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Neighbours Episode 3055 from 1998 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3054 - 3056>>
Episode title: 3055
Australian airdate: 10/04/98
UK airdate: 10/08/98
UK Gold: 06/07/04
Writer: Karyn Noble
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Lee Bannock: Geoff Parry
Shyla: Julie Barkla
Tony Simpson: Stan Tsitas
Special Guest Appearance by: Dave Graney
Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: David
- Susan tells Ruth that whenever she tries to organise something with Karl, he has something organised with Sarah.
- Karl tells Susan that if he's worried about Sarah then they can do something about it. Karl tells Sarah that he won't be able to help her with her studies, while Susan protests.
- Anne tells Caitlin that Billy is glad that they broke up and wishes they did it two months ago. She says it hurts that they were together all that time and he never really loved her.
- Toadie locks Dave Graney in his radio booth.
Uni- FM
Dave is holding Toadie upside down, shaking him.
The Surgery
Karl is greeted by Lee, a doctor at another practice, who arrives with his receptionist Shyla. They introduce themselves to Sarah.
LEE: How lucky we are to have the company of two such gorgeous women!
KARL (uncomfortable): Yeah, not just pretty faces.
Lee says they've drawn Karl and Sarah in the golf tournament this afternoon. Lee wishes them luck. He asks how Sarah has been getting on training. Sarah is polite but clearly looks uncomfortable around the sexist creep, who keeps putting his arm around Shyla. Karl asks Lee if he'd want to have a wager on the tournament. Lee agrees.
Uni- FM
Tony and Nick watch from the other room, while Toadie is on air with Dave. Dave demands to be let out, this isn't an interview and he wants the microphone turned off.
Number 32
Lance and Anne listen to the radio show, laughing. Anne doesn't think it's really Dave Graney, it's just Toadie putting on a fake voice. They hear Dave threaten to call the cops.
Uni- FM
Dave again tells Toadie that he isn't doing the interview, and that Toadie's questions are appalling. Toadie says Dave is doing today's mid- day quiz.
The Coffee Shop
Caitlin and Billy listen to the show. Caitlin thinks it's cool but Billy doesn't think it's the real Dave Graney.
Uni- FM
Dave wants the police to arrive, he's been kidnapped.
TOADIE: Come on Dave, we've got the midday quiz for you.
DAVE: I don't give a flying....
Number 32
Lance and Anne laugh, now convinced it's the real Dave Graney.
Uni- FM
Toadie is pleased they saved that with the delay button, while Tony shakes his head in the other room. Dave refuses to answer Toadie's questions.
The Coffee Shop
Caitlin and Billy sit down to eat some chips. Caitlin can't believe Billy told Anne that he didn't love her, and that Anne was very upset. Billy says he at least told the truth, but tells Caitlin to stay out of it. Caitlin and Billy agree to talk about something else. Billy suggests they go to see if Dave Graney is really locked up in that studio.
Uni- FM
Toadie keeps asking Dave questions who is getting fed up with this. Toadie puts on a song, before giving Dave his mobile back. Dave dials a number and then asks Toadie his real name. Toadie tells it, before Dave continues his call, saying that he's been kidnapped at the uni radio station by Jarrod Rebecchi. He asks for them to send one of their blokes down here to sort him out. Toadie is gobsmacked.
Number 28
Karl returns home. Susan is surprised to see him before his golf tournament, but Karl says he didn't want Susan to think he was spending any more time away from her than absolutely necessary. Susan says he's been so paranoid since she made that comment about him having an affair. Susan re- emphasises to Karl that she was joking. She tells him he doesn't have to chain himself to her to prove his devotion. They kiss and laugh, and she tells him to go as she knows he likes to get some putting practice before a game.
SUSAN: I know there is nothing going on between you and Sarah and there never would be.
Karl smiles. Susan knows how enthusiastic Karl gets about his golf, and asks if Karl understands how all the comments about him and Sarah being a great couple might sound to other people.
KARL: I understand, but there's only one dynamic duo in this town. You will always be my wonder woman.
SUSAN: Thank you.
KARL: And when this golf tournament is finished, I will be by your side, fighting for truth, justice...
SUSAN: And...
KARL: And my way.
SUSAN: Yes typical.
KARL: No, your way. I meant to say your way.
SUSAN: Yes, I'm sure you did love.
KARL: 100% at your beck and call!
SUSAN: Nice try, leave.
KARL: Your lapdog!
SUSAN: Quit, while you're behind! Okay, good boy!
Uni- FM
Dave is still on the phone, while Tony pleads with Dave that they can work something out. Toadie is worried that Dave is going to send him to jail, so Tony pleads to Dave again. Dave speaks on the phone and says that Toadie is looking at 5 years in jail. He'll make sure Toadie doesn't get away. Nick thinks Dave is messing with Toadie. Dave puts down the phone and says he had Toadie going. Dave leaves, Tony follows and apologises to Dave.
