- Phil and Ruth getting Lou to donate the bus to PTA fundraising causes.
- Debbie laying into Phil for showing her up.
Lou's Place
Jo's cleaning up and interrupts Lou number crunching about bus renovations. A mate of Lou's - Barry - turns up, and after a pointed look Jo makes a quick exit. Barry then offers Lou some car radios from liquidation stock. Lou turns him down saying that he's a bit strapped for cash but Barry leaves his number in case Lou turns him down. Jo watches Barry leave with a suspicious look on her face.
Phil doesn't know what to do - come down hard, they rebel, treat them like adults and they don't listen. Helen says that he should just trust Debbie. Debbie comes out with a list of "Dos and Don'ts" for the employees, just to clarify their position. Helen says that her thorough list certainly does that - and some people can be a bit funny about that sort of thing.
DEBBIE: Some people can be funny about everything. You can't please everyone all the time.
After Debbie leaves Phil says that he can't relax and trust her, Debbie won't even look at her.
Susan's vase is now back in one piece and Karl tells them no more indoor cricket. Debbie arrives and gives Toadie the new rota for the Coffee Shop and the "Dos and Don'ts" list. She pointedly directs him to the one that states that all uniforms should be ironed before the shift to which Toadie doesn't take too kindly to. Debbie harshly says that the job should be important to him and leaves, Toadie telling Lance that if she doesn't mellow he'll quit.
Ramsay Street
Phil says hi to Debbie as she walks past but is ignored. Ruth's greeting gets a friendly response, clearly making the point. Phil and Ruth talk about being in the wrong with their kids and the conversation quickly moves onto PTA fundraising. Ruth suggests a raffle and Phil wonders about prizes.
Karl comes over and Phil picks his brain about the raffle. Karl says if the prize was a car then he'd buy tickets; Susan needs a good reliable car to shift all the paperwork.
Toadie holds up his shirt for Lance's inspection but Lance says the creases aren't sharp enough. He's had enough of it though so it'll stay as it is. He then moves onto complaining about the rota; seven shifts in a week, a double on Saturday... He likes easy money not slave driving and how is he going to get from school to work a shift starting at half three?
Toadie asks if Lance if he needs a hand with his studies but Lance says he's got it under control and will head home to finish off. When Toadie asks why Lance replies he doesn't want to get into any more trouble.
TOADIE: Who said anything about trouble?
LANCE: Well hanging around you it just seems to happen.
Toadie takes offence to this and tells Lance to... something. The transmission broke up around here. It ended with Toadie saying, "See if I care" and Lance leaving so I don't think it was good...
Lou's Place
Phil and Karl walk into the pub and declare it a 'kid free haven'. Karl goes to get the drinks while Phil racks up the pool table. Whilst at the bar Karl picks Lou's brains about getting a car for Susan. Lou says that he's thinking of selling Cheryl's car and Karl hesitates. Lou stresses it's practically new and promises a good price but Jo intervenes, picking up on Karl's discomfort at the idea. When Karl's made his excuses and left, Lou lays into Jo for interfering in his business matters.
Number 32
Ruth's surprised to find Lance at home and not out with Toadie. Lance says that sometimes Toadie wants to do stuff that he doesn't which impresses Ruth. She goes on to say that sometimes she feels sorry for Toadie; half of his actions are most likely to cover up the fact that he misses his mum. She goes off for her physio session with Helen.
Lou's Place
Lou apologises to Jo for his actions earlier before talking to Karl about the car. Karl turns him down saying it's too many bad memories. Phil jokes about him donating it to the PTA raffle instead. Lou asks if they'd like a TV set for it instead, he knows where he can get one for next to nothing. Karl comments about getting electrical goods from your local pub and Lou says the deal is 100% above board. Phil agrees but Karl wonders if it's too good to be true.
Coffee Shop
Toadie, in his freshly ironed shirt, comes in and tells Debbie they need to talk. He tells her that he can't do the three thirty starts because of school, sometimes he's got sports and stuff going on afterwards. Same goes for the Saturday ones, he can't promise to be there on the nose. Debbie takes great offence to this saying that it'll be hard to sort out.
I would have thought that seeing as Hannah goes to the same school she would have had an idea of when school finishes and when would have been a good start time.
Toadie suggests just swapping them with someone but Debbie's still fuming. Jo walks in and asks for Lou's milk, prompting Debbie to ask if she can settle up Lou's account too. Gone is the 30 day rule, it's now 7 for everyone. Jo turns on her heel to go and tell Lou the good news and Toadie looks on incredulously.
