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Neighbours Episode 3814 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3813 - 3815>>
Episode title: 3814
Australian airdate: 19/7/01
UK airdate: 5/9/01
Writer: John Davies
Director: T. Grant Fenn
Guests: Dame Margaret: Helen Noonan
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Lou wants Harold to join the Ramsay Reelers - a fishing team.
Libby is taken ill while trying to interview Dame Margaret.
The Pub
Susan and Karl see Drew sitting alone at the bar. He is making a stencil for the wall of the baby's room - he's dead excited about the baby! Karl tells Drew and Susan not to get too excited - Libby is only twelve weeks pregnant. Then he can't contain himself and asks if they think it'll be a boy or a girl!
Dame Margaret's House
Dame Margaret is phoning for an ambulance and helping Libby to a chair at the same time. Apparently Libby has had quite a lot of bleeding (yuk) and thinks she is losing the baby. Dame Margaret get very angry with the ambulance people and tells them to hurry. Dame Margaret lies Libby down - Libby can't get through to Drew or Karl on her mobile.
LIBBY: You don't understand. I can't lose this baby. It's a miracle I'm pregnant at all!
Libby explains about the accident but the pain gets too much for her. Dame Margaret suggests that they pass the time by Libby interviewing her.
The Coffee Shop
Flick is fed up of Dione but doesn't really know why. Tad sighs and invites her round to their place tonight.
Lou is showing Harold a fly-fishing fly.
Dame Margaret's house
Libby is still interviewing Dame Margaret about her operatic career. They are getting on well and chuckling together. The pain is coming over Libby in waves and Dame Margaret is trying to keep her mind off it. Libby asks Dame Margaret why she hasn't done an interview in over 20 years. Dame Margaret says she's had so many lies written about her, she's rather not give any interviews at all. Then she confides in Libby that she's about to announce her retirement - there's only so much her voicebox can put up with!
The ambulance arrives at that moment, much to Dame Margaret's relief. Suddenly Libby remembers that Drew is at the pub and rings him.
The Pub
Drew is very worried and says he'll meet Libby at the hospital. The Kennedys and Drew rush off.
SUSAN: Oh please, no.
The Hospital
Libby is apparently OK - she's stopped bleeding and is very excited about interviewing Dame Margaret. Karl tells her off and tells her to take things easy for the baby's sake.
Tad is putting on a movie about cheerleaders much to Flick's disgust. Paul is just off to a pie night at the Dingoes. Flick and Tad are suspicious at his nice clothes and think he's trying to impress someone.
Harold is telling Lou all about fly fishing over dinner - apparently his father was a great fisherman. They chat about Darcy and Lou says he is getting on well with him as a housemate.
The Hospital
Karl is trying to tell Drew that Libby's pregnancy is a miracle - she may yet miscarry. Drew is worried about Libby's health.
Flick is pretending to be a cheerleader and says she could easily be on the Dingoes' squad. Flick wants to matchmake Tad with someone.
TAD: Thank you, but no.
Flick reminds him that she got Tad together with Fiona. Tad says that it only lasted one lunchtime, and anyway, she was psychotic(!)
FLICK: So she sent you a few love letters!
TAD: A few? Whole rainforests went down because of that girl!
Flick claims she is bored, but Tad tells her to try somewhere else. He admits to Flick that he has been seeing Paul's Larissa.
FLICK: You are so dead.
Harold has made a very realistic fly for the fly fishing. Lou is not too chuffed at being outshone and says the proof of the pudding is in the casting(!)
Tad tells Flick that he and Larissa really like each other. Flick says he'd better be careful - these things always come out. Tad insists that he didn't steal Larissa - Larissa liked him all along because he wrote all of Paul's letters.
Paul comes in at that moment, followed by Harold. Paul heads off to bed.
Hospital, the following morning.
Drew has slept in Libby's hospital room. Libby says she hates being in hospital and admits to Drew that she's a bit scared. She says that she does feel better, but Drew says she must follow the doctor's orders and stay in hospital. Drew looks scared to death.
Harold is making beautiful flies again, much to Lou's displeasure. Lou says that the proof is in the casting, and Harold agrees. He'll try it this afternoon!
Drew and Libby are having lunch when they hear opera singing. It's Dame Margaret, arriving with some flowers and a card for Libby. Libby introduces Drew, Karl and Susan to Dame Margaret.
Dame Margaret sits down for a private word with Libby while Drew, Karl and Susan go outside. Karl says that Libby might be in hospital for months - she HAS to rest.
Flick is fed up of Dione and Darcy being all over each other but Tad says she and Joel are even worse! Tad is flossing his teeth (yuk). Tad says he's going out and mysteriously says that it's a Hemisfear meeting. Flick tells Paul that she wants to matchmake him, but he isn't having any of it. He tells her he's not single - he's seeing someone, but he won't say who. But finally he admits that it's Larissa. Flick is aghast. Paul tells Flick not to tell Tad(!)
<<3813 - 3815>>
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3814
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Dame Margaret, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3814
Dame Margaret, Libby Kennedy

Dame Margaret, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3814
Dame Margaret, Libby Kennedy

Paul McClain, Felicity Scully, Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3814
Paul McClain, Felicity Scully, Tad Reeves

Dame Margaret, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3814
Dame Margaret, Libby Kennedy

Drew Kirk, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3814
Drew Kirk, Karl Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3814
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3814
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3814
Karl Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3814
Tad Reeves

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3814
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Tad Reeves, Felicity Scully in Neighbours Episode 3814
Tad Reeves, Felicity Scully

Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3814
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Dame Margaret, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3814
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Dame Margaret, Susan Kennedy

Felicity Scully, Paul McClain in Neighbours Episode 3814
Felicity Scully, Paul McClain

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