Flick tells Joel that they could get back together - it would only take one kiss.
Car Competition
Joel takes his hand off the car to kiss Flick thus losing the competition. Cruelly, Flick was only joking about them getting back together so she'd trick Joel into losing. Flick is crowing loudly about having won the car but it turns out she hasn't - Leo Hancock is sleeping around the other side of the car with his hand taped to the wheel!
Maggie and Evan come up - they have been frantically searching for Leo.
Joel isn't pleased with Flick's ruse and tells her off. Flick teases him about Joel wanting to kiss her.
Toadie is interviewing Leo about his win. He says he'll give the car to his parents since their van is always breaking down. Evan and Maggie are astounded and very pleased.
Michelle is serving up a breakfast cooked in vegetable fat. She tells Joe all about her becoming vegan(!)
In the living room, Steph tells Flick that she's still sad about Woody, but she'd rather talk about something else. Flick tells her about the car competition and the trick she played on Joel. Flick admits that she feels kind of bad about it. Then she tells Steph that Tad has been putting the moves on her and she actually quite fancies him! So maybe he might become more than a mate to her.
Toadie is nervous about his golf game this afternoon. Joel tells him to concentrate, but Toadie says that Tim Collins could make or break him. Joel asks if his legal brains count for anything! Toadie says they're just a foot in the door, he needs to show he's got the X factor. Joel comments that he hopes the X factor doesn't include Toadie's dress sense(!)
Toadie has borrow Mal's clubs for the occasion. Joel advises Toadie to make them laugh if all else fails!
Toadie teases Joel about Flick. Joel admits he still has the hots for Flick. Toadie tells him to move on and stop pitching his tent in the past - Flick may no longer feel the same way.
Libby and Drew' flat
Libby is sad on Steph's behalf about Woody's death.
Tim Collins comes to the door - he's representing the Chronicle on Libby's case. He's brought the response from them - The Chronicle doesn't want to continue the legal action against her and will meet all her terms. Libby starts laughing in joy that her action worked and hugs Drew tightly!
Toadie is still worried about the golf, but says he's more worried about impressing Tim Collins. Joel gives Toadie some golf tips. Toadie begs him to help him, so Joel agrees to come along as Toadie's caddy, providing he buys the drinks afterwards!
Libby and Drew's flat
Libby can't believe that the Chronicle have admitted their fault. They will apologise in writing, and also award Libby $20,000. Tim mocks Libby and implies she has been greedy, but Libby insists she acted on a matter of principle. Drew shows Tim out. Then he and Libby start jumping around again!
Steph is looking at a photo of herself and Woody and looking sad. Lyn sympathises with her. The whole family leaves for the funeral.
Ramsay Street
Leo shows Michelle his new car. Maggie and Evan are very cheerful about the car and are shocked to hear that the Scullys are just off to a funeral. They apologise.
Golf Course
Toadie is talking to Tim Collins. He tells them about Libby's case, not realising that Toadie and Joel know Libby! They start to play golf and Tim tells Toadie that he's not in a losing mood!
The Coffee Shop
Maggie and Evan want to sell the car because they need the money, but don't know how to tell Leo. They can't understand why Leo has been secretive lately, and also tired and having mood swings. Evan makes the sudden leap that Leo might be involved with drugs! (Er...what??)
The Golf Course
Joel and Toadie privately think the Tim is a jerk. Toadie and Tim chat about the people in the office and Tim makes recommendations who Toadie shouldn't cross. Tim says he's a talent scout, and if he chooses someone who fails, it makes him look bad. He hopes Toadie isn't going to fail him! Toadie looks very nervous.
Steph is saying a few words at Woody's wake.
STEPH: Every moment he had was a moment well-lived.
Joe hugs her.
The Golf Course
Joel has been helping Toadie's score by putting fewer strokes on the scorecard for him!
Tim tells Toadie that the main rule is: "Thou shall not get caught."
He tells Toadie that he's got a lot of talent and he now just needs to whip him into shape. Right now he thinks Toadie is just a clever bogan!
Toadie is furious that Tim has called him a bogan. He thinks maybe Libby is right - that lawyers are evil.
Libby and Drew come to see Toadie. She apologises to him for shouting at him and they hug in reconciliation. Libby still thinks Toadie's future employers are a bunch of bullies and he could do better, but in the end, it's up to Toadie. They mention that they've just come from Woody's memorial service, much to Toadie and Joel's surprise.
Toadie and Joel have come to condole with Steph about Woody's death. They offer their support. As they are leaving, Flick and Joel talk a bit. But it isn't the right time to talk properly.
Inside, flowers have arrived for Steph. She reads the card and suddenly looks stricken.
STEPH: That sick mongrel!