They walk through the corridors as Dave's fans try to get his attention. Dave tells Toadie that he knows his name and where he works. Dave heads to his car, surrounded by groupies. Billy and Anne are among them and are surprised that Toadie managed to get Dave. Toadie lies that he and Davey go back a long way. Lance and Anne arrive, Lance excitedly wants Dave to sign his shirt. Anne is uncomfortable seeing Billy and wants to go home. Lance rushes over to Dave to get his autograph.
The Coffee Shop
Lance and Billy are surprised by how many girls were trying to give Dave their phone numbers. Caitlin says Dave has a sexy voice. Billy thinks Toadie's ego is going to be twice as big now. Lance is still excited about seeing Dave and suggests going to the city to play virtual reality. Lance suggests ringing Anne, but Billy suggests Pinhead instead. Caitlin says she'll miss this out as she has stuff to do.
Lou's Place
Toadie shows Nick a Dave Graney poster he got, and says it will soon be signed. Nick reminds Toadie he isn't exactly Dave's favourite person right now. Toadie says he will get Dave to sign it, as he is certain Dave will be calling shortly. Toadie reveals he still has Dave's phone. Toadie says Dave is a forgetful man.
TOADIE: If I left it at the station some other jerk would pick it up. He's lucky he's got me to pick up after him really.
The Coffee Shop
Billy gets off the phone, apparently Pinhead's gone dirtbike riding. Lance suggests they bring Anne again but Billy says no. Lance wonders what is going on and why they're so angry at each other, they've broken up lots of times before but they've never been like this. Billy says it's for real this time. As Lance goes to get a drink, Billy looks at Lance's neck. He asks Lance if he's wearing makeup. He starts to try and rub it off, and Lance admits he does have makeup on. Billy shouts it out loud so Lance tries to keep him quiet. Lance admits he's wearing makeup to cover up his fake tan. Lance explains what happened with Amy and asks if Billy can keep it between them.
Sarah enters and Billy shouts to Sarah that Lance is wearing fake tan. As Billy and Lance leave, Sarah sits down with Shyla who wants to know what Sarah is wearing this afternoon. She bought a magazine to see what lady golfers wear. Sarah smiles.
Number 32
Caitlin shows Anne her signed Dave Graney CD. She asks if Anne's okay, and tells her she'll keep bumping into Billy and can't keep hiding inside. Anne knows they'll bump into each other but she'll deal with it when it happens. Caitlin says she doesn't want to take sides but she hates seeing them hurting.
ANNE: He's hurting is he? That's a joke!
CAITLIN: Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
ANNE: No you shouldn't. Because as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't even exist alright. He has treated me like dirt. I hate him so much.
Anne starts crying.
Lou's Place
Toadie is looking through the contact list on Dave's phone, amazed that they have access to every rockstar that ever existed. Nick tells him to stop and says he doesn't want any part in this, before leaving to get some drinks. Toadie sees Tom Jones's number and decides to call him.
TOADIE (putting on Dave's voice): Hey babe. I'm like, looking for Tom. Yeah I'm returning his call. Who's calling? Dave Graney.
Dave grabs Toadie's shoulder, as Toadie hangs up on Tom Jones. Dave demands he get the phone back now. Toadie asks for an autograph. Dave says he'll sign it on the condition that if they ever have the misfortune to run into each other again, that he run away in the other direction. Toadie agrees, and Dave signs his poster. Nick brings over the drinks. Toadie says Dave is going to have a few drinks with them. Nick goes to get Dave another drink while Dave drinks Toadie's beer.
Golf Course
Lee continues to be a sexist obnoxious jerk during the game. He puts his hand around Shyla to show her how to swing. Next it's Sarah's turn and Lee ogles her as she makes her shot.
Lou's Place
Dave tells Toadie and Nick about a female journalist that was interviewing him. Toadie wants to know if he picked her up. Dave says desperation oozes out of Toadie and it impresses nobody. Susan arrives and says hi to Toadie, catching Dave's eye. Toadie introduces him to Susan, who clearly has never heard of him. Dave tries to chat Susan up, but she politely declines.
TOADIE: Forget it Dave. Domestic type, not really your scene.
SUSAN: I don't really know whether I'm insulted or not Toadie. I'll see you all later. Bye Dave.
(Susan leaves)
TOADIE: See, what would you do without me?
DAVE: Get a date with that fox for starters.
Golf Course
Lee and Karl update the scores. Karl and Sarah are seven over, Lee and Shyla are five over. Sarah is about to make her shot when Lee starts talking about their gorgeous assistants, admiring their bodies and the legs on Sarah.
LEE: I'm just admiring your lovely long legs my dear, wonderful.
SARAH: I don't know how you put up with him Shyla.
SHYLA: With what?
SARAH: Lee! It's really off!
KARL: I have to agree mate.

