- Cheryl and Gaby are impressed with one of their applicants.
- Phil offers Len a job at the newsagency.
- Mark does a u- turn in his car to follow another car, but accidentally bumps something.
- Doug tells Cody they're going to knock down the house to make a display village. Cody says they can't let that happen.
The Coffee Shop
Mark tells Danni he's a bit shaken after his near miss. He tells her he was following a girl who seems to know him - she keeps dedicating songs on the radio to him. He says he saw her driving and tried to follow her.
Number 28
Cody shows Doug the research she's done on Kia-Ora, the house he's been restoring. She says selling it to developers would be like dynamiting a national heritage site. It's a hundred years old and to sell it to developers would be irresponsible. Doug says she's being ridiculous. She says he just wants money to quit his job and that's pure selfishness.
Number 24
Sassy and Danni are angry about 'Mad Dog' not letting girls play on the basketball team. They say it's discrimination to not let them try out for the team. They're going to tell him tomorrow.
The Coffee Shop
Sassy and Danni run into Mr Morgan, and tell him they want to be on the team. He says it's a man's game, and too rough for the girls which is why they have netball. Danni says that's sexist. Mr Morgan says they have to live with it.
Hannah is sorting the noticeboard, asking Phil if she can get paid. Len returns from his deliveries. Phil is impressed he finished so soon. As Len goes to stack some shelves, Michael vents about 'Mr Perfect', saying he's got Phil conned. Phil says Len's making an effort and he's prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. Michael knows Len is up to something, he'll stuff up soon.
Lassiters Office
Kris shows Gaby an article about Lassiters talent show. Gaby is impressed, it's great PR. He hasn't signed the contract with Lassiters yet, but he wanted to show her what he could do before they sign anything. Gaby welcomes him to the crew. Kris reminds her of the 'non- exclusive' clause. As he signs the papers, he notices that she doesn't wear a wedding ring, and invites her to dinner. Gaby says she can't, she has to finish up here and is going camping with her mum tomorrow. Kris says he's persistent and it's only fair he warns her about it now.
Number 26
Len and Helen finish their lunch. Len has to go back to work, while Helen has an appointment with the accountant this afternoon. They'll need someone to sort out the problems with their new business - cost, registration, finance. Len and Helen toast to 'Outback Artistic Tours.'
The Coffee Shop
Sassy and Danni complain about 'Mad Dog' Morgan to Cody and Michael. They say Cody is school captain so he's supposed to listen to her. Michael says he's captain of the boys team and guys are vastly superior to girls. As Michael leaves, Sassy says Michael is another sexist pig. Cody says he'll talk to Morgan and she wants to play too.
Mark arrives and asks Danni if offers her a few extra shifts in the kitchen this week. As Mark leaves, Danni and Sassy giggle about how hot Mark is.
Michael is walking to work when he sees Len delivering papers to a lady, Anna. Len starts flirting with her, saying she's a very attractive woman, and he's very honoured to have met her.
Erinsborough High Car Park
Cody complains to Mr Morgan about not letting the girls play basketball. Eden Hills and Ansons Corner both have mixed basketball teams. Mr Morgan gives in, saying there will be a battle of the sexes basketball match tomorrow.
Lassiters Office
Kris shows Gaby the work he's put together, while he continues to flirt with her, inviting her for a weekend away. Gaby says she's very busy with work. He offers to go through the work with her at dinner. She says she isn't dressed for dinner, he says he'd be proud to be seen with her, whatever state she's in. Gaby says they need to concentrate on the job at hand.
Doug walks up to Michael who is working on the house. Michael is really enjoying working on the house, its sense of history, it's like something to live up to. Doug tells him that he's selling the house to a developer. Michael is frustrated after all their hard work. Doug says that's what the hard work was for.
Number 28
Michael vents to Cody about the house. She says she tried to convince Doug not to sell it, showing him the documents she put together about the history of the house. Cody says she's going to keep it standing by taking the information to the national trust and they can put a restraining order on top of the developer. Michael says going up against her dad could get very ugly. Cody isn't phased, she says she'll talk to Helen as she has connections with the national trust. Michael tells Cody about Len conning Helen, holding this old lady's hand and flirting with her. Michael can't let his gran get hurt.
Number 26
Helen tells Len that the costs of starting up the new business is going to be pricier than they thought. She'll have to renege on their arrangement. Len says if they were running the place together in the outback then she wouldn't need this house - it would become redundant to her needs. Helen says she wouldn't sell this house, it's impossible. She doesn't own the house, Jim just left her a life tenancy. Helen wonders if there is another way to find that money. Helen says she knows she can trust Len, she has some money invested that might just do the trick.
Number 24
Sassy and Danni talk about Mark. Sassy doesn't think Mark and Annalise are serious. She suggests Mark is waiting for Danni to make the first move. Michael and Cody arrive and tell them about the game tomorrow.
Lassiters Office
Gaby leaves her table and joins Kris for some takeaway in the other room. Kris looks eager to kiss her but Gaby's oblivious and they start eating the food together.
Number 30
Mark arrives from the back door, reading a note he's carrying which seems to have poetry on it. Danni arrives and asks when her shifts were. He'll have to check tomorrow as he doesn't remember all the shifts. Danni lets herself in and sees the note that was left for Mark. "You won't leave me, you wouldn't dare. Okay so girls follow you everywhere. You know when you've got it good. You do don't you? You should." Danni starts laughing about it, while Mark tells her to cut it out, at least it's sincere. Danni says she's sorry and runs out upset.
Number 28
Cody lectures Doug about the house again. She's going to go to the national trust or write to the paper every day. She'll do everything she can to stop this development. Doug says he needs the money. The money will allow him to buy other places to renovate, but he also needs money to send her to university and feed and clothe his family. Cody wishes there was another way, do they have to knock it to the ground?
Number 26
Michael tells Phil about Len and the other woman, he kissed her on the cheek when he left. Phil believes Michael. Helen and Len return home laughing, celebrating that their business is about to commence. Helen has decided to sell her Lassiters shares to fund the company.