Ren tells Luke that things are getting complicated - she asks him to leave.
Mark says he's had three near-death experiences and God is looking after him.
Shane wants to stay with Stonie for a few days until the heat is off.
Number 32
Stonie can't believe that Shane has broken out of jail - he was up for parole in a few months! Stonie says once Danni and Mal come home, Shane will have to leave. He says he won't throw his new life he's built up for Shane.
Danni and Mal come in and Stonie pushes Shane out of the back door.
Number 30
Luke has packed his things. Mark is spouting religious nonsense that Ren and Luke are now saved from the jaws of temptation! Then he says that Phil and Jen aren't setting a good example by living in sin. As Luke leaves, Mark says he'll pray for him.
When Luke has gone Ren tells Mark off for spouting claptrap.
Luke has arrived and is a bit upset about Ren throwing him out. Helen is just off to Marlene's, leaving Hannah and Luke to hang out and watch telly. Luke sees a ram skull on the wall and picks it up to inspect it. Hannah says it's Jen's. Luke tells Hannah it's no ordinary skull - it's "The Rams's Head". Once a living breathing animal, but now really dead...but how did it die? Hannah starts to look scared and wants to know the end of the story. Luke puts the lights out and shines a torch through the skull!
Number 32
Stonie tells Shane he'll have to go. Shane says he's got nowhere to go and he can't go back to prison - it's horrible. Stonie gives Shane his rent and food money and tells him to get out. Shane stalks out of the back door.
Number 30
Mark is still spouting religion at Ren. She points out that no-one wants to hear what a big sinner they are and her and Luke's relationship is none of his business. Mark says he just wants to save Ren's soul by bringing God's light into her life. Ren says she doesn't want God's light in her life!!
The Pub
Helen joins Phil and Jen are a table (they are playing cards). They chat about Luke - Helen says he's a bit upset about Ren but will cheer up soon.
Luke is still telling his story about the ram and Hannah is terrified. She shouts at Luke to stop and puts the lights on. She takes the skull and throws it out of the front door!
Garden of the Robinsons
Luke is looking for the skull.
Number 30
Ren is dreaming that he's dressed in old-fashioned clothes and Luke has come to find her (very surreal). She wakes up and sighs.
Martins, the following morning
Luke finds the skull in a tree and puts it in his bag.
Inside, Jen is asking Phil where the skull has got to. Hannah looks shifty but says she hasn't seen it this morning. Jen says she's had the piece for years and it means a lot to her. Helen suggests asking Luke.
Number 30
Ren lights a candle and as she does, hears an advert on the TV about interpreting dreams. She writes down the number.
Number 32
Mal and Danni are off out. Mal tells Stonie that the cellar door was open and asks him to make sure he locks it from now on. Stonie realises that Shane must have hidden down there.
Phil leaves for work. Jen is still looking for the skull. Hannah admits that she knows where the skull is - she chucked it out of the front door. She explains about Luke's story and Jen says she'll kill Luke.
They go outside to look for the skull but there's no sign of it. Jen wonders if Holly has taken the skull!
Garden of Number 32
Stonie shouts at Shane and tells him to rack off. Stonie can't believe Shane has bought cigarettes from his money! Shane says that Stonie has become a nerd. Stonie goes inside to call the cops. Shane pulls a sob story about Stonie reporting his own brother.
Coffee Shop
Jen and Hannah are eating sundaes and chatting amiably about the skull. She suggests calling in on Phil at the newsagency on the way home.
When Jen has gone, Mark comes up and tells Hannah that he worries about her. He says that when you're young you learn by example from your elders. It's a dangerous time and she needs a moral guide. Hannah doesn't know what he's talking about!
Number 32
Stonie doesn't call the cops. He thinks Shane should turn himself in instead. He says that Shane will be on the run from the cops forever if he doesn't. He says that Shane never uses his brain. He loves him as a brother and begs him to turn himself in before it's too late. Stonie says being inside is better than being on the run forever.
Ramsay Street
Danni and Mal see a police car outside their house.
Number 32
Shane has turned himself in and the police are taking him away in handcuffs. Stonie still has to go to the police station to answer a few questions.
Coffee Shop
Kev comes in and asks for a large glass of beer. Mark tries to put him off alcohol and starts talking to him about the "true direction of his life". Mark says he's scared Kev hasn't got any purpose or meaning. Kev orders a pizza but Mark says he doesn't need a pizza - it would be more nourishing to sit and think about his life(!) Kev walks out.
Luke comes in and Mark tries to save his soul too - he's had a sign. Luke asks what the sign was. Mark says it was the knife that didn't hit him. Luke says he's an idiot - he's turning customers away because of a kitchen accident! Luke says he's fed up of Mark's behaviour.
LUKE: Shove the Holy Roll. I quit!