Julie comes in looking shocked.
PHIL: Julie? What's wrong?
HELEN: Darling?
JULIE: It wasn't my fault, I - I - I don't know how it happened...
PHIL: What's happened?
JULIE: I...I ran over Cheryl.
PHIL: What?!
JULIE: I - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
PHIL: Well, is she hurt?
JULIE: Yes, yes, she's hurt...
PHIL: Well, where is she?
JULIE: She's outside on the pavement!
HELEN: Has anyone called an ambulance?
JULIE: I don't know.
PHIL: Who's with her?
JULIE: Um, Michael, he's trying to help...Philip, I can't go out there...
PHIL: It's alright, it's alright. Just calm down.
He guides her to a seat.
HELEN: Philip, you go, I'll take care of her.
Helen is on the phone to the emergency services.
JULIE: What if she's dead?! What if I've killed her?!
Ramsay Street
Michael has just roughly turned Cheryl on to her side(!) when Brett rushes out.
MICHAEL: Could you get her some blankets?
BRETT: Is she alright, how did it happen?
MICHAEL: Just get her some blankets, will you? Brett, if you want to help, get her some blankets! Go!
Brett rushes off.
Phil arrives.
PHIL: Is she alright?
MICHAEL: I don't know. Has someone called an ambulance?
PHIL: Yeah, it's on its way.
MICHAEL: Don't move her!
(Any more than Michael has already!)
PHIL: I'm not going to.
He feels Cheryl's wrist.
PHIL: Pulse is strong.
PHIL: What about the baby?
Helen is stroking Julie's hair.
JULIE: I don't know how it happened. I was panicking because there was this huge spider that dropped right down in my lap...I was so scared, I just screamed. I was trying to get it up. I don't know what I did, maybe it's still out there in the car...
HELEN: It's alright, darling.
JULIE: I must have...I must have put my foot on the accelerator instead of the brake and run into her.
HELEN: Julie...
JULIE: Dear God, I hope she's alright.
HELEN: Darling, she'll be alright...
JULIE: Gran, how many times do you hear of parents running over their children in their driveways? (Suddenly thinking) Oh, no, the baby! What if I've killed the baby?
HELEN: Oh, no, darling...
JULIE: Gran, I didn't mean to, you believe me, don't you?
HELEN: Of course I do, you wouldn't do a thing like that on purpose!
Coffee Shop
Annalise is still irritated with Mark not treating her with respect as the boss. Dave is sitting at the bar and says that it's important to have happy workers. Annalise relents and says Mark can handle the do for Doug and Pam.
Dave comments that the salad is great - turns out it has his chutney in it! Dave wonders if he should start selling it. Annalise says that Sally (Mark's mum) gave her some recipes for beauty treatments once. Dave says he'll have a look for them when he pops back to the farm.
Ramsay Street
The police and an ambulance have arrived. Cheryl is on a stretcher, while Michael gives a statement to police.
Lou arrives at that moment and rushes over.
LOU: Cheryl?!
PHIL: She was knocked over.
Nice use of the passive voice there, Phil!
LOU: How?
PHIL: It was an accident...
LOU: Is she unconscious?
PHIL: Yeah.
Danni and Brett are also there, distraught.
Michael is still giving his statement.
MICHAEL: You know, they were having a few words.
POLICEWOMAN: They were arguing? What was the last thing said between them?
MICHAEL: Er...Julie was telling Cheryl to get off her property.
POLICEWOMAN: And she didn't go?
MICHAEL: She didn't have much of a chance to...and that's when it happened. I mean, it wasn't totally Julie's fault, it was two people...
Cheryl is being loaded into the ambulance.
LOU: I'm going with her.
DANNI: I want to come, too!
LOU: No, kids, there just isn't room. You two look after yourselves.
Danni starts to cry and he hugs both her and Brett.
LOU: I'll call you from the hospital, OK?
Lou gets into the ambulance and it drives off.
Accident and Emergency
LOU: Cheryl? Can you hear me?