Phil comes in and asks them to guess which "really hard working PTA treasurer" has secured a prize for the raffle.
RUTH: Can you think?
HELEN: Haven't a clue.
Phil says that Lou can secure them a TV for next to nothing so it'll cost the PTA a fraction of the cost. Helen warns that a cheap TV might be more trouble than it's worth, and suggests checking it out and making sure that it's all legit to protect the PTA.
Coffee Shop
Debbie tells Toadie to put the milk back in the fridge, which he will do when he's taken over the coffees into which he's just poured the milk. Debbie then rattles off all the other stuff he should have done but hasn't. Toadie's reason?
TOADIE: I'm not an octopus. Two hands, not eight.
Eight would be cool. Imagine the wpm I could get in doing these summaries!
Lou comes in and wonders why all the sudden hassle over the pub account, he's always paid on time before and 7 days is not convenient for him. Debbie's adamant though and Lou says he'll drop a cheque in, saying people are not going to like it.
DEBBIE: Well that's OK, I'm not here to be liked.
Someone needs to tell her about the staples of good customer service. Being liked is a pretty big tick as far as it all goes!
Toadie's making a milkshake and Debbie asks who it's for. Toadie says it's his, he's got a break coming up. Debbie points out they're still busy so he will need to drink it on the run. She points out that's the third milkshake he's had, which is half an hour's pay. He can either pay up or work through his break. And can he please take the garbage out?
Better request - Debbie, you are working in the catering business. Tie your hair back!
Out the back of the Coffee Shop Toadie's taking out the garbage, muttering about all the demands Debbie is making. He stops when he sees Lou and Barry completing a cash deal out of the back of a green mini.
Lou's Place
Phil and Ruth come in as Jo is leaving and they pick up on her mood. Lou admits it's his fault and says that he's not had a good day as far as the ladies go, first Jo then Debbie. He tells Phil about the 7 day account rule and Phil says he's not getting involved. Ruth changes the subject and thanks him for the TV for the raffle. Phil asks, not so subtly, if the TV is OK. Lou assures them that it's all legit and they seem to be placated.
Phil's telling Helen that Lou's assured them the TV is legit but wasn't happy at the question. Phil quips that Lou must feel like the whole Martin family is against him and tells her about the account issue at the Coffee Shop. Helen says that she's noticed how heavy handed Debbie's been. Phil says that someone should talk to her, pointing out that it can't be him as Debbie won't even say good morning to him. Helen says that hopefully Debbie will take some well-intentioned criticism from her.
Karl's observation that Toadie's not had a good day is declared the understatement of the century. He declares Debbie to be the monster from the Black Lagoon, before listing all his issues:
New rota but no shift swaps
Multi-tasking in a way that women would be proud of
Jumping to attention
Karl wonders if the outburst might have romantic undertones and Toadie's all set to heave at the suggestion.
TOADIE: You're so funny, you've got me in stitches.
KARL: That's why I'm a doctor.
Karl answers the door to Lou, he's done some research into second hand cars. He gives Karl a list of phone numbers, if Karl mentions Lou's name there's likely to be a discount in it for him. Toadie quips that Lou could get his hands on just about anything.
Debbie's going over the figures as Helen sits beside her. Debbie goes on about the staff taking liberties with free food and being late back. Helen points out it's OK to want them to put in a fair day's work, but being too hard on them can be counter-productive. She's working with people and business relationships. Helen brings up Lou complaining about Debbie's attitude over the milk account.
Helen says that attitude and perception is everything in business and there's no point in insisting on petty changes now if you lose out in the long run. Debbie says they're not petty, they're vital to the survival of the Coffee Shop and says she's not going to risk losing any of Jo's money before storming off to her room.
Phil comes out of hiding and all but says "I told you so" to Helen over Debbie's attitude.
Number 32
Lance is testing out Lou's cheap TV and says that they'd easily be able to charge $2.50 per ticket, second and third prizes being optional with first being that good. Ruth answers the door to Toadie saying that he has some work for Lance. Toadie notices the TV set and when he finds out that it came from Lou and admits to Lance that he reckons that the TV is hot. He tells Lance what he saw and what Lou said about his 'associates' being able to get their hands on just about anything.
TOADIE: You know what this is called? Handling stolen goods.