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Neighbours Episode 4403 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4402 - 4404>>
Episode title: 4403
Australian airdate: 28/01/04
UK airdate: 08/03/04
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Malcom Kennedy: Benjamin McNair
Chris Bosworth: Dylan Lloyd
Declan Sands: Lewis Reed
Summary/Images by: Mona/David
- Mal arrives at the Kennedys.
- Harold has a tantrum.
- Mal sees Karl and Izzy together.
Stuart arrives in Ramsay Street with his gear. He and Toadie talk about...stuff. Some Life Mechanic fliers fall out of Stuart's car and there is an uncomfortable silence before they walk in leaving the fliers on the ground.
Mal shows up at the Coffee Shop and asks to have a word with Izzy. Whatever he says to her offends her enough for her to run after him. Karl then runs over to them and asks what's going on. Izzy runs off.
Karl obviously having followed Izzy walks into the Coffee Shop after her and says he doesn't know why Mal thinks there's something going on between them.
IZZY: What would you think if you saw us out late last night drinking?
KARL: Izzy...
IZZY: What conclusion would you come to?
KARL: Oh goodness me.
IZZY: God I am so stupid. Married men do not have friends like me.
KARL: No, no, no... He had no right to talk to you like that, and I will go and talk to him straight and...
IZZY: His family's falling apart and I'm the one to blame.
Karl tells Izzy she has every right to be angry and will make sure that Mal apologises. She tells him it doesn't matter.
KARL: Of course it matters. You've been an incredibly good friend to me. I will not have you blamed for my problems.
IZZY: Well, it's a bit late for that now isn't it? Why is it so hard for people to see that men and women can just be friends? Nothing more, just friends?
KARL: I will sort this out. I promise.
Izzy starts crying again and Karl pulls her into a hug. After they hug they stare into one another's eyes, before Izzy manages to stutter that she has to open the Coffee Shop. Karl leaves saying he "will sort this out."
Mal storms into the Kennedys and kicks a chair before dropping down onto the sofa and staring at the painting of himself, Billy and Lib. Scruffy then runs into the house and sits down with him. Toadie then comes running in, apologising for Scruff's uninvited appearance. Toadie then asks Mal what's wrong and Mal tells him, Karl's having an affair. Toad asks whether he's sure.
MAL: I mean, what the hell is he thinking? Mum took him back the last time. I wouldn't think she'd be stupid enough to do it again.
TOADIE: What exactly did you see?
MAL: I saw enough.
He tells Toad that he knew something was up and that Karl's been covering it up since the second he arrived. Toadie tells him to not tell Susan until he's made sure he saw what he thinks he saw.
Joe and Lyn walk into the hospital carrying a basket of goodies and Oscar (the latter not being for Harold of course.) but when they get to Harold's room it's closed. They then spot Lou. They tell him they came in to get Ozzy's shots done, so they figured they'd see Harold as well. Lou then tells them Harold's in with his physiotherapy and Joe and Lyn say they'll come back later, but Lou insists that Harold would love to see his godson.
Meanwhile Harold is complaining that his physiotherapy exercises hurt and says he won't do anymore. The physiotherapy then leaves and Lyn, Joe, Lou and Ozzy arrive. Harold looks far from overjoyed.
Summer and Max walk into the place where the boxing classes are held. Summer spots Declan and tells Max to go. Max leaves, but not before telling him that Izzy will be coming to pick her up. Summer and Declan exchange a few words, which so obviously mean they like one another, but are just not willing to admit it.
Lyn and Joe are showing Harold the pictures of Ozzy and when Lou suggests giving Ozzy to Harold, Harold tells them all it's too noisy in the room and asks them to leave. After they all leave, Lyn asks Lou if he's sure there's nothing they can do for Harold.
Summer pushes the punching bag that Declan is beating quote impressively for someone his age, but he obviously is not able to cope with bag's full weight and ends up on his back. Summer makes some snide remarks, which Declan replies to with a threat. She asks him whether he's going to knock her teeth out with his hand or by kissing her again.
Mal is packing his bags just as Karl walks in and asks him what's going on with him.
KARL: You've insulted Isabelle, you've embarrassed me. Why wouldn't you come and discuss things with me instead of shooting your mouth off like that? How do you think it makes me feel knowing that's your opinion of me? I'm some sort of what? Lying cheat that would stray the second I get a chance?
MAL: Why do you reckon?
Mal tells him he did ask him what he was doing last night and he lied to him. Karl then butts in saying that first and foremost he is furious that Mal would spy on him like that. Mal tells him he's glad he did spy, because otherwise he wouldn't have known what was going on. Karl insists that there is nothing going on. He tells Mal that whatever he think he saw, it's not what it looked like.
KARL: This is just ridiculous.
MAL: You want me to behave like an adult? I'm not the one running out on my wife, acting like some overgrown teenager, while she's sitting in Adelaide trying to figure out why her marriage is falling apart.
KARL: What has she said to you?
MAL: Don't worry she didn't say anything. She kept up with your story about some terminally ill patient or whatever it is that you're trying to spin me. It's a load of crap!
