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Neighbours Episode 4199 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4198 - 4200>>
Episode title: 4199
Australian airdate: 19/03/03
UK airdate: 24/04/03
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Jack Scully: Jay Bunyan
Lori Lee: Michelle Ang
Taj Coppin: Jaime Robbie Reyne
- "Cruel" by Human Nature
- "Fall Down" by Jebediah
Summary/Images by: blairrocks/Karen (Katie)
- Outside, Stuart picking up the paper
- Libby and Karl are in their driveway with the boot of Libby's car open and they exchange hellos
- Inside at the Kennedys' Karl asks if she and Stuart are still talking commenting on how it seemed strained out in the street.
- Nina handing Jack a copy of The Poky Little Puppy.
At the school Nina and Jack are sitting laughing about the book and Jack says that he didn't think that they still printed The Poky Little Puppy and Nina says that good stories never go out of fashion. Jack comments on how the book had great influence on his life as Lori and Taj come up behind them. Taj comments on how Miss Barkham is going to "go sick". Libby comes up behind them and says that they wouldn't be talking about any one that she knows would they. She then tells them about her science teacher Mr Brush or Mr Dunnybrush as they used to call him and then her Year 10 geography teacher Mrs Bazookas (for obvious reasons) about some of her old teachers and the names that she and her friends used to give them. She then gave them a word of warning to check their "rear-view" mirrors when they are at school.
At Lou's Place Stuart is sitting down doing the garage books when Lou comes up and says that he hopes Stuart isn't "cooking those books". Lou comments on how he thought that Libby was doing the garage books now but Stuart sort of just waived the comment and said it is just that he hasn't seen much of her lately. Stuart also told Lou how Libby thought that he (Stuart) was becoming too much of a permanent fixture and that it might confuse him (Ben). Lou then gave Stuart a tip that if he made a mistake in the books to make sure that it was in their favour. Lou heads back behind the bar as Harold comes in and says that he had heard about Lou's exploits the day before with Rosie's senior citizens shopping excursion. It looks like Harold assumed that the DVD player deal was dodgy and when Lou was able to explain everything, he asked Harold if he would like a lemon squash with his "humble pie". Karl then enters the pub and comes up to the bar asking if Lou has any of the DVD players left.
Back at the school Nina and Jack are looking at the print of the "wedgie alert" photo that Taj took of the principal, which had been pinned on the school notice board for all to "admire". Jack comments on how it is a great shot and then Taj says that he was thinking of turning it into a T-Shirt and Lori chips in with a suggestion that it be one of those "scratch'n'sniff" ones. Jack sees Libby coming through a doorway; Libby sees a group of students huddled around the noticeboard as the bell is ringing in the background and says that the joke is over and sends everyone off to class. She also directs a comment towards Taj and Jack that they should have a class to go to. Libby assumes that Lori knows who was behind it (pardon the pun) and Lori says that they got the best side. Libby then asks Lori to take it down before Miss Barkham sees it.
Back at Lou's Place Karl is handing over a cheque for the DVD player which he has in front of him on the bar all boxed up and ready to go. Lou hands over a receipt and shakes Karl's hand saying that it was a pleasure doing business. Rosie comes in with a present as a small token of her thanks which was a book titled "Cool Hawaiian Breezes - A guide to relaxation and letting go." She then asks seeing as he was such a hit whether they could engage his services on a more regular basis. Lou seems reluctant to commit and seems to be searching for an plausible excuse and looking in the direction of Stuart who is still hard a it with the Garage books, says that he is up to his armpits in accounts.
Back at the school, Libby sees that the offending photo has yet to be removed and says to some students that are standing there looking at it that she doesn't think that Miss Barkham would share their amusement. Stuart then comes up to her as she is pulling the picture off the noticeboard saying that he was there to drop off another teacher's car, which happens to be Miss Barkham's, commenting that Mr Franklin must have spread the word. He asks how she is to which Libby replies with a simple one-word answer, good. Stuart asks after Ben, Libby responds with fine. Libby says that she has to get to a meeting and escapes what seemed to be an uncomfortable situation for her.