Shyla tells Sarah that Lee is just trying to be nice and asks if she can take a compliment. Sarah won't put up with Lee's off comments. Lee admires Sarah's energy and calls her a real go- getter, then makes insinuations about Karl and Sarah's relationship. Karl tells Lee he's way out of line. Lee says he's just teasing. Sarah refuses to put up with this, she's here to play golf, not be the butt of Lee's sleazy jokes. Karl says these personal comments are way over the top.
KARL: Sarah is my golfing partner, nothing more and nothing less. Both these women deserve our respect and if you can't stop...
SARAH: Treating me like a bit of fluff...
KARL: Yeah... then I'm sorry, but we'll have to forfeit the game.
Karl and Sarah leave.
Number 30
Billy explains to Caitlin that he and Lance didn't go to the game, they went to a restaurant with a mate who was having a party. He laughs about Lance being a klutz and bumping into a waitress. He then explains by having Caitlin pretend to be the waitress while he pretends to be Lance, he walks into Caitlin knocking her to the floor. They look into each other's eyes and kiss.
<<3054 - 3056>>
Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3055
Toadie Rebecchi

Dave Graney in Neighbours Episode 3055
Dave Graney

Karl Kennedy, Lee Bannock, Shyla, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3055
Karl Kennedy, Lee Bannock, Shyla, Sarah Beaumont

Tony Simpson, Toadie Rebecchi, Dave Graney, Nick Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3055
Tony Simpson, Toadie Rebecchi, Dave Graney, Nick Atkins

Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3055
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

Nick Atkins, Tony Simpson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Nick Atkins, Tony Simpson

Dave Graney in Neighbours Episode 3055
Dave Graney

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3055
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Nick Atkins, Tony Simpson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Toadie Rebecchi, Nick Atkins, Tony Simpson

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins, Dave Graney in Neighbours Episode 3055
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins, Dave Graney

Tony Simpson, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Tony Simpson, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3055
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Lance Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3055
Toadie Rebecchi

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Lance Wilkinson

Sarah Beaumont, Shyla in Neighbours Episode 3055
Sarah Beaumont, Shyla

Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3055
Caitlin Atkins

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3055
Anne Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Dave Graney in Neighbours Episode 3055
Toadie Rebecchi, Dave Graney

Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy, Shyla, Lee Bannock in Neighbours Episode 3055
Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy, Shyla, Lee Bannock

Toadie Rebecchi, Dave Graney, Nick Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3055
Toadie Rebecchi, Dave Graney, Nick Atkins

Dave Graney, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3055
Dave Graney, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Lee Bannock, Shyla, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3055
Karl Kennedy, Lee Bannock, Shyla, Sarah Beaumont

Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3055
Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3055
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

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