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Neighbours Episode 4239 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4238 - 4240>>
Episode title: 4239
Australian airdate: 15/5/03
UK airdate: 7/7/03
Writer: Philippa Burne
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Gino Esposito: Shane McNamara
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Karen (Katie)
- Michelle asking Lyn to go to the airport with her and the getting in the limo.
No. 26
Steph comes in and asks Lyn how it went at the airport, "planes and tears" she replies, before steph asks what she is doing. Lyn is taking caramel peanut butter slice out of the tin and steph tells her that only michelle likes it and Lyn says it is habit before starting to get worried about michelle in the states and Steph reassures her that she'll be fine. Lyn them comments on steph's smart appearance and she tells her that she is going to a winery with Max and adds not that she knows a lot about wine. Lyn comes up with a bright suggestion - taking the slices over to the Hoylands for the kids to enjoy. Steph thinks this is a sign that Lyn is worried about her relationship with Max.
STEPH: Will you just relax, I'll be fine okay. I've thought about this through and through before I went on with it.
LYN: I know, I just want you to be happy.
STEPH: I am. Max and I both are.
She then tells Lyn that he won't be if she's late though, so she says goodbye to Lyn and leaves.
No. 32
Max is just about to leave the house when Steph arrives and she thinks he is doing a runner but after kissing her he tells her that he's "just packed a few essentials - hearts, flowers, usual romance tool kit." They head through to the livingroom and Max comments that Steph is travelling light, and asks if she is "not a pyjamas and slippers sort of girl". Pointing her clothes she tells him that even if she were, she wouldn't want to wear the to the winery. It then dawns on Max that he didn't tell her about it being an overnight trip and that he's booked a room at a B&B and offers to cancel it. Although being surprised, Steph isn't against the idea even if she failed to pack her toothbrush or her PJ's. Seductively Max says that he maybe forgot to pack his PJ's too and they begin to pash just as Summer comes out with the family camcorder wanting them to record their trip away. Max tells her perhaps not the whole weekend when Boyd comes in and Steph asks if he is planning on having another party when his dad is away but Max quickly says he'd better not before announcing that there will be a babysitter anyway. Suddenly Boyd says he feels unwell and Max asks if it is another headache and goes over to see him, as Steph raises her eyebrows suspiciously.
No. 24
Gino is on the phone to Valda and puts her on hold to shows Harold what he has done to Stella and Blanche. Harold doesn't notice any change, so Gino says he gave them a new look. Harold fails to notice any change but Gino tells Valda that he is speechless before telling her that he thinks Harold is miffed at being left out and he loves the little darlings as much as they do but the expression Harold gives tells a different story.
No. 32
Steph brings Boyd a glass of water and asks how he feels. Boyd says he'll be fine if they leave and Max does to get him the tablets that worked the last time quickly taking Summer with him when she announces that they wouldn't want poor Boyd's head to explode.
Steph comments to Boyd that his headaches are becoming a bit of a problem and adds that she usually finds they're caused by stress and tells him that if he stops worrying then the might go away. All Boyd can say is "maybe".
STEPH: Boyd, I'm not out to destroy your family. In fact it's just the opposite. I mean I really care about your dad, which means wanting to be a part of his life, which means wanting to be a part of his family...but if you are uncomfortable with that we'll slow things down a bit.
Boyd asks why, so she tells him that she cares about all of them. Steph then comes up with a suggestion - that she and Max don't stay away overnight and that they can have a family night in if he wants her there, then she'll come over otherwise she'll stay at No. 26.
Max comes back in with the medication and Boyd says he is feeling a bit better now but Max still wants him to take the medication and Boyd replies he'll see how it is in a bit. Max tells him to call if it gets worse and they'll come home tonight when Steph, much to Max's disappointment, announces if they don't stay over as she has some things to do and mentions them having a quiet family night in instead.
No. 30
Connor arrives back from the airport still a bit teary and Toadie is depressed too as Dione is seeing someone else. Toadie comes up with a manly approach to cheer themselves up - beer, pizza and TV - which Connor accepts, but only if they can watch it in their underwear so they can wallow properly!
TOADIE: But only clean jocks and nothing over a year old.
Max and Steph are sampling some wine. Steph likes it and Max comments that it "is woody with overshades of plum...good legs". Steph just about chokes on her wine and asks if he is sure he didn't swallow his. Max explains that he is just trying to get into the lingo and adds that he needs to keep spitting it out (damn, what a waste of wine) if they are to drive home. After taking a bottle of that one they move onto the next wine and as Max spits his out, Steph gives her verdict of this wine: strong, robust, not too fruity, nice legs and says it reminds her of something - him. Max says they definitely need to buy a bottle then and Steph adds they may open it tonight. Max replies that it is an excellent idea and as he leans in to kiss her, she runs off and asks him to "chase me". Max does and after a quick twirl round a very convenient lamppost they catch each other and kiss.
Ramsay Street
Harold is pruning his roses when Toadie comes back with beer. Harold asks him if he's had to put up with an insufferable housemate, he has, and Harold asks if they were as bad as Gino and Toadie comments that he did live with Lance Wilkinson. Harold says that Gino is making it unbearable for him to live there. Toadie comments that he thought they were getting on fine like two peas in a pod and Harold replies that this pod is too small before adding that Gino is too neat, too fond of old movies. Toadie tells him that Gino sounds just like him but Harold is still fretting, so Toadie suggests that he gives Gino some of his own medicine so that he leaves the house because of him. Harold is a bit confused by this, so Toadie tells him to drive Gino out by making it so he wants to leave, and Harold understands this simplified version but tells him that he tried that but his plan failed. Toadie tells him to think laterally and asks him who the most annoying person is he knows - Lou - so Toadie tells him to get in touch with "his inner Lou" and a plan forms in Harold's mind.
