- Jo telling Mark that she just needs a good friend.
- Karl declaring that the Kennedy family is going back to basics!
- Jen showing off her 'Stairwells of Time' poster to Cody. Holly running through it!
No. 28
As Susan and Karl emerge from their bedroom, Susan asks Karl if he isn't going a bit far: they're in the twentieth century, not the Stone Age! Karl tells her that the television, CD players, blenders, juice extractors, electric knives... he thinks they can do without them. Susan asks about the computer and Karl admits that he might have to think about it; but he's hoping they can regain a little more self sufficiency and peace in their lives. Susan smiles that she bets he won't last a week without television and music!
No. 24
Jo is sitting at the kitchen table, staring into space. Annalise emerges from her room and comments to Jo that she hasn't even unpacked her case yet. Jo sighs that she was thinking about Mark again. Annalise tells her that it's over now; she has to give herself a chance. Jo murmurs that it's hard; maybe she should get some counselling and try and sort things through; she feels like she's lost everything. Annalise smiles that she hasn't lost *her*.
No. 26
Philip asks Jen if she isn't overdoing things a bit, taping 'Stairwells of Time' so she can watch it at breakfast. Jen, however, smiles at him and tells him to relax: she tapes it so she can watch it between cramming sessions. Philip heads into the kitchen as Jen tells him that they're having a competition to come up with the best and most original advertising idea, and the person who wins gets to have lunch with the stars. Philip asks if she's going to enter. Jen replies that of course she is, and she explains about the banner and how Holly trashed it. She asks Philip if he has any ideas. Philip grins and suggests she make a bigger and brighter banner and drape Lassiter's bridge with it! Looking thoughtful, Jen comments that that's a great idea! Philip looks at her in disbelief!
Offices of AnnaJo
Jo puts a kettle on top of a cabinet, but Annalise points out that they don't have coffee or cups. Marty Hackman comes in suddenly and hands Jo a bunch of flowers, and coffees for both her and Annalise. Annalise looks at him suspiciously. Marty tells them that if there's anything he can do to help them settle in, just ask. Annalise, however, replies coolly that they've got it under control. Marty accepts this and goes to head out. Jo smiles at him not to be a stranger. When he's gone, Annalise tells Jo that she shouldn't encourage him: he gives her the creeps.
Holy Roll
Lance sits down at a table with Hannah and puts a cooked breakfast in front of her. He thanks her for liking him again, adding that he felt awful last week, thinking she'd never talk to him again. He then takes a present out of his schoolbag for her. She opens it to find a portable computer game. She exclaims that it's wonderful; it must have cost him a heap. Lance smiles that she's worth it.
Marty comes into the shop and joins Mark - who's sitting at another table - and comments that he's just been in to see the gorgeous Hartmans: they're pretty girls and he wouldn't mind getting to know them better... He adds that Jo is pretty friendly: he reckons he might make a move there...
No. 30
Cody is studying when there's a knock on the front door. She goes and opens it - to Adrian. He tells her he needs to talk to her. Cody, however, retorts that she's sick of him and his stupid, obsessive carrying- on. Adrian stops her slamming the door in his face and tells him that Caroline has finally accepted that it's over, and she's agreed to have therapy. He goes on:
ADRIAN: I can't live without you, Cody. I'm desperate without you. Please... please, let's start again.
Cody comments coldly that she's heard this before. Adrian pleads for one more chance.
Holy Roll
Jo heads into the coffee shop and bumps into Mark. He tells her that he's been thinking: he over- reacted; there's nothing wrong with them working together and being friends. He asks how AnnaJo would think about picking up a new client, doing some promotional work for one of his new ventures. Jo nods that she's sure they could. Mark remarks that he supposes they need all the business they can get, as renting that office must be phenomenal. Jo, however, smiles that Marty did them a really good deal - he's such a sweetie! Mark comments that that's probably because he thinks she's a real babe; he said he'd like to get to know her better. He adds that he reckons the two of them would get on really well. Jo smiles:
JO: Yeah, we would, wouldn't we!
No. 26
Jen is painting her second 'Stairwells of Time' banner. She asks Philip what he thinks, but he doesn't look very interested!
No. 28
Karl pops home to pick up his diary and catches Susan watching television! He gasps that he thought they had an agreement. Susan, however, points out that he issued a decree - and there was no one there to be offended by her watching TV. Karl's beeper suddenly sounds and he looks at it. Susan asks if he's wanted back at the surgery and he nods that of course he is. Susan muses:
SUSAN: Couldn't they have... I don't know... sent up a smoke signal? Or maybe a runner? Lassiter's to here's not that far. I mean, it's not like the marathon to Athens or anything!
Karl gives her a dark look!
Ramsay Street
Cody emerges from No. 26 to find Adrian sitting in his car outside No. 30. She walks across to the house. Adrian emerges from his car, saying he knew she'd go and talk to Jen about this. Cody tells him firmly that it's over. Adrian points out that he told her things had changed, but Cody retorts that she's not willing to stick around to see if he's telling the truth. She goes to walk off - but trips over on the kerb and falls onto the grass at the edge of the pavement. Unable to move her ankle, Adrian helps her up. Cody reluctantly lets him.
Across the street, Hannah and Lance are walking up to No. 26 and they see Adrian lifting Cody in his arms. Hannah smiles:
HANNAH: Isn't that romantic!
Lance lifts Hannah up in the same way!
