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Neighbours Episode 2434 from 1995 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2433 - 2435>>
Episode title: 2433
Australian airdate: 19/07/95
UK airdate: 12/03/96
UK Gold: 27/02/02
Writer: Rick Held
Director: Robert Meillon
Guests: Sassy: Defah Dattner
Postman: Bill Coleman
Loser: Gred Muller
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Marlene tells Helen that she wants Mark removes from the Youth Centre.
Cheryl and Lou argue over Frank the Native American statue.
Ren can't trust Luke is being sincere about their relationship and pushes his hand into a cake.
The Pub
Cheryl is crowing about the profits tonight, but Lou isn't sure she's made very much when she's factored in all her costs. Lou isn't convinced that fine dining is the way to go for the pub - a proper Aussie pub would be better.
Coffee Shop
Stonie is determined to study hard this year and Cody is pleased. Stonie also tells her that he's got a tutor - it's Sassy, his ex-girlfriend. Cody isn't very impressed, but says it's OK.
Ren is boiling an egg. She apologises to Luke for ruining the cake, although she still feels he deserved it(!) Luke isn't impressed, but Ren says she needs to know where they're going - Luke is confusing her. She thinks Luke just wants sex, but he says he wants a relationship. Ren gets angry and tells him she doesn't believe him. She picks up the rose Luke bought her and throws it, vase and all, across the room, narrowly missing Mark. Somehow, the crystal vase fails to shatter(!)
Coffee Shop
Stonie is reading through the small ads in the paper and see and advert to share with Danni and Mal. Stonie says it would be great - he could live there and be near Cody! Sassy comes in and drags Stonie off to start studying.
CODY: Just as long as he picks your brains, sweetheart, and not anything else, we won't have any problems!
When Stonie and Sassy have gone, Cody calls Mark over and shows him something in the paper.
The Pub
Lou is decorating the place with sports posters and posters of scantily-clad women(!) Cheryl is dismissive of his efforts.
Sassy and Stonie are studying in the one and only classroom. Sassy asks about Cody, but Stonie says that she is cool. Stonie says Cody is not the possessive type, but he is in love with her. Sassy wonders if Cody feels the same. She suggests a little game to see if there's any magic left between her and Stonie. Stonie isn't interested.
Mark runs over to Annalise and Sam and shows them an article in the paper - he's the latest victim. Annalise says there's nothing they can do because the writer is hiding behind a pseudonym. Mark says that although he behaved badly with Lucy, God will forgive him for it.
Just then, Sam's toolbox falls off the roof, narrowly missing Mark's head. Mark gets a dreamy look on his face.
MARK: That's the second time!
The Pub
Some 20 year old extras are listening to the racing results and drinking. Luke tells Lou that he likes the friendly, laid-back atmosphere. At a table, Cody tells Luke that she's a bit concerned as Stonie is studying with an ex-girlfriend. She feels stupid for being jealous. Luke says he's not the right person to ask as he's useless at relationships, given his recent dealings with Ren.
CODY: Sex. Love. Who needs them?
CODY: Me too!
They laugh. Luke thinks he's picked the wrong girl in Ren.
Coffee Shop
Mark is reading the bible when Ren comes in. She wants to ask Luke to move out of the house. Mark starts telling Ren that they're all sinners. She stomps out in exasperation.
The Pub
Stonie arrives late and Cody isn't very impressed - they were meant to be having lunch. Stonie explains that he was going over an assignment with Susan, but she's clearly upset about Sassy.
Ren is writing her CV when Luke comes to talk to her. He tells her he's really upset about what happened last night - they were friends before but now it seems like all they do is fight. Maybe they should forget about having a relationship and going back to being housemates. Ren tells him coldly that this can't happen and tells him nastily that he probably got away with loads of stuff as a kid, but can't as an adult. She wants him to leave - it's too complicated.
REN: Now, if you'll excuse me...
LUKE: Princess, consider yourself excused for good. Oh, and as for your little castle...I'll be out of here just as fast as I can.
Ramsay Street
