- Paul telling Izzy he enjoys the flirting
- Paul marking out something in Lou's backyard
Lou's Backyard
Paul appears around the corner with a shovel, checking to make sure no one is around. He does his paces exactly as he did before and starts to dig up the dirt.
Steph gets off the phone with Toadie and tells Max that she's been appointed a judge called Roy Evans - 'Hanging' Roy Evans. That's a cheerful moniker if I've ever heard one. Steph says this judge always sides with the prosecution so if there's ever any doubt, she'll be gone. Max tries to reassure her but Steph says that with the way Charlie's will came out she'll look even guiltier. Max tells her she needs a good rest; she hasn't slept properly for a week.
Lou's Backyard
Paul hits pay dirt (and dirt dirt) when he strikes a briefcase with his shovel. He opens it with a cackle of glee because contained inside is lots and lots of American fifty-dollar bills. Lou and Harold walk up behind him and make goggle eyes at what's contained in the case.
The briefcase is now inside and Paul tries to tell Bert and Ernie that it's nothing untoward. They half-heartedly say they believe him so Paul confesses that it's actually money from a tax dodge "I was going to take it with me when I hightailed it to South America. It's not something I'm proud of, Harold." Paul adds that he's going to pour it back into the community, which makes Lou happy. He quickly asks about a new pub when Paul calls for suggestions. They eventually decide on a donation to a community health centre so long as Lou and Harold keep the origins of the money a secret.
Karl and Izzy's Flat
Izzy's trying to sing again. Karl says she was more in the ballpark that time but Izzy agrees says no one will buy her song if she sounds like a cat being strangled.
IZZY: We can use your equipment to help the mix. Y'know; sound off the rough edges and stuff.
KARL: Yeah I can't really perform miracles! (Off Izzy's look) I didn't mean it like that.
He takes his foot out of his mouth to make another suggestion. How about they go to a professional sound studio and record her vocals? Izzy likes this idea a lot and tackle hugs him on the couch.
David is trying on ties with his suit when Valda pops by. She's after Harold but he's out. David offers his assistance but she doesn't think he can help. Valda makes a move to leave when she notices David's attire. He tells her he's about to go to the Town Hall but she says he isn't, not dressed like that. David doesn't understand, he thinks he looks pretty! Oh so pretty!
Toadie is putting Steph through a mock trial with Max standing on in the background. Toadie's acting the part of the opposing lawyer, throwing hard questions Steph's way and giving her the third degree. She gets more and more flustered as Toadie continues because he is able to turn her answers around to make her sound guiltier. Max intercepts and calls it quits because it's getting a bit too full on. "That wasn't full on, just wait till you get into the court," Toadie replies despondently. "Just between us, I think we're in trouble."
Community Hall
David (now in a fetching Hawaiian shirt and tan slacks), Paul, Harold and Lou are celebrating David's acceptance as a candidate in the by-election. David's a bit hesitant though, he doesn't know if he's going to be able to meet all of his commitments. Especially the candidate statement he has to make explaining why people should vote for him. "And frankly I haven't got a clue why they should." Paul tells him not to worry; he'll be his editor. He'll also take care of the accompanying photos for which David is grateful.
After Toadie leaves, Max gives Steph a reassuring hug and tells her she really needs to have a rest. Steph says she feels so unprepared and Max suggests she may need to find another way to answer the questions. She doesn't agree though, the truth's the only thing on her side at the moment so that's what they're getting.
Ramsay Street
A photographer is with Paul chatting about angles for David's photos. The man in question walks uncertainly down the driveway in his suit he had on before. Paul seems to agree with Valda's earlier assessment on the couture though and tells him to loosen up a bit. He shifts around the tie, messes up David's 'do and tells him to swing his jacket over his shoulder. "Right, let's get this show on the road!"
David does his best Blue Steel looks at the camera and poses on command. He also gets Oscar in the shots thanks to Lynnie, because hey, babies win votes! Ozzy soon gets swapped over for some recycling as David does his game show hostess arm movements over the items. Lou saunters by in the background and hams up a few shots with Dave. "I was mayor myself once. This will do wonders for his reputation."
