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Neighbours Episode 4501 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4500 - 4502>>
Episode title: 4501: Spilling Secrets
Australian airdate: 14/06/04
UK airdate: 11/08/04
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Gladys O'Grady: Adair Stagg
Summary/Images by: RAEMAE/David
- David trying to get Max involved in the best street competition.
- Serena trying to talk Scott into entering for the arts grant.
- Lil and Lyn spot David in the company of another woman.
Lil is trying to run over to David. Lyn stops Lil telling her to calm down. Lil tells Lyn she's going to kill David. Lil starts crying.
Karl comes home from work and Izzy has made an alcoholic drink for him telling Karl he's now drinking for two. Izzy says she's off to work and is trying to think of excuses to tell Harold as to why she can't stand the smell of coffee. Karl tells Izzy to just say she's sick and Harold won't suspect anything. Izzy says until she looks like she's swallowed a beachball. Izzy tells Karl she is so excited and wants to shout out "I'm pregnant" from the rooftops. Karl reminds her that they agreed to wait before they told people.
Lyn is making Lil a cup of tea and Lil is pacing the kitchen raving about David. Lyn tells her to calm down. Lil get hysterical. Lyn tells Lil to sit down and have a cup of tea. Lil apologises to Lyn and agrees to talk to David before she jumps to a conclusion. Lil thanks Lyn saying she doesn't know what she would have done if Lyn hadn't stopped her. Lyn asks Lil if she wants her to stay but Lil assures Lyn she'll be fine and tells her to go home to Oscar. Lyn leaves and Lil crushes the biscuit she's been holding in her hand.
Ramsay Street
Max is out the front of his house when a car drives up. An elderly lady gets out and introduces herself to Max as Gladys O'Grady from the Best Street Committee. She asks Max if he can point her in the direction of the Bishop house. Max points to the Bishops as David drives into his driveway. Max calls David over and introducers him to Gladys. David talks about the street and how much pride everyone takes in it.
DAVID: Isn't that right Max?
MAX: Oh yeah, Dave. When we can get some time off from our better things to do with our time club.
Lil walks to the edge of the Bishops' balcony and starts to throw David's clothes off onto the front lawn. David runs over to his house and asks Lil what she's doing. She throws a shoe and it hits David on the head.
David runs into the house asking Lil what she's doing. Lil tells David she wants him out of the house, she saw him with his blonde hooker. David laughs. Serena walks in telling Lil the whole street can hear her. Lil tells David to explain his behavior to his family, who have stuck by him through everything. David says he did it for Lil. Lil's about to have another go at him when David tells her the woman she saw him with is a personal trainer. David rolls up his shirtsleeve and asks Lil to touch his arm.
LIL: You've got a muscle.
David tells Lil when all the stuff happened with Allan Steiger he took a look at him self in the mirror and decided to get into shape for her.
Ramsay Street
David runs out and apologizes to Gladys, he tells her it was just a misunderstanding. Gladys tells David to have a look around and tells her what he sees. David looks around the street and sees Max pulling at a wedgie. Gladys tells David that this is a court not a street. David says that it is called "Ramsay Street". Gladys says there is a Best Court Competition but not until next year but after his behavior they don' have a good chance of winning.
Izzy gives Max a cheque to repay what she owes him saying with Karl's income she'll have It paid off before she's a mum. Izzy asks Boyd if he's excited about having a little cousin he may be able to take to the footy. Boyd says yes as long as it's not a Ports supporter (Port Adelaide is an AFL team). Izzy leaves telling them she has to get back to work. Boyd talks to Max about Karl and Izzy. Max tells Boyd Izzy loves Karl and Boyd laughs. Boyd tells Max he's not sure and there is such a big age difference between Karl and Izzy. Max reminds Boyd that there is a big age difference between himself and Steph.
BOYD: But you really are...
MAX: What?
BOYD: You two really are in love.
Max tells Boyd not to judge as sometimes you can find love in unlikely places.
Harold brings Karl over a meal as a Flat warming present. He tells Karl that the fact he hasn't visited isn't anything against him and he's happy that he's found love with Izzy. Harold tells him it's a wonderful new start and he has age on his side. He tells Karl he could do anything he wanted to now, travel, new career, freedom. Karl stares at him
Coffee Shop
Sky tells Boyd she has been shortlisted for the arts grant. Izzy tells Sky she's leaving and asks Sky to close up for her as she covered some of Sky's shifts last week .Sky agrees and tells Boyd Izzy has been in a strange mood all day. Snapping at her one-minute and them being happy the next, it's doing her head in. Boyd tells Sky Izzy just has stuff on her mind. Sky wants to know what but Boyd says it's he and he can't tell. Sky says if she had a secret she'd tell him as she respects him but it's ok, Boyd can keep his secret. Boyd says he'll tell her but she has to promise not to tell anyone.
SKY: Cross my heart and hope to own a Justin Timberlake CD.
Karl is staring at the TV when Izzy gets home. Izzy tells Karl about a strange customer he had at work today. Karl is still starring at the TV then apologises to Izzy saying the show put him in a coma. Karl gets up and tells Izzy he'll run her a bath.
