- Julie and Cheryl are arguing over who is the worse influence out of Michael and Danni.
- Mark's Dad, Dave, decides to stay on in Ramsay Street for a bit.
- Cheryl is very upset that Michael is being a bad influence on Danni.
- Some magazines have gone missing from the Newsagency.
Michael is selling magazines. Brett is avidly reading a magazine called "Tops Off", clearly a high quality literary offering. Michael asks after Danni, who is apparently still recovering (now at home)
Ms Teschendorff comes in and confiscates Brett's magazine. She keeps Michael back and says she'll see him in her office. Michael just stands there.
MICHAEL: No, thanks.
MS TESCHENDORFF: I beg your pardon?
MICHAEL: I said no. I'm sick and tired of lectures and I'm not about to take one from you.
He walks off.
In a fit of bad acting, Mark is rating to Annalise about his father's plans to stay on. She points out that it's a good chance for Mark and his dad to "bond". Mark insists that his Dad is too hippy for him.
Pam comes in and tells Doug that she's going to Canberra - to a bike meet!
Doug's got some good news too - he's had the cheque for the house from the council. He thinks there will be a couple of thousand left over, so wants to buy a few things for the baby. Pam hugs him saying he's an old softie.
Just then, Pam sees Dave run past, barefoot.
Mark asks Annalise if he can come in on the partnership at the Coffee Shop with her. She says she is happy with the way things are.
Dave comes in with a kit for a scale model of a boat to build. He wants Mark to work on it with him. Mark rolls his eyes.
Ms Teschendorff has come to talk to Phil about Michael. She tells him about the magazines, and that she's got no choice but to suspend Michael for insolence. Phil's not sure what to do - Ms Teschendorf suggests family counselling.
No.24 (Living Room)
Danni and Michael are lying on the floor behind the couch, talking. Michael tells her about the incident with Ms Teschendorff. He tells Danni that they've got to stick together.
Michael is surprised to find Phil at home. He tells him he knows about the suspension and the magazines.
PHIL: How could you do this, how could you steal from your own parents?!
MICHAEL: Cool it, Dad, I didn't think...
PHIL:(grabbing his arm) You didn't think, full stop! You never do! Not about us, or about anyone else except yourself and Danni! You act as if you're the only two people on this earth! I have tried everything I can with you, Michael!
MICHAEL: Tried what...?
PHIL: What happened to the promises about taking on responsibility and making a fresh start?!
MICHAEL: What happened to all your promises about spending more time with the family?! You're always at the shop or poncing around some dance floor with Jules!
PHIL: The newsagency puts food on our table! It also put money in your pocket when you can be bothered to turn up for work!
MICHAEL: You can stick your rotten job at the shop! You can stick your paper- run and the fatherly concern routine. You can stick everything because I don't need it!
Phil pushes him.
MICHAEL: I don't need anything from you!
He pushes Phil back. They start to fight.
MICHAEL: Go on, hit me! That's one thing you haven't tried yet!
Dave and Mark have started building the boat. Dave is reluctant to read the instructions so Mark is forced get involved.
Danni pops round having heard Michael and Phil yelling. Michael explains that he and Phil nearly had a punch- up.
MICHAEL: Things are getting totally out of control.
DANNI: Is this because of us?
MICHAEL: Partly. But mostly because he found out I was nicking magazines from the shop.
DANNI: I wish you hadn't done that.
MICHAEL: Well, how else was I meant to get the money? Teschendorff caught me selling them at school. Dad was wild. I didn't tink it was such a big deal, I mean, they've got insurance.
DANNI: What did you say to him?
MICHAEL: He doesn't want to listen to anything I have to say. I can't win.
DANNI: Sometimes I wish everybody else would just disappear. Then it really would be just you and me.
Danni says she'd better go, as Cheryl is checking on her every half hour.
MICHAEL: You know I'd do anything for us to be together.
DANNI: Yeah, me too. Anything.
They kiss.
The Office
Cheryl tells Annalise that she still hasn't found a bar manager. She wonders if Annalise would do it? She'll double her salary and pay for a replacement at the Coffee Shop! Under those conditions, Annalise accepts. Cheryl is delighted.
Baby shop
Doug and Pam are looking at baby gear. They have some disagreements about gender stereotypes.
Phil is sitting at the bar when Dave comes in. He's just popping in on his way home from buying more glue.
PHIL: At least your son's waiting for you. Mine's probably hoping I'm laying dead by the side of the road somewhere.
DAVE: Problems?
PHIL: By the truckload.
He orders another tiny beer.
PHIL: I don't know. You try to to the best thing for your kids, never ends up being enough.
DAVE: It is tough, yeah.
PHIL: I know he's had a bit of a rough time, and some of it was my fault...I tried to make allowances...he just pushed too far. For a second, I forgot he was my son. Things almost got physical.
