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Neighbours Episode 3613 from 2000 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3612 - 3614>>
Episode title: 3613
Australian airdate: 06/09/00
UK airdate: 27/10/00
UK Gold: 15/08/05
Writer: Ian Coughlan
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Daniel Fitzgerald: Brett Tucker
- "Radio Funk" by Endorphin
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Jeremai
- Daniel asks Steph out.
- Libby tells Drew that she hasn't change her mind - she just wants to be friends, nothing more.
Poor Drew recoils from this and starts to get angry - he tells Libby she's up and down. He says he's got the message and says he'll leave her alone. Libby protests that she doesn't want Drew to hate her. He says he doesn't hate her, but he can't handle seeing her all the time. Libby says they're neighbours and they can't just ignore each other. Drew says he thinks he's going to have to give it a try. He walks out.
Ramsay Street
Susan is just coming up her driveway when Drew comes out of the house with his poor heart in further tatters due to the heartless bitch (only joking, I love Libby really!) Susan looks surprised and goes into the house.
Libby sees Susan coming and hides in her bedroom. Susan calls to Libby and asks if everything is OK with Drew. She calls back that Drew is fine(!)
Steph isn't sure about Daniel - he seems a bit conventional. But Lyn thinks it's good that Steph is going on a normal date "like other girls". Steph says it's at least more constructive than sitting around the house. She's fed up of unrequited love.
Madge is reading an advert for Ozechef in the paper. Apparently the website is going live today. Madge is a bit concerned that she hasn't approved it yet. She's also worried about Harold - she hasn't used his recipes and she hasn't told him yet. She assures Lou that she'll tell him soon.
Susan catches Libby sneaking out and calls her back, saying she's made her a cup of tea. Libby tries to say she's going to see Steph. Susan observes that she's determined not to talk about Drew. Libby says there's nothing to talk about, at least not what Susan was hoping for. She says that she and Drew will never be more than friends. Libby can't understand why Drew hasn't got the message before now.
Libby is amazed to find Steph trimming her nails (she's getting ready for her date) Libby says she should wear nail polish too, but Steph says she can't find a shade to match the chrome on the bike(!) They start chatting about the date - Steph still isn't sure about it and is feeling nervous. She says she's not used to all this stuff, she's not a date person.
Libby tells Steph that she's had another blowup with Drew. Steph says she doesn't mind her talking about it, but Libby says there's no point going over the same old stuff.
Steph is dressed in a Chinese-looking green dress. Libby and Lyn think she looks great. Daniel turns up and compliments Steph on her appearance. Daniel asks Libby how things went with Drew but then quickly backtracks at the look on her face. Daniel knows he's put his foot in it and looks sheepish.
The Pub
Daniel and Steph come in and see Drew in the corner. Daniel goes up to him and asks if he's OK. He says he is.
Susan is cleaning and finds the white feather from Grandpa Tom.
SUSAN: You been having friends over again, Darl?
Libby explains that it's Drew's and it was a silly present from Grandpa Tom (she still doesn't understand the significance)
Karl picks up the feather in surprise.
KARL: Hang on. Tom sent Drew a white feather?
SUSAN: That'ss a bit tactless.
KARL: What, is he saying he's some sort of coward or something?
SUSAN: Well, I'm only guessing, but I'd say he's trying probably to over-simplify a very complicated situation as only Grandpa Tom can!
KARL: Talk about tactless, getting Libby to deliver it.
LIBBY: I can leave the room if you want to have this conversation.
Karl says he has to go and check on a patient anyway. When Karl has gone, Susan strokes the feather thoughtfully.
Daniel and Steph are just finishing their meal. Steph is clearly just going through the motions but trying to be nice.
The Pub (Office)
Madge is not impressed at a cartoon of her face on the Ozechef website. She wants it taken off. Lou says he's thinking of getting a website for the pub as well.
Libby is just off to bed but comes back to talk to Susan.
LIBBY: I guess you're disappointed in me, eh?
SUSAN: No. Absolutely not, is that what you think? Oh Libby, I love you so much, I am so proud of you. I can't imagine ever being disappointed in you. Disappointed for you, I could be that.
Susan says she's just being a bit over-protective towards Libby and wants her to be happy.
LIBBY: I want to be happy too. But marrying Drew won't do it. Trust my judgement on that.
SUSAN: OK. Can I claim mother's priviledge and have the last word on this?
LIBBY: I guess.
SUSAN: Goodnight.
They hug each other and say how much they love each other.
Daniel and Steph are chatting at the bar. Steph doesn't really want to dance but Daniel tries to persuade her. When Daniel isn't looking she purposely tips some water on herself and says she'll have to cut the night short so she can go home and change.
Scullys threshold
Steph tells Daniel that she did enjoy herself, but doesn't want to do it again. He heads off reluctantly. Steph calls him back and says that they could do it again after all. Daniel is chuffed. But Steph clearly isn't into it.
Karl comes in to find Susan asleep on the sofa. Karl tells her that he saw Drew at the pub earlier. He says he's finding the breakup hard himself, because he got to know Drew as his future son-in-law. He's still a bit peeved about the white feather. Susan says it's just Tom's way of offering encouragement. She tells Karl about her talk with Libby. Karl thinks they're handling the situation as well as they can.
Steph is telling Lyn that she didn't want to be out with Daniel - he's a good mate, but she doesn't want any more than that.
STEPH: I'd love to have him as a mate and just hang out from time to time, but he's not going to want that is he? None of them want that, they all want to be the guy. With of course, the occasional exception of anyone *I'd* like to be the guy!
Lyn sympathises. Steph says it's so easy for some people - they sail in and out of relationships. Steph finds it so hard and doesn't want to spend the rest of her life alone - it's not something she's choosing to do. Lyn says it will happen for her and she'll have to get over Drew first. Steph doesn't know how to let Daniel down gently. Lyn says she might just have to hurt him.
<<3612 - 3614>>
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3613
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Susan Kennedy

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3613
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3613
Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy

Dan Fitzgerald, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3613
Dan Fitzgerald, Lyn Scully

Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3613
Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 3613
Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3613
Drew Kirk

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 3613
Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald

Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3613
Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop

Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3613
Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Dan Fitzgerald, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3613
Dan Fitzgerald, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 3613
Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald

Dahl, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Dahl, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3613
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lyn Scully, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3613
Lyn Scully, Steph Scully

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