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Neighbours Episode 2665 from 1996 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2664 - 2666>>
Episode title: 2665
Australian airdate: 26/07/96
UK airdate: 30/01/97
UK Gold: 22/01/03
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Sally-Anne Kerr
Guests: Jennifer Simkin: Sue Dwyer
Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
- Libby rants at Karl
- Mal is on the phone and tells them he's about to lose his business.
- Cheryl tells Lou she can't buy him out. He suggests he gives her everything but he keeps custody of Louise.
- Jo tells Rob on the phone that she's found something to invest in.
Mal explains that Sam wants to sell his business to raise the cash to go on a trip with Annalise. The only way to stop it is to raise $12,000 to buy Sam out.
Lou thanks Phil for covering for him tomorrow while he goes to mediation with Cheryl. He's determined to keep the pub as he sold his car yard to re- finance it. Phil says it's fine and tells Lou about Hannah's forthcoming orthodontist appointment.
Coffee Shop
Jo tells Angie that she's about to buy into a business. Angie advises her not to put business before her bloke(!)
Stonie comes in and moans about the pink shirts again. When he's gone to serve up, Angie says maybe she's just an old whinger - Jo should run her life however she wants.
Cheryl is getting ready to see the bank manager and is in a very agitated state. She tells Marlene and Darren that to keep the pub, she might have to give Lou the house. Marlene tells Cheryl to be reasonable and take things one step at a time.
Outside No.24
Jo comes over to see Cheryl who doesn't really want to talk. But she insists on telling her that she wants to buy into the pub as a partner. Cheryl says she appreciates the offer but she's not interested.
Mal, Susan and Karl are going through the books of the business, but they can't find £12,000. Karl is reluctant to put it on the mortgage for him in case the business fails.
Darren comes to call for Mal and senses the tense atmosphere. They go off together.
Ramsay Street
Mal explains to Darren that Sam is selling the business. Darren thinks his job is gone too - whoever buys the business won't want to employ an ex- con.
Cheryl and Lou are meeting with the mediator. She explains that she's there to help them find a practical separation agreement - what will be best for both of them and their child.
Cheryl says she's open to negotiation on all but two things - she wants to keep both Lolly and the pub.
LOU: Over my dead body!
Coffee Shop
Stonie is ranting at Angie about the pink shirt again. He scowls that it's made of polyester and it's sweaty! She shouts back that there's nothing wrong with polyester!
Mal and Darren come in and they tease Stonie about the pink shirt, so Angie drags him off. Mal is still upset about the business. Darren says that they'll just have to get the money and Mal looks confused.
Karl is moaning about Darren again. Susan tells him not to be so hard on either Darren or Malcolm. Karl still doesn't want to bail Malcolm's business out.
Cheryl anbd Lou have agreed to sell the family home and divide it up. Minor property has also been decided. But the two major unresolved issues are Lolly and the pub.
LOU: I think it's simple. I'll buy Cheryl out.
CHERYL: Not likely.
LOU: I sold my car yard to bail her out, if I hadn't done that, she would have been forced to sell. I am entitled to that pub.
CHERYL: This is so much rubbish! He's behaving like some good Samaritan! With fifty percent ownership of the pub, he has done very nicely out of that deal! And as the pub was originally mine, so it should remain mine!
The mediator tries to calm them down and turns them on to Louise instead. She should be able to see both her parents when she wants to. (Now might be a good time to speak up that Lou isn't Louise's dad, eh Cheryl? Eh? eh?)
CHERYL: No- one is going to take my daughter away from me.
MEDIATOR: Which is why you're here. So that type of resolution can be avoided.
LOU: If push came to shove, who would get Louise, me or Cheryl?
MEDIATOR: Do you think in letting push come to shove, you'd be acting in the best interests of your daughter?
They look contrite.
CHERYL: A baby girl needs her mother.
MEDIATOR: Don't you think she has the right to a continuing relationship with both parents?
CHERYL: Yes, I do.
LOU: That's why I should get the pub, I can make sure she gets that.
CHERYL: Then trust me, Louis, you will not get the pub.
Cheryl is ranting to Marlene about Lou wanting the pub. Marlene tells her not to shout in front of Louise.
CHERYL: How could he sit there and say that he could give her a better life that I could!
MARLENE: He loves her just as much as you do.
CHERYL: Mum, whose side are you on?
MARLENE: Look, I'm trying to get it in its right perspective! The thing I don't understand is that whoever gets Chez Chez gets the baby! I mean, it's madness!
CHERYL: It has to do with being able to provide for her. The pub's my only source of income.
Cheryl think she wants to try to buy Lou out of the pub by re- mortgaging No.24. Marlene is a bit takenaback.
Susan tells Mal that Karl won't be moved on lending him the money for the business. Mal isn't happy and Susan tries to comfort him.
Lou and Cheryl are back for another meeting. Lou wants to know if Cheryl's relationship with Charles Humphreys is really over. He's worried Cheryl could disappear overseas with Louise.
CHERYL: I told you before, there is no relationship with Charles.
LOU: You told me a lot of things.
CHERYL: Oh, so I'm a liar as well now, am I?
LOU: If the cap fits.
The mediator tries to calm them down and turns them on to the custody issue. Cheryl says that she's now in a position to buy Lou out of the pub.
Lou is telling Phil that Cheryl has an investor for the pub. It looks like Cheryl has bested him - she's going to get both Lolly and the pub. Phil says that if Cheryl buys him out, Lou will have loads of money to provide for Lolly. Maybe he could go and live with Lauren in the country and be a full- time parent. Lou looks thoughtful.
Phil tells Helen the latest about the mediation - Lou could move to Queensland and take Louise up there.
HELEN: Oh, I feel so sorry for Cheryl.
PHIL: I don't suppose there's any winners in this, are there.
Phil tells Helen that his novel is driving him crazy. He's decided to give up and deletes it. Then he looks panicked.
PHIL: Oh my god, what have I done?!
Chez Chez
Mal and Stonie are playing darts. Mal is moaning about not being able to raise $12,000. Stonie is unsympathetic and says there's no point worrying about things you can't change!
Darren comes in and tells Mal he has good news. He has got himself a loan and wants to buy into the business!
<<2664 - 2666>>
Lou Carpenter, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2665
Lou Carpenter, Philip Martin