DAVE: Sounds like a pretty heavy scene.
PHIL: No- one's breaking down my door to give me a parent of the year award, that's for sure! It's not just Michael. His two sisters are having problems. I keep asking, 'Why? Why *my* kids?' What did I do? Or what *didn't* I do? You know?
Dave nods.
DAVE: Probably doesn't make you feel a lot better, but it's the same for everyone. I mean, brilliant people, famous people...people who run huge co- orporations, countries...they'll all tell you they feel the same. Being a parent's the toughest job there is.
PHIL: Now that, I will drink to.
Michael has come round to see Danni. Michael wants them to run away.
DANNI: Where would we run away to?
MICHAEL: Wherever we want, we'll get jobs, a place to live...
DANNI: I don't know.
MICHAEL: Remember what you said before.
DANNI: What?
MICHAEL: You said that you'd do anything for us to be together.
DANNI: Yeah, but...
Michael kisses her. As they're kissing, Cheryl and Lou come in. Without a word, Michael gets up and walks out, while Cheryl glowers.
Baby shop
Pam and Doug are still browsing. Doug sees a large teddy bear and they both love it. They decide to buy it.
BRETT:(in horror) You can't!
DANNI: Shhh! Why don't you tell the whole street, Brett)!
BRETT: You didn't tell him you'd go?!
DANNI: Well...I didn't say I wouldn't...
BRETT: Mum's gonna...
DANNI:(putting her hand over Brett's mouth) You breathe a word and you're dead.
Cheryl calls Danni to the kitchen table.
DANNI: Look, before you start...
CHERYL: No, Danni...this time you don't say a word. This time you sit down, you shut up and you listen, because this time it's *my* turn to talk. Now, you have lied and you have cheated and you have deceived me. You've abused every right and privilege that you've ever had in this household and any second chances that you deserve were used up a long time ago! There will be no parties, no going out, no movies, no Michael Martin. Every time you turn around, I'll be there! Every thought you have, I'll know about it.
DANNI: Lou, can you please tell her she's being unreasonable?!
LOU: Sorry, Danni, you've brought this on yourself.
DANNI: Mum, you can't do this to me!
CHERYL: It's done!
DANNI: But what did I do that was so wrong?! Why can't I see Michael?! Why don't you all just leave us alone?!
Her voice is like a screech by the end.
Mark and Dave are hard at work on the model boat. Annalise comes in and is surprised to see them getting on well. She tells him that he can work in the Coffee Shop if he likes - while she is running The Waterhole. Mark is very pleased.
MICHAEL: Dad, uh, I'm sorry about the mags and the trouble with Danni. And the fight this arvo, OK?
PHIL: Well, I guess that makes two of us.
MICHAEL: I just want my own life, you know, I don't need you telling me what to do all the time.
PHIL: I wish I didn't have to.
MICHAEL: You don't.
PHIL: Michael, you're my son and I love you. But I can't just let you run wild, there has to be rules, you have to know the difference between right and wrong.
PHIL: I wish I could believe that. That's why Julie and I wanted you to come home. But you seem to have let us down at every turn.
MICHAEL: Don't guilt- trip me.
PHIL: All I'm trying to do is get you to see that things have to change.
MICHAEL: They will. Count on it.
Doug and Pam have bought the teddy bear and have excitedly brought it home. Pam wonders if they should have got something more useful, like a cot(!) Doug says he'll design and build his own cot.
Ramsay Street
Michael and Brett are sitting on a wall.
BRETT: Last I heard, Mum was reading the riot act and Danni was screaming blue murder. You guys just ask for trouble.
MICHAEL: The sooner we split Ramsay Street, the better.
BRETT: But mate, running away's not going to solve your problems, it's just going to add to them. Do you want my advice?
MICHAEL: Sure, why not(!) Everyone else has put in their two cents' worth.
BRETT: Just chill out. Just play it straight, keep a low profile, just for a little while, anyway. And then, in a moth or so, it'll all blow over and it'll all be forgotten. And you and Danni can get back together.
MICHAEL: Come on, Brett, we both know that won't happen. Things have gone too far and parents never forget!
BRETT: Yeah, but if you go making waves now, they'll definitely send Danni back to boarding school.
MICHAEL: Which is another reason we have to get out of this dump, fast.
BRETT: Come on, you're crazy! You think you've got problems now, what happens when you two split and you get caught? Your lives are going to be even worse.
MICHAEL: Couldn't be. Look, Brett, I need you to do me a favour.
BRETT: I don't want to be involved.
MICHAEL: Tell Danni to pack her bags, it's on for tomorrow night.
BRETT: You're not serious?!
MICHAEL: Deadly. Tell her, if she loves me, she'll be ready.