- Clarkie taking Stu's magazines and Stu chases him and catches him
- Susan admitting to Lyn that she was right, Karl is an alcoholic
Susan is sitting on the couch reading the paper when Karl comes in. He apologizes for being home so late and tells her that he thought he had the afternoon off, but things came up. She says to Karl that she dropped by with a picnic and waited after counselling, but Karl looks uncomfortable and mutters that he had to reschedule. She shakes her head and replies that she knows that he has only been to one session and never went back. He looks caught out, and when he opens his mouth to reply there is a knock at the door.
David comes in and feels the tension, and asks whether he is interrupting anything. Susan shakes her head and he asks them to join in the Christmas festivities by decorating the street. Karl gives Susan an awkward glance however she doesn't look at him. She admits to David that they've never really got into the Christmas decorating, but we will see what we can do. David looks put out but then says that is all he can ask for, and he then leaves. Karl shuts the door behind him and makes a joke about putting reindeer on the roof. Susan looks stern and says that they have more important things to talk about it.
She asks why he lied to her and Karl throws his hands up in the air and tells her how humiliating it was for him and how he hated the councillor for manipulation the situation. He then continues to tell her that he resented being there and then lets slip that he resented her for making him go. Susan looks outraged and declares it was his idea. He rebuts her by saying that she was over-dramatic and blew everything out of proportion. Susan looks horrified and mutters that she will start on dinner.
David is lecturing Max and Steph about decorating the street for the spirit of Christmas, and points out that they have a tree, which is a good start. Max looks confused and admits that a tree was all they were going to do for Christmas. David looks shocked but Max says that he believes Christmas should be family orientated. Steph and Summer are listening to the conversation and Summer butts in that 'dull and boring' is Max's style for Christmas. David sighs and asks whether they will be at the street party, and Max bewilderedly replies 'Street party?' as it were a joke. Steph nudges him and tells David that they will be there will bells on. Max and Steph look at each other amused.
Susan cuts her finger on the chopping board and yelps, but when Karl asks her to give him a look she insists it's nothing serious - just a nail. She pushes the knife aside frustrated, and insists that she cannot do this anymore. When Karl asks her what she means she replies that she loves him, but pretend not to be mad at him when she is. Susan takes a deep breath and says to him that he is an alcoholic, and that if he cannot admit it there is no hope for him to recover. He sighs and confesses that she does not know how hard it is for him to say that he is - he looks at her and declares he is an alcoholic. She smiles and hugs him. Karl has a resentful look on his face.
Jamie and Stuart are in Stu's caravan and Clarkie is telling him about how he grew up in Adelaide. Stu replies that he was brought up in Oakley, and Clarkie snickers and comments that his family could probably smell his caravan from here. Stu smiles and insists he was getting to clean it up, and asks Clarkie why he is in Erinsborough now. He looks at the table and confesses that he was born here and if he came back he thought maybe everything would turn out. Stu looks pensive and then asks Clarkie what his first name is, and when he tells him that it's Jamie, he rattles off whether he was born in Ramsay Street to Daphne and Des Clark. Jamie looks confused and asks whether Stu is a psychic Stu tells him that Karl and Susan, the people that live in your old house have been trying to track him down for weeks to give him his inheritance. Jamie looks stunned, and Stu tells him that he needs to collect his share certificate by showing his birth certificate.
Karl admits to Susan that he has been drinking in secret both at the surgery and at the pub. Susan looks stunned asks if he depends on alcohol or what triggers him to drink. Karl looks pensive but blurts out that he is unhappy. Susan sighs and tells him that she knows he is frustrated and has regrets with work, but it's not too late for him to specialize and do anything he wants to do, and she will support him no matter what. Karl sighs and admits that it's their marriage that has been troubling him the most. At that Susan's eyes well up she repeats 'you regret being with me.' She shakes her head and says when she had the accident, he went to so much trouble to save their marriage- so why? Karl shrugs and she raises her voice insisting that a shrug isn't an answer. She admitted that she thought their marriage could survive anything and if a bit of unhappiness could change that, she wants to know why. Karl looks at the floor and Susan runs her hands through her hair and walks out the door. He calls after her, but she shuts the door.
Valda is trying out Lou's coffee and insists that it is perfect. Lou smiles and Valda asks about Trixie. He sighs and tells her how amazing, creative and wonderful she is, and how young she makes him feel. Valda forces a laugh and says that he looks like a young chipper and he smiles telling her how perfect their lives are, now that he has Trixie and Valda has a new man. She shrugs and admits that she doesn't really have a man, it was all a joke. Lou looks shocked and she thought that everyone would have caught on by now. She puts down her cup and tells Lou that she hopes that Trixie takes care of him and she leaves, leaving Lou speechless.
Jamie and Stu knock on Karl's front door and he looks a bit flustered, admitting that he thought it was Susan. Jamie shows his birth certificate and Karl smiles at him and agrees that it is all valid and tells him that the certificates are his- but there is a problem. Karl admits that the certificates have been valued at $80 000, and Jamie and Stu's eyes boggle-but Jamie cannot touch the money until he is 18, or his legal guardian gives him the money. Stu looks at Jamie and asks who his guardian is, but Jamie looks at the floor and says that it is his father, Des Clarke; but they had a falling out a year ago, and he cannot ask him. Karl shrugs and admits that there is no other way he can access the money, but Jamie declares the he needs it now- and his father doesn't give a damn about him. Karl looks at Jamie and tells him that he has boys of his own, and no matter how hard it is to talk to him again he will fell better. Stu pats Jamie's back and asks Karl whether he can hold the certificates In the meantime and he agrees.
