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Neighbours Episode 4511 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4510 - 4512>>
Episode title: 4511: Coming Apart
Australian airdate: 28/06/04
UK airdate: 09/09/04
Writer: John Hanlon
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Father Tom Scully - Andrew Larkins
Therese Bray - Susan Turner
- "Some Kind Of Miracle" by Sam Hawksley
Summary/Images by: Carly/Karen (Katie)
In Australia this episode carried the message:
-In loving memory of Stewart Adam-
From the Cast and Crew of Neighbours
- Libby emailing the mystery man
- The food fight at Summer's Birthday party
- Susan gives Karl the divorce papers
Karl looks at the papers commenting that it is the next logical step. Susan looks at Izzy and asks her for some privacy. Izzy walks out telling Karl to take his time.
Steph and Max are cleaning the house after Summer's party. Max says it's the last time he's holding a party for Summer and her sophisticated friends but at least she had a good time. Steph says that's the main thing. Steph starts rubbing her stomach. Max asks her if she's feeling ok and Steph says she's still feeling ill. Max comes behind her and puts his hands around her waist saying "Poor baby". Max stops then asks her if she thinks she might be pregnant. Steph pulls away from him saying no even though her period is late she just doesn't want to jinx it.
Izzy is sitting outside flicking through a magazine. She gets up and listens at the door. Susan tells Karl he doesn't have to do anything straight away and he shold get it looked over by a solicitor. Karl tells Susan he wants her to keep the house as Libby and Ben are still there and the boys consider it her family home. Susan says no but Karl won't back down. She tells him to take the shares then. Karl says no, the marriage failed because of him. Susan tells him he has to keep some things. Karl says he'll take 5% of the shares then, Susan says 60%. Karl says no. Susan says 57.35%, as it's a nice number. They laugh and Karl says he always liked her sense of humour.
SUSAN: It's good we can laugh about it
KARL: We had a lot of laughs
SUSAN: I don't regret a minute of it
KARL: Nor me.
Izzy is still listening when Toadie walks in. She tells him she's just tiding up the magazines and waiting for Karl as he's in with a patient. Karl and Susan walk out.
Scott is playing with all Susan's cooking utensils. Sindi asks him what he's doing. Scott says it's a Galah playground for Dahl. Libby is on her computer. She tells Sindi the mystery man is sending her a couple of emails a day. Sindi starts off thinking it's romantic then changes her tune saying he could be a psycho like Gus Cleary and Libby can't meet him. Libby says she has no intention to. Scott announces he has finished his masterpiece and carries it over to Dahl. On the way he drops it.
Karl tells Izzy he's signed on the dotted line and his marriage is over. He suggests they go home and get cleaned up. Before they leave Karl tells Toadie he would like him to recommend a good lawyer for Susan as he's going to give her everything. Toadie says he should be careful as he's doing it out of misplaced guilt. He tells Karl her should see a lawyer of his own. Karl says he's decided Susan can have it all expect his golf clubs as misplaced guilt is not going to get in the way of his game.Garden
Scott is digging out the plants that are growing, telling Sindi they are growing to slowly. Toadie turns up asking her if everything is ok. Sindi says she brought Scott there to Zen him out but it's not working. They look at the shed where Scott is throwing pots and tools everywhere. Toadie says they need to find him something that is fun and that keeps him concentration. They look at Scott who jumps off the shed roof
Susan's knocks on Tom's door. A lady answers (the caretaker?) and tells Susan Tom is away but she can leave a message. Tom pulls up in his car. The lady tells Tom she was worried and he should have called as there are important messages for him to attend to. She goes inside leaving Susan and Tom to talk. Tom tells Susan he had to go to Bendigo. He father is very sick and it was touch and go for a while there. Mick and Joe where trying to reach him when he was at the cabin with Susan. Susan moves closer to Tom but he steps back. He tells her he has to go. Susan says they could catch up tomorrow. Tom says yes if he's not too busy.
Toadie, Sindi and Scott are playing scrabble. Toadie spells 'cake'. Scott adds 'taker' to the end of it. Toadie shakes his head. Scott spells boring on the board. Toadie then tries Chess but Scott is bored with that too.
It cuts to the pub where Toadie is teaching Scott to play pool. Toadie tells Sindi Scott is good at it and he's having fun. Sindi says she hasn't seen him this calm in ages. Sindi and Toadie look at Max who is humming happily behind the bar. Sindi leaves telling Toadie she's going home to cook dinner for Susan and Libby.
