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Neighbours Episode 4408 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4407 - 4409>>
Episode title: 4408
Australian airdate: 04/02/04
UK airdate: 15/03/04
Writer: Ray Kolle
Director: Grant Brown
Guests: Trixie Tucker: Wendy Stapleton
Malcolm Kennedy: Benjamin McNair
Summary/Images by: Carly/markb
Mal getting angry with Izzy and Karl - Lou giving Trixie the good news about Hello Dolly - Karl telling Mal that he's not sure if he's in love with Susan anymore
Susan is in a taxi on her way home, looking fondly at a picture of Karl in her purse. She asks the driver to turn the song up on the radio and reminisces about her and Karl dancing in happier times.
Karl is glumly eating biscuits on the couch with Dahl. The house is a pigsty.
Lyn's tense and is chopping the mushrooms for her cooking into oblivion. Joe wants to know what's wrong. Lyn tells him that Susan and Karl are having marriage problems and she's seen something she shouldn't have and doesn't know what to tell Susan. "When did all this happen?" Joe asks in confusion.
Mal's over at number 30, pouring his heart out to Toadie. He says he thinks he believes his dad when he says he's not having an affair with Izzy, but still can't understand why Karl can confide in her and not his mum. "I've always thought of your parents as the perfect couple," says Toadie.
Lyn has just told Joe how she saw Izzy and Karl get out of a taxi together and how "there was something intimate about their manner." Joe tells her that if she's not sure she shouldn't say anything.
Mal says he can't imagine his mum and dad not being together, and that he feels caught in the middle.
[The clip of Karl taking off his wedding ring at the bar and placing it on the table plays over the end of Mal's scene and the start of the Scullys scene]
Joe and Lyn are talking about the missing wedding ring. Joe warns Lyn to stay out of it again; it's between the Kennedys to figure out.
Karl had just finished tidying up when he hears Mal and Susan come in. He plasters on a smile for them, and hugs Susan. They chat awkwardly for a bit then Susan says they should open presents. Karl says he'll put the kettle on and Susan looks uneasy.
Joe's just got the mail and reports back to Lyn that Susan just got home and looked happy enough. Lyn's relieved. Joe shows her a flier about a reality TV show, 'Making Mansions'. Lyn says to chuck it out but then warms to the idea when she realizes what a good, free opportunity it would be. Joe also likes the idea that he could advertise his building business. Lyn says they should find out more about it.
Karl's opening presents. Billy and Libby got him CD's and then he opens one from Susan that he seems genuinely pleased about. It's a book of poems, 'Our Australia', that he had when they were younger. He used to copy them out for Susan and she thought he made them up himself for a while there! "I thought it might bring back some memories for you, it did for me," she tells him earnestly. There's an inscription from her in it and Mal reads it out;
Dear Karl
Thank you for all the happy years. Looking forward to many, many more.
All my love,
Karl smiles and says it's lovely, but isn't reacting as Susan hoped. He quickly suggests they go out for a family dinner at the pub that night to catch up. Susan is pleased with that until Karl says he has to get some paperwork done first. She looks a bit defeated as he walks off.
Lou & Trixie's
Trixie is happily practicing some songs while Lou watches proudly. Lou says he's going to go to Harold's to give him the good news. When he's gone, Trixie jumps up and down on the couch like an excited schoolgirl.
Lyn's excited to see Susan when she pops over. Joe retreats so they can chat. Susan apologises for sounding funny on the phone the other day, but Lyn says it's understandable. Susan tells her that everything is going to be okay now, she thinks that her and Karl just needed that break. Lyn's happy to hear that.
Mal's angry at Karl's avoidance of Susan. "Mum was opening her heart up to you before, and you said nothing." Karl says it wasn't the time to bring everything up. Mal says he doesn't want to be the go-between for him and Susan at dinner that evening, and wants to know when he'll tell her the truth. "You'll have to let me deal with this in my own way, and in my own time," Karl replies, getting frustrated.
Harold's annoyed that Lou is going away with Trixie on tour for three months. Lou says Harold's got his family, but Harold says what about his oldest friend. "You wait until I've almost died, then go flitting around the world. Y'know, thanks for your kidney very much, hooroo, I'm off!" Lou can't believe it.
Karl, Susan and Mal are eating dinner. Susan is telling them she had a wonderful time in Adelaide, but says to Karl "I really missed you though." Karl only smiles and takes a drink of OJ. Susan and even Mal look disappointed. Karl gets a call from the hospital - He has to go and see a patient. Susan looks at him and wants to know where his wedding ring is. She fires questions at him but he rushes off without giving any straightforward answers. Susan starts to ask Mal about it but he hops up to get more drinks. He meets Toadie at the bar, who asks how it's going with his folks. "Mum's in total denial, dad's avoiding the issue, and I feel like I'm being a complete traitor to my mother. On the upside, the Steak Diane's good." He says he will tell Susan the truth soon if Karl doesn't.