Angie Rebecchi, Joanna Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2665
Angie Rebecchi, Joanna Hartman

Angie Rebecchi, Joanna Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2665
Angie Rebecchi, Joanna Hartman

Angie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi, Joanna Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2665
Angie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi, Joanna Hartman

Cheryl Stark, Darren Stark, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2665
Cheryl Stark, Darren Stark, Marlene Kratz

Darren Stark, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2665
Darren Stark, Cheryl Stark

Joanna Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2665
Joanna Hartman

Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2665
Cheryl Stark

Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2665
Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2665
Malcolm Kennedy, Darren Stark

Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2665
Darren Stark

Jennifer Simkin, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2665
Jennifer Simkin, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2665
Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Stonie Rebecchi, Angie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2665
Stonie Rebecchi, Angie Rebecchi

Angie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2665
Angie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi

Darren Stark, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2665
Darren Stark, Malcolm Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2665
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2665
Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2665
Cheryl Stark

Jennifer Simkin in Neighbours Episode 2665
Jennifer Simkin

Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2665
Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Cheryl Stark, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2665
Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Cheryl Stark, Marlene Kratz

Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2665
Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Jennifer Simkin, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2665
Jennifer Simkin, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2665
Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2665
Lou Carpenter

Philip Martin, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2665
Philip Martin, Helen Daniels

Stonie Rebecchi, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2665
Stonie Rebecchi, Malcolm Kennedy

Darren Stark, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2665
Darren Stark, Malcolm Kennedy

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