SINDI: Stingray... Stingray
(Scott doesn't hear her)
SINDI: Scott
SCOTT: My name's Stingray, how many times do I have to tell you.
Sindi is serving out the take away and Susan is telling her about Tom and the way he acted today. Libby says she warned Susan about starting a relationship with a priest. Sindi says it's not his fault. He's just confused as this is probably his first serious adult relationship. Libby tells her to stop the psychobabble.
Izzy is asking Max about Karl and Susan's divorce. She tells Max that Karl wants to give everything to Susan. Max tells her she needs to think about the baby. He reminds Izzy that Karl will be almost 70 when the child starts Uni and Karl won't be practicing medicine then. Max says couples expecting a baby need to have talks about money issues. He tells Izzy that he may need to be having a talk about money with Steph soon. Izzy wants to know if this means Steph is pregnant. Max says it's not certain but it looks like it may be. Max makes Izzy promise she won't tell anyone.
Steph is sitting on the couch kind of staring into space. She hears movement at the front door.
STEPH: I hope that's my gorgeous man
MAX: Yeah, you'd better believe it you gorgeous woman. How you feeling?
STEPH: Not so crash hot.
Max goes into the hall and places the ring box into a brown chemist bag and walks into the lounge.
MAX: Oh that's good. I got something here that might make you feel better.
STEPH: Oh, no Max, I don't want to take any medication just in case it harms the baby. Well, you know... if there is a baby
MAX: Come on Steph, Just open it
STEPH: No! I don't want to do a pregnancy test
MAX: Steph.
STEPH: Max. Please all right, let me hold onto this hope for a little longer. I really don't want to know. Thanks all the same but I'm really happy to be feeling sick.
MAX: Steph will you please just open it! I promise what is in here will make you feel better and won't harm the baby... if there is a baby. Come on.
Steph looks at Max and finally takes the bag. She opens it.
STEPH: Max... oh Max.
Max kisses her.
MAX: I though it was about time you had an engagement ring, pregnant or not.
Max tries to put it on her finger but he's putting it on the wrong one, Steph and Max put it on her correct finger. Max kisses her ring finger.
STEPH: Oh Max this.. It's beautiful... so are you. Thank you.
They hug and kiss.
Libby is telling Steph about Tom and Susan. Steph says she doesn't know what her Uncle has been doing and she doesn't have much experience with promiscuous parents. Libby says she can't believe Sindi is encouraging her mother and she doesn't know what to do with her. Steph says it's usually the parents that say hat about the kids. Libby says she was never as bad as her mother. Steph says speaking of kids what is morning sickness like. Libby looks at her and Steph says she's been feeling sick but all day. Libby says that's probably it. Steph says she doesn't know for sure but asks her not to tell anyone. Izzy walks in and Libby says she'll go. Izzy asks her to stay so they can talk. Steph gets up and leave the room.
Switching between the School and church
Susan is talking to her class about a movie relating to adult relationships.
Tom is at the church getting dressed in his robes.
Susan is staring into space and the students are looking at each other. Susan snaps out of it and puts the film on.
Izzy is trying to convince Libby that everything will be ok saying that one day she hopes they can be friends. Izzy tells her not to blame the baby and says it is a beautiful thing.
LIBBY: You can't be serious.
Steph tries to break the tension by asking who she thinks the baby will look like. Izzy thinks more Kennedy than Hoyland.
IZZY: You must have big genes in your family I'm surprised that it's so big
LIBBY: That's strange, babies are uniformly the same size in the first three months
IZZY: Are they?
LIBBY: Yeah. Maybe you should read some more maternity books.
<<4510 - 4512>>
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4511
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4511
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4511
Izzy Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4511
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Sindi Watts, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4511
Sindi Watts, Stingray Timmins

Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4511
Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Tom Scully in Neighbours Episode 4511
Susan Kennedy, Tom Scully

 in Neighbours Episode 4511

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4511
Izzy Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4511
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4511
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4511
Libby Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4511
Susan Kennedy

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