Sam gets a ring on his car phone as he pulls up outside No.24 - it's Joanna calling for Annalise. She tells Sam that her father has been in an accident at his show - she's got to go to Perth immediately.
University - outside
Mark sees Cody and says he is carrying on with his course. He tells her he's been to confession and suggests she does the same.
CODY: Don't try to convert me, I've got enough problems at the moment!
She pours out the story about Sassy and tells Mark she's jealous. Mark says jealousy eats into a person like a cancer and suggests that she talks things over with Stonie.
Garden of No.24
LUKE: Marlene says Tony's in hospital! What happened?
SAM: Something about a lighting stuff-up. Apparently his wig caught fire.
LUKE: His wig?
SAM: Yeah, then of course the dress he was wearing had to by synthetic, didn't it?!
Annalise is crying and says she really wants Sam to come with her to Perth. Luke offers to fill in for him and run Handy Sam's - he needs the extra cash anyway.
The Pub
Cheryl is inspecting a cricket bat which Lou solemnly tells her struck the winning run in the 1989 Ashes - at least, that's what he tells the punters(!) He crows that he's already $600 up on Cheryl's takings for yesterday. He's running an Aussie tucker food night tonight too and is quietly confident.
Sassy invites Stonie around to her house tonight to study, but just then Cody comes in.
STONIE: What are you doing here?
CODY: I've got something to say.
She kisses him.
SASSY:(sarcastically) Who says she's not the possessive type?!
The kids around cheer as they continue to kiss.
CODY: I love you!
STONIE: Really and truly?
CODY: Yes, really and truly.
Stonie picks her up and swings her round in delight.
STONIE: Just like in the movies!
He carries her off while Sassy is left to glower!
Coffee Shop
In a fit of bad acting, Mark races through the main shop and into the kitchen. Ren is very busy washing up and Mark fumbles as he helps her. A chopping board hits a knife high into the air. Mark slips to the ground and the knife lands point-down with a loud fake twanging sound, only an inch from Mark's armpit.
REN: Are you alright?
MARK: I think so.
REN: You could have been killed!
MARK: Yeah...third time in as many days.
REN: Let's buy a lottery ticket, huh?
MARK: No! I'll be content just to thank God.
REN: Yeah, yeah, that too.
MARK: There's no doubt it's a sign.
REN: Of what?
MARK: I've been chosen, Ren. My sins have been forgiven. Clearly God has work for me to do!
In the main shop, a customer rings the bell on the counter and Mark interprets it as angel song(!)
<<2433 - 2435>>
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2434
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Cody Willis, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2434
Cody Willis, Stonie Rebecchi

Luke Handley, Ren Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2434
Luke Handley, Ren Gottlieb

Cody Willis, Saskia
Cody Willis, Saskia 'Sassy' Patterson-Smythe, Stonie Rebecchi

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2434
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Saskia 'Sassy' Patterson-Smythe, Stonie Rebecchi

Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb, Postman in Neighbours Episode 2434
Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb, Postman

Stonie Rebecchi, Cody Willis, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2434
Stonie Rebecchi, Cody Willis, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Mark Gottlieb, Ren Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2434
Mark Gottlieb, Ren Gottlieb

Cody Willis, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2434
Cody Willis, Stonie Rebecchi

Luke Handley, Ren Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2434
Luke Handley, Ren Gottlieb

Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2434
Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman

Cody Willis, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2434
Cody Willis, Mark Gottlieb

Luke Handley, Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2434
Luke Handley, Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman

Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2434
Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Stonie Rebecchi, Cody Willis, Saskia
Stonie Rebecchi, Cody Willis, Saskia 'Sassy' Patterson-Smythe

Mark Gottlieb, Ren Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2434
Mark Gottlieb, Ren Gottlieb

Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2434
Mark Gottlieb

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