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Neighbours Episode 4286 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4285 - 4287>>
Episode title: 4286
Australian airdate: 21/7/03
UK airdate: 11/9/03
Writer: Piet Collins
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Matt Porter: Rian McLean
Chris Morton: Alex Konis
Drink Spiller: Jason Hendy
Summary/Images by: Carly/Karen (Katie)
- Boyd agreeing to do work experience for Stu
- Libby telling Steph that Taj kissed her
- Karl sacking Cameron
Soccer Field
Libby is watching the Erinsborough High soccer match. The score is 1-1. Jack kicks to Taj who scores the winning goal, and Libby gets up and cheers. Taj celebrates with his team mates, then runs over to the bench to get a drink and takes his shirt off. Libby can't help looking at him, and quickly hurries away when Taj spots her looking.
The Pub
Karl and Susan walk in talking about how Cameron is suing Karl. Karl says that things were tense in the surgery anyway, even before he knew about Cameron and Libby. Susan says he needs to talk to Cameron before things get even more out of control, but Karl says he has the right to terminate an employee. Susan wants to change the subject, and Karl tries to say he's right, but Susan won't answer.
The Hoylands
Max and Steph are cooking. Max asks if Steph is up to a more bigger cooking challange. Steph asks if he's wanting a more permanent assistant. "Ah, if you're offering!" Steph says she'd like to, because things are still tense at home with Lyn still bottling things up. Max says she's welcome there any time, day or night. "As long as I'm out by 11 right!" she says, smiling. Steph doesn't think it's a good idea yet, going by last time she stayed over, but Max says that the kids have come a long way since then. Steph says she wants to feel like they want her around, not just putting up with her. "Hey, who could possibly not want you around?!" They kiss.
The Garage
Stu is singing along to the radio when Boyd walks in. He was sent on a mission to buy a left-handed screw driver, which the hardware guy said was located next to "the can of stripey paint!" Boyd knows he's been set up, and Stu chuckles. Boyd answers the phone to Kat, but Stu makes motions to Boyd to say he's out. Kat asks where he went, and Stu mimes running. "I think he went dancing!" Boyd smirks. He hangs up and says to Stu he doesn't get why he's avoiding her now. "Tactics." Stu reckons they'll be over when he says it's over.
The Coffee Shop
Jack and Taj are getting dinner, bragging about their match. Jack says that 'Liz Paglia' was checking Taj out today. Taj says it's a shame because he's interested in someone else. Jack wants to know who, but Taj won't tell. Jack guesses a new girl called Melinda in year 10, but Taj gives away one thing. That she's a mature woman. Jack brings up Taj's 18th and asks what he's up to. Taj says he's going to go to some clubs, and says that Jack should come along. "Cool. Where you gonna go, the RSL? I heard there's some older ladies there... some are close to ninety!"
The Kennedys
Karl and Susan are bickering about pasta sauce when they hear Libby pull up. Susan says that Karl is going to have to tell her about Cameron. Libby comes in and says she's sorry for being late, she was just watching the soccer match. Karl tells Libby he sacked Cameron, and Libby clicks that Susan told Karl about what Cameron said about kids. Libby gets annoyed at Karl for sacking him out of, "some poor defense for your poor scorned daughter." Karl says that Cameron is suing him, and Libby says he has to call and apologise and offer his job back. Karl says it's too late. Libby gets frustrated and says that she can't live there anymore. She appreciates all that they've done, but she needs her independance, and will look for a place in the morning.
The Hoylands
Steph's eating dinner with the Hoylands. Boyd's telling them about his work experience. Summer starts cleaning up, and says that the sauce was yum and Steph should stir more often. Max tentatively brings up the idea that Steph could stay over more often than she has been. Boyd and Summer are cool with the idea. Boyd starts to say that Steph can sleep in his bed, and he'll take the couch, but laughs and says he's only kidding when he sees the worried looks on Mac and Steph's faces. Max asks if it's settled then, and they say yes, with Summer adding that it'll be cool to have another girl in the house.
The Pub
Libby asks Stu if she has the world's most interferring parents. Stu reminds her that he's been on the recieving end of them. He says he knows Cameron was rough on her, but Karl shouldn't have done what he did. Libby agrees. Stu's mobile rings, and he answers it to Kat. He says he can't talk to her at the moment because he's in the middle of something. Libby says he could have spoken to Kat as he hangs up, but Stu says she can wait. Libby asks if it's the same Kat he couldn't get enough of a couple of weeks ago. Stu says he just wants to get the upper hand.
The Hoylands
Max and Steph are cleaning up in the kitchen. Max turns the light off, and he and Steph kiss. Max says that he thought he'd never feel like this again. Steph asks how. "So in love that I'd forget about myself." Max is worried he is being too full on, but Steph vehmently says no and smiles at him. "You are the love of my life." They kiss.
