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Neighbours Episode 4142 from 2002 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4141 - 4143>>
Episode title: 4142
Australian airdate: 26/11/02
UK airdate: 31/01/03
Writer: Anthony Morris
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Jack Scully: Jay Bunyan
Lori Lee: Michelle Ang
Mr. Martin Cook: Tony Bonner
Chloe Lambert: Stephanie Daniel
Bob Jones: Jonathon Roland
Summary/Images by: Kulin/Karen (Katie)
Lyn suggests she and Lori chat while Joe and Jack go to the pub.
Bill Mott tells Dee Cookie made allegations about her harassing him.
Joe asks Jack how he feels about living in New Zealand and asks about his job. Jack seems quite positive, but when Joe asks if he feels a bit obligated, he says yes. Lori appears and she and Jack go off together to spoil themselves as they always do when they go to a new place together. Lyn's a bit tense about the idea, obviously.
Lori and Jack have just finished eating at the coffee shop. She mentions that she likes seeing him with the family, which he describes as 'under interrogation'. Lyn introduces Lori to Toadie as 'Jack's friend from overseas', so Jack points out they've been together for two years. Lori goes off with Lyn, Jack tells Toadie that his mother keeps forgetting how to pronounce Lori's name. Toadie says 'Mums just don't *forget* those things'.
Connor and Michelle comment on the things everywhere; as Michelle complains, 'we can't even find the television'. She suggests toJoe that she should stay where she is when Flick leaves, then Connor and Jack can share the sewing room, while Steph and Lori share. Joe doesn't want to hear, as he's busy, until she drops in quickly that maybe instead Jack and Lori could share and she and Connor could share. He hears that, although she's slow to get back to restate exactly her plans for herself. Connor disappears pretty quickly and Joe says he doesn't believe she's serious.
Michelle: We have to do something-I mean it's mucking around the whole house.
Joe: Yeah, well that's not the kind of mucking around I'm worried about.
He tells her no, Connor is more likely to share with Harvey than with her. She gives him a little lecture on being 'part of the problem if he's not part of the solution'.
Chloe tells Darcy she had a difficult discussion with Jordan and made it clear she behaved badly and is not to tell lies any more. She's concerned that she's so unhappy, but Darcy seems very cool about the fact that Jordan will be living there, as she's so hostile to their relationship. When he says he'll still be there for support, Chloe makes a dry remark about him always being there with a shoulder. He answers that he's already explained that Dee was upset at Cookie and he was supporting her as a friend. She doesn't seem convinced. He suggests dinner, but she wants to be alone with Jordan. He suggests they all go together for dinner one night but she doesn't think that's a good idea. By the end of the conversation, they're both being very cool with one another.
Jack and Lori are still in the coffee shop, as Lyn points out. In a roundabout way, Jack suggests Lori might comment on Lyn's cooking, as she likes that-Lori agrees she'll 'suck up' as she calls it.
Toadie tells Dee she should just have made a face and walked off, as she could have blown the whole case by talking to Cookie as she did. She answers that she's resigning anyway.
Lori and Jack have fun on their bikes.
Dee tells Toadie she can't win, as people won't accept that 'Mr Cook, everyone's hero is a sleazebag'. He replies that she'd probably think if he said she should stand up for her convictions, it wouldn't be original-then points out it's what she said to him about standing up to Tim Collins. They argue about whether it's the same, until he says that maybe the girl he next tries it on may not be able to stand up for herself as well as she can.
Jack and Lori lie under the stars and discuss the fact that he doesn't know what to do, except that he doesn't want to go back to New Zealand and he doesn't want to be a furniture salesman. She asks shakily 'What about me? Am I still what you want?'
Chloe and Darcy walk back to his vehicle, still a bit cool, and find that its window has been smashed. She realises he thinks it could have been Jordan and stalks off.
Lori's relieved they're not breaking up. Jack tells her that when he left he had something firm in mind, being a footballer, this is his starting point and he wants to work out where he's headed. They talk about it some moree and he says he appreciates everything she's done, she's the best friend he ever had. She punches his arm and smiles-'more than just a friend.', but he looks very doubtful.