Mal tells Karl now he knows why Susan looked so worried. Karl tells him that he and Susan are going through a bit of a rough patch and Mal says he can see that. He also tells Karl that he's leaving and will be out of Karl's hair by lunchtime.
Summer punches the bag hard and asks Declan if she has to warn him next time. "Do whatever you want fish face." Summer asks him what he called her. And he hesitantly says 'fish face' again. Summer throws her gloves onto the floor and walks out, followed by Declan who knows he has really screwed up. Izzy is sitting in the car and watches Summer and Declan. He tries to kiss her but she walks off. Izzy gets out of the car and tells Summer not to worry "Practice makes perfect."
Karl tells Mal he doesn't want him to go and Mal tells him he's not a child anymore, but after Karl says they need to talk more Mal sits down. Karl tells Mal that Izzy has been there for him and Mal tells him that so would Susan if he gave her a chance.
KARL: How do you tell a woman, that you've been with for 30 years that your life with her no longer satisfies you? How do you tell her you're feeling anxious and depressed for no given reason? How do you explain that to someone when you can't explain it to yourself? You see Mal, people look at me and they see...they see Dr Karl Kennedy you know? They see a family man. They see this reliable GP who's heading for retirement.
MAL: What's wrong with that?
KARL: Well it's just...it's just...sometimes you would like to think of yourself without labels you know? You wanna be able to say what you feel without people judging that and Izzy lets me do it.
MAL: Fine. That's fine but why all the secrecy? I'm sorry dad, but you're in idiot if you think people aren't going to jump to conclusions with you having a secret friendship with a woman like her.
Karl says he knows that but he's only kept it a secret because Susan doesn't trust her. Mal says he doesn't blame her. He asks why Karl would confide in a complete strange. "I'm on the other end of the phone if you need me, so is Libby, so is Billy. If you can't talk to mum, talk to us." Karl apologises and says he can't do it. Mal tells him to try. "Will you just spill your guts, I can take it."
Toadie walks out with Bob and Scruff on leashes, he tells Stu that Scruff has already made a run for the K's twice that day. They both then look up to see Lou walking over. Lou rather unkindly, tries to put Stu into place about his unregistered auto repairs by threatening to dob him in.
Karl is telling Mal about his alcoholism. Mal asks why and Karl tells him to escape from work, responsibility, his future and himself. He tells Mal about the doctor he knows who is working in Uganda. Mal tells him he can still do stuff like that, but Karl says he can't because he had a family so young. He then tells Mal he doesn't regret his decisions.
MAL: But it isn't enough?
KARL: The thought of heading into my so called twilight years in the middle of suburbia, it fills me with horror. Mal, there's so much I wanted to do you know? So much I wanted to be and what did I end up... I'm a local GP Karl Kennedy.
MAL: Maybe mum's dissatisfied with this too, if you just asked her...
KARL: I know what your mum wants Mal. She just wants it to work. She wants to be with me, to have what we've always had.
MAL: Dad what are you saying?
KARL: It's not just myself I want to change, it's my whole life. My day to day existence. Mal...I'm not sure I love your mother the way I used to. I'm not sure I ever will.
<<4402 - 4404>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4403
Toadie Rebecchi, Stuart Parker

Audrey in Neighbours Episode 4403

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Malcolm Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Karl Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4403
Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Izzy Hoyland, Malcolm Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4403
Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Malcolm Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Malcolm Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy, Audrey in Neighbours Episode 4403
Malcolm Kennedy, Audrey

Malcolm Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4403
Malcolm Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Joe Scully, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4403
Joe Scully, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully

Chris Bosworth, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4403
Chris Bosworth, Harold Bishop

Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4403
Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Joe Scully, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4403
Joe Scully, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Karl Kennedy

Declan Sands, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4403
Declan Sands, Summer Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4403
Izzy Hoyland

Declan Sands, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4403
Declan Sands, Summer Hoyland

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Malcolm Kennedy

Stuart Parker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4403
Stuart Parker, Lou Carpenter

Stuart Parker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4403
Stuart Parker, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Karl Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4403
Malcolm Kennedy

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