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Neighbours Episode 3008 from 1998 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3007 - 3009>>
Episode title: 3008
Australian airdate: 04/02/98
UK airdate: 01/06/98
UK Gold: 30/04/04
Writer: Kit Oldfield
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Geoff Burke : Andrew McKaige
Mandi Rodgers : Sabina Lkic
Simon Butterworth : David LePage
Jack Foster : Craig McMahon
Wendy Buchanan : Libby Sandy
Paper Boy : Michael Hassett
Summary/Images by: Miriam/Jeremai
Caitlin apologises to Anne about Billy, and wants to be her friend.
Ruth tells Phil that Geoff Burke is Ben's real father.
Phil wonders what will happen when Ruth runs into Geoff.
The Hospital
Ben and Geoff are chatting away whilst the nurse fiddles with a bandage. Geoff has to leave, so he and Ben say goodbye, and he passes on words of encouragement to his son as he leaves. Just Geoff walks out the door, Ruth and Phil walk in, and Ben introduces them. Ruth is shocked and walks out after Geoff, saying she needs a coffee.
Down the corridor, Ruth demands to know what Geoff is doing here - he is not his son. He's just the father. Ruth is livid that Geoff left her, and when he asks how she is, she slaps him, before telling him that they needed him twenty years ago - not now. Geoff walks off.
Number 28
In the garden, Susan tells Karl that she's trying to set up a student exchange system with Japan for her school in Wangaratta. Karl gardens away, and Billy comes out the house, complaining because he can't find his swimming towel. Anne comes into the back garden, too, looking for Billy, and he invites her to his training session and she agrees to go get her bathers.
The Swimming Pool
Billy turns up a bit late, and the coach demands that he get into the pool, now! Anne agrees to stay, and whilst Billy is dragged off to train by the coach, Caitlin amiably welcomes Anne and invites her to sit with her. It's a bit awkward.
Number 26
Back in Ramsay Street, Ruth can't believe that Geoff has turned up, determined to see Ben and be his father. She's still very angry about him leaving twenty years ago, and she can't even remember what she said to him at the hospital. She wishes she could be calm and rational about it, but Phil reminds her that she has a right to be angry; Ruth confesses that she slapped him in the hospital corridor.
Phil kindly reassures her, and reminds her that she'll have to see him again. Her distance worries him, though, and he's surprised that she's so shaken up by it - does she still have feelings for him? He is Ben's natural father, and played an important part in her life - does she still like him? She denies it, but Phil is concerned.
Number 28
Karl and Susan are feeding each other's chocolates on the sofa, and trying to work out which chocolate is which. Toadie comes to the door and takes Karl's favourite chocolate. He's looking for Billy, wanting to know what time he'll be up in the morning...which immediately arouses Susan's suspicions - what's happening in the morning? Anne and Billy return home from training, and Susan 'innocently' asks again why they're getting up early in the morning. They try to persuade the Kennedys that they're not getting up early to get into any mischief.
KARL: What time are you gonna be back?
BILLY: You're my father, not a policeman.
KARL: I wanna know what you're plotting.
BILLY: Dad. I'm going over to Toadie's to hang out. It's no big deal.
SUSAN: Well, not too late a night, now. Don't forget we're all getting up very early in the morning because the uni placements are in the paper.
BILLY: (To Toadie) Now look what you've done.
TOADIE: Well you're the one who didn't want them to have first squiz.
SUSAN: Oh William, we'll let you look first.
KARL: I just bag seconds, that's all.
The kids leave, and Karl and Susan smirk at each other before settling back on the sofa to finish their chocolates.
Number 26
Phil has made Ruth a lovely dinner, and she appreciates the trouble he's gone to. He suggests that tomorrow they go for a drive in the country to de-stress, and she agrees. She doesn't know why Geoff has turned up out of the blue like this; he was her first date, her first kiss, and she was so young. She reassures Phil that he has nothing to worry about - she only feels anger for Geoff.
Ramsay Street
The kids pace outside, waiting for the paper. It's late. Anne tells Bill to stop stressing about it, and Toadie is worried too, despite knowing he'll get great marks. The paper boy arrives, and Karl and Susan are first on the scene, racing with the kids to get there.
SUSAN: Just rip it off, for heaven's sake! It's only clingwrap!
Toadie gets his results first - Commerce and Law at Erinsborough Uni. Billy next - Hospitality and Tourism at West Warratah College. Karl and Susan are thrilled for both their kids!
Number 26
Phil is reading the paper when there's a knock at the door. It's Ruth, who wants to take a raincheck on the day - she hardly slept all night. Phil's worried about her, but Ruth has resolved to speak to Geoff about things, and Phil offers to go with her if need be. She leaves, and Phil looks a bit left out.
Number 28
Bill is writing a letter to Mal, and Susan knows that Bill's upset because he didn't get his first choice at uni. She reminds him how proud they both are of him, and Billy gets all embarrassed. Karl returns home with food, and realises that Bill's letter which begins "dear moron-brain" must be a letter to Mal. He asks if Billy knows how proud they are of him and Billy is embarrassed all over again. Karl hugs his son, which is very sweet.