It seems Cheryl is still unconscious.
LOU: I love you. You've got to hang in there, sweetheart, for both of us, for the kids. I don't know what I'd do without you.
The medical staff wheel Cheryl off for treatment. Lou sits with his head in his hands.
Ramsay Street
Danni and Brett are desperate to get to the hospital. Helen can't drive due to her eye condition, but she says she'll call them a cab. Michael is about to hug Danni, but the police take him off to see Julie. Brett and Danni hug and sob together.
Julie inexplicably seems to have cheered up.
POLICEWOMAN: Would you like to sit down, we can get this over and not take too much more of your time.
JULIE: Oh, that's alright. You can take as much time as you like.
POLICEWOMAN: Because of the seriousness of the incident, and due to the circumstances around it, I'm going to have to remind you...
JULIE: Circumstances? What do you mean? It was an accident.
POLICEWOMAN: Please, Mrs Martin, all in good time. I have to remind you that anything you say could be taken and used as evidence against you. Do you understand?
Lou, Danni and Brett are waiting for news about Cheryl in silence.
JULIE: I could be charged with assault, or attempted murder, even!
PHIL: Julie, you're jumping to conclusions!
JULIE: Am I? That's what they were implying. They read me my rights, you heard them.
PHIL: You know it was an accident, so do we!
JULIE: Michael, why did you tell them Cheryl and I were arguing?
MICHAEL: I didn't mean to, it just sort of, came out.
JULIE: Well, you've put me in an awful position.
JULIE: I was defending the family at the time, you know, I was defending you. That's how the whole argument started.
MICHAEL: I know, I heard some of it.
JULIE: Now they think I ran over Cheryl because she wouldn't leave. Michael, I wish you hadn't told them.
MICHAEL: Hey, I said I was sorry.
HELEN: Excuse me, darling, but *were* you arguing with Cheryl? Did you ask her to leave.
HELEN: Then what did you expect Michael to do, lie for you?
JULIE: Well, he could have thought through the consequences and just not mentioned it.
HELEN: Just as you're doing now?
JULIE: What do you mean?
HELEN: You're forgetting there was a third person involved, what of her evidence? What if Cheryl mentions the argument but Michael hadn't? Police are going to take an even dimmer view of your accident if they thought there was a conspiracy to hide the truth.
JULIE: Mmm, I suppose you're right, Gran. I'm sorry, Michael.
Coffee Shop
Mark's dad tells Mark that he's decided to keep the house and the bit where Sally is buried and sell the rest. Mark isn't sure it's the right time to sell.
Annalise and the bar staff are wondering where Cheryl is. Mark comes in, and he hasn't seen Cheryl either. Kev (the bar staff) offers to put the taking into the safety deposit box. Annalise and Mark head home.
Mark tells Dave to put some clothes on, it's freezing! They talk again about the farm and Mark's hippy childhood. Mark says he feels close to Sally when he's at the farm and Dave promises to hang on to the house.
MARK: I miss her.
DAVE: So do I, son.
The doctor comes out and tells Lou that Cheryl is now conscious. She's fractured her pelvis and left ankle, which will have to be pinned. She also has concussion.
DOCTOR: All in all, her condition's remarkably good for what she's been through. Now, as for the baby...the initial ultrasound has picked up an irregularity in its heartbeat. This complicates matters.
LOU: How, exactly?
DOCTOR: To be blunt, she could miscarry.
Lou looks horrified.
DOCTOR: But it's not for certain, it's too early to tell. There's a very good chance she won't. Whoever it was that initially attended to her has probably given that child the chance it now has.
LOU: Um...
DOCTOR: Was it you, Brett?
BRETT: No, Michael just told me to get the blankets.
DOCTOR: Well, it's thanks to him. Because your mother was kept warm and still, we may save the child.
LOU: Oh, let's hope so.
DOCTOR: However, there is another problem. While the baby's heartbeat is unstable, we won't be able to operate. But we'll try to make Mrs Stark as comfortable as possible.
LOU: Can I see her?
