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Neighbours Episode 4422 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4421 - 4423>>
Episode title: 4422
Australian airdate: 24/02/04
UK airdate: 02/04/04
Writer: Piet Collins
Director: Jeffrey Walker
Guests: Gus Cleary: Ben Barrack
Daniel Clohesy: Thomas Blackburne
Bob Watson: Brendan O'Connor
Steven Reece: Damian Rocher
Bidder #1: Jurgen Loos
Bidder #2: Kate Hansen
Bidder #3: David Higgins
- "Breathing Through My Eyes" by Skunkhour
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
- Boyd telling Max that he and Sky aren't doing 'anything'.
- Susan listening to Lyn's message on the answering machine.
- Gus kissing Izzy.
Max isn't too happy that Izzy's been out with Gus. Izzy's in a foul mood after seeing all the Ramsay Street women banding together for Susan and asks Steph, So how is the suburban housewives association? when she comes in. Izzy goes to bed leaving Steph and Max confused. Max tells Steph his concerns about Gus and Izzy, but Steph says that if anyone can look after themselves it's your little sister.
Susan's Bachelorette Pad
Susan can't sleep so she takes her doona and pillow to the couch to watch TV. She looks around the empty house, sadly.
Susan groggily wakes up on the couch. Audrey has slept near her feet and Susan has left dishes all over the coffee table from the night before. She gets up to get a mug from the cupboard, only to have the door fall off its hinges.
Pre-auction nerves are flying in the Hoyland house. Gus comes over and Summer inadvertently blabs their spending limit to him ($350,000). Max shoots a wary look at Gus, but he just smiles. Steph and the kids leave for school, and Max goes to put the kettle on. Izzy comes in and acts flirty around Gus, but Gus pretty much brushes her off.
Susan gets a flat tyre and tries to fix it herself. She's doing a good job until she discovers the spare tyre in the boot is also flat.
Susan comes into class late and tells the rowdy kids to quiet down. Summer hasn't heard her over all the noise and keeps chatting. Susan gets frustrated and tells her to go outside. Summer tries to apologise and says she didn't hear Susan, but Susan doesn't let her finish.
Sky and Boyd pass Summer in the corridor where she tells them that Stinky Susan sent her out.
Max and Steph wish the final open-house inspection was over already. Susan pops by on her free period for the auction, she's there on Malcolm's behalf to liaise with the real estate agent. Izzy sees Susan and asks how she is, but Susan walks right on by. Max and Steph are nervous and Steph says it's hard to imagine not living in the street.
Erinsborough High
Sky chats with Boyd and Daniel on her way to class. They're talking about their Human Development class and Sky laughs at them when they try to sound like they know about the female form. When Sky goes, Daniel asks Boyd if they've y'know... Boyd says they've been going out for awhile, but Daniel shakes his head and walks off.
Coffee Shop
Daniel and Boyd walk in and Daniel asks if he and Sky do it like they do on the discovery channel. Boyd tries to get him to shut-up but Sky overhears them, coming out of the kitchen. She tells Daniel that they do it twenty four seven. Maybe one day when you get a girlfriend, you can stop worrying about what other people do. Boyd tells her not to worry about Daniel, and Sky wonders why boys have to talk about sex like a competitive sport.
Outside 32
Max, Steph, Izzy and Summer, and Susan and Joe are out for the auction along with a group of other bidders. Steph gets the ball rolling by starting at $200,000. It creeps up to $270,000 - Max hasn't bid again, he's biding his time.
Coffee Shop
Sky still doesn't get why boys have to talk so much about 'doing it'. She says kiss and tell just isn't her style, and Boyd agrees. Sky says to Boyd that her ex in WA used to tell his mates everything they ever did, that's why they broke up. Boyd tries to act all cool with this new information, but can't help wanting to know what they got up to. Sky laughs and says he's just proven her point, you're all obsessed!
Outside 32
The bidding gets to $345,000 in Max's favour. The auctioneer asks to confer with the vendor's advocate. Susan talks to him and gives the number 32 gang a small thumbs up much to their happiness. The auctioneer is just about to close the deal when a man on a mobile interrupts. Gus is on the other end on his mobile in the Hoyland house, watching proceedings through the window. He bids $360,000. Max looks torn, then bids $370,000, Gus and Max continue to bid against one another in smaller and smaller amounts. Steph and Izzy try to talk Max out of it, but he's determined. He looks at Summer's hopeful face and bids $380,000. Gus smirks and says he's out, there's no way I can afford those kind of repayments, I've got a family. The house is finally sold to the Hoylands and Steph. Susan and Joe clap them but look worried. Gus is in the lounge room looking mighty pleased with himself.
