Annalise talking to Mark about playing a disembodied head in the pantomime.
Cody yelling at Danni that she's an irresponsible brat for not bringing her car back in time.
Annalise telling Sam that even if nothing happens between them, they're still friends.
No. 26
It's evening- time, and Cody is washing a mug furiously at the kitchen sink. Helen comments that she's rather attached to that mug(!), and Cody apologises and explains that she's just still really angry at Danni for taking off in her car like that. She snaps that Danni's lucky she lent it to her in the first place. Helen reminds her that she knows what Danni's like. She then suggests to Cody that she get rid of some of that aggression at the self- defence class tomorrow. Cody smiles that she'll definitely be there.
No. 22
Brett is taking photos of Dahl as Danni comments that she doesn't suppose he wants to help her with her election speech...? Brett nods that she's right! Danni shrugs that after today's publicity stunt with the car, she reckons the election's in the bag - but she couldn't believe Cody: she got the car back a couple of hours late and Cody totally cracked at her; she's become totally stuck- up since she started at uni. Brett starts fussing over Dahl and Danni mutters that he's such a dag. She goes on that he thinks he's so much better than her - so why don't they up the bet for the Jog for Justice? Brett grins that that's fine, if she wants to run around 'Stark' naked!
No. 24
Sam is doing the dishes after dinner and Marlene comments that she's glad *someone* appreciates her cooking; Annalise told her her food is unhealthy. Sam goes quiet and Marlene asks if things are still a bit edgy between him and Annalise. Sam nods that they are a bit; he's trying to stay out of her way - but when you're friends with someone and there's... Marlene suggests:
MARLENE: Sexual tension?
SAM (admonishes): Nan!
Marlene insists that there's no need to be embarrassed; there's so much electricity between him and Annalise that she's surprised they don't get a bill!
Ramsay Street
The next morning, Annalise is collecting the newspaper from No. 24's mailbox when Sam runs up and collapses on the ground, commenting that he's got shin splints. Annalise asks where it hurts. Sam points out the front of his left leg and Annalise offers him a massage with some juniper oil. Sam, however, says quickly that he thinks he'll be all right and he gets up and jogs up to No. 24.
Helen, Ren and Cody walk along the road and Helen invites Annalise to come to the self- defence class at the Youth Club. Annalise, however, says she's got to work on her costume; they've got dress- rehearsals coming up. Helen and the girls head to the car.
No. 28
Libby tells Susan that they'd better make a move; if they're anything like kickboxing lessons, Malcolm said they make you do a hundred sit- ups if you're late! Susan is packing up some of her old clothes to give to charity and she tries to offer them to Libby, but Libby looks at them with disdain, saying pointedly that she doesn't think they're in fashion!
No. 22
Brett is taking photos of Stonefish and he tells him to strike a studious pose, like he's just topped the class. He then suggests that they take a break, and Stonie comments that this will be worth it if he becomes School Captain - and he reckons he might have a chance. He tells Brett that if there's anything he can do for *him*, ever... Brett tells him that he needs to get fit really fast for the Jog for Justice. Stonie starts talking about using isometrics to build up strength. Danni comes in as Brett starts pushing against Stonie's hands, but he falls forwards and the two boys end up in each other's arms! Danni quickly grabs the camera and takes a photo, grinning that it's perfect blackmail material! She runs off upstairs!
No. 24
Sam is rubbing his sore leg. Marlene tells him that she'd better get going, as she's expecting a delivery at the shop and she wants to take a little sticky at the self- defence class Helen organised. Sam comments coolly that as he's still playing rent on the place, she might have asked him if it was still OK to use it first. Marlene retorts that Annalise and Ren asked him weeks ago. Sam tells her that that was for a one- off, not a series. Marlene suggests that he come down and have a look, but Sam tells her that he hasn't got time. Changing the subject, Marlene asks Sam to post her mail- order form. She hands it to him and heads out.
Rear of the Bric-a- Brac store
The self- defence instructor - Sarah Ashmore - is asking the attendees why they're there. Cody tells her that with all her study, she thought it would be a nice balance to do something physical as well. Susan says she'd like to be able to protect her family if ever there's an intruder in her house. Libby adds that she'd like to be able to look after herself if she had to. Ren says she was in a pretty dicey situation recently; nothing happened, but if it had she wouldn't have been able to protect herself. Helen says *she'd* like to brush up on her self- defence skills again. Sarah tells everyone that the class is not just about physical skills but developing the right mental attitude; about thinking positively and not being a victim. She tells everyone to find a partner of roughly the same height and they'll get started. Helen pairs up with Cody - but Sarah asks her to work with Ren, leaving Cody to work with Danni!
No. 22
Brett is reading aloud the speech he's written for Stonie, but he's struggling with how to finish it. He tells Stonie that they need something that sums him up in one word; something simple but powerful. Stonie thinks and then says:
STONIE: OK, OK, write this down: 'A vote for Stonefish is a vote for the people'.