The next morning Serena visits Scott with a letter from the Council. She reads it to him tells him he has been short-listed. Serena tells Scott she entered him and he has real talent. Scott says he can't but Serena tells him to stop putting himself down and she knows he can do it.
Coffee Shop
Lil apologises to David for the way she reacted yesterday. David says she's passionate and he loves that about her.
Izzy asks Sky to clean one of the tables as a group of mothers left a mess with their babies. Sky stares at Izzy and says "Messy little thing hey, who'd want one"
Serena is doing a mock interview with Scott asking him why he deserves the money. Scott: So this mural at the skate park, I think it would be excellent and because, you know, everytime I wipe out, you know, it's like... Bam. You know, I look up and the sky is blue and I look down and the ground's grey and the walls are grey too. I mean it would be really nice to have all that colour to look at when you're sliding across the cement on you're a**e. Serena laughs saying apart from the last word it was really good. Scott says he can't do it and he'll stuff it up. Serena tells him he just needs to practice. She asks Scott to do it for her.
Coffee Shop
Lyn walks in with Oscar and Izzy rushes to her doing baby talk to Oscar and quizzing Lyn about teething. Sky walks past making chook noises. Izzy tells Sky to come into the kitchen. Izzy tells Sky she knows what she's up to. Sky tells Izzy to cut down on the coffee as her paranoia is getting out of hand. Izzy tells Sky she's fired. Harold calls Izzy saying he's really busy. Izzy says she'll be out in a minute and sees Boyd at the counter. She calls Boyd into the kitchen and tells him what Sky has been doing. Izzy walks out of the kitchen and into the coffee Shop.
IZZY: "Excuse me everyone I have an announcement to make. Seeing as though it's becoming the worst kept secret in Erinsborough, I would like to announce that Karl Kennedy and I are having a baby"
Lyn drops her keys and purse. Izzy walks out of the Coffee shop. Boyd and Sky run out as well. Boyd runs after Izzy saying he's sorry. Izzy tells Boyd they are family and are meant to stand by each other but she can see he' too busy being wrapped around Sky's little finger. Izzy walks off. Sky apologizes to Boyd
BOYD: Why are you sorry Sky? Is it because you did it or because you got caught? Now you've screwed everything up
SKY: I didn't tell anyone else. I just said a few things to Izzy, I couldn't help it.
BOYD: You can never help it can you. You're always shooting your mouth off to prove you're smarter than everyone else.
SKY: Boyd"
BOYD: You are so desperate to be so superior to everyone, you hurt people and don't even realise and I'm sick of it.
Boyd storms off after Izzy.
Scott is explaining to Serena the things that go on in his head. He tells her it's stupid but he can trust her. The phone rings and Scott tells Serena to listen to the new answering Machine message he recorded.
"Who is it... who.. who... speak up or shonk off"
Lyn leaves a message for Susan to call her back as soon as she gets the message as it's really important.
Karl wants to know why she told everyone and she should have spoken to him first. Izzy says she's relieved people know but Karl reminds her he hasn't spoken to Susan or his kids yet. Izzy says she's sensed his moods lately and this could be a good thing. Izzy says she feels like the only one who's excited and reminds him it is his child too. She asks Karl if he really is going to be there for her. Karl promises her he will. Izzy tell him then he should tell Susan now before anyone else does.
<<4500 - 4502>>
Lyn Scully, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Lyn Scully, Liljana Bishop

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Izzy Hoyland

Liljana Bishop, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4501
Liljana Bishop, Lyn Scully

Max Hoyland, Gladys O
Max Hoyland, Gladys O'Grady

Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Liljana Bishop

Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4501
Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop, Stingray Timmins

Serena Bishop, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Serena Bishop, Liljana Bishop

David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Liljana Bishop

Max Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Max Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Harold Bishop

Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Serena Bishop, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4501
Serena Bishop, Stingray Timmins

Liljana Bishop, David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Liljana Bishop, David Bishop

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Izzy Hoyland

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4501
Sky Mangel

Stingray Timmins, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Stingray Timmins, Serena Bishop

Izzy Hoyland, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4501
Izzy Hoyland, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully

Izzy Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4501
Izzy Hoyland, Sky Mangel

Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully, Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully, Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland

Harold Bishop, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4501
Harold Bishop, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4501
Sky Mangel

Stingray Timmins, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4501
Stingray Timmins, Serena Bishop

Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4501
Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

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