Susan is back talking with Lyn and sharing her worries about Karl's missing wedding ring. She says she thought the time apart did both of them good, but sometimes it's like Karl's putting on an act. She notices Lyn being all twitchy and cottons on that she knows something. Susan begs Lyn to tell her what it is.
Lou & Trixie's
Trixie tells a downcast Lou not to let Harold get him down. Lou thought he'd be happy for them. He admits that Harold seems to be wallowing in self-pity though instead of making himself better. Lou says that Harold needs to realise that Trixie is number one in his life. Trixie can see that Lou's still upset about it.
Susan is surprisingly calm about the Karl/Izzy taxi news. Lyn then goes on to tell her that Gino saw Mal, Izzy and Karl have a big argument the other day. This news gets more of a reaction from her, and she wonders what Mal has to do with it. She's grateful to Lyn for telling her though so she knows what she's dealing with.
Trixie comes over to tell Harold how distressed Lou was. Harold doesn't seem to believe her, and gets a bit nasty, implying that she only married Lou for his money. Trixie gets angry and says she loves Lou. "I guess I had you pegged all wrong. Everyone told me what a kind and decent man you are, doesn't seem like that to me. You can't even be happy for your best friend. It's not the Harold Bishop I was told about, I wonder what happened to him?" Trixie leaves and Harold looks a mixture of upset and cranky.Scullys
Lyn says to Joe that she hopes she did the right thing by telling Susan, and Joe tells her to stop worrying so much. He starts talking about the reality TV show again and says they could get a whole new house out of it, which perks Lyn up. "Yeah, I mean they won't pick us in a million years, they only go for blondes with big, um...", "You know with you being a builder love, it could really give us an edge," Lyn cuts in. "Yeah, yeah, it could. And you could always change your hair colour...". There's a knock at the door and Joe gets frustrated that it's Susan again. He's surprised to see Toadie, "You're not a Kennedy!" Toadie laughs, "No, not unless Karl's got something to tell me!" He's there to ask Joe to keep an eye out for an office for his legal firm in the complex Joe is building. He sees the reality TV flier and makes fun of the concept much to Lyn and Joe's discontent.
Susan subtlety brings up the argument between Mal and Izzy, with Mal. He says that he's caught in the middle and rushes at Karl when he arrives home, demanding he comes clean with Susan. Mal takes Karl's keys and storms out. Susan wants to know what's going on.
Cuts between the street and the Kennedys
Mal goes to Karl's car and gets in. Toadie is taking out the trash with Audrey Scruff who starts to wander off.
Susan is getting angry and wants Karl to tell her what's happening. He doesn't know what to tell her when he doesn't know what he's being accused of.
Mal reverses quickly and doesn't see Audrey Scruff running behind the car. A yelp is heard and Toadie rushes over.
Karl hears the commotion and runs outside.
Mal and Toadie are kneeling next to Audrey Scruff, with Mal apologizing. Karl rushes over to them and immediately clicks who the dog is. Toadie tries to say it's Stu's dog Scruff, but Karl knows for sure it's Audrey. He's very, very upset.
<<4407 - 4409>>
Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Susan Kennedy

Dahl, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Dahl, Karl Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Malcolm Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Karl Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Karl Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 4408

Joe Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4408
Joe Scully, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4408
Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker

Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4408
Trixie Tucker

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4408
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4408
Lou Carpenter

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4408
Harold Bishop

Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4408
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Harold Bishop, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4408
Harold Bishop, Trixie Tucker

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4408
Harold Bishop

Toadie Rebecchi, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4408
Toadie Rebecchi, Joe Scully

Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4408
Joe Scully

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4408
Lyn Scully

Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Malcolm Kennedy

Audrey in Neighbours Episode 4408

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4408
Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Audrey in Neighbours Episode 4408
Karl Kennedy, Audrey

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