The Hospital
Ben is frustrated about not being able to do things, and wonders why Geoff isn't bored with him, yet. Geoff asks some questions about Ruth of Ben, and begins to tell him the truth about who he is...but Karl walks in. Ben wants to leave the hospital soon - as he needs to help his friends. Sarah in particular. She's told him she's in love with some married guy, which is ridiculous because it can't go anywhere, can it? Karl is shocked, and agrees that it can't go anywhere, promising Ben that he'll look out for Sarah.
Cut to the hospital corridor where Ruth approaches Geoff, who says he deserved the slap the other day. Ruth apologises for it, but Geoff dismisses it; he's grateful that Ruth is talking to him at all. Geoff says that he never forgave himself for leaving them, and admits that he did think about her all the time, but was too ashamed to ever call. He wonders if they can go somewhere to talk, and Ruth agrees.
The Coffee Shop
Karl sees Sarah and drags her to a table to talk, confronting her about what she said to Ben. Sarah denies that she told Ben she was in love, which is a TOTAL lie. I hate her. Karl doesn't care what she said - she shouldn't have said anything at all. Karl tells her to stop it - it was one kiss which is never going to happen ever again, and he hopes she's not planning on confiding in anyone else. Sarah looks cross as Karl walks off, which quite frankly, she has no right to be.
The Swimming Pool
Toadie, Hannah, Billy and Anne chat about uni - it will be a whole new way of life for them, and they're all so pleased! Except Hannah, who's going back to school. Caitlin approaches and asks Billy to practise with her, but he's not interested. Anne thinks Billy was being a bit rude. Toadie spots some hot chicks in the corner of the pool and suggests that they stay there for the afternoon, having drinks, swimming, and checking out the girls! The others laugh at him, but Hannah goes to introduce Toadie to the girls that she knows.
Lou's Place
Geoff is trying to reassure Ruth about Ben's progress, and Ruth wants to know why Geoff didn't tell Ben the truth about who he is. Ruth tells Geoff that she told her son everything about why he was given up, and what his father was like. She also reminds him how much she needed him there, by her side when she was giving birth. She also admits that her mum and dad talked her into adoption, and she agreed to it eventually. Geoff wonders what would have happened had he stuck around - he was in love with her, but he was scared about that, and scared of bringing up a child. He knows he has no excuse for what he did to her and Ben, but all he can do is say he's sorry, for everything.
The Swimming Pool
Caitlin chats to Anne and Billy, who are watching Toadie trying to chat up a girl. Hannah stands there, too. Toadie is trying to convince them he will be a millionaire soon, and tries to impress the girls by taking off his shirt and leaping backwards off the spring board into the pool. There's a large splash, and he seems to hit his head on the poolside. Toadie doesn't emerge from the water, and Hannah screams for help; Caitlin and Billy leap into the pool to rescue their friend, and Billy tells the girls to go and get an ambulance.
End Credits
<<3007 - 3009>>
Ruth Wilkinson, Philip Martin, Geoff Burke, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3008
Ruth Wilkinson, Philip Martin, Geoff Burke, Ben Atkins

Geoff Burke, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3008
Geoff Burke, Ruth Wilkinson

Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3008
Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy, Simon Butterworth in Neighbours Episode 3008
Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy, Simon Butterworth

Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3008
Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers, Anne Wilkinson

Philip Martin, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3008
Philip Martin, Ruth Wilkinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3008
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Paper Boy in Neighbours Episode 3008
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Paper Boy

Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3008
Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3008
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3008
Karl Kennedy, Ben Atkins

Geoff Burke, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3008
Geoff Burke, Ruth Wilkinson

Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3008
Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3008
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi

Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3008
Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers, Billy Kennedy

Ruth Wilkinson, Geoff Burke in Neighbours Episode 3008
Ruth Wilkinson, Geoff Burke

Jack Foster in Neighbours Episode 3008
Jack Foster

Toadie Rebecchi, Wendy Buchanan, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3008
Toadie Rebecchi, Wendy Buchanan, Hannah Martin

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3008
Toadie Rebecchi

Wendy Buchanan, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3008
Wendy Buchanan, Hannah Martin

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3008
Toadie Rebecchi

Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3008
Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

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