BRETT (smiles_: Yeah, not bad! I like it! What does it mean, though?
STONIE (shrugs): I don't know - but it sounds like a politician would say it, doesn't it?!
He then declares that he guesses the election is all his. Brett suggests that they just have to hope Danni doesn't do too much damage with her smear campaign.
Rear of the Bric-a- Brac store
Sarah Ashmore shows the participants a kicking move. She kicks out at a large pad Cody is holding. Cody then quickly turns and kicks at a pad Danni is holding, causing Danni to step back in surprise. She glares at Cody. Marlene comes in and Sarah invites her to join them. Marlene looks around nervously at all the kicking going on!
Back yard of No. 24
Sam is cleaning the pool while Annalise hammers a nail into a wooden box. She yells out suddenly and Sam runs over and asks if she's OK. Annalise shows him her left thumb, which he gently manoeuvres from side to side and up and down. He offers her a hand with the box. As he hammers in a nail, Annalise remarks that he makes it look so easy. She adds that she can't wait until it's finished - then she can start rehearsing. She looks at Sam.
Rear of the Bric-a- Brac store
Sarah tells the class that she now wants to talk to them about using their voice as an extra weapon in an attack. Cody remarks sarcastically:
CODY: Hmm... should be right up your alley, Danni.
Sarah explains what to do. She takes a deep breath and then lets out a HA! at Danni, startling her! The whole class then tries it. When everyone's done, the instructor tells them that the class is over and she hopes to see them next week. Susan invites everyone back to her place for lunch.
Back yard of No. 24
The wooden box is finished and Annalise tries it on. It's a perfect fit. Annalise then goes to take it off - but can't get the latch undone. Sam tries to release it, but can't budge it. Annalise exclaims:
ANNALISE: Oh what? What...? I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a box on my head!
No. 28
Susan is serving lunch as Ren comments that she hopes everyone has a good sense of community for the Jog for Justice next week. Danni announces that she's planning on winning, so she'll definitely be there! Libby asks Cody if she can give her a few tips on how she won the School Captain elections last year, as she's helping Brett with Stonefish's campaign. Danni listens with sudden interest as Libby explains that she and Brett nominated Stonie for an experiment to test Brett's campaigning techniques. Danni turns to her and remarks:
DANNI: When Stonefish finds out that you and Brett have played him for a complete sucker, I don't think he's going to want anything to *do* with the election.
Back yard of No. 24
Sam has managed to get the box halfway up Annalise's head, but it won't come off completely. He tells her that he's going to count to three and try again. He does so and gives the box a pull - and it finally lifts off, causing Annalise to fall forward on top of Sam. Marlene appears as Annalise laughs:
ANNALISE: Oh God... I thought we'd *never* get it off!
No. 26
Cody walks into No. 26 with Helen, commenting that she feels so much more relaxed after that class. The 'phone starts ringing and Helen gets it. After a few seconds, she calls to Cody that it's her friend, Lech, from the university. Cody takes the call and listens. She makes arrangements to meet him. When she hangs up, she tells Helen that Helen is going to have to go along to the lunch party without her; Lech has invited her to the Orientation Week car rally. Helen gives her a knowing look! Cody insists that they're not going out; Lech is just her friend, who's taken her under his wing. Helen remarks that she hopes Rick doesn't get the wrong idea. Cody insists that she can look after herself.
No. 24
Sam grabs a sandwich from a tray Marlene has set out, but Marlene tells him to get his hands off them as she's taking them over to the Kennedys'. Sam asks if he can come, but Marlene remarks that she thought he'd rather stay there with Annalise; they looked very cosy in the back yard. Sam sighs that it wasn't what it looked like. Marlene then notices that Sam hasn't posted her mail order form. Sam says he'll do it later.
No. 22
Danni and Brett listen as Stonie finishes a rehearsal of his speech. Danni smiles that it's a great speech, but she doubts it's going to do any good when everyone sees the photo of him and Brett together. Stonie shrugs that she can show it around; the only person who's going to look like scum is *her*. Danni asks him:
DANNI: Since when have you been so cool about people slagging you off? Or is this just another one of Brett's games?
BRETT: This might be a game to *you*, Danni, but *we're* taking this election seriously.
STONIE (nods): Yes, *very* seriously.
DANNI (to Brett): Oh... so it's a very serious *experiment*, is it?
Stonie asks Brett what Danni is talking about. Brett says quickly that he doesn't know. Danni tells Stonie that she's talking about Brett and Libby setting him up; Brett reckons he's so good at campaigning that he can get anyone elected. Stonie mutters at Danni that he doesn't believe her; she's making this up. Danni, however, says:
DANNI: No, I'm not. Face it, Stonie - you're being used as a guinea pig; just a puppet in Brett's political game.
Stonie walks towards Brett menacingly. He grabs him and pulls him up from the sofa. A look of horror crosses Danni's face...