Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Jack Scully: Jay Bunyan
Taj Coppin: Jaime Robbie Reyne
Ruby Dwyer: Maureen Edwards
Music: Recap
Ruby tells her fears about GA.
Jack says he wants to be with Lori.
Ruby's seen not going to the meeting.
Harold talks to Lou about Ruby and wishes he'd handled things differently. Lou assures him he mustn't blame himself. Rosie comes in and asks Lou to get Max to call her. Harold just says he's Ok when she asks how things are, but she can see he isn't.
Libby comments that Jack and Taj are sitting apart although they're working on a joint project. She doesn't seem convinced by their comments that it's going well and asks them to get up and report on progress so far.
Karl asks for carrot juice in the Coffee Shop. Lyn's eating an enormous meal and tells him at length how much she's missing a glass of wine with dinner. As she talks, about the way wine sets off a meal and she enjoys the social atmosphere, he drinks just a little of the juice and goes off for his jog.
Jack and Taj have struggled through their talk and are adding to one another's ideas. Libby's impressed, quietly congratulating them for improvisation. At her request, Taj moves back to sit with Jack. When Jack calls Taj a teacher's pet he asks if he blames him - 'Not really'.
Rosie is writing a letter saying '..........You're the only one who's acted honourably in this abominable situation, which is why I love you so much.................' She scraps the letter.
Ruby's listening to a horse race and egging a horse on. She does a little dance as the race ends, just at the moment Karl comes past. After she's told him it's a song she loves, he jogs on and she kisses a ticket, then lifts her arms excitedly to the sky. 'Yes....!'
Jack and Taj are talking about the ambitious project they've outlined, each feeling the other created it. They go off for a kick together.
Susan comes and tells Libby she's been lectured by the Principal about modern teaching methods, generally that she shouldn't treat the students as friends. Libby mentions she brings out a violent streak in Susan and tries to calm her mother down.
Karl gives Connor a talk about exercise and the effects of aerobic exercise on endorphins and the like. Endorphins 'calm', but he seems anything but calm. Connor checks that his food is 'a 'skinny burger and skinny chips,' which stops Karl mid-bite. Ruby comes in and Karl asks her in front of Harold about the 'song she was listening to' in the park. She gives Harold money and when he asks her about the GA meeting, starts to try and bluff, but he cuts her off and says he knows she didn't go.
Ruby tells Harold he clearly didn't stay long enough to see her go back in after giving herself a good talking to. She gives in when he insists she must tell him the truth, but then protests this was her last bet. She offers him a meal out on the town at her expense, but he says 'not everything's about money'. She changes it to a meal in, cooked by her. Her excitement's not diminished in any way, but he's still quiet.
Susan talks to Libby about the fact that she is now expected to tell the students she caved in and they must forget all the stuff she told them about taking responsibility for themselves. She feels like a hypocrite.
Jack and Taj discuss Jack's football career - he felt he didn't have the upper level of skill needed to be in the top bracket. Taj tells him he gave it a chance and now has to figure out what he wants to do next.
Lou teases Lyn about her appetite. Her clothes are bursting and Libby and Susan take her for some retail therapy.
Harold asks Lou for a minute to talk.
Taj tells Jack he can't wait for Allie to go. He feels Jack is lucky, because his parents are cool about him and Lori sharing a room and she's great. Jack says they're now back on track and better than ever. Taj apologises for pushing him at the soccer and compliments him on the way he handled Boyd. They agree they both learned from it.
Lou tells Harold that Ruby will go on making two steps forward one step back. It's hard to care for someone who's hurting themselves and Ruby's likely to hurt everyone around her too. He doesn't believe that now she's won, she'll stop. 'It's not the way it works'.
Rosie calls to see Ruby and see how she's getting on. She tells her she has a good heart and the support of a really good man. She wishes them every happiness. As soon as she's left, Ruby checks on the food she's been cooking, then sees all the money stuffed in her wallet. She clutches it to her, looking tense.
Lyn talks to Jack, wondering how he got on with 'that other problem' and he says, toher delight, that everything's better than ever between him and Lori.
Lyn tells Connor he shouldn't be doing all the bookwork. He's happy to have the opportunity. Lyn says one day she'd love to say in person to his mother how great he is - here, if he and Michelle...........'Did you just give me your blessing?' They both agree 'to hold off for a bit'.
Karl lays the table and realises he doesn't need a wine-glass. He teases Libby and Susan about their 'economy drive, as they arrive home laden with packages. He suggests Susan stage a 'coup' against the Principal.
Karl and Susan overhear Libby talking to Stuart on the phone and are alarmed to hear her sa'All we have to prove is that we're boyfriend and girlfriend'. She asks what's up, but they want to ask her the same thing.
Harold and Lou arrive for the meal Ruby was cooking only to find a note saying she's gone to see the kids and will explain later. Lou comments that it seems innocent, but Harold finds it strange to leave half-way through cooking a meal. He comments that he doesn't know what to do any more.