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Neighbours Episode 3840 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3839 - 3841>>
Episode title: 3840
Australian airdate: 24/8/01
UK airdate: 11/10/01
Writer: Martin McKenna
Director: T. Grant Fenn
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jamie
Matt saying they could have two birthday parties for Flick with Matt doing his Elvis routine and Joel looking slightly jealous.
Lou's Place
Joel decides to leave them to it to make arrangements for Flick's birthday and Dione decides to go too. Drew and Lou arrive talking about Libby's job offer at the Chronicle - Lou points out the disadvantages of Libby getting the job. Drew and Steph defend Libby's decision. Matt tells Lou about Steph re-hiring him for Moco when Steph's mobile rings. She tells the caller that she has picked up the wrong mobile but will pass the message on. When she hangs up she suddenly bolts from the pub.
No. 24
Tad tells Harold not to cook dinner for him and subtly realises that he has to take Paul with him to the careers talk, with Harold even volunteering to drive them there.
No. 30
Dione tells Dione about a message left on the answering machine - a friend can't make a weekend away she originally booked and has offered it to Dione FOC. Joel urges her to go and she invites him to go too and after describing the features of the beach house, Joel agrees to go with her, despite it looking like it should be a romantic break for two.
No. 26
Lyn and Joe are talking about what to do for Flick's 18th and reminiscing about how he was scared of Lyn's father when they first started dating. A mobile phone starts ringing and Lyn answers wanting to know if it is Woody who is calling when Steph runs in. Steph tells her that she picked up the wrong mobile phone by mistake and Lyn wants to know why Woody is calling. Steph says she doesn't know and after Lyn reminds her it isn't a game, she admits she was expecting a call from Woody. Lyn goes ballistic at her for putting herself in danger but Steph can't see what the problem is because she still loves Woody.
Drew and Libby's Place
Drew pops home to pick up a socket set and asks Maggie and Libby how the prep for the case is going but is firmly told not to ask!
No. 26
Steph is still in a mood even though she has been out walking and Lyn tells her that she just wants Steph to be happy but she feels like she is the enemy. Steph sarcastically says that Lyn would be glad if she never saw Woody again and Lyn agrees because it is dangerous. Steph admits that she can't put Woody aside until everything has calmed down. Lyn asks her what sort of relationship can she realistically have with Woody just now and Steph replies that they can be alone. Lyn sums up what has happened to him - she's been followed, he's been attacked, she can still be charged by the police - and asks if it is still all worth it. Steph quickly says yes because she loves Woody. Lyn tries to tell her that if she loved Woody, they she wouldn't put him in a dangerous position.
STEPH: The truth is, we can't just stop.
LYN: Not if you wanted to?
STEPH: Well I don't want to.
Steph then walks out of the house to go for a ride leaving Lyn very upset.
Ramsay Street
Evan and the kids are doing the gardening in their front yard when Leo "accidentally" soaks him with a hose and Evan takes off after him for some fun retribution. Maggie arrives home and gets a hug from Emily as Evan asks how the case is going. After Maggie tells him, he tells her she looks tired and to go inside and put her feet up. Matt arrives home and tells Maggie that he got his job back at Moco and is pleased for him.
Lou's Place
As they enjoy a glass of wine, Karl and Susan plan what they are going to do for Tess and Darcy's wedding. They dismiss some suggestions due the a distinct lack of numbers. Lou butts in and says he'll be there given he is sharing a house with Darcy.
Drew and Libby's Place
Drew and Libby discuss the case further when she feels something - the baby has kicked.
Lou's Place
Susan and Karl continue the wedding talk when his mobile rings - it's Drew with news of the baby kicking and they abandon their meal plans in favour of visiting them, with Lou given them a bottle of bubbly too.
No. 26
Steph comes home eventually to be met by Joe. He is annoyed she went behind their backs and Steph angrily comments that it isn't worth talking more then but Joe tells her to sit down. Begrudgingly she does so but not before she firmly tells him that she wants to be with Woody regardless of how that is achieved and if he really knew her then he wouldn't try and stop her. Calmly Joe tells her that he isn't trying to stop her seeing Woody and wants to help. Steph wonders what Lyn's take on it is when she suddenly appears from the kitchen and says that she'd like to help too. Joe tells her that he doesn't think they are the first to be in a situation like this and want to take advice from the police on how to overcome it. Steph thinks they are mad to involve the police as it means they'd move Woody to where she can't reach him and therefore she isn't participating in their idea. Joe tells her she can't carry on like she is and Steph tells him not to watch her then.
Drew and Libby's Place
Susan is still gushing over the baby kicking and reluctantly say their farewells, pleased to have been able to share this moment with Drew and Libby. When they leave Libby announces that she is going to drop the case against the Chronicle as the baby kicking has been a wake up call and she can be done without the stress, as the baby is the priority. Drew is relieved to hear this.
No. 26 (late)
Steph is creeping around when Joe wakes up and goes to see what it is. Steph tells him that she is going to go and see Stanno for a few days but Joe catches her out and she admits she is going to see Woody. She asks if he is gong to stop her and Joe says no. Steph apologises because she loves Woody and doesn't know where to turn. Joe again suggests talking to the police and reluctantly Steph agrees to stay.
No. 32
Evan and Leo are up late playing chess and Maggie tells them to call it a night - and Evan agrees once he's finished. Just then, Leo pulls off a wrong move and Evan is able to checkmate him. Leo is stunned and heads off to bed.
Drew and Libby's Place (next day)
Susan calls round to talk about the case with Maggie and Libby as she's had an idea. Libby then tells them that she is dropping the case because she felt the baby move and can be done without the stress the case will generate. Maggie offers to continue without her but Libby would rather it was stopped.
No. 32
Evan gloats to Leo about winning the chess game and he says it was just a hic-up!
Drew and Libby's Place
Drew is trying to confirm that Libby really does want to drop the case and she confirms it because it doesn't matter so much now. She sends Drew off to work and opens the mail Susan handed earlier and notices a letter from the Chronicle lawyer and is stunned when she reads what it is.
<<3839 - 3841>>
Drew Kirk, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3840
Drew Kirk, Steph Scully

Paul McClain, Tad Reeves, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3840
Paul McClain, Tad Reeves, Harold Bishop

Dee Bliss, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3840
Dee Bliss, Joel Samuels

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3840
Steph Scully

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3840
Lyn Scully

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3840
Lyn Scully

Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock, Maggie Hancock, Evan Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3840
Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock, Maggie Hancock, Evan Hancock

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3840
Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3840
Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3840
Steph Scully

Joe Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3840
Joe Scully, Lyn Scully

Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3840
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3840
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3840
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

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