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Neighbours Episode 2502 from 1995 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2501 - 2503>>
Episode title: 2502
Australian airdate: 24/10/95
UK airdate: 14/06/96
UK Gold: 04/06/02
Writer: Craig Williams
Director: Sally-Anne Kerr
Guests: Patrick Kratz: Shane Porteous
Angie Rebecchi: Lesley Baker
Running Rivers: Vince Gil
Zoe Tan: Jeuliette Hanafie
Lance Hails: Andrew Bibby
Brendan Walsh: Christopher Rickerby
Kingfisher: Bernie Chai
Summary/Images by: Graham
- Patrick suggesting to Sam that they go on a Drum Weekend.
- Annalise admitting to Stonie that she cares a bit for him.
- Hannah discovering Lance writing graffiti in the boys' toilets at Erinsborough High. Lance insisting that he was trying to clean it off. Hannah accusing him of being the boyfriend from hell.
No. 26
It's evening- time. Helen tells Hannah that Lance has called three times since she's been home; why won't she speak to him? Hannah retorts that he's a creep; she's never going to talk to him again. Philip says he told Mr. McKenna that he'd sort it out, and he sighs that he'd better tell Patrick that the Drum Weekend's off. Hannah, however, says quickly that he needn't do that: some kids were passing a dumb note about her and she lost her cool, that's all. Philip warns her that this had better be the last time Mr. McKenna has to ring him about her behaviour.
No. 24
Patrick, Annalise, Cheryl, Sam and Lou are gathered at No. 24. Lou hands round glasses of champagne and Marlene asks if everyone has got a glass. When they have, she addresses the gathering, saying:
MARLENE: As you all know, Colin and myself have been keeping company for a little while now.
PATRICK (grins): Yeah, well, it's about time he made an honest woman of you!
MARLENE: Yes, well you'll be pleased about this Patrick - because Colin and myself are engaged to be married!
Everyone lets out a cheer of surprise. Patrick asks where Colin *is* and Marlene explains that he's giving a lecture on Chinese ceramics; he'll be there in a little while. Lou asks cheekily if she's sure he hasn't got another woman stashed away! Annalise tells Marlene that she's got something blue for her on her big day!
Holy Roll
Mark walks into the coffee shop and joins Angie at the counter. He asks if she needs a hand, but Angie says they're pretty well fixed. She offers him a cup of coffee and he goes to make it himself. As he does so, Angie asks what the story is. Mark explains that he's trying to get away from Joanna: their relationship is over but she won't take no for an answer. Angie smiles that some day both of them will find the right person - just like Stonie and Kerry!
No. 24
Patrick asks Lou if he's looking forward to the weekend. Lou smiles that it'll be great. He adds that he's taken the liberty of inviting Phil along. Sam takes his father to one side and comments that he thought the idea of the weekend was for the two of *them* to get to know each other; clear the air - but suddenly it's become the- more- the- merrier. Patrick assures him that they'll have plenty of time. At that moment, Karl knocks and comes in, saying he wanted to check what gear they're all taking on the weekend. Sam looks annoyed.
No. 26
Billy joins Hannah in the kitchen and says he wondered how she was going. Hannah growls:
HANNAH: You know that graffiti you told me about - the one in the toilets? Guess who did it: my ex- boyfriend, Lance Hails.
Billy, looking surprised, reminds her that Melissa believed some rumour about *him* that he was a sex maniac, but they talked it through and worked it out; maybe she should try and do the same thing with Lance? Hannah, however, retorts:
HANNAH: The only thing I want to say to Lance Hails is 'drop dead'.
No. 24
The next morning, Philip and Jen head into No. 24, followed a few seconds later by Lou and Cheryl and then Karl and Susan. Karl has a huge backpack! Susan tells everyone that she said it was over the top, but he wouldn't listen! Annalise emerges from her bedroom, yawning. Patrick suggests it's about time they leave, beaming:
PATRICK: Camp Drumbeat, here we come!
As everyone heads out, Sam lingers with Annalise and tells her not to miss him too much. He kisses her and heads out. Annalise watches him go, looking worried.
By a lake
Patrick, Karl, Lou, Sam, Philip and two other men are walking along a path by a stream when they come across a man standing before them with his arms raised. The man says:
MAN: Welcome to Camp Drumbeat.
He goes on:
MAN: My totem is Running Rivers.
He introduces his assistant standing next to him, Laughing Kingfisher, and then continues that at Drumbeat they are there to discover what they've lost. Karl calls out:
KARL: What - our hairlines?!
PHILIP: Our waistlines?!
RUNNING RIVERS: No. For some of us, those things are gone forever. But what we *can* get back is our maleness, a real sense of ourselves and a brotherhood that we've let go.
He goes on that at Drumbeat they'll discover the power of the tribe; the hunter mentality - and one of the first things they must accept as males is a reluctance to accept what's different. He then tells them to go and find their tents and unpack - and he adds that they're in for a great weekend!
No. 30
Mark is telling Annalise that he made no promises to Jo whatsoever. Annalise asks what he wants *her* to do. Mark asks if Jo has ever been obsessed over a guy before, but Annalise points out that she didn't even know she had a sister until a few months ago. She then suggests that she could talk to her dad. Mark nods that he'd appreciate it if she could.
Holy Roll