No. 26
Jen is using a hairdryer to dry her 'Stairwells of Time' poster. Hannah and Lance come in and Hannah asks where Holly is. Jen replies that she's outside and she's staying there! Hannah then shows off her present. Lance says he had something for Mr. Martin too. He takes out an antique- looking gearstick. Jen asks in surprise where he's getting all this stuff. Lance tells her that his dad doesn't need it anymore; he bought a new one and thought Mr. Martin might like the old one.
No. 30
Adrian has strapped up Cody's ankle. She tests it and finds she's able to hobble. Adrian warns her to go easy on it. He then tells her that he doesn't mean to harass her and be a total lunatic... Cody suggests that maybe *he's* the one who should be seeing a therapist. Adrian insists to her that he won't hurt her again. Cody sighs that she told him outside that it's over. Adrian pleads with her to give him one more chance. Cody, however, says she can't do that; she appreciates him helping her with her ankle, but he should be going. She asks him not to call her, as it only makes it harder. Adrian says:
ADRIAN: I love you, you know?
CODY: That's the problem, Adrian: I *don't*.
Adrian, a resigned look on his face, turns to walk out. He stops and looks at Cody once more before finally leaving.
Lassiter's complex
Philip and Jen are walking through the complex, holding Jen's poster. Philip mutters that he hopes no one sees him doing this: he'll never live it down. Annalise joins them and asks what they're doing. Jen explains that she's hanging a banner for a competition. The three of them hang the banner over the bridge, Jen using lots of tape. They then step back to admire their work - just as the tape unpeels and the banner falls into the water and begins to sink! Philip and Jen lean down over the edge of the bridge to try and rescue it, but to no avail!
Offices of AnnaJo
Jo has put Marty's flowers in a vase. She's pottering around the office when Marty comes in with a try of food and a bottle of champagne. He asks Jo if she's got any glasses, but Jo says she hasn't. Marty smiles that they'll just have to drink from the bottle. He then starts manoeuvring her towards the wall, putting his hand on her shoulder and saying:
MARTY: You know, Jo, I think you and I could become very good friends.
JO: Yes!
MARTY: *Close* friends, you know? I think we could become very close friends indeed...
Jo stares at him, suddenly wary.
No. 28
Karl arrives home and asks what's cooking and where the kids are. Susan replies that she's making salad and the kids are with friends who actually watch television! Karl smiles that he'd really love one of her creamy banana smoothies. Susan, however, replies that they can't use a blender - unless he'd like to mash and whisk. Karl declines. He then smiles:
KARL: Isn't it lovely, this blissful silence! No blaring television, no music, no computer games going beep- beep- beep.
He looks at Susan and adds:
KARL: I like what you've done with your hair.
SUSAN (darkly): I *always* wear my hair like this.
KARL: Well, just goes to show: without distractions, I've noticed how nice it is.
Susan snaps at him to face it: it's a stupid idea.
No. 26
Jen and Philip head in through the back door, Philip asking Jen if she thinks it's a sign that she should be giving up this competition in favour of study. Jen, however, tells him that she doesn't - and she thinks he's being very unsupportive! There's suddenly a knock at the door and Philip opens it to Mr. Hails, who asks if Lance is there, as he thought he'd pick him up. Philip goes to get him from the back garden. Jen remarks to Mr. Hails that Lance is a very generous boy. Mr. Hails suddenly notices his gearstick on the coffee table and remarks that *he's* got one of those. Jen tells him that it *is* his. Lance and Hannah come in and Mr. Hails holds up the gearstick and asks Lance curtly what he knows about it. Jen tells him that Lance brought it around this morning and gave it as a present to Philip. Mr. Hails then notices the necklace Hannah is wearing, commenting that he just put an insurance claim in for that. Hannah turns to Lance and asks what's going on.
No. 24
Jo storms into No. 24, ranting:
JO: Why me? Why does it always happen to me? Men! I hate them all!
Annalise asks what happened and Jo tells her that Marty Hackman happened: sleazy, creepy hands... Annalise asks if he actually *did* anything. Jo retorts that there was no way. Annalise asked what she even let him in for. Jo tells her that she trusted Mark: he said Marty was a top guy. Annalise growls:
ANNALISE: Right... Watch out, Mr. Gottlieb.
She storms out.
No. 30
Cody is telling Mark that he has no idea how good it feels to be rid of Adrian; she can finally relax. Mark smiles that those late- night 'phone calls were getting a little much. Cody stands up to hobble off to work. As she does so, there's a knock on the front door. Cody opens it and Annalise bursts in. She heads through to the lounge room where she snaps at Mark that she hopes he's proud of himself. Mark asks in surprise what he's done. Annalise snaps:
ANNALISE: You set my little sister up with that sleaze Marty Hackman.
MARK (insists): I didn't set *anyone* up.
ANNALISE: Well, what would you call telling her that he's a top guy? Suggesting that it'll be a good idea to get to know one another better.
MARK: I thought they might get on, that's all.
ANNALISE: Yeah, well, *he* thought they might get on too. Creep. I know what you're doing too, Mark.
MARK: I'm not doing *anything*, Annalise.
ANNALISE: Oh no? You were trying to palm her off onto someone else. *Anyone* else. You didn't care what happened to her, just as long as she didn't hassle *you* anymore. You make me sick - you're just as bad as *he* is.
With that, she storms out, leaving Mark looking taken aback.