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Neighbours Episode 2969 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2968 - 2970>>
Episode title: 2969
Australian airdate: 23/10/97
UK airdate: 07/04/98
UK Gold: 04/03/04
Writer: Lois Booton
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Tiffany Price: Lisa Callaghan
Mandi Rodgers: Sabina Lokic
Baxter: Paul McCarthy
Liam McGregor: Kaz Hall
Willow: Karoline Hohlweg
Summary/Images by: Shona/Jeremai
Ben and Sarah argue about Caitlin staying at Number 30.
Anne is offered permanent modelling work.
Billy looks through photos of male models Anne will be working with.
Susan asks Karl if he's dead set against her taking the Wangaratta job.
Later Susan tells Karl that if she gets the job she'll take it.
Coffee Shop
Anne comes in and asks Sarah if she's seen Billy - she has something important to tell him. She then asks Sarah about modelling and fills her in about being an in-house model for Teen Girl. She has to go this afternoon to be briefed on it. Billy thinks Teen Girl is pretty dumb though (boys would think that). Sarah says modelling can be pretty tough on relationships. Anne says it's not a big thing and she isn't thinking about a career. Sarah wishes her good luck.
Karl says he just wishes Susan could think a bit more about it: Susan retorts she's done nothing but think about it. She might not even get it, but Karl reminds her that she might. He wants to know if she's thought about everything it entails - the move etc. He admits he doesn't want to leave Erinsborough and he knows it sounds selfish, but he has an investment and a commitment to all the patients. Susan brings up the agreement they made - she would put her career on hold to bring up the family and now it's time for her to pursue it! She didn't complain when he wanted to move to the country and she didn't when they moved to Erinsborough, which he didn't even discuss with her! She did it all because she knew it's what he needed. Then Sarah buzzes through on the intercom and announces a patient's arrival. Karl says they'll discuss it later and Susan angrily says they certainly will.
Number 30
Caitlin moves in, with lots of her stuff. Ben tries to persuade her to go and enrol in school - she's missed enough. But she's more concerned about training and goes to do that, ignoring his request for her to move her stuff beforehand.
The patient comes out and Karl finds that Sarah kept him waiting while he and Susan had their 'discussion'. He tells her that the patient has priority and she shouldn't do that again. When she says about their conversation he says it was nothing bad and asks for the next file. Sarah tells him if he ever needs to talk she's here - he listened to her about Matt after all. Karl nods.
Number 28
Darren is optimistic about his partnership. Susan comes in, wishing she could come into the house without a child of her's pashing on the couch. Darren has to leave anyway. Susan apologises once he's left - she has some decisions to make and Karl isn't being helpful. Libby suggests they talk over a cuppa. Susan tells her about the promise about their careers. She tells Libby she's going to apply for the job, which is the problem. Libby says she can see her father's point. Susan says that she's had to leave places she's loved for him, and they might not be there that long. Is it too much to ask for 2 years when she's given them 20?
Teen Girl Offices
A nervous Anne is called in to see the editor, noticing that the girl who came out is on the cover of the current issue. The editor tells her to relax. The theme of the article she'll be in is 'Are you a fashion tragedy?', and the editor thinks it's just great. Anne rolls her eyes.
Swimming Pool
Billy asks Anne how her meeting went, joking around about it and Anne tells him to cut it out. Caitlin and Mandi ask her about it - any exotic jetsetting? She says it was just a briefing, and they continue to bombard her with questions. Billy tells them they should be getting back in the pool, and Caitlin agrees that they shouldn't be seen slacking off. Billy asks Anne what really happened.
Number 28
Karl comes home to Libby studying at the table. They talk about Wangaratta, and Libby says Susan was upset about it. However she, Billy and Karl all don't want to move. How will he convince her? Karl says she, Toadie and Billy should make themselves scarce tonight. Susan arrives home and Karl is being extra nice, offering to order in takeaway and helping her to the sofa. She says none of what he's doing is wrong, as long as he doesn't think takeaway will make any difference to a certain job application.
Number 30
