- Rose wanting Libby and Drew to come to Oakey to meet the family.
- Libby cringing as Drew describes himself as the happiest man alive.
Drew's parents make a subtle exit to allow Drew and Libby to talk however before they get a chance to, a nurse comes in needing to run some tests on him.
Number 28
Karl reports to his wife that Harold is now sitting with Lolly until she's discharged later on and he adds that Drew will be discharged today too. As Susan is putting together a care package for the Scullys, they briefly discuss Drew's proposal especially since the Kirks have them halfway to the altar and Libby hasn't even said yes yet!
Susan tells her hubby she's said it's okay for Tess to stay with them for as long as she needs. Karl is okay with her staying on but thinks it's strange that she'd want her boss involved.
Drew is given the all clear to be discharged subject to signing some paperwork once he's dressed.
Finally getting a chance to talk, Libby wants to know how his parents knew about their engagement before he'd even proposed! Drew explains he talked about it (generally) with his mum on the phone and she asked if he was going to pop the question and he tried to fudge it. "They've wasted a trip, haven't they?" he asks, cottoning onto the fact that Libby doesn't want to marry him. Despite reassuring him that she loves him and he's the sweetest, kindest man she's ever met...she's not ready.
LIBBY: I'm overwhelmed that you would want to marry me but I can't accept. I'm sorry.
DREW: It's okay, I can live with that.
She is surprised that he doesn't seem upset at being turned down but he confirms (despite it not showing) that he is terribly upset but thinks its only a temporary setback. "What do you mean?" she asks and taking her hands, he tells her that it's a dead cert that they are meant to be together and is prepared to wait until she is certain of that too.
DREW: As long as it takes.
Drew now has a new problem though - what's he going to say to his parents and thinks that his mum is going to be so embarrassed!
Number 28
Karl shows the Kirk's into the house (Libby is settling Drew in at home) and reassures them that Drew will recover fine. The Kirks invite Susan and Karl out for lunch to celebrate the engagement and they play along with the pretence, however when the Kirks leave to go check on Drew, they now deduce that Libby has said yes. "Be happy for them," Susan asks of her husband and he reassures her he is although both look like they are in shock!
Number 30
Toadie/Joel discuss Amy not turning up last night as they tidy the house up, with Toadie thinking she will turn up today wondering what the fuss was about.
Steph comes over to hang out at #30 as the industrial cleaners (courtesy of the insurance company) are busy at home. Quietly, Toadie wonders what the chances are of getting Steph to help with the housework or wash Bob but Joel tells him he is sick because her house just burnt down!
Number 28
Drew (and Libby) enter the house and he immediately thanks Karl but in turn, Karl and Susan congratulate Drew and Libby on their engagement! Libby yells for them to stop, "nobody is marrying anyone," and Drew expands to say that Lib turned him down. She explains that she does love Drew dearly but isn't ready for marriage and that the whole thing has been one huge misunderstanding. Karl suggests Drew sets his parents right quick smart as they are organising a celebration lunch at the pub. "Do you want us to break the bad news?" Karl asks but Drew stands up and says he will do it, it's his problem.
DREW: No, I should be fine as long as no-one slaps me on the back... no, at least no-one's got a reason to now have they?!
Lou's Place
Before Drew has had a chance to say anything to his parents, Rose presents Libby with the traditional Kirk family engagement present - a silver coffee pot!
DREW: Mum, dad, Libby and I aren't getting engaged.
RON: Eh?
DREW: We're not getting married.
Rose thinks that something has happened but Drew is quick to reassure her that nothing has, it was simply a case of crossed wires and jumped conclusions. Susan still wants the lunch to proceed (with Karl offering to pay!) so that she and Karl can get to know Ron and Rose.
Someone has overheard their conversation - Geri, who sits with a gleeful look on her face at what she's overheard/seen.
Number 30
The boys are keeping Steph company by playing darts and it turns into a wager contest - the loser has to clean #30/Steph's bike.
Number 28
Tess calls her husband to say she is staying with a friend and that she's had enough and is never coming back home. He threatens to come and find her but she calmly hangs up on him.
Lou's Place
While they get the drinks in, Ron and Karl commiserate with each other over how much their respective wives were looking forward to a wedding but they are as much to blame too for jumping to the wrong conclusions.
When the men re-join the table, the atmosphere is still very awkward and eventually Rose admits it's all her fault - she rang Drew to ask if he was going to propose, with it being the Millennium, and when he said yes, she was "thrilled to my back teeth," because they all love Libby so much. Rose asks if Libby can forgive her, she is rather mortified and is told that there is nothing to forgive and the pair hug each other.
While at the bar getting a drink, Geri approaches Libby to ask if she is embarrassed. Lib replies she isn't as it's simply a misunderstanding that is now sorted out. She also refuses to give her consent to Geri mentioning it in the gossip column.
LIBBY: You do it and you're dead Geri!
Geri makes her presence known to the table and Drew is forced to do the intros and she calls Drew "the big hunk that got away."
Number 28
After a quick debrief over how lunch went, Susan volunteers to drive Tess home so she can get some things and reassures Susan that it should be Brendan free as he plays tennis at this time every week.
Number 30
Steph sits watching television while the boys clean the house - she obviously beat them at darts! The boys are seeing $$$ signs and think they could set it up so Steph poses as a useless darts player before wiping the floor with them allowing Toadie and Joel to clean up on the wager front. "I like it a lot," she tells them but refuses to dress up girly to aid the deception!
Tess's house
The ladies make their way up the steps, past the pool towards the house but when they get to the door, Tess discovers that the locks have been changed. She isn't allowing that to stop her getting into her house, so Tess goes for Plan B - picking up a huge rock from the garden and smashing the glass in the door!
Lou's Place
Drew has to abandon playing pool with his dad because of his injuries but it allows dad and lad to chat instead. Ron is proud of his son for the way, as a young bloke, he's got his priorities together and is seeing things through. "That shows character," he remarks and tells Drew not to get too upset, he is sure things will work out.
Despite it being hard to admit, Rose thinks Libby has done the right thing, she wonders where her life would have led to if she'd left Oakey at 19 (to go to Brisbane to study and become a librarian) although does add that she loves her life now with Ron and wouldn't change it. "Any regrets?" Libby asks and Rose replies no, just "what ifs."
ROSE: You know you're right to trust your instinct. Marriage is a huge commitment, you don't realise how huge 'til later and you have to know what you're doing because the what ifs never go away.
LIBBY: Thank you for understanding.
ROSE: And you know Libby, when, well if the time comes, we're going to welcome you into this family with open arms.
"Thanks," Libby replies before going to hug Rose for her words.
Tess's house
Tess has finished clearing her stuff out of the bedroom but refuses to take a photo of herself and Brendan that Susan held up because "it's over." Tess has one final thing to get and rushes off saying that its sentimental.
Number 28
The Kirks and Libby return to No.28 and Rose hopes that while they are in town for the next few days, they can get to know Karl and Susan better, assuming Karl hasn't to rush off on a medical emergency that is like at lunchtime!
As they make the coffee, both Karl and Libby wonder where Susan has gone as she left the lunch to return home to see Tess and neither are in the house.
Tess's house
Tess is back with the sentimental item - a teddy bear she's had since she was 2. Just as they are ready to leave, they hear someone unlocking the front door.