Steph, Summer and Max are huddled together on the couch when Max rings Toadie and says 'red alert' Visitor on his way. Toadie looks confused when there is a knock at the door. David is at the door and while Toadie is still holding onto the phone, they can hear what he is saying. David asks Toadie to participate in the Christmas decorations this year, to attract people to the street to see. Toadie looks unsure and says that he is not really into Christmas, but David insists it's for the children. Max, Steph and Summer are laughing and Max tells Toadie to stand firm, however hearing Max he says that he would love to. David grins and thanks him, and then reminds him to keep the garbage bins the legal distance from the street, and Max and Steph burst out laughing. David leaves and Toadie holds up the phone, and Max replies 'told you so.' Toadie looks annoyed and insists that there is a slight thing called timing- and then hangs up the phone. Max, Steph and Summer are in hysterics.
Izzy them comes into the lounge room and sits on the chair. Steph tells her about the phone call, and Izzy shrugs and agrees that Christmas isn't a big deal. Max can sense the tension and declares that enough is enough- and the Steph and Izzy were the two most important women in the world to him. Summer then coughs and Max smiles at her and says not including his beautiful daughter. He then insists that if neither of them is going anywhere they need to learn to get along for Christmas and goodwill. Izzy and Steph look at each other and smile and Izzy declares that goodwill rocks. Summer asks them to kiss and make up, and they both look at Summer and Izzy tells her 'not if I kiss you first'. Steph and Izzy both begin to tickle Summer, smiling at each other and Max looks pleased.
Lou is talking to Harold at the pub and he tells him how much he has hurt Valda. Harold asks whether he still has feelings for Valda, and he insists that he doesn't have 'those' feelings for her, but cares for her deeply. Harold then asks what he thinks about Trixie and Lou declares that he thinks the world of Trixie, and Harold smiles, telling him he made the right choice. Harold turns to leave and trips, and Lou asks whether he is all right. Harold looks flustered and says he is ok, and Lou jokes about those chairs are always out to get people. Harold looks slightly concerned.
Valda is snivelling in front of the TV set and Joe walks in. She wipes her tears and clears her throat, and says that there have been many bush fires about. Joe nods and looks at Valda before asking whether it is Lou that has upset her. Valda sighs and confess that coming back she thought that her and Lou would just click, and he would sweep her off her feet- but once again she has missed the boat. Joe sighs and tells her that it hurts to love. He leans in and admits to Valda that he isn't a big fan of Trixie, or her voice and has slipped a few notes anonymously under the door informing her so. Valda scoffs and replies that he hasn't, and he presses for her not to tell Lyn. Joe smiles at her and declares that they can get started on the decorations that she brought for Christmas and Valda looks determinant, admitting that she will show that 'superannuated show-pony' what for. Joe looks amused and raises his eyebrow.
Toadie arrives at David's and he says that he hopes Toadie hasn't changed his mind on the decorations. He shakes his head and says to David that Tim has just opened up a new firm in Sydney. Lilijana looks impressed and points out the firm is taking off. Toadie smiles at her and asks David whether he would like to do the bookkeeping. David looks confused and asks whether he would have to move to Sydney. Toadie shakes his head and tells him it's only for a week but it's over Christmas- however and extra $5000 will be added salary plus the usual bookkeeping fee. David and Lil raise their eyebrows at each other.
Toadie leaves and David insists that $5000 will make a big difference for them, and they could fly Lil's mother over. Lilijana smiles and points out that he will be home for Orthodox Christmas, and that's the main thing. She grins and declares that they should celebrate Christmas tonight, just the two of them. They both kiss looking happier than they have in ages.
Jamie and Stu are in the Coffee Shop when Harold says that it is lovely to see him again. Stu thanks him and admits that he didn't really think he would be welcome, but Harold smiles and admits that life is too short to hold grudges. Stu smiles and they order their food. Jamie continues to talk, saying that it wasn't like his father belt him or anything, it was just that his father didn't really care about him. His father seemed to get over his mother's death and moved on in his life. Jamie admitted he found that frustrating and he blew his stack and shouted at his father, and his father cared so little he didn't reply, so he left. Stu tells him that he should go back and patch things up. Toadie then walks in and both him and Stu look at each other uncomfortably before turning away. Jamie asks whether he is a friend of his, and Stu admits that they had a major falling out- but insists that Jamie has more guts than him and should sort things out, especially if there was $80 000 at the end of it. Jamie smiles.
Joe is on the phone and tells the person on the phone that he will round up Jack and they will be there as soon as possible. He hangs up and Valda looks confused. Joe tells her that the bush fire is heading towards his brother's place so he needs to get there and help them get out. Valda offers to pack them some food and a thermos. Joe mutters that Lyn won't be happy, but Valda insists that Lyn would understand- after all it is a family crisis. Joe smiles and tells Valda she is a treasure- it's just a shame Lou cannot see it.
Karl looks through the curtain and opens the door for Susan. She walks in and puts her handbag down and tells her he's been worried sick because he didn't know whether she was coming back or not. Susan shrugs and admits she had nowhere else to go. She looks at him and confesses that she has been driving around for miles thinking about whether she would lose him or not. She wonders that the drinking might have clouded his judgement and if he deals with his alcohol issue, their issues might disappear as well. She takes a deep breath and her eyes well up, and she says if there is a chance that things won't work out she needs to know, so she can learn not to love him anymore. Karl watches her silently and she bursts into tears and begs for an answer. Karl hugs her and says that he isn't going anywhere. Susan looks up at him in relief and smiles before sobbing into his shoulder, however Karl pats her on the head looking pensive.