No. 26
Marlene has turned up at No. 26 and she tells Helen that she's ready to go to church but her car won't start, so she wondered if she could thumb a lift. Helen asks if Annalise and Mark want a lift as well. Hannah is looking out through the front window and she complains that Billy is starting early and it's not fair. She asks her gran if she can miss church. Helen asks what it's about and Hannah explains that it's just this thing they're doing. Marlene asks if it's about the billy- cart she saw Billy dragging and Hannah admits that it is. Helen tells Hannah to change out of her good clothes first!
News agency
Philip shows Vikram the paperwork for the News Agency of the Year award and says he wants to go flat- out on it from tomorrow. Vikram beams that it's good to see him enthused about this. Philip comments that it's good to have something to be enthused *about*. He then invites Vikram for lunch - a traditional Australian roast.
No. 24
Cody and Sam are doing the washing- up. As they do so, Sam tells Cody that he's got a lot on his mind at the moment - he's got to get his act together, as he's being a moron.
Ramsay Street
Billy and Hannah are working on the billy cart and Hannah asks if they can charge money for people to ride in it. Billy comments that do that and then spend the money on fish and frogs to put back into Lassiter's lake now that it's not so polluted; or maybe they could sell the billy cart to buy fish and frogs and then buy another billy cart, do it up, sell it and buy even more! Libby joins them, looking for Brett.
No. 22
Brett is peering out through the front window of No. 22 when Danni joins him and teases that he's the hottest boy in Erinsborough! She laughs that he chased Libby like crazy, and when she decided she'd liked him, he can't handle it! She then suggests that they could go on a date and he might find he really likes her. Brett, however, asks glumly what he'll do if he has to kiss her: she was like a wet fish. Danni just comments that if Libby has really got the hots for him, she's going to get him!
Sam's office
Sam and Mal are setting up some weights and Mal comments that he normally works out on his own - and to music. Mal warns him that it had better not be disco!
No. 22
Danni is looking out the window and she tells Brett that Libby is still there. Brett mutters at her:
BRETT: Why don't you go and do your jewellery? Knock- up another bunch of swastikas!
At that moment, Danni comments that Libby is going inside. Brett heads out.
Ramsay Street
A few moments later, Brett joins Billy and Hannah, telling them that he's sorry he's late. Hannah tells him they don't need help, but Brett points out that the back wheel isn't straight. Libby walks over at that moment and smiles that she thought she heard him! Hannah grins that Libby's been waiting for him for ages. Libby frowns indignantly:
LIBBY: No I haven't!
Brett stands there looking awkward!
Sam's office
Mal and Sam finish their workout and Sam comments that it's nice to be clear of women for the change: he's totally surrounded by them at his place! He goes on that Marlene is always plotting and planning... she's a power- monger and hasn't been off his back since they moved into the place. Mal says it really sucks at *his* place: no one listens to him or takes him seriously.
No. 26
Vikram is at No. 26 and he smiles that something smells inviting. Helen and Hannah come in, Hannah complaining about having to leave the billy cart. Vikram hands Helen some flowers and she smiles that they're lovely. He then hands Hannah some chocolates, which seems to do the trick in stopping her complaining about having to leave the cart!
No. 24
Sam arrives home and shows Marlene a sign he's made:
Marlene comments coolly that it's very nice, but it's not exactly what they talked about: she wants *her* name on the sign and his in smaller letters, as most of his business comes on the telephone and most of hers comes through the door. Sam mutters that this is the way it's done, so shoot him. Marlene, changing the subject, tells him that Mark and Annalise are coming for lunch. Sam, looking annoyed, snaps that he won't be there, and he storms out.
No. 22
Brett is talking to Libby, Billy and Danni about the billy cart when Mal comes in and comments that he was just checking out the billy cart in the yard. Brett smiles that it's a beauty, but Mal comments that he thinks it needs some modifications - but they need to test it out. Billy tells his brother that he can help if he wants to, but it's *his* cart, and Hannah's.
No. 26
Hannah is talking to Cody enthusiastically about the billy cart! Helen comments to Philip that Vikram has been telling her about the news agency trio and she asks for a demonstration. Philip, however, says there are some things that should remain a mystery!
No. 22
Sam comes in and remarks to everyone gathered there that he has some ideas for the billy cart! They decide to pilot it and Sam and Mal start arguing over who should drive. Libby tells them that Brett should do it!
No. 26
Hannah complains to her father that she can hear them playing with the billy cart. Vikram offers to go outside with her and supervise her playing in the road. The two of them head out. Cody thanks Helen and Philip for inviting her over. Philip asks if Sam's in a bit of a funny mood, and Cody comments that sometimes she feels like she's in the way - although no one's said anything. Helen remarks suddenly that they have a spare room at No. 26, so why doesn't Cody move in with *them*?
Ramsay Street
Libby climbs onto the billy cart behind Brett and Billy christens the vehicle as the Magic Bullet. Everyone then pushes the cart and it flies off down the street!
No. 26
Helen is saying to Cody that a quieter environment would make all the difference. Philip adds that the room's there if she wants it. Cody comments that she doesn't want to hurt Marlene, and she asks if she can think about it.
No. 24
Sam comes in and asks tersely if Mark and Annalise have gone. Marlene retorts that, no, they're both in the cupboard. She then asks him if he's redone her sign. Cody comes in as the two of them start arguing again. Marlene snaps at Sam that she wishes he'd get out of this mood he's been in. He storms off. Marlene turns to Cody and comments that she doesn't know what's got into him. Cody starts to say that it doesn't make it easy to get study done. Marlene, however, interrupts and tells Cody that having her there is like a little ray of sunshine. Cody, looking guilty about saying she wants to move out, goes to her room and try and study.
No. 22
The teens are at No. 22, Mal commenting that they can't use the billy cart until the brakes are fixed. Brett says he'll do some more work on it before the next run. Libby then asks him if he'd like to come and see a movie with her, but Brett says he's got council meetings for the next two or three weeks, so he's pretty tied up. Danni chips in that the next one's not for a fortnight, so they've got plenty of time to go and see a movie! Brett sighs that if it's two weeks, he guesses seeing a movie would be fine. Libby heads off, leaving an annoyed Brett to snap at Danni that she can be so slack sometimes!
No. 24
Cody emerges from her room and asks Marlene if her living there is a bit of a problem. Marlene, however, tells her with Sam being a misery guts, it's been a real pleasure having her there. At that moment, though, Hannah runs in and tells Cody that Helen's told her about the great news about her coming to live with them. Marlene asks Cody if this is what she'd been leading up to. Hannah realises awkwardly that she's put her foot in it and she dashes back out. Cody apologises to Marlene for that happening. Marlene, however, tells her that it can't be easy for her to study, so she thinks her moving next door is a good idea; she'd never forgive herself if Cody didn't get through these exams. Cody hugs her appreciatively.
Ramsay Street
Cody heads out of No. 24 and joins Hannah and Billy in the street. She tells Hannah that she mustn't rush in and blab things like that - but she's still moving in! Hannah hugs her in delight. She and Billy then climb onto the billy cart - Billy at the front - and Cody pushes them down the street. As they build up speed, Billy suddenly realises that the brakes aren't working and he cries out:
BILLY: I can't stop it.
The cart gathers speed as the two of them sit there flying along, looking terrified.