Morning. The Hoylands and Steph are having brekky. Boyd and Steph are talking about football, with Summer chiming in pretending she knows things too. Boyd wonders how Steph knows so much about footy. She says that Joe made her his AFL expert when he realised that Jack was into soccer. Summer goes over to Max while Steph and Boyd continue to talk sport. "Thank god she loves football, it was boring me to death." Max smiles and says, lucky.
The Kennedys
The Kennedys are sitting in silence at the breakfast table, while Libby circles some houses for rent in the paper. Susan and Karl say it's silly, but Libby says she thinks it's time to stop relying on them so much. Karl asks for a compromise; if they can interfere from time to time, they'll let her be a selfish young girl from time to time. Libby says she's not, and Karl says he was only joking. Karl and Susan want her to reconsider, but Libby gets up and says she has to wake up Ben.
Erinsborough High
Jack and a group of kids are punching Taj. Libby comes in and yells, asking what's going on. Jack says they were just giving Taj his birthday bashes for his 18th. Libby apologises, saying 'Happy Birthday' as she walks off. Taj watches her as she goes, until he starts to get pummeled again.
The Hoylands
Steph's eating dinner with the Hoylands. Boyd's telling them about his work experience. Summer starts cleaning up, and says that the sauce was yum and Steph should stir more often. Max tentatively brings up the idea that Steph could stay over more often than she has been. Boyd and Summer are cool with the idea. Boyd starts to say that Steph can sleep in his bed, and he'll take the couch, but laughs and says he's only kidding when he sees the worried looks on Mac and Steph's faces. Max asks if it's settled then, and they say yes, with Summer adding that it'll be cool to have another girl in the house.
The Pub
Libby asks Stu if she has the world's most interferring parents. Stu reminds her that he's been on the recieving end of them. He says he knows Cameron was rough on her, but Karl shouldn't have done what he did. Libby agrees. Stu's mobile rings, and he answers it to Kat. He says he can't talk to her at the moment because he's in the middle of something. Libby says he could have spoken to Kat as he hangs up, but Stu says she can wait. Libby asks if it's the same Kat he couldn't get enough of a couple of weeks ago. Stu says he just wants to get the upper hand.
The Hoylands
Max and Steph are cleaning up in the kitchen. Max turns the light off, and he and Steph kiss. Max says that he thought he'd never feel like this again. Steph asks how. "So in love that I'd forget about myself." Max is worried he is being too full on, but Steph vehmently says no and smiles at him. "You are the love of my life." They kiss.
Morning. The Hoylands and Steph are having brekky. Boyd and Steph are talking about football, with Summer chiming in pretending she knows things too. Boyd wonders how Steph knows so much about footy. She says that Joe made her his AFL expert when he realised that Jack was into soccer. Summer goes over to Max while Steph and Boyd continue to talk sport. "Thank god she loves football, it was boring me to death." Max smiles and says, lucky.
The Kennedys
The Kennedys are sitting in silence at the breakfast table, while Libby circles some houses for rent in the paper. Susan and Karl say it's silly, but Libby says she thinks it's time to stop relying on them so much. Karl asks for a compromise; if they can interfere from time to time, they'll let her be a selfish young girl from time to time. Libby says she's not, and Karl says he was only joking. Karl and Susan want her to reconsider, but Libby gets up and says she has to wake up Ben.
Erinsborough High
Jack and a group of kids are punching Taj. Libby comes in and yells, asking what's going on. Jack says they were just giving Taj his birthday bashes for his 18th. Libby apologises, saying 'Happy Birthday' as she walks off. Taj watches her as she goes, until he starts to get pummeled again.
<<4285 - 4287>>
Jack Scully, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4286
Jack Scully, Taj Coppin

Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4286
Taj Coppin

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4286
Libby Kennedy

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4286
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Jack Scully, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4286
Jack Scully, Taj Coppin

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4286
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4286
Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Steph Scully

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4286
Max Hoyland

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4286
Libby Kennedy

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4286
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Boyd Hoyland, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4286
Steph Scully, Boyd Hoyland, Stuart Parker

Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4286
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Steph Scully, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4286
Libby Kennedy, Steph Scully, Taj Coppin

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