Dee's quick thinking and action saves a patient and Cookie tells her 'good work'.
Michelle is still carrying on about sharing a room with Connor, which both Joe and Lyn won't agree to. She talks about issues of trust but they won't take them on board. Joe puts Connor on the spot and he replies that he'll go along with what they decide. Michelle rushes off complaining that they still think that she's ten years old. Connor goes to 'walk the dog'.
Cookie tells Dee she was fast and precise and did very well. He asks if they can wipe the slate clean and forget what happened. She asks if that means withdrawing the complaint, but they keep getting interrupted as she tries to see if he understands why she did it. he still won't see he did something wrong by using his position to personal advantage.
Dee: The way you treated me was wrong. The way you'll treat other women in the future is also wrong. My complaint sticks.
Darcy and Chloe are at the hotel, where he says he's tried explaining to her but he thinks she's not listening. Toadie says it's the third time this week a car has been broken into in the car-park. Chloe asks sarcastically if Jordan's just breaking windows at random, hoping one will be Darcy's, so he answers that she should understand how he's feeling worried, because Jordan would do anything to come between them. She has just answered very coldly and firmly that Jordan's not coming between them, when Cookie comes and interrupts. Chloe insists Toadie get the coffees, to his annoyance. Darcy asks Cookie what happened with Dee. He keeps saying that the things Cookie tells him don't sound like Dee-she's normally very professional and she doesn't have a temperament problem as Cookie says. Eventually Cookie says he can't discuss it any more as it's now a disciplinary issue.
Jack and Lori get home laden with shopping. Jack makes an announcement-that he's going to stay in Erinsborough. Lyn hugs him and speaks really nicely to Lori, saying Jack will get across for a visit, not to worry. She tells them dinner's ready, but Lori asks if they can hold the meal so she can cook her own special recipe of New Zealand scallops, which she bought at the market. Lyn's not very pleased, but eventually agrees to have her roast the following night.
Toadie's angry because Cookie made problems with his coffee order. Dee tells him she's not resigning and she's decided to go ahead with the complaint but she's not going to let it get to her any more, even if it means losing her job. He says he's very proud of her, but she answers that he gives her strength.
The Scullys have really enjoyed the scallops. Lyn's very tense and unsmiling. Lori tells them it doesn't matter where she and Jack live, as long as they're together, so she's going to take them up on their offer and stay in Erinsborough with them. The camera freezes on Lyn's very unhappy/angry face.
Preview: Flick and Stuart 'their time together is running out but Stuart isn't going to waste any.He proposes.
<<4141 - 4143>>
Lori Lee, Lyn Scully, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4142
Lori Lee, Lyn Scully, Jack Scully

Lori Lee, Lyn Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4142
Lori Lee, Lyn Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Jack Scully

Michelle Scully, Connor O
Michelle Scully, Connor O'Neill, Joe Scully

Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 4142
Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss

Lori Lee, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4142
Lori Lee, Jack Scully

Lori Lee, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4142
Lori Lee, Jack Scully

Chloe Lambert, Darcy Tyler in Neighbours Episode 4142
Chloe Lambert, Darcy Tyler

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Lyn Scully, Michelle Scully

Martin Cook, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 4142
Martin Cook, Dee Bliss

Chloe Lambert, Darcy Tyler in Neighbours Episode 4142
Chloe Lambert, Darcy Tyler

Chloe Lambert, Toadie Rebecchi, Martin Cook in Neighbours Episode 4142
Chloe Lambert, Toadie Rebecchi, Martin Cook

Lori Lee, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4142
Lori Lee, Jack Scully

Jack Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4142
Jack Scully, Lyn Scully

Lyn Scully, Joe Scully, Connor O
Lyn Scully, Joe Scully, Connor O'Neill, Lori Lee

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