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Neighbours Episode 3747 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3746 - 3748>>
Episode title: 3747
Australian airdate: 17/04/01
UK airdate: 17/05/01
Writer: Sally Webb
Director: David Myles
Guests: Jack Scully: Paul Pantano
Larry Woodhouse: Andrew Curry
Kev Kelly: Frank Kennedy
Gino Esposito: Shane McNamara
Veronica Anderson: Monika Karwan
Marcus: Rob Draper
Steve Bates: Bruce Paterson
Server: Vanessa Sim
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Steph reminding her parents that Woody is coming to stay.
- Tad wondering what Flick is up to and Flick saying revenge.
The Garage
Ronnie (housemate of Tess) has come round to get a fault with her car looked at from Drew. He repairs it very easily but notices something else and he agrees to look at it.
The School
Tad is making sure Flick really wants to come to his meeting. She reassures him she does want to go.
The Garage
Ronnie is impressed with Drew's work so she books her car in for a service. She asks him what there is for nightlife and he says Lou's pub. Steph pulls up and asks if Lou spoke to Drew about Woody but he says he will speak to Lou.
Hair Salon
Lyn has back from lunch late and Gino comments about turning potential customers away. He asks how lunch went and Lyn says they've got problems at home. She tells him about Jack disappearing and that it is worrying them.
Warrinor Prison
Woody is collecting his belongings before leaving. Kev Kelly gives him a goodbye warning. Once outside he breathes in deeply and goes to hug Steph.
Hair Salon
Gino wants Lyn's view on hairstyles he emailed her for the fashion shoot but Lyn hasn't checked her emails and he wants her to do overtime tonight just as Joe comes in for her. Gino tells her she inspires everyone so Lyn reluctantly stays.
No. 26
Flick is trying on suitable clothing for Tad's meeting. Tad comments that it is a major change from her usual range and she reminds him you can't judge a person by their clothes and the people at the meeting could be very interesting and exciting. Tad isn't so sure.
Tad leaves and Joe comes off the phone from Jack's coach. He tells Flick that Jack has sent an email saying not to worry and that he'll be in touch. Flick thinks its good but Joe is still worried.
Lou's Place
Woody is enjoying a glass of beer. Drew comes in and asks Woody how he fells being out of jail and asks him to come round to talk about a job. Ronnie comes into the pub and Drew shouts her a drink. They talk about cricket.
Hair Salon
Gino is fretting about whist Lyn is on the phone. She notices Gino watching her so she hangs up and tells him about Jacks email. They go back to the models and Lyn says Gino's style ideas are ancient and just as they are about to discuss it Steph and Woody pop in. Gino makes a comment about her family and tells her they don't drum up business whilst she is playing happy families unlike the other employees.
No. 26
Lyn is letting off steam by telling everyone about Gino. They change the conversation onto Jack and Flick when there is a knock at the door. Lyn goes to answer it and it is Jack. They all hug him glad that he is safe. Lyn wants to know what he is doing here and Jack says he is homesick and wanted to see them.
Lou's Place
Ronnie has been stood-up by Tess, so she invites Drew to stay for food. Drew says he is waiting for a phonecall from Libby and they talk about her.
No. 30
Tad is having a meeting with his weird friends but it has gone astray so he tries to get it back on track. Flick takes a shine to one of the people at the meeting, Marcus and wants to hear more of his ideas.
No. 26
Jack is enjoying a meal with the family and Lyn is fussing over him. Joe is trying to figure out what is up with Jack for leaving but Jack tries to deflect it by talking about Woody and Flick.
No. 30
Flick gives Marcus her number and Tad wants to know what she is up to. The penny eventually drops and he wonders why she is dragging him into her scheme.
No. 26
Woody is apologising to Steph for turning up at an awkward time. He offers to stay at a motel but she won't hear it. Flick comes in and embraces Jack. Jack tells them all he isn't going back.
<<3746 - 3748>>
Drew Kirk, Veronica Anderson in Neighbours Episode 3747
Drew Kirk, Veronica Anderson

Tad Reeves, Felicity Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Tad Reeves, Felicity Scully

Lyn Scully, Gino Esposito in Neighbours Episode 3747
Lyn Scully, Gino Esposito

Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Steve Bates in Neighbours Episode 3747
Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Steve Bates

Kev Kelly in Neighbours Episode 3747
Kev Kelly

Steph Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody) in Neighbours Episode 3747
Steph Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody)

Joe Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Joe Scully, Lyn Scully

Felicity Scully, Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3747
Felicity Scully, Tad Reeves

Joe Scully, Felicity Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Joe Scully, Felicity Scully

Steph Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3747
Steph Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Drew Kirk

Gino Esposito, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Gino Esposito, Lyn Scully

Jack Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Jack Scully, Lyn Scully

Jack Scully, Lyn Scully, Joe Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Michelle Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Jack Scully, Lyn Scully, Joe Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Michelle Scully

Lyn Scully, Jack Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Michelle Scully, Jack Scully, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Lyn Scully, Jack Scully, Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Michelle Scully, Jack Scully, Steph Scully

Drew Kirk, Veronica Anderson in Neighbours Episode 3747
Drew Kirk, Veronica Anderson

Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3747
Tad Reeves

Felicity Scully, Marcus in Neighbours Episode 3747
Felicity Scully, Marcus

Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Joe Scully, Lyn Scully, Jack Scully, Michelle Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Larry Woodhouse (Woody), Joe Scully, Lyn Scully, Jack Scully, Michelle Scully

Marcus, Felicity Scully, Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3747
Marcus, Felicity Scully, Tad Reeves

Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 3747
Jack Scully

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