Ben feels old when he puts his name in the 'Parent or Guardian' box in Caitlin's school enrolment form. He asks Sarah whether or not she'll back him up with Caitlin but she tells him that although she is okay with her living here she won't be playing a part in discipline. She will leave that until when she has kids. Caitlin returns and goes straight for the fridge, saying she's going to head for the shower. Ben reminds her that she promised to move all her stuff when she returned from training and she says she'll do it after her shower.
Number 28
Karl and Susan are stuffed full of takeaway. Karl recalls their nights in college where they had lots of takeaway. Susan says he's gone to a lot of trouble to keep her from going - it'll be financial ruin at this rate with all his bribing the kids. Karl says he wasn't going to bring it up but Susan says they have to talk about it sometime. Karl tells her the kids don't want to go. Susan thinks Billy could come, as there are plenty of country colleges, but Karl says maybe he won't. Karl reminds her she misses Mal terribly and not that long ago she wanted a baby. But Susan knows her kids are going to leave some day and when they do go she wants a career, not nothing. Karl asks what about his career, then says they should just leave it until it's definite. 'Let's hope I don't get the job', says Susan. Karl says no; he wants her to be fulfilled, professionally and personally.
Teen Girl Offices
Anne is dressed up as a fashion tragedy and looking terribly glum. The editor is happy with it and it was what she was hoping for when she hired her. Anne tries to pull a smile as the photographer snaps away.
Number 30
Caitlin and Mandi are talking about swimming. When Ben comes in he nearly walks into one of her bags and reminds her about putting them away. She says she'll do it after lunch, they're going to the pool. Ben is angry, but they say Simon will kill them if they're late and walk out.
Teen Girl Offices
The photographer tells Anne that the editor loved her work. When the editor comes back she announces that Willow has cancelled on her and asks Anne to fill -in for her in the 'Romeo and Juliet - Love at first sight' piece.
Number 30
Sarah is annoyed that Caitlin hasn't cleaned her snack stuff up, and Ben says they had promised to clean up. Ben has an idea: he takes the stuff from the kitchen towards the bedrooms.
Swimming Pool
Caitlin is shouting lunch after losing the sprints. Anne appears and Caitlin says cattily, 'There's the fashion tragedy'. Anne tells them about the next photo shot and shows them the magazine with James the model on the cover. Billy appears from the pool and they show him. He doesn't look happy.
Number 30
Caitlin and friend return, talking about Billy's unhappiness about the male model. Caitlin plans to veg out in her room and Ben asks if she notices anything different. She observes that her stuff is away and casually says thanks. Then when she gets to her room she demands to know why he trashed it. Ben says it was disgusting in the house - if she'd done something about it, he wouldn't have done it. He's taken on their parents' authority and she has to listen to him. Caitlin retorts that she can do what she wants and he can't stop her!
<<2968 - 2970>>
Anne Wilkinson, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2969
Anne Wilkinson, Sarah Beaumont

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Caitlin Atkins, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2969
Caitlin Atkins, Ben Atkins

Mr. Baxter, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Mr. Baxter, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Susan Kennedy, Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2969
Anne Wilkinson

Tiffany Price, Willow in Neighbours Episode 2969
Tiffany Price, Willow

Willow in Neighbours Episode 2969

Tiffany Price, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2969
Tiffany Price, Anne Wilkinson

Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2969
Sarah Beaumont, Ben Atkins

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Tiffany Price, Liam McGregor, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2969
Tiffany Price, Liam McGregor, Anne Wilkinson

 in Neighbours Episode 2969

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2969
Anne Wilkinson

Mandi Rodgers, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2969
Mandi Rodgers, Caitlin Atkins

Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2969
Ben Atkins

James Bowen in Neighbours Episode 2969
James Bowen

Tiffany Price, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2969
Tiffany Price, Anne Wilkinson

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2969
Sarah Beaumont

Anne Wilkinson, Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers in Neighbours Episode 2969
Anne Wilkinson, Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2969
Billy Kennedy

Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2969
Caitlin Atkins

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