After he's finished 'helping' David out, Lou makes his way over to see Max, who is still annoyed with him over the insurance (or lack thereof). Lou announces his next sure-fire business scheme that will get them the money they're after. 'Rock and roll wrestling!' Max meets this idea with a squinty glare. Lou soldiers on and says that he has a wrestling friend called Mr. Damage who can come and put on a show at the community hall with his wrestling mates resulting in lots of dollars for them. Somehow Max is persuaded to say yes but adds that he's not footing the bill if things turn sour. Lou smiles, "trust me, you won't regret this!"
Lyn lays a blanket over Steph, who is on the couch, and sits with her. Steph says that she's feeling more and more disconnected with everyone and everything as the trial gets closer. Lyn tells her a rest will do her good but Steph sadly says it won't give her back the lost moments with Charlie, "I still haven't had a chance to mourn him." Lyn gently massages Steph's head and urges her to close her eyes. Valda quietly walks in the front door and gives Lyn a sombre look.
Community Hall
Lou is putting wrestling posters up as Max realises he probably had them sitting there already no matter what Max agreed to (and the vending machine is still not working for him just like last Monday - he's going to starve!).
We cut to Paul and David at a table. Paul is scribbling all over David's statement, editing it because he sounds too formal and stuffy.
PAUL: Look, David. You need to present yourself as yourself. Approachable, confident, relaxed, open-minded and man of the people.
DAVID: What? All at the same time?
PAUL: Look, this is your chance to show the voters who David Bishop really is. And all the good things he stands for.
DAVID: Right, yes, good, good, yes. What are those again?
Paul gets up to go to another appointment but says he'll be back to edit his second draft. David tells him he's a legend and he appreciates it.
Grease Monkeys
Izzy and Karl walk in after their not-so-successful session at the recording place. Izzy's disgusted with the sound recordist because he laughed at her singing and suggested she get a vocalist in to pretend to be her. Karl cheers her up by saying they can use the backing tracks on the machine at home and re-record her voice on there. Izzy smiles and tells him to grab a table while she gets the coffees.
Karl nearly gets bowled over by Paul as they meet in the doorway. A curt nod is swapped between the two. Izzy rolls her eyes at him as he walks past. "If I was wearing a suit would you say hello?" Paul smirks and tells her that she may have been speaking the truth when she said he was afraid of interacting with strong women. He sidles up closer to her.
PAUL: You see it made me think.
IZZY: That must have hurt.
PAUL: Maybe the reason I'm so afraid is because I'm attracted to them. Because they keep me from my business.
(Izzy moves closer so they're almost nose-to-nose)
IZZY: Well I'm glad to have pointed out the error of your ways. Now maybe we can work together. (Her turn to smirk) If I'm not keeping you from anything.
Community Hall
Harold says to Lou that the wrestling looks like a lot of fun. Lou reminds him that it's not the Erinsborough Players and he's not getting in the ring with them. Harry laughs and starts to do bodybuilding poses, saying that Lou just doesn't want him to show-off his physique.
Izzy and Karl give Max their moral support, saying that Steph will be fine because she's innocent. They sit down at a table next to David and Paul. Karl can't help overhear their conversation and how much Paul is influencing Dave. He gets up to say something.
KARL: I think you'll find David has his own mind on this. (To David) Think for yourself, mate.
DAVID: I do. (To Paul) Don't I?
(Paul nods)
DAVID: (To Karl) See?
Before Karl walks away, Paul stands up and tells him of his plans to donate money to the community health centre, 'it's going to be attached to the new surgery'. Karl tersely informs him that while he owns the surgery Paul will have nothing to do with it whatsoever. Izzy tries to make peace but Paul says there's no need, he'll donate the money to the hospital instead. Izzy apologises for Karl when he's out of earshot, worried that his rudeness will reflect on her and her future business deals.
Lyn settles Steph down who is muttering in her sleep then sits on the couch next to Charlie and reads her book with her cuppa. Steph's dreaming and sees Charlie. She's really happy to see her granddad and they chat for a while. The get to talking about Steph's troubles and Charlie says that sometimes things happen for a reason and it's not up to them to question why. He says for her to tell Lyn he's fine and for Steph to keep her chin up, 'things will work out just as they're meant to'. Steph says she loves him as he fades away into thin air.
Lyn notices Steph stirring out of her dream and asks if she's okay. "Yeah. Everything's going to be fine," she replies with a serene smile.