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Neighbours Episode 4659 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4658 - 4660>>
Episode title: 4659: Let them eat cake
Australian airdate: 17/2/05
UK airdate: 22/04/05
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/David
No. 28
Sindi and Stu have made their way home. Susan asks if he is ok and what happened. Stu says he's fine and that mates of one of the people arrested got their revenge on him since he can't defend himself. Sindi thinks it is appalling for what they did. Stu doesn't like Sindi trying to tend to his injuries and goes off to rest instead.
The Community Hall
Harold is on the phone to Svetlanka but Sky interrupts them. Sky brings a drink over to Boyd and he gives her a present - a chain. She wonders how he can afford it but Boyd tells her he can afford to buy things for her now since he is working, but if she doesn't like it he can exchange it. Sky tells him she loves it.
No. 28
Stu is resting when Sindi comes in asking how he is. She tries to tempt him out of his bed with choccie treats but he doesn't want to. Sindi tries to get him to talk about what happened, but he doesn't want to do that either. She now tries the seductive approach by lying on the bed with him but he says he isn't in the mood and turns away from her.
No. 32
Summer tells Max that Lyn is giving her a makeover when they spot Boyd leaving the house. Max wants to know where he is going and Boyd replies off to Sky's. He notices Max wrongly lifting a dumb bell and tells him the correct way to do it and gives Summer instructions for how many he has to do before leaving. When Boyd leaves Summer asks if he's changed his mind about Boyd not going back to school. Max is glad he is liking his job but would prefer him to repeat Year 12.
The Community Hall
Summer is looking through brochures in anticipation of her makeover. Harold comes over with their drinks and they try to show him what they've selected but he isn't interested and quickly leaves. Max now comes over wanting to see what they've selected. Lyn goes into "Max mode" by telling Summer she wants to enhance her features not alter them and that Max can stop worrying!
Lou comes into tell to Harold he's found a supplier that he can supply beer at rock bottom prices. Harold reminds him that it is a store and café they are opening not a pub, but Lou adds it will be a licensed café. Harold tells Lou he won't be party to selling alcohol so Lou says he will keep 100% of the profits made on selling the alcohol. Harold says that isn't right, as they've got overheads and that they agreed to a 50-50 share of profits, despite what Lou thinks.
LOU: For crying out loud, I can't go into business with a wowser like you telling people how to run their lives all the time. The deal's off. We're through!
Harold looks stunned as Lou walks away.
No. 28
Sindi tells Susan that Stu isn't getting out of bed. Susan reminds her that he's been through a lot lately and he isn't used to asking for help and that it will take a while for him to get used to his vulnerability. Sindi bemoans the thugs' actions just as Stu was starting to adjust and it is now starting to fall apart. She tells Susan that he was on such a high about organising the sting and for it coming off. Susan adds that his pride is hurt because he can't defend the woman he loves. Sindi tells her that nothing will change the way she feels about Stuart but Susan replies that it's the way he feels about himself and that she just needs to be strong through this and that he does need her.
No. 24
Sky offers Boyd some food but he says he's already eaten. She then spots Boyd looking at his muscles and tells him she'll get him a mirror so he can really check himself out! Sky mentions to him that he'll have to get used to people "coping a perve" when he does his bodybuilding stuff but Boyd hasn't thought about having to perform in front of an audience. Boyd starts getting a bit apprehensive so she reminds him that she will be there for him. He then reaches into a bag and produces some fake tan since competitors have to have a healthy glow, and he needs her help to see which one works best for him.
SKY: Would this be as a critic or would it be with a hands-on approach?
BOYD: Why do you think I'm asking my girlfriend to do it?
SKY: Boyd just get out of here and get your gear off!
No. 28
Sindi is trying to get Stu out of bed for work but he says he isn't going in and can she phone in for him.
The Community Hall
Lyn and Summer are back with more supplies for the makeover. Max is still fretting though so Lyn reminds he she has raised three daughters and tells him to stop worrying.
MAX: Well just as sure she looks like Steph and not Flick. Okay.
Lou comes in wanting a word with Max. Lou tells him that when the pub is back in business they will be back running it again. After asking Lou if it is a joke, Max reminds Lou that he verbally sold his share to Izzy and that a deal is a deal and he couldn't be happier. A shocked Lou asks him if he wants to be in business with him but Max firmly says no.
LOU: But I thought we were a good team.
MAX: Ah you're joking aren't you? How do you think it has been for me dealing with all your schemes and your scams and your shocking deals? Do you want me to spell it out to you?
LOU: I think you've made your position perfectly clear.
MAX: I'm just amazed I had to.
Lou quickly leaves and Summer, Lyn and Harold start staring at Max.
MAX: Do you think everyone heard or do you think or shall I make a formal announcement?
Harold comes over and says everyone got the gist. Max apologises and Harold says that Lou is just taking everything to heart. Max asks him if he should go after him but Harold suggests instead that Max should speak to Lyn about his anger.
No. 24
Sky and Boyd are trying out the fake tans when Susan calls round to return a casserole dish. Sky invites her in for a second opinion about the fake tan with an embarrassed Boyd. They both start "discussing" the different tans and select the best one - Jamaican day glow.
No. 32
Lyn starts by telling Max that he's taken the most difficult step by identifying the things he needs to change and says that she can come up with a plan to help him. First off is enrolling him in anger management course. Max isn't keen but Lyn says he's admitted the problem and the rest will be a doddle.
No. 24
A clean and tidy Boyd comes back through and wonders why she asked Susan to help especially after he told her not to interfere the last time he spoke to her. Sky offers Boyd some chocolate cake as a peace offering but he refuses saying it is too rich for him. Sky reminds him that the old Boyd would have ate it and says he is in serious danger of developing a problem. Boyd tries to laugh it off saying she is crazy. Sky asks him to prove he hasn't got a problem by eating the cake. Reluctantly he starts to eat it, but Sky isn't convinced.
The Community Hall
Lou comes in carrying a heavy box and Harold helps him move it despite his comments. Harold tells him that at their age they are in danger of being put out to pasture, and that other people won't put up with them. He asks Lou to think about the resuming partnership, tempting him with chocolates a supplier left, but Lou doesn't say anything.
No. 32
Max has organised his anger management course and thanks her for her help. She asks him how he really feels about it and that she admires him for doing something. He replies that he is nervous but is glad he's doing something about it. Max then goes on to thank Lyn, despite their ups and downs, for her support and help with the kids especially as Rosie is so far away, flattering her that she isn't old enough to be a granny! Lyn says she does it because of what Steph has been through in her life and how he supports and appreciates her just like Lyn does. Summer runs in telling them she is making a soccer team and wants them to join in, but Max reminds her she kicked the ball onto the roof the last time she played. Summer tells him to go get it and he wonders what happened to the makeover.
Outside No. 32
Max is climbing up a ladder, after being reminded by Summer to be careful, to get the ball when Boyd comes over feeling sick and quickly runs inside.
No. 28
Sindi is still trying to get Stu out of bed, this time with the promise of a nice lunch, but he still isn't budging. She tries tickling him and Stu reacts shouting:
STU: Will you just stop it please? Alright, I don't want to eat, and I don't want to tickle. Alright. I just can't pretend everything is fine is that so hard to understand. I mean you're not that much of an airhead are you?
STU: I'm sick and tired of that little girl voice of yours. Can you please just leave me in peace?
No. 32 backyard
Summer comes in looking for Boyd wondering what's keeping him. She eventually spots him and wonders what he is doing. Boyd says he was thirsty and moves the hosepipe he has been drinking from, but Summer says he was sick. Boyd denies it and threatens her not to tell anyone he has been.
<<4658 - 4660>>
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker, Susan Kennedy

Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4659
Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4659
Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Harold Bishop, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4659
Harold Bishop, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully, Lou Carpenter

Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4659
Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Max Hoyland, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4659
Max Hoyland, Lou Carpenter

Summer Hoyland, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4659
Summer Hoyland, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4659
Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel, Susan Kennedy

Max Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4659
Max Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4659
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Lyn Scully, Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Lyn Scully, Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4659
Sindi Watts

Summer Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Summer Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4659
Summer Hoyland

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