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Neighbours Episode 2237 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2236 - 2238>>
Episode title: 2237
Australian airdate: 13/09/94
UK airdate: 12/06/95
UK Gold: 29/05/01
Writer: Lyn Ogilvy
Director: Grant Fenn
Guests: Lata Chatterji: Kamila Webb
Vikram Chatterji: Nigel Rodrigues
- "High On A Mountain" by The Badloves
- "Worlds Away" by Ian Moss
Summary/Images by: Sal
- Cheryl decides that she has to get back to work and Lolly has to have a nanny.
- Lata tells Brett that she's lied to Vikram about where she was when she was with Brett.
- Philip tells Julie that he thought they wanted the same things out of life. He says he's sick of them fighting all of the time.
Number 22
Danni and Sam are sitting on the sofa. Cheryl comes in and wonders what could possibly make Lou stop work on his car and hurriedly drag Philip to the Waterhole instead. Sam tells her that Philip is the replacement co-driver for Doug. Cheryl is surprised to hear that Doug might be heading off to Darwin, but mocks the idea that Julie would let Philip go on the bash. Sam thinks that the boys are pretty set, so Julie might not have much of a say.
Cheryl fusses over Lolly and chastises Danni for not having changed Lolly's nappy. Danni protests that she did it a couple of minutes ago and Sam backs her up. Sam leaves for dinner at Marlene's. Cheryl asks Danni to start the dinner, and Danni is unimpressed as it's Lou's turn to cook. Danni tries to wangle pizza, but Cheryl's not having it. Cheryl coos over Lolly, telling her that she has to go to work tomorrow. Danni rolls her eyes.
Number 26
Debbie is going through some clothes, sorting out what she wants to take to America, and wonders if some of them would fit Hannah. Julie is distracted, wondering why Philip didn't say how long he'd be out and why he didn't tell her where he was going. Debbie wonders why Julie doesn't want Philip to have a life of his own. Julie says that she does, but she wants him to share it with her(!)
DEBBIE: You spend all day together at the newsagency. If it were me, I'd be glad to have some space to myself.
JULIE: Yes. Well, wait until you marry someone you love and then you might understand how I feel.
DEBBIE: I'm never going to marry anyone if we end up behaving the way you two behave!
JULIE: (unimpressed) Where did you learn to be so judgemental, young lady?
DEBBIE: (teasing) ...from you!
Julie laughs. Julie moans that she doesn't know what to do - she's trying being sweet to him, humouring him and even pointing out their problems. She reckons he won't listen and can't see how much he's changed.
JULIE: What else can I do?
DEBBIE: You could try leaving him alone.
Julie doesn't understand how that would help. Debbie is amazed that Julie doesn't seem to have learnt a thing from the family counselling sessions. Debbie points out that Julie is trying to manipulate Philip, like she always has done. Julie is upset, thinking that Debbie's accusing her of having the problem, but Debbie clarifies that Philip and Julie's marriage has problems - not the individuals!
JULIE: Philip's the one who's changed. Not me.
DEBBIE: Maybe he thought he had to. You always want him to listen to you, but you never listen to him. Maybe if y-
JULIE: (interrupting) I *do* listen to him! I listen to him all the time! But I'm yet to hear him say anything useful or helpful about our problems.
Debbie sighs.
DEBBIE: Whatever you say, Mum.
Julie looks upset.
Vikram's Flat
Lata is dressed in traditional clothing. Brett arrives and looks at a statue of Hanuman (a Hindu God) and asks how he is.
LATA: He's very well. I hope you can say the same for your family god.
BRETT: What family god?
LATA: The little, round fat one.
BRETT: What, Lou?
Lata clarifies that she means their pig ornament! Brett says it isn't a god...but he isn't sure exactly what it is. He says it's one of Lou's pets. Lata is surprised that they don't have live pets. Brett tells her about his rat, Jeffery, and how *she* ran away (if you don't know, Brett named his rat before realising she was female). Lata wonders why he doesn't get another one as there are heaps of rats in the pet shop but Brett thinks it wouldn't be the same.