At the Kennedy house Karl has set up the DVD player, as there is a knock at the door. Karl gets up and answers the door to see that it is Harold who says that he is after a cup of brown sugar for some cooking that he was doing. Harold though ends up sitting down to watch Singing In The Rain, which was the complimentary DVD that Karl had received. Karl made the comment that they could have given him a more recent DVD like Spiderman or something. Karl thinks that he hears the rat and hands the DVD remote to Harold and gets up and gets a meat tenderiser mallet. Libby comes home with Ben and asks if they are having meat given that Karl has the tenderiser in his hand to which Karl replies yes, rat meat. Libby then says that she and Ben might eat out. Libby says to Karl how she has tried to be a friend to the students as well as a teacher but they took advantage and now she is going to have to come down on them like a ton of bricks. They then both look on with slightly bemused looks on their faces as Harold is sitting there laughing at whatever part of the DVD he was watching.
At the Scully house Lori is reading an article talking about a guy who wanted to wear his hair below collar length took the fight all the way to court on the grounds of sex discrimination. Taj is sitting on the floor doing something at the coffee table and Jack is sitting on the couch reading his copy of The Poky Little Puppy. It appears that Taj is trying to come up with captions for the wedge retrieval photo. He came up with one, Park your Bike here, Lori then comes up with "Watch me pull a rabbit out of.." she didn't get the whole thing out as Taj interjected calling it gross. Lori came up with another, "Breaking in a new Thong". Taj then asks Jack if he has any ideas for the poster. Lori asks him why he is reading a kids book to which he replies because "I just am". Taj then appears to poke fun at Jack by saying that he knows that English isn't Jack's strongest subject. Jack stops them by saying that he found it in the garage and that it was his favourite as a kid. Lori said that it looked brand new and Jack responded by saying that his Mum keeps things nice. As Jack gets up to go and get ready for rehearsal, Taj comes up with another pearler "Revenge of the Undies"
Back at the Kennedys, Karl and Libby are sitting at the dining table while Harold and Ben are perched on the couch. Karl comments on how he thinks that Libby is doing the right thing saying that it is more important to be good than cool and that she has a responsibility as a teacher and not just a friend and that she has to remember the short term benefit as well as the ultimate benefit. He then says that the brochures arrived for the limo service. Karl says he supposes he should invite Harold to stay for dinner to which Libby asks if he has enough rat to go around. Karl jokingly says that Harold can have the head and then says seriously that he will just have to do a few extra potatoes. Libby then says to leave it to her and heads over towards the couch where she picks Ben up and apologises for interrupting saying that she needs to get Ben into a bath. Harold gets up and says that he should be getting going as well given that he has a rehearsal to attend to. Karl and Libby high five behind Harold's back as he stands to leave. Harold seems to leave forgetting that he asked for some brown sugar. It seems the search for some sugar was a ruse just for the chance to check out the DVD player.
At the school for play rehearsal Nina and Jack are posing for some photos whilst rehearsing which Stuart is taking. Stu asks if there is a kissing scene or something, Harold directs them to a particular part of a scene and tells them to get nice and close. Stu is there with the camera and tells them to pretend like he isn't there. Rosie is there to do an interview for the program notes Stuart comes up and takes a photo of Harold. Rosie comments on whatever Harold is doing with Jack and Nina seems to be working as we see them mucking around and laughing.
Near Lassiters Lake the next day, Karl is trying to kick the football back to himself but only succeeds in hitting himself in the face. Taj comes jogging by and calls out to Karl to kick it to him, telling Karl to give him his worst. Karl holds the ball all wrong for a drop kick and proceeds to kick the ball straight into the lake. Taj said that he was only kidding when he said to give him his worst. Taj tells him that he was holding the ball all wrong. Karl admits that he was never that great at kicking to which Taj replies that it is all about technique. Taj agrees to help Karl out and coach him a little on different techniques. Karl is trying to retrieve the ball from the lake and almost falls in.
At Lou's Place Lou and Rosie are putting up posters and poking fun at how seriously Harold is taking the whole play. Lou reminisces about his school play, A Midsummer Nights Dream where he played Bottom. He remembers a review that said that Carpenter's Bottom wasn't wooden. He also said that didn't translate into any success with the ladies. Harold comes in and Lou comments on how it won't be long now and Harold's name will be up in lights, particularly if he changes his name to Exit!!! Harold actually said that he was wondering about one of those DVD "thingos" and if Lou had one that he could possibly examine. Lou said that he sold out yesterday but for Harold he would nip down to the warehouse later that afternoon and bring him one back to "examine".
