Annalise tells Sam that she's sorry for kissing him.
ANNALISE: I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You're a great guy and everything, but Mark and I just split up.
SAM: Well, do you still have feelings for Mark?
ANNALISE: No, not like that...I mean, we were seeing each other for quite a while.
SAM: I understand completely. I mean, I don't want you to get the wrong idea either. It didn't mean anything for me.
It clearly did.
ANNALISE: Good, because I don't want to start anything new yet.
SAM: No, of course not. Just that, you were so happy, it made me happy, and we both kind of just went for it!
ANNALISE: Yeah, we sure did!
SAM: You're a beautiful woman, it's a natural thing.
She laughs, embarrassed.
ANNALISE: It won't happen again.
SAM: It won't.
ANNALISE: I mean, we're good friends, really good friends, I want it to stay that way.
SAM: Me too. Hey, you're safe with me.
ANNALISE: Thanks, Sam. That's great, you're wonderful.
No.26, the following morning
Phil has made Julie a nice fruit salad for breakfast but she refuses it saying she'd prefer toast. Phil admits that the toaster is broken and Julie will have to fix it!
Ramsay Street
Doug is taking Zac out in the pram as he's looking after him for the day. He tells Phil that Gaby is going to see a lawyer about custody of Zac today.
DOUG: Jack wants to see his son and Gaby is digging her heels in.
PHIL: Sounds rough, mate.
DOUG: Yeah, it is.
He is looking forward to looking after Zac then. Phil tells Doug about the battle of the sexes between him and Julie.
Annalise tells Cheryl that she wants to have another Waterhole theme nights. Cheryl suggests a celebration of Spring.
Annalise is a bit distracted and tells Cheryl about her kiss with Sam. Cheryl laughs. Annalise says she needs to clear her head about the Mark break- up first before she contemplates another relationship. Cheryl says she's going ask Mark to cater for her next function.
The Office
Sam comes in looking for some odd jobs. Rick tells him that Gaby isn't there, but there's a few jobs around the office to be done.
They chat about Mark and Sam asks if Mark wants Annalise back.
RICK: You thinking of picking up the pieces? Moving in on Annalise?
SAM: No, mate, nothing like that.
RICK: Good man. I'd stay away if I were you. They were a pretty big item. It just going to take a while for things to die down a bit. It just wouldn't look good if you move in now.
SAM:'s the last thing on my mind, mate.
He heads off.
Doug moans that he took ages to get Zac to sleep, he even sang "Moon River"(!)
He and Pam reminisce about their youth. They also talk about how much they both love Zac.
PAM: He looks like you.
DOUG: You think so? I thought I saw you...
PAM: He's got your smile.
DOUG: He has?
PAM: Mmm...just before he throws up(!)
DOUG: Thanks very much!
They are both a bit worried about the custody battle. Doug puts some music on for them to have a dance.
Julie has found the toolbox. Holly barks, distracting her, and she accidentally unplugs the wrong plug. She pokes the toaster with a screwdriver and ends up electrocuting herself. Holly noses at her as she lies on the ground.
Sam is ordering food from Annalise. He looks a bit nervous and they're a bit awkward with each other. He apologises for the kiss again.
Just then, Mark comes in. He asks if she's given any more thought to him managing the Coffee Shop. She hasn't decided yet, but tells him about Cheryl wanting him to do some catering.
MARK: Wow, even after I poisoned her!
ANNALISE: Yeah, she had a change of heart.
MARK: It can happened.
ANNALISE: Yeah, I guess it can.
She agrees that Mark can manage the Coffee Shop. Sam orders another drink. Awkward.
Julie has come around and Cheryl is tending to her. She explains about fixing the toaster and her bet with Philip. Cheryl laughs and says it's a shame she can't get Lou to breast- feed(!)
Cheryl suggests that Julie takes the toaster to an electrician. Julie thanks Cheryl for looking after her.
Zac is crying and Pam soothes him. Doug comes in and says Holly has Doug up the whole of the back garden. She says he'll have to sort out the garden later as she's got to get back to work.
Coffee Shop
Mark is back behind the counter at the Coffee Shop and is telling Sam about his plans for the place. Sam says he can't work there much now as he has other work on.
MARK: I don't want to let Annalise down.
SAM: Yeah, well frankly, mate, the way things are between you guys, I'm surprised she gave you the job at all.
MARK: Me too. But you heard the lady. Change of heart. Who knows where it might lead.
SAM: You want to get back together?
MARK: Maybe. I don't know why we broke up in the first place, seems silly.
SAM: Yeah?
MARK: Yeah. But I don't know what I'm going to do about it now do I?
Sam looks worried.
Doug puts Zac down to sleep in his bedroom. There's a loud knock at the door and it's Phil. He offers Doug some odd job work at the Newsagency, but Doug suggests he gets Sam instead. Doug moans about Holly digging up his garden and Phil says he'll have a word with Hannah.
In the background, Zac has started crying again.
Julie tells Phil that she's fixed the toaster(!) They talk about Holly. Phil thinks Hannah isn't looking after Holly properly.
PHIL: It's high time Hannah learnt her lesson. Either she looks after Holly, or Painter can go.
No.28 (Garden)
Doug has got Zac in the pram while he sorts the garden out. He says maybe he could build Zac a sandpit.
In the house, a delivery man has let himself in(!) Doug comes in and signs for it. It's a present from Pam's mother - a baby cardigan.
No.28 (Garden)
Doug comes back to the garden to find that Zac is missing from his pram. He looks around in horror.