Susan's Bachelorette Pad
Susan is trying to fix the cupboard when Jack comes around with some tools. Joe told him the cupboard was broken, and he wanted to escape the renovations awhile anyway. Susan says he's welcome to stay but she'd feel better fixing the cupboard herself.
Steph, Max, Izzy and Gus are drinking champagne with Summer happily watching on. Max and Steph are happy but also a bit bummed out at the price of the house. Summer tells Izzy that Susan went off at her today in school, and elaborates by saying Susan called Summer, stupid. Izzy's annoyed and tells her that Susan's a bit crazy lately because her husband's left her. Gus and Izzy go to get more champagne from the pub. Max is still fretting but Steph says it'll be okay, I don't care if we have to live on bread and water forever. We just bought our first home together! This cheers Max up a little, and they kiss. Summer takes a Polaroid of them holding the house contract.
Boyd is talking to Steve the barman. He says he thought his dad was on today and he just wants to use the bathroom. Gus and Izzy walk in, order some champagne and flirt shamelessly. Gus is about to kiss Izzy when she moves out of the way, takes the bubbly and leaves. The ball is back in her court. Steve smirks at Gus, What are you looking at? Gus says defensively.
Pub Bathroom
Boyd is nervously buying a condom from the condom vendor. He puts the money in but the drawer gets stuck. Some guys' walk in and Boyd pretends to wash his hands. He gets annoyed and leaves.
Outside 32
Izzy is drinking champagne, looking at the sold sign when Susan walks by. Izzy is a bit tipsy and heckles her.
IZZY: You must be really happy, I mean, Mal must be laughing all the way to the bank!
(Susan ignores her)
IZZY: Too good to speak to me now, are you? I mean you weren't too proud to come to me for advice about Karl...
(Susan turns around)
IZZY: Now you're bitching about me to Lyn and all your friends. Turning them against me.
(Susan starts to walk away again)
IZZY: If you need anymore advice on how to get your husband back, please, don't hesitate to call.
SUSAN: Isabelle, I'd advise that rather than attacking other people you have a look at your own behaviour.
IZZY: Oh, one of your famous lectures. Yes, Karl's told me all about them.
SUSAN: You want a lecture? I'll give you a lecture! No one likes you because no one trusts you. But you've done that all yourself, it's got nothing to do with me.
IZZY: Some people like me.
SUSAN: Then you've got nothing to complain about, have you?
IZZY: Well no, I wouldn't dare! You've got the patent on that!
SUSAN: You're not going to compare the breakdown of a marriage to being snubbed by a neighbour, a thirty-year marriage with three kids?
IZZY: Oh okay, it's the old 'I've got children and you don't have any' card. Well Susan I surrender, you win.
SUSAN: It's not a competition.
IZZY: Really...
(Susan starts to smile)
SUSAN: You're right, I win! (She walks up to Izzy) I win because you have no idea what it's like to live your life with someone, to raise children with them. To become so much a part of someone that you have no idea where they end and you begin... and then it's gone. And you're upset because you've been snubbed by a neighbour!
Susan laughs hysterically in her face and walks home. Izzy looks stung.
<<4421 - 4423>>
Izzy Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Izzy Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4422
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4422
Susan Kennedy

Steph Scully, Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Steph Scully, Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Gus Cleary in Neighbours Episode 4422
Izzy Hoyland, Gus Cleary

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4422
Susan Kennedy

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Boyd Hoyland, Daniel Clohesy in Neighbours Episode 4422
Boyd Hoyland, Daniel Clohesy

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Bidder, Susan Kennedy, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Bidder, Susan Kennedy, Joe Scully

Izzy Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Izzy Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Gus Cleary in Neighbours Episode 4422
Gus Cleary

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Bob Watson in Neighbours Episode 4422
Bob Watson

Izzy Hoyland, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Izzy Hoyland, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Gus Cleary in Neighbours Episode 4422
Gus Cleary

Susan Kennedy, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Susan Kennedy, Jack Scully

Gus Cleary, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Gus Cleary, Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4422
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Izzy Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Boyd Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4422
Izzy Hoyland

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