Back near Lassiters Lake Taj is trying to demonstrate the proper kicking technique to Karl. Karl keeps missing easy chest marks and fumbling the ball and almost falls into the lake. He is either kicking it into the bushes or kicking it way over the top of them and into the trees. Taj seems almost to be laughing at how badly Karl is kicking the ball. Karl can't even handball the footy without holding his fist the wrong way and hitting the wrong part of the ball. Taj indicates that he is going to kick a highball to Karl. Karl shields his eyes so that he can follow the ball in the sun. Taj then starts jogging towards him with a cheekyish grin on his face. In slow motion Karl finally takes an easy chest mark and at that very same moment Taj proceeds to tackle Karl to the ground. Next we see Taj coaching Karl on goal kicking using the gazebo opening as a target. Karl misses several in a row either missing the gazebo completely or hitting one of the supports until he finally manages to get one through the opening. Taj does the goal umpire thing indicating the scoring of a goal to which Karl responds by pulling his short over his head in celebration ala a post goal soccer celebration.
At the school Nina, Taj and Lori are coming down the stairs towards the lockers. Taj comments on how Lori is wearing a dress on that particular day. Lori says that she is putting her case forward to Barky about wearing pants and that unless she is wearing a dress, she probably won't even get a chance. Lori pokes fun at Nina about her reading kids books as well, Nina said she only bought it for fun. Jack changes the subject about the Poky Little Puppy and comments on how great the posters look. Libby then comes out from a room with a poster in hand asking if Lori was responsible for them. Libby also said that she asked Lori to take one down the day before but Lori deliberately disobeyed her by not doing it and proceeding to put more up. Libby commented on how she is a teacher at the school and not a student and deserves a little respect. Lori said that Miss Barkham deserved it as she tried to talk to her about changing the dress code, was very polite and Miss Barkham didn't even listen to her. Libby tells Lori that after taking them all down, Lori can report to the principal's office. Lori protests and says that it was only a bit of fun. Taj owns up as well and Libby tells him that he may accompany Lori to the principal's office.
At the school Taj is telling Jack how they copped detention until hell freezes over. Libby heads towards them and walks by without saying anything. Lori mutters traitor under hear breath (directed towards Libby). Taj and Nina head off. Lori asks Jack what gives seeing as the night before he had told her that he had found the book in the garage and that Nina says that she bought it for him. Jack covers his butt by saying that he just didn't want Lori to get jealous. Lori tells him that she is not that insecure.
At Lou's Place Karl comes in looking a little uncomfortable and says that it is just a little bit of muscle stiffness. Lou says that is why footy is a young blokes game because they bounce better. Harold comes in to see if Lou has been able to get to the warehouse and Lou says that he hasn't managed to. But then he tells Harold that he just managed to get down there before lunch and retrieves the DVD box from behind the abr. Harold hands over a cheque but says he can't take it with him then but he opens the box to see which DVD he received only to discover a copy of "Showgirls" Karl and Lou are trying not to laugh given that they know that the movie isn't the sort of thing that Harold would normally watch. Lou says that there is another condition of sale that Harold needs to do him a favour.
At the garage, Libby drops off the brochures for the limo service and turns to leave almost immediately without making any conversation. Stuart asks after Ben to which she says that Ben is gorgeous as usual and is almost saying Kirk but it comes out sounding more like Kack. Stuart says that he is missing them and that he doesn't know what he has done wrong and wants to know why she is avoiding him.
<<4198 - 4200>>
Jack Scully, Nina Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4199
Jack Scully, Nina Tucker

Taj Coppin, Jack Scully, Libby Kennedy, Lori Lee, Nina Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4199
Taj Coppin, Jack Scully, Libby Kennedy, Lori Lee, Nina Tucker

Lori Lee, Nina Tucker, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Lori Lee, Nina Tucker, Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Libby Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 4199

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Karl Kennedy

Taj Coppin, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Taj Coppin, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Karl Kennedy

Taj Coppin, Jack Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Taj Coppin, Jack Scully, Libby Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4199
Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4199
Libby Kennedy

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