Hannah is sitting at a table with Zoe when Lance approaches them and pleads with Hannah to listen. Hannah, however, snaps that she's listened to all the lies and the nasty gossip that's going around, and the jokes they're all telling about her. She and Zoe march out. Lance calls after them that he wasn't doing the writing; he was trying to cross it out.
Camp Drumbeat
The Ramsay Street men and the two others are sitting round a fire and Running Rivers tells everyone that it's time to give each of them a new tribal name. He names Lou as 'Wild Bilby', Philip is 'Sleepy Koala', Sam is 'Proud Ibis', Patrick is 'Sly Dingo' and Karl is 'Hermit Crab'. Karl mutters that that's ridiculous. Lou warns him not to get crabby! Running Rivers reminds them all that it's just to allow them to forget their everyday personas, so they shouldn't think too much of it. He then moves onto the subject of food. Sam exclaims that he could eat a horse! Running Rivers, however, tells everyone that they eat no meat there, and have no electricity anyway - but the bush is full of rabbits and the streams are full of trout and yabbies, and he has fishing lines and spears, so they can feel free to catch their own. Karl grins and takes a jar of roll mops out of his backpack! Running Rivers, however, grabs it and pours the contents on the fire. Karl exclaims that that's outrageous. Running Rivers says:
RUNNING RIVERS: My brothers... my wild pack of hounds... Happy Hunting!
Holy Roll
Hannah and Zoe walk back into the coffee shop, followed by Lance, who's with Brendan. Lance tells Hannah to listen to Brendan. Brendan admits that *he* wrote that stuff on the toilet walls; he's sorry. Lance assures Hannah that *he* was just trying to cross it out. Brendan insists that it was just a stupid joke that went wrong. Hannah stares at Lance and says meekly that she never really thought he could do such a terrible thing; it's just that seeing him with the texter... She tells him she's sorry.
No. 22
It's evening- time and Susan, Angie and Cheryl are relaxing and drinking wine. Susan asks what videos they got and Angie tells her that it's something educational: The Best of the Chippendales(!); and Beaches as well, in case they feel like a real weep. Cheryl, however, suggests they have a *real* therapeutic night: she bought some aromatherapy oils and mudpacks and she thinks they should be really kind to themselves. Angie looks into the camera and says:
ANGIE: Let's put on the warpaint!
Camp Drumbeat
Cut to Karl looking into the camera, wearing warpaint and muttering:
KARL: I don't think I've ever felt quite such an idiot.
He has red, yellow and white stripes on his cheeks and chin! Philip tells him to loosen up, but Karl snaps that he's had nothing to eat but a corn cob, he's cold, he's covered in mud and he has a horrible feeling he's supposed to prance round the campfire.
The men other than Karl and Sam all have their tops off. Running Rivers tells them that it's time to enjoy themselves, to release their inhibitions, to explore their fundamental selves, to feel their power lost through the softness and comfort of their lives. With that, Laughing Kingfisher begins beating on a drum. The men - other than Karl - stand up and start dancing and walking round the fire, grunting and chanting as they do so! Sam suddenly moves out of the circle and goes to walk away. Patrick goes after him. Sam turns and snaps at his father that he looks like an idiot. Patrick points out that it doesn't hurt to loosen up occasionally, and he asks what's *really* wrong. Sam retorts that they've been there nearly a day; does Patrick call this 'spending time together'? Patrick insists that they'll talk. Sam just shrugs dismissively, "Sure," and walks off.
Holy Roll
Annalise walks into the coffee shop. Stonie emerges from the kitchen and asks her what she wants. She tells him that they have to talk - not there, though. She tells him to come to Marlene's after work. Stonie asks about Sam, but Annalise tells him that she's gone away for the weekend.
No. 26
Hannah and Lance are playing Monopoly in the lounge room. In the kitchen, Jen remarks to Helen that she thought Hannah was never going to speak to Lance again! The two of them serve dinner and call to Hannah and Lance to come through. They do so and Lance smiles that dinner smells wonderful. He asks where Mr. Martin is tonight and Jen explains that he's gone away to a boys' weekend out in the bush somewhere, playing warriors. Lance asks if she means Camp Drumbeat, as his dad went there last year. He adds that he was never quite the same afterwards: he wasn't as loud as usual and didn't drink as much; he just seemed a lot happier. Helen glances at Jen and remarks that that's interesting!
No. 24
Annalise is waiting impatiently for Stonie to turn up. There's suddenly a knock on the door and she quickly checks her hair in the mirror before letting Stonie in. He hands her a small bunch of flowers and Annalise smiles that they're beautiful. Stonie tells her softly:
STONIE: So are you.
Annalise, however, asks him not to do that; it makes her embarrassed. Stonie insists that he just wants her to be happy. They sit down on the couch and Annalise sighs that she's so confused at the moment: she doesn't want to hurt Sam, but she can't get Stonie out of her mind. She suggests that they just be friends; it'll be a lot easier. Stonie, however, says they're past that now - she *knows* that. They stare into each other's eyes and then move towards each other and start kissing. After a few seconds, Annalise pulls away and groans:
ANNALISE: What are we *doing*?
STONIE: If I have to tell you then we mustn't be doing it right!
ANNALISE (quietly): What are we going to do?
STONIE: That's up to you.
With that, they start kissing again, more passionately...
<<2501 - 2503>>
Philip Martin, Jen Handley, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2502
Philip Martin, Jen Handley, Helen Daniels

Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2502
Hannah Martin

Patrick Kratz, Annalise Hartman, Cheryl Stark, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2502
Patrick Kratz, Annalise Hartman, Cheryl Stark, Sam Kratz

Lou Carpenter, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2502
Lou Carpenter, Marlene Kratz

Angie Rebecchi, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2502
Angie Rebecchi, Mark Gottlieb

Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2502
Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz

Billy Kennedy, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2502
Billy Kennedy, Hannah Martin

Jen Handley, Philip Martin, Patrick Kratz, Marlene Kratz, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2502
Jen Handley, Philip Martin, Patrick Kratz, Marlene Kratz, Sam Kratz

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2502
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Philip Martin

Annalise Hartman, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2502
Annalise Hartman, Sam Kratz

Kingfisher, Running Rivers in Neighbours Episode 2502
Kingfisher, Running Rivers

Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz, Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2502
Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz, Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Philip Martin

Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2502
Mark Gottlieb

Lance Hails in Neighbours Episode 2502
Lance Hails

Karl Kennedy, Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz, Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2502
Karl Kennedy, Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz, Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter

Running Rivers in Neighbours Episode 2502
Running Rivers

Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan, Brendan Walsh, Lance Hails in Neighbours Episode 2502
Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan, Brendan Walsh, Lance Hails

Susan Kennedy, Angie Rebecchi, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2502
Susan Kennedy, Angie Rebecchi, Cheryl Stark

Angie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2502
Angie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2502
Karl Kennedy

Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2502
Patrick Kratz, Sam Kratz, Philip Martin

Sam Kratz, Patrick Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2502
Sam Kratz, Patrick Kratz

Annalise Hartman, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2502
Annalise Hartman, Stonie Rebecchi

Hannah Martin, Lance Hails, Helen Daniels, Jen Handley in Neighbours Episode 2502
Hannah Martin, Lance Hails, Helen Daniels, Jen Handley

Annalise Hartman, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2502
Annalise Hartman, Stonie Rebecchi

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