Max is having trouble trying to get a key for his ever changing 4x4 that he lost whilst Steph was tickling him. They won't be able to get a new one delivered until the morning so Steph suggests they get a cab back. Max dismisses that due to cost, so Steph wonders if there is a train station nearby or if they can get a lift from someone. Max asks her if this is her subtle way of not spending the night with him and she replies no, then tells him about her promise to Boyd but Max is sure Boyd will understand especially as they can't do anything about it.
MAX: So what do you say we wonder up to that B&B and see if they've still got our room available?
Steph wonders what they will do about the babysitter so Max asks if Lyn could do it, and Steph thinks so.
MAX: So what do you reckon? Back to plan A - a quiet night in the country just the two of us?
Eventually Steph gives in but wants to personally call the kids to let them know she hasn't kidnapped him and likewise, Max wants to speak Lyn too before they kiss passionately.
Winery/No. 26
Steph is on the phone asking Lyn if she can babysit and Lyn accepts as she has nothing else to do. Steph then tells her not to let Summer twist her round her little finger and that Boyd has a headache and needs some TLC. Lyn reminds her that she has raised 4 kids and she'll be fine and says that she'll see her in the morning. Steph comes off the phone and Max asks if Lyn was really all right about it and Steph comments that Lyn needs to be needed, and now he has to phone the kids. Max asks if she is still worried, she is a bit, so he confidently tells her that Summer will be fine and Boyd will get over whatever is worrying him.
MAX: The only thing we have to worry about is do we go take a long romantic walk or check out our room?
No. 24
Harold is carrying out his "inner Lou" plan by leaving papers all over the kitchen, turning on the stereo, then the TV as he sits down to whiten his trainers just as Gino arrives home with the poodles. Gino comments that it looks like Harold has been having a fine time since he went out and asks if he can leave the whitener out so he can do his after dinner. Harold looks peeved that the plan has failed so suggests a new one - having dinner on their laps in front of the telly. Gino says that will be fine and Harold puts on a face, so Gino explains that he's been a bit tough on him since he moved in and he's going to loosen up a bit.
No. 32
Summer is setting the table as Boyd comes in and says that dinner is nearly ready just as Lyn comes in with lasagne for them. Boyd is annoyed that Lyn used his mum's favourite dish for the lasagne, even though Summer told her to use it. Lyn apologises to him and says that she shouldn't have used it and refuses the food announcing he's off to do his homework. Summer comments that he'll be back as his stomach wins in the end and Lyn hopes she is right.
No. 24
Gino shouts on Harold that dinner is nearly ready and Harold comes out of his bedroom dressed in only his undies and a loose dressing gown. Gino asks if he'd like to watch a DVD or a dinosaur programme but Harold says no, he wants to watch 'Cannonball Run'. Gino is quite impressed at this "new Harold" and tells him that he's accepted having him here (Harold just about chokes on his food) and he finds it endearing and goes off to get changed into his undies too!
No. 30
Sitting comfortably in their undies eating pizza, having beer and watching the TV are Connor and Toadie. Toadie says that Connor will fit in quite nicely to the house, and they have a toast to the 'House of Trouser'. They begin to channel surf but the batteries fail so they head off to No. 24 in search of new ones once they've got dressed.
No. 24
Gino appears in his undies and loose dressing gown as Toadie and Connor arrive looking for batteries. They are a bit surprised to see what they are both wearing and ask if they haven't arrived at a bad time and Harold says no. Noticing what they are watching, Toadie comments that he didn't know Harold was a fan of bad action movies and Gino pipes up that Harold insisted they watch it. Gino invites them to stay for dinner and they both quickly say no before asking for the batteries. Harold gives them some and they quickly leave. When they get outside Toadie says that they just the future and it was very scary and they immediately agree on an underwear ban.
Steph comes out of the spa into a candle and fire-lit room, and sits on the floor cuddling Max as they have a glass of wine and a passionate kiss. She announces that she "could have a spa every day for the rest of her life" so Max says she'll need to find a richer man then, so she quickly says, "spa's, who needs them?" before kissing Max again. Max offers her the last chocolate but she tells him to have it but via another passionate kiss she gets to taste the chocolate too. After the chocolatey-kiss Max thanks her and she asks for what.
MAX: For this, for everything, for making me happy like I never thought I could be again.
And they kiss passionately again.
<<4238 - 4240>>
Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4239
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Gino Esposito, Stella/Blanche in Neighbours Episode 4239
Gino Esposito, Stella/Blanche

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland, Summer Hoyland

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4239
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4239
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Joe Scully, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4239
Joe Scully, Harold Bishop

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4239
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Boyd Hoyland

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Toadie Rebecchi, Harold Bishop, Gino Esposito

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4239
Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

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