Lata tells him that she had pet monkey which she had to leave behind when she came to Australia. Lata reveals that she made the same mistake with her monkey as Brett did with his rat - it was named after Hanuman, but then they found out that it was female. Brett mentions that he saw a galah in the pet shop and how he thinks it would make a great pet.
Lata comes out with a polaroid camera and makes Brett close his eyes. She takes a picture of him and he comments about how he hates having his photo taken. They laugh when the photo develops, and Lata says his pose looks like a galah - so he should definitely get one as a pet. Brett asks to keep the photo and Lata says that he better had do as she can't have it lying around.
Brett thinks that they should tell Vikram about their relationship. Lata reminds Brett what Vikram's like, but says that he's not home for hours. Brett smiles.
Number 22
Ren has come over to discuss the nannying arrangements. Cheryl is fussing and Ren has a list as long as her arm of things that Cheryl's already said! Sam bursts in with a heap of food. Apparently Marlene cooked too much as she keeps forgetting that Annalise is away. Danni bags some of the food, as she's too hungry to wait for Lou to get home.
Cheryl says that Lou's already on his way back, as he's just rung. Cheryl triumphantly tells Sam that he was wrong - Philip declined the job as co-driver on the bash. Cheryl reckons that he's scared of what Julie would say. Sam thinks he's mad to turn down such an opportunity. Sam invites them down to the pub to celebrate his place on the Emus. Danni starts to get up and Cheryl stops her.
CHERYL: Ahhh, you're not 18!
DANNI: Two days! Two days, and you can't stop me!
Ren goes with Sam, and tells Cheryl that everything will be fine with Lolly in the morning. Cheryl wonders what Danni has been reading, but Danni refuses to show her.
Vikram's Flat
Brett is wearing one of Vikram's turbans and the two of them are still larking about with the polaroid camera. Suddenly, they hear Vikram arriving home, so they scoop up all of the photos and Lata ushers Brett into her bedroom. Lata spots a stray polaroid and slides it into the back of her clothing, just as Vikram walks in.
Number 26
Julie is reading a magazine on the sofa. Philip walks in.
PHILIP: Jules! How's my favourite girl?
JULIE: Are you sure you're interested?
PHILIP: (laughing) Of course I'm interested!
He kisses her head but Julie is very unhappy.
JULIE: Not interested enough to spend time at home with me instead of hanging around the Waterhole with the boys.
PHILIP: Oh, come on, how often do I go out with my friends?
JULIE: A hell of a lot more than you used to! ...when you loved me.
PHILIP: (rolling his eyes) I still love you! What on earth has me going out got to do with that?
JULIE: Come on, Philip. You're a middle-aged man with a family, not an irresponsible boy who can do what he wants.
PHILIP: Can't I be a little bit of both?
This falls on deafening silence!
PHILIP: (going into the kitchen) Lou asked me to go on the bash with him, now that Doug's a non-starter.
JULIE: You said no, of course?
PHILIP: Yes, I did!
JULIE: (looking relieved, mutters to herself) Glad you've retained some sense.
PHILIP: ...at first.
Julie looks up sharply. Philip returns from the kitchen and cracks open a bottle of beer.
PHILIP: (grinning) But then I decided to take him up on his offer.
JULIE: You can't be serious.
PHILIP: I've never been more serious in my life. I'm going to have a bit of fun. I'm going to do what I want to do!
JULIE: (aghast) Philip, that's ridiculous! You've got obligations here, you can't disapp-
PHILIP: (interrupting) Julie, I'm not asking you for your permission. I'm simply telling you. I'm going.
Julie is stunned.
Vikram's Flat
Vikram is unhappy. He wonders why Lata is dressed up and Lata tells him that she dressed up because she was bored. He's not impressed - he didn't spend a lot of time and money getting her to Australia from India so that she could sit about and be bored.
Vikram suggests a list of things to do, from her homework to reading a book - but Lata's done them all. He's very confused as he feels that she should be enjoying herself in a new country with new experiences and things to learn. Lata stands in the doorway, trying to block him from going towards where Brett's hiding.
Lata gets rid of Vikram by telling him he looks tired and offering to bring him some tea if he goes to bed. Vikram worries that he might not have done the right thing in coming to Australia.
