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Neighbours Episode 3834 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3833 - 3835>>
Episode title: 3834
Australian airdate: 16/8/01
UK airdate: 3/10/01
Writer: Piet Collins
Director: Anna Johnson
Guests: Sheena Wilson: Zoe Stark
Summary/Images by: Tracy C
Sheena's mum giving Toadie a head massage and telling him to relax and she'll take care of every little detail.
Gino asking Lyn to name her price to come back to the salon.
Steph is on the phone receiving a complaint about Matt turning up to deliver parts dressed as Elvis. She comes off the phone to speak to him just as Matt is trying to disguise a scrape to the van. He tries to offer Steph a reason for it but she has a go at him instead about delivering parts dressed as Elvis and if he does go again, then he risks being sacked.
No. 24
Paul announces that he is off for a ride and after he has left, Harold wishes that Paul and Tad would stop their squabbles and start speaking again. Harold takes the opportunity to rib Lou about getting it wrong too about the Hancock's. Lou isn't sure how to apologise to him but wants Evan to apologise to him too.
No. 32
Lou calls round to give Evan a bottle of wine as way of an apology, which Evan accepts and can understand why Lou jumped to the conclusion he did.
No. 30
Toadie is confiding in Matt what Sheena's mum did to him and he is sure she was flirting with him. Matt asks if she is a looker and Toadie tells him that is girlfriends mum and besides, it would be cheating on Sheena. Toadie also asks Matt not to tell anyone about this, and he agrees. Matt asks him what he is planning to do about it but Toadie doesn't know. Matt suggests not saying anything at all and Toadie tells him about his honesty policy with Sheena.
Lou's Place
Toadie takes a call from Sheena's mum inviting him to dinner but he turns her down just as Sheena comes into the pub. She tells him that she'd like him to meet her mum and to name a date when he is free! Toadie lies and says he his busy but when Sheena starts begging, he gives in.
Lou's Place (later on)
Matt does his Elvis routine for the punters.
No. 24
Paul has now decided to fill his holidays with doing schoolwork. Lou asks what he plans to do after he leaves school but Paul isn't sure what he wants to do. Lou and Harold remise about the old days that you left school and got a job unlike now. Paul admits he just wants to play footy.
Lou's Place
Matt finishes his routine to the applause of the crowd, Sheena especially. Matt sits down and talks to Sheena about his routine - she thinks he is cute as Elvis. She wants an encore and Matt gets back up on the stage.
Ramsay Street
Paul is having a kick around with the footy and he sits down on the kerb and looks into the sky.
No. 26
Lyn is having computer problems trying to sort out tax problems and Steph gives her a hand. Joe mentions that when she starts up her hairdressing business, she'll have two businesses to do tax returns for. Lyn decides for an easy life and announces that she is going to go back to working at the salon once she ways up the pros and cons of running your own business.
Lou's Place
Sheena thanks Toadie for arranging to have Elvis play for her birthday. She asks Matt where his Priscilla is and he says she was unavailable. Sheena begins flirting with Matt and whilst Toadie sends her to the bar to get him a drink, he wants a word with Elvis!
Toadie is having a "chat" with Elvis and points out he is trying it on with his girlfriend. Matt pleads his innocence and Toadie pays him for his routine before he leaves to get an early night so he isn't late for his Moco shift in the morning.
No. 26 (next day)
The flyers advertising Lyn's business arrive just as she decides to return to the salon. When she checks the mail though, her registration certificate for the business arrives, which prompts Lyn into changing her mind and deciding to have her own business.
No. 32
As Evan gets the kids ready for an excursion much to Leo's annoyance, Matt receives a call for another Elvis gig.
No. 30
Sheena is still gushing at what Toadie arranged for her birthday and how cute Matt was as Elvis too. Sheena says he is jealous and Toadie wants a chat with her. She thinks he is about to break her heart and Toadie eventually explains that they can have relationships with other people as the phone rings. It's Sheena's mum organising their dinner date for next week.
<<3833 - 3835>>
Matt Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3834
Matt Hancock

Harold Bishop, Paul McClain, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3834
Harold Bishop, Paul McClain, Lou Carpenter

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3834
Lou Carpenter

Lou Carpenter, Evan Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3834
Lou Carpenter, Evan Hancock

Toadie Rebecchi, Matt Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3834
Toadie Rebecchi, Matt Hancock

Sheena Wilson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3834
Sheena Wilson, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3834
Toadie Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3834
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Lyn Scully, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 3834
Lyn Scully, Joe Scully

Toadie Rebecchi, Matt Hancock, Sheena Wilson in Neighbours Episode 3834
Toadie Rebecchi, Matt Hancock, Sheena Wilson

 in Neighbours Episode 3834

Lyn Scully, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3834
Lyn Scully, Steph Scully

Sheena Wilson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3834
Sheena Wilson, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sheena Wilson in Neighbours Episode 3834
Toadie Rebecchi, Sheena Wilson

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