DOCTOR: Of course. But only for a minute. She's just had another ultrasound and it's best if she has a good rest.
Cheryl's Hospital Room
CHERYL:(weakly) Don't worry, lover, it might never happen.
LOU: It very nearly did. How are you feeling?
CHERYL: Like a truck hit me. Have they said anything to you about the baby?
LOU: Hey, everything's going to be alright. You just rest and get better.
CHERYL: Am I going to lose it?
LOU: I don't think so.
CHERYL: I couldn't stand it.
LOU: I couldn't stand to lose you.
No.24 (side of house)
Brett is planting seeds when Michael comes over to talk to him.
MICHAEL: Brett...I'm sorry, mate.
BRETT: What for, the doctor said you might have even saved the baby.
MICHAEL: What? How?
BRETT: The way you looked after Mum before the ambulance came.
Michael takes this in, and Danni comes up behind him.
MICHAEL: I'm just sorry about them arguing over me and Danni, that's all.
BRETT: It's not your fault, it's theirs. They're the ones who completely lost it.
DANNI: Are you blaming mum for her accident?
BRETT: No, of course not, I'm just saying it was her attitude that got her into trouble. If she's sat down and talked about it rationally, none of this would have ever happened.
DANNI: You're being a bit rough on her.
BRETT: I don't think so.
DANNI: I do. After everything that's happened...
BRETT: All I'm saying is that violence breeds violence. She went a bit aggro and she got some of it back. It's karma.
Julie comes out and says that she had a terrible night's sleep. Phil wonders if she could have some tranquillisers, but Julie says she has to speak to Lou this morning. She's going to apologise and tell him it was all an accident.
PHIL: I just don't think he'd want to see you at the moment, Julie.
JULIE: I don't care what you think, Philip, I'm going over there right now.
HELEN: Why don't you leave it for a few days, darling.
JULIE: Gran, I want him to know that I'm sorry.
PHIL: You just want him to say it's not your fault.
JULIE: Do you think it is?
PHIL: Of course not! I just don't think he'll be in the mood to forgive you, that's all.
JULIE: Don't say anymore, Philip. You obviously think I ran over Cheryl deliberately!
Julie arrives.
LOU: What do you want, Julie?
JULIE: Can I come in?
LOU: I'm sorry, I've got things to do.
JULIE: Well, just for a second...I...I want to say how sorry I am about what happened. Lou, I wasn't thinking...
LOU:(angry) Well, that's pretty obvious, isn't it, you weren't thinking!
JULIE: No need to shout at me...
LOU: I don't know how you've got the gall to come over here! Cheryl's going to be in hospital a long time, we might lose the baby. And you come over here and tell me you weren't thinking! What do you expect?!
JULIE: I'm sorry...
LOU: Sorry's not good enough! You nearly killed her!
JULIE: I *am* sorry, I really am, Lou. I forgot everything except what was happening to me...
LOU: That's right! You were stupid and thoughtless.
He tries to shut the door.
JULIE: (blocking the door) I'm sorry! What more can I say?!
LOU: NOTHING! Now leave us alone, before I do something pretty stupid myself.
JULIE: I'm sor-
But he slams the door in her face.
No.24 (side of house)
Dave is admiring Brett's planting and is giving him some advice about gardening.
Julie tells Phil and Helen that Lou didn't want to listen to her. Helen advises her to try again when Cheryl is on the mend.
PHIL: Julie, we need to have a bit of a chat...
JULIE: Maybe if I went to see Cheryl...what do you think, I could take her some flowers, or do something to help with Danni and Brett.
PHIL: Yeah...I don't know about that.
JULIE:(looking at their faces) Why are you looking at Gran like that? Has something happened to Cheryl? Oh, don't tell me...
HELEN: As far as we know, she's alright.
JULIE: What about the baby?
PHIL: Um, I don't know about the baby. This is something else. We just got a phone- call from the police. They've interviewed Cheryl and as a result they've advised us to get a lawyer.
PHIL: They're seriously considering charging you with assault.