susan's undivided attention as the poor guy is feeling a bit left out of their cooking chat. He doesn't look at all impressed when Susan remarks Dylan is the original rough diamond.
Community HallIzzy muses her hate for call centres and being put on hold. Paul replies you just need to show them whose in charge...afterall he's never been put on hold and...he always wins. Those are the terms if you ever deal with him.
IZZY: What if each person has the same terms?
PAUL: Then may the best person win.
IZZY: What a shame I will never ever find out
PAUL: Ooh...Show's not over Izzy...after all this is the first act. Thanks, bye.
Community Hall
David explains to Paul about the burial ceremony for the time capsule which will take place this afternoon at Lassitars. He shows them how he organised for the individual tapes to be dubbed onto a master copy...well, what he wants Paul to do is make his own video entry as he's left some room at the end of the tape for him to use. Paul looks mighty interested as he realises "The Secret Life of Erinsborough" lies on this tape, which no one has seen and slyly grins at David he'll record his entry.
Paul's Office
Sneakily, Paul inserts the tape into his VCR and watches the secret entries of the Ramsay Street residents. He rewinds and Sky's and Lyn's entries. He stops the tape at the end of Stingray's entry.
Stingray's Entry
He's got the poster of David wrapped in the Australian flag, pulls his pants down and rubs the flyer over his butt.
Next, Paul skips over to David and Lil's entry...
David and Lil's EntryThey are both talk for a bit
, before Lil starts to realise they're alone in the house. David worries about the camera, but Lil shuts it off...though not properly. Paul looks mighty angry at himself, and through his fingers (his hands are over his face) watches as David and Lil get busy. Finally, Paul records his entryAnd finally to me. The last of the good citizens of Erinsborough. But I'm going to tell you something different about this sleepy backwater.
You see, this town burned me. And now it's payback. You see I've got a plan. So if you're watching this in the year 2105 - you'll know it worked like a charm. (he should really cue to an evil laugh as well) Bishops'
David chats lively on the phone to Murray from the council about native plants. Noticing the way that he was talking on the phone...Harold worries that David is concerned about getting too much approval from his new council friends. David brushes it off, he feels he's got so much more to offer than just being a "glorified receptionist" but Harold warns about what happened last time.
HAROLD: Isn't it history what we learn from?
DAVID: No, history is what we make of it.
And with that, David bounces off to the burial ceremony.
Sky questions Boyd as to why he lets Crystal talk to him like that. He says it's just her way...Sky is sorry, she does understand what this job means to her. Repeating Lil's advice, she'll be there for the ride but who says they can't have any fun on the way? And holds up a big, coloured egg-shape item. It's full of seeds and nitrogen - enough to turn a wasteland into a Garden of Eden! She's unsure about how to throw the bombs, so Boyd demonstrates on her. They get all cuddly and Boyd agrees he's with her.
David conducts his speech about the time capsule, speaking about hopes, dreams, paying respect and secrets....Stingray nudges Dylan as he definitely paid respect! Paul arrives and quickly slides the master tape to David. Izzy stands with Harold, she looking very gleeful at the time capsule's burial. Lil tries to talk with Paul about a charity related item, but he snaps back it's her job to clear his load, not burden it.
David finally lets the time capsule into the ground and Paul tells Izzy the tape has been buried. She enthusiastically claps while Paul looks happy.
Karl and Izzy's
Izzy has set the apartment up very romantically, when there's a knock on the door. It's Paul and he eyes her up in her black halter neck dress. She wants him to leave as Karl will be home soon, but no sooner than she says that, the phone rings. It's Karl and he'll be delayed for another week. Meanwhile, Paul has been roaming freely around the apartment and even tries some of Izzy's cooking - while smiling evily. He invites himself over for dinner - afterall, they've got nothing to hide, unless Izzy doesn't trust herself? Sighing, Izzy agrees (whilst putting a purple cardigan over herself) but stops Paul from lighting any candles.
Dylan chops and talks to Susan about cooking techniques. She's still impressed and even wonders if Dylan would consider being a chef? In the background, Stingray is mucking about - trying to get Susan's attention but all goes unnoticed. She leaves to take a bath. Seeking his opportunity, Stingray accuses Dylan of working Susan but he sharply responds he's not. Dylan accuses Stingray of being needy when the attention isn't all on him - he did it with their mum, and he's doing it now, only Susan can see through it. Or when they were little and Stingray would get anything he asked for, while Dylan got nothing. Stingray angrily says it wasn't true, they all got nothing but Dylan disagrees. They fight, and Dylan gets his little brother into a headlock. The phone rings, but Dylan just grabs the phone with his other hand. It's Sky and she wants to throw some bombs!
Karl and Izzy's
Izzy brings the food over to the table, and Paul hands her a glass of wine. He remarks about Karl's living conditions since he moved from Ramsay Street and Izzy gets defensive that she and Karl would be happy in a tent! Paul replies an igloo would be better, considering what he's heard. This spurs Izzy to ramble on about the happiness and monogamy of her relationship with Karl...Paul cuts her off, thinking she's protesting a little too much. It's okay though, he won't tell.
She slyly responds it's alright...she won't tell Liljana about Paul's crush. She's noticed how much he melts around her, she thinks it's quite sweet! Paul's expression still quite steady, wonders why he'd be interested in Little Miss Suburban Housewife. The idea is ludicrous! Still, Izzy is good at keeping secrets, as is Paul and they grin at one another.
The boys plus Sky throw the seed bombs over the fence. Dylan is a bit let down that this is all they're going to do, but soon spots the dog catcher...he gets fired up and is about to go over there when Stingray tries to persuade Dylan to go back to the car.
Karl and Izzy's
Paul thanks Izzy for the delicious dinner as she walks him to the door...
IZZY: Time to go.
PAUL: But I don't want to...
IZZY: But you have to...
She leaves him at the door and she goes into her own room, sighing. The bedroom door suddenly flings open and Paul is there, with a seductive grin on his face. He turns Izzy around and they stare. He slowly removes her cardigan and then slowly, but deftly removes the ties from the halter neck and they begin to kiss.