LATA: You're not going to take us back?
VIKRAM: Well, at least you seem to like it here. Even if you are bored.
Vikram exits and Lata grabs Brett out of the bedroom, but in their rush he drops the camera and all of the polaroids. Hurriedly, Lata pushes Brett back into the room and they kick all of the photos back in too. Lata picks up the camera. Vikram reappears, wondering what the noise was.
VIKRAM: What are you doing with that?
Lata quickly lies that she's going to take some photos to send to their Aunt - after all, Vikram told her to find something to do. He leaves again, and Lata grabs Brett. They sneak through the room and Lata manages to smuggle him outside.
Number 26
It's morning, and Debbie is sitting at the table. Philip makes a cup of coffee. He asks if Debbie's going to the practice exams, but Debbie doesn't see the point as she won't be sitting the finals. He sits with her, and Debbie is surprised as he should be taking over from Julie at the shop. Philip smirks and doesn't seem bothered about that fact at all!
Debbie wonders what last night's fight was about and Philip tells her about the bash. Debbie is surprised to hear that he's going, but Philip figures that he had to make a stand over something, and this is it.
DEBBIE: Good for you. Don't let her talk you out of it.
PHILIP: Yeah, well, I can't. It's become a matter of survival. For me and for our marriage. ...unless this is a badly managed midlife crisis.
DEBBIE: No, it's not! Maybe leaving Lassiter's and buying the newsagency was your midlife crisis. If this is anyone's crisis, it's Mum's.
PHILIP: I can't even be bothered arguing with her anymore. There doesn't seem to be any point. It doesn't change anything. I don't know what she wants, or what makes her happy.
DEBBIE: Having you under her thumb.
PHILIP: ...can't do that. Although I do think that would be the easiest way out of this mess.
They tightly smile at each other.
Julie and Vikram are at work. Philip turns up. Vikram greets him warmly, whereas Julie looks like she wants to murder him.
JULIE: (annoyed) Decided to finally arrive, I see?
Philip apologises, asking if she had something else to do and Julie tells him that she might have done. She suggests that another time he might think of someone other than himself.
PHILIP: Well, you're free to go now.
Now Julie really looks like she wants to murder him!
JULIE: (angrily) We're partners, Philip. Not boss and employee. I think you should treat me with a little more respect. Like, thinking about who you're going to get as a replacement while you're off with with your mates, gallivanting around the Northern Territory.
Julie shoves a box into his arms. Philip now looks as angry as Julie did!
Number 22
Danni quizzes Cheryl over what she's getting for her birthday. Cheryl teases Danni about whether or not she's due a birthday and Cheryl tells her that she's getting her a gag! Ren arrives for the babysitting job. Cheryl admits that she'll enjoy being back at work, but she really wants to stay at home with Lolly. Cheryl fusses over phone numbers and the like, but Ren reassures her. Cheryl thanks her for putting up with her being neurotic!
Cheryl tells Danni to get a wriggle on, and warns her not to leave a mess as Ren is there to babysit Lolly, not to clear up the kitchen.
DANNI: Yes, Mum.
CHERYL: Yes, Mum(!)
REN: If she leaves a mess, I won't touch it.
CHERYL: That's the spirit! Ciao everybody, have a lovely day!
Ren asks Danni about her birthday. Danni says that she's got a plan, but it's a surprise and nobody knows what she's going to get up to. She fondles the top of her ear whilst she says this.
Philip and Vikram are at work. Two customers leave the shop.
VIKRAM: I'm glad we're alone.
PHILIP: Julie hasn't been rude to you, has she?
VIKRAM: Oh no, nothing like that. I mean, Julie's always Julie with me!
Vikram doesn't want to trouble Philip because he knows things aren't great between Philip and his 'lovely wife' but Philip reassures him that it's ok. Vikram asks his advice about Lata (yeah, Philip the ever successful parent!). Vikram talks about the brawl. Philip says that it's probably all out of proportion - from what he heard, Brett and Sam had a misunderstanding.
VIKRAM: A misunderstanding? About what?
PHILIP: ...well, Brett got jealous because Sam had taken Lata out to dinner.
VIKRAM: (outraged) This is worse than I thought! She promised me she won't go out with boys! She's been lying to me! What else has she been getting up to when my back is turned?!
Philip looks a bit confused by Vikram's reaction and keeps quiet!
Number 22
Ren picks up the magazine that Danni was reading the night before - it's a magazine on piercings. Ren and Danni discuss them, as Danni's thinking of giving herself a birthday present. Ren thinks it's cool, but warns her to be careful. They discuss different places to get pierced, including the navel, nose and eyebrow!
REN: In some places, it's a custom.
DANNI: Yeah, it'll soon be a custom here too. I'm just ahead of my time, that's all!
Ren warns that Cheryl might kill her if the pain doesn't! Danni wonders which body part she should get pierced. She decides to ask Lata, as she might have something interesting pierced. Ren tells her to leave Ren out of it - if Cheryl knew that she was involved, she'd be out of the door! Danni says it's not a big deal - her ears didn't hurt when she had them pierced. Ren says that some people have a higher tolerance for pain.
Danni fiddles with her lip, clearly thinking about piercing it!
Vikram and Lata are arguing. Vikram tells Lata that they can't carry on the way they are, as he doesn't have the time to act like a policeman in her life. Lata apologises, but Vikram warns that if she makes one wrong step in the future, she's going to be sent to her aunt in India.
LATA: No, please. She's so strict.
VIKRAM: Which might be exactly what you need. It's up to you.
Lata looks unhappy.
Number 22
Sam asks Ren how long she'll be in Erinsborough for. Ren says that she's not one to settle down permanently, as she enjoys travelling too much. Sam agrees - and every time Marlene pushes him, he feels like getting on his bike and heading off. Ren is surprised that they haven't run into each other before now, given that they've been to many of the same places.
Sam asks how Ren funded herself being away from home, and Ren reveals that she used to make craft items and sell them if she couldn't get work nannying.
SAM: We're a couple of nomads, aren't we? Hey, we should do it together sometime.
REN: Are you propositioning me?
They laugh and Sam notices the phone is off the hook. He replaces it and Ren stops him. Ren explains that Cheryl is ringing every half hour to check on Lolly. Sam suggests that they all go out for a walk to get away from it.
Cheryl is at work and is hanging on the phone. Philip is sitting at the bar. Cheryl is begging Ren to answer the phone. He wonders if there's trouble, and Cheryl tells him that the phone was engaged for ages and now Ren's not answering. She concludes that there must be something wrong with Lolly. Philip reckons there'll be a reasonable explanation.
Ren walks in and Cheryl wants to know what's wrong. Ren tells her that she's fine and explains that she took the phone off the hook. Philip smiles to himself. Ren says that they've brought Lolly to Cheryl so she can give her a quick cuddle before Ren takes her home. Philip gives Cheryl an 'I-told-you-so' look. Cheryl laughs, embarrassed.
Number 22
Brett and Lata are studying. Lata asks if his family will be home soon, and suggests going to her place instead. Brett points out that if Vikram catches them, she'll be sent away. Lata is certain that he's working until 8pm, if not later. Brett says that's what she thought last night, but Lata is certain.
Danni bursts in and shows them her birthday present - she's had the top of her ear pierced. Apparently Sassy did it for her, and Brett looks repulsed by it. He reckons it looks infected and that Sassy probably didn't use clean equipment. Danni admits that it hurts a bit, but reckons it'll be ok when it heals. Despite Danni's claims of how cool it looks, Brett thinks it was a stupid thing to do.
BRETT: For one, it looks disgusting. Two, you'll probably get blood poisoning and three, Mum is going to go ballistic.
DANNI: Brett, you're such a nerd!
Danni tells him that Michael will love it when he sees it. Ren arrives home and asks what he'll love. Brett tells her they're talking about Danni's new body mutilation! Ren takes a look.
REN: Ah, nice idea, but who did it? A butcher?
DANNI: No, a friend.
REN: Oh, sorry. It's just that someone I know had a friend to do their piercing. Ended up with hepatitis.
Danni laughs it off calling them all wimps. Ren suggests she put some antiseptic on it. Brett and Lata leave. Ren offers to help Danni with the antiseptic, but Danni reckons she's fine. She looks a bit troubled.
Philip, Julie and Vikram are all working. They've pulled all of the magazines off the shelves and are sorting out a new shelving system. Philip suggests moving the women's interest magazines to the furtherest area from the door.
JULIE: (irritated) Why?
PHILIP: Because women buy more magazines. And if they're over this side, they have to pass the cards and the videos on the way. Maybe they'll stop and buy them.
JULIE: What makes you think women are that stupid? Keep the men's interests over there and see if they stop and buy on the way.
PHILIP: I'm not suggesting women are stupid, Julie. It's just that we have more women come into the shop and they happen to buy the most magazines
JULIE: Can you prove it?!
Philip rolls his eyes and tells her that he can - he's been keeping records. Julie mutters that she hasn't seen any records, and Philip bitches that they were around for anyone who was interested(!) Julie gets annoyed with the insinuation that she's not interested in her own business. Philip wearily states that wasn't what he was saying.
In the stand-off, Philip suggests that Vikram goes home because he's looking tired. He refuses and Debbie appears, asking if Helen should keep dinner for them.
JULIE: Oh well, ask your father - he's the one who makes the decisions in our lives these days!
Debbie and Philip exchange a 'here-we-go-again' look. Debbie comments on Vikram's tiredness and suggests that if he wants to go home, she'll help Philip and Julie. Vikram takes her up on the offer.
DEBBIE: I'll ring Gran. How long shall I tell her we'll be?
JULIE: (annoyed) Hours at this rate!
Debbie and Philip exchange a knowing look. Philip tells her that it'll take them about an hour.
Vikram's Flat
Brett kisses Lata on the cheek and tells her that she's beautiful. Brett and Lata both tell each other that they've never felt this way about anyone else before.
BRETT: I love you, Lata.
They start to pash, just as Vikram arrives home and catches them.
<<2236 - 2238>>
Danni Stark, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2237
Danni Stark, Sam Kratz

Julie Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Julie Martin, Debbie Martin

Brett Stark, Lata Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2237
Brett Stark, Lata Chatterji

Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2237
Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark

Vikram Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2237
Vikram Chatterji

Julie Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Julie Martin, Philip Martin

Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Julie Martin

Lata Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2237
Lata Chatterji

Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Debbie Martin

Julie Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Julie Martin, Philip Martin

Julie Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Julie Martin, Philip Martin

Ren Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2237
Ren Gottlieb

Vikram Chatterji, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Vikram Chatterji, Philip Martin

Ren Gottlieb, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2237
Ren Gottlieb, Danni Stark

Lata Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2237
Lata Chatterji

Sam Kratz, Ren Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2237
Sam Kratz, Ren Gottlieb

Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2237
Cheryl Stark

Ren Gottlieb, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Ren Gottlieb, Philip Martin

Lata Chatterji, Brett Stark, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2237
Lata Chatterji, Brett Stark, Danni Stark

Vikram Chatterji, Julie Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Vikram Chatterji, Julie Martin, Philip Martin

Philip Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2237
Philip Martin, Debbie Martin

Brett Stark, Lata Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2237
Brett Stark, Lata Chatterji

Brett Stark, Lata Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2237
Brett Stark, Lata Chatterji

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