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Neighbours Episode 1420 from 1991 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1419 - 1421>>
Episode title: 1420
Australian airