- Lucia wanting Connor to prove his worth to her
- Stingray punching his brother, Dylan, in the face
- Stu miserable because he is permanently blind
Out The Front Of No.28
Sindi is leading Stu up the front path (the title 'This Is Big Brother' pops up over Stu - coincidence? I think not my friend!), saying that they'll call Karl and he can check up on him. Stu's not keen on that idea though and asks if they can do that later. Sindi slightly falters but then determinedly says they're going for a drink. Stu says he'd rather be at home but Sindi's heard enough. "You and I are going out for an afternoon beverage like normal people, okay?"
Number 28
Stingray is angry because Susan is helping Dylan by putting a cold compress to his face. Dylan tells him he's just trying to put his life back on track and that everyone deserves a second chance, "not just you". Those are the magic words that set Stingray off as he leaps at his brother for a fight. Serena and Susan break them apart and Susan tells Stingray to walk it off and not to come back till he's settled down. Stingray yells at Dylan before he goes, he's not happy about him being in his house around his friends, "You're not welcome. So just get lost and don't come back."
Out The Front Of No.30
Oh God. Toadie and Connor are wearing beige underwear. On the outside of their trousers. The two of them are dragging foam mattresses out to the front yard while Summer watches on. It's time for an amateur wrestling match.
TOADIE: Direct from the streets of Colac. His only weapons are the two fists on the end of his hands, and the supersonic mullet that gave him supersonic strength. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, The Bogan.
(A fake crowd cheers as Connor pushes him out of the way)
CONNOR: In the green corner... He never came across a pub brawl he didn't enjoy. Now he deals out his own form of justice from behind the taps. With an iron bar as his only defence, The Barman.
Summer hits the pan with the wooden spoon as a makeshift bell thingy and they're off. (Let me just rummage around for that Sindi Watts Book Of Wrestling Terms). Okay, Toadie grabs Connor in a headlock and does a hair wash by ruffling his locks. Connor reciprocates by... dancing with him in a fierce waltz. Toadie then picks him up for the rock-a-bye-baby smackdown.
The death metal music cuts out as they lay down on the mattresses for a breather. Connor's not so sure about the names they've come up with (and we get a nice shot of him picking out a wedgie to show us they've put their names on their undies). Some alternates are, The Brewer, The Judge, and The Incredible Goatee, which Connor vetoes. Toad throws in Red Hot Rebecchi and Connor reminds him he's not a pole dancer. Summer cuts in and wonders why they don't just do a real sport like boxing. The boys inform her that wrestling is the sport of modern warriors. Summer's all, whatever, and the boys go back to hugging each other... or, y'know, doing wrestling moves with one another. Tomato, tomatoe.
Carmella comes out with her mobile and tells Connor that her mum wants to speak with him. Connor says he'll be there in a minute; he just wants to find his spleen Toadie squashed out of him with the Colac Crunch first.
Number 30
Chipmunk phone voice Lucia wants Connor to double $500 in one night. He's finding the thought of that task impossible and voices his concerns until Carmella comes into the kitchen. He pretends that Lucia wanted to thank him for cooking yesterday. Carmella's unsure but buys Connor's story anyway. "See, I knew she'd love you!" she smiles. "Come here and give me a hug." Aw, she loves him even though he wears ugly underwear on the outside.
Number 28
Susan's trying to get information out of Dylan as to why Stingray reacted the way he did. Dylan says he was tough on Stingray when he was growing up but it was just normal big brother stuff.
Stingray is ranting and raving to Serena about his hockey puck brother. He shows her all his Dylan-related wounds on his body. A butterfly knife in the guts, a BB gun mark on the other side of his torso and a burn mark on his shoulder from an electric shock... while he was sleeping.
Number 28
Dylan says to Susan that Janelle told him all about how good she was at taking care of Scott. Tad and Toadie as well. Susan says all they needed was a bit of encouragement. Dylan tells her that he wants to make things right, finish school, keep away from the wrong crowd. Susan says she'll try and have a word with Stingray but she can't promise anything.
Serena tries to reason with Stinger and asks him what he would have done of no one gave him a chance when he first arrived. Stingray says it's not the same thing. "He's bad news, sweet mouth. And I'm going to get rid of him."
Community Hall
As they walk to a table with their drinks, Sindi is telling Stu an embarrassing story from her youth that involves her as a 13-year-old leaning over a toilet bowl, half naked, with her friend's mum coming up the stairs to check on her when Stu interrupts by sitting on a pot plant rather than a chair. She helps him up off the floor but Stu is a bit humiliated and asks if they can just go home. She tells him that no one is even looking but he says of course they are, he would! Sindi's not going to let him give up though, they came here for one drink and they're going to have it. After that they'll do whatever he wants. He quietly agrees and Sindi smiles, getting back into storytelling mode.
Out The Front Of No.30
Summer is back with her boxing gloves and is ready to take Toadie on in the fighting stakes. Connor sounds the bell and Summer gives Toadie the old one two in the face. She does a little Hoyland happy dance as Connor jumps in to break it up - he's got something he wants to chat with Toad about. They send her on her merry way but she says if they need any advice from her they know where she is.
Connor tells Toadie about the $500 predicament. Toadie chooses to respond by wrestling again and also by giving Connor an atomic wedgie. Connor cries out that he's trying to be serious.
TOADIE: It's been done before. Old House Of Trouser brother Lance Wilkinson, mate. He dared his girl and she set him seven labours of love.
TOADIE: Well, he did it. They're in love. They're sci-fi nerds but they're in love.
He says that it could always be worse; he could be under the slab. Connor finds out the slab means a slab of Toadie squashing him to kingdom come. Carmella walks out and wonders if she should be worried but they assure her they're fine. Toadie says between Lucia and the slab Connor's going to be cactus. Toadie jumps on him again to make him a flat cactus. Connor cries for his mummy.
Number 28
Susan offers Stingray a glass of OJ and remembers a time when he wouldn't touch the stuff. "It goes to show how much people can change." Stingray smirks. "You're so obvious, Suse! I'm not stupid, okay? And Dylan? Not staying. He's a hufta that's it." Susan wants him to have a think about what his life would be like if no one gave him a chance.
STINGRAY: Have you and Serena got a script or something?
He tells her that Dylan's different and he doesn't deserve a second chance. Susan doesn't believe that though and says that Dylan wants to start over at Erinsborough High, which Stinger scoffs at. She tells him that his education is her number one priority so if he's not comfortable with having Dylan around she'll just tell him he's not welcome there.
Community Hall
Sindi says to Stu that he should call Steiger and see what's happening with work but Stu doesn't want to hear anymore bad news. Sindi's had jack of Stu's self pity party and takes a different approach.
SINDI: Yeah you're right. You should probably just crawl up into a hole and die. Actually, I've got a shovel in the car.
She tells him that she's not going to give up on him and that she doesn't believe that he's going to be blind forever, "no matter what some half-baked quack" tells them. This is the kick in the (non-beige non-wrestling) pants Stu needs and asks Sindi to drive him to the station.
Dylan bounces into the hall and chats with Serena, asking when she's knocking off for the day. She smiles and says she's heard that line before. Serena tells him that what he did to help the dog before was sweet. Dylan wishes Stinger thought the same as well and Serena tells him he'll come around.
DYLAN: It's just a pity he's a real little maggot sometimes.
SERENA: Dylan, Stingray's a really popular guy around here and people would do almost anything for him so I'd be careful what I say and who I say it to.
Dylan takes this on board in a suspicious fashion.
Police Station
Joanna is telling Stu that the force doesn't have a lot of jobs for visually impaired people. She adds that the force won't abandon him either and that he'll receive a pension from them, and if his sight returns there'll always be a place for him. Stu won't be taking no for an answer this time though - he's read the regulations and they have to give him something to do if he's willing.
STU: I'm not going to retire from the force. I'm not going to sit at home on the couch all day and do nothing. You have to find me something to do.
Joanna says she'll see what she can do as she and Sindi admire Stu's courage. He'll be a Chooka about seizing the day no more!
Community Hall
Stu correctly tells Sindi that Connor is staring at the money Lucia left him and even knows the exact face Connor makes when he calls him on that fact. Sindi is amazed.
Connor serves an excitable man at the bar who asks for another O'Neill's Old Style Lager. Excitable Beer Man excitedly asks Connor who brews the beer and when Connor says it's him, EBM giddily asks if he can know the recipe. Connor ain't too happy about that and goes on and on about the history of the lager, about all the pain his family endured to keep the secret and about how he'll never tell so nyah-nyah. EBM understands that but still gleefully asks how much he can pay for it. Connor will have none of it though.
Yes, even Blind Stu can see where this storyline is heading.
Number 28
Dylan is over for dinner but Stingray is still cranky with him. They keep sniping at one another until Susan breaks it up (she is the queen of breaking up fights after all). "I got you here so we could discuss things calmly and if you can't do that you can forget the whole thing is that clear?" The testily agree and Susan weaves her mediation magic. She wants to know why Stingray has been so mad with his brother ever since he arrived.
STINGRAY: He always treated me... he always treated me like I wasn't worth anything. Like I was ruining your life by just being there. You bashed me up, you cut me with your knife, you never let me talk at home, when I did have a mate over you used to tease them so they'd never come back, you made up stuff about me at school so no one would like me... you like stray dogs more than you like me.
Susan sadly asks for Dylan's side of the story and he sombrely agrees. He was a bad brother and he's sorry. He says that juvie really changed him and that he understands why family is so important now. Dylan says that if the dinner is as far as they get that's fine, because he now knows that they can sit down civilly and not kick each other's heads in, "So thank you, Scotty." Stingray doesn't know how to act now.
Community Hall
Excitable Beer Man is probably over the moon right about now. Connor has given him a case of O'Neill's Lager and the secret family recipe. Sindi and Stu can't believe he's sold out so easily but Connor informs them he didn't - he told EBM the secret ingredient was bacon fat. Guess what, it so totally isn't! Muah-ha-ha. The only person Connor will ever tell the secret to is Maddy.
Number 30
Connor arrives home to find out his girlfriend is really an alien (that'll save some time if he goes down the Lance Wilkinson route with this labour of love thingy). Carmella can't believe he's home early and he's seen her with a facemask and hair rollers. She runs off to fix herself up and Connor dials up Lucia to gloat.
CONNOR: Just letting you know, mission accomplished. Yeah, it was a piece of cake. Just bring on the next challenge, and next time make it a bit more difficult would ya?
Connor? Hindsight called. He said to say it's a wonderful thing.
Number 28
Stingray wants to know why Dylan chose Erinsborough High. Dylan says that if people know Stingray is his brother then he may be viewed differently.
Sindi and Stu walk in the door. Susan asks how he is but Stu replies he's still blind. He says it's okay though, it's not like he's dying.
STU: I mean, I'm blind for a while, who cares. I'm not the only one am I. Imagine where we'd be if Stevie Wonder had have chucked it in.
STINGRAY: Very superstitious...
(Boom, boom, tish)
Stu says the blindness is not going to beat him as he and Sindi make their way down the hallway. Susan suavely says to Stingray that it takes a lot of strength to be that brave and face a challenge the way Stu is. Stinger gets it and eventually concurs that Dylan can go to Erinsborough High with him. Dylan smiles and says it means a lot to him. He asks his brother for a brotherly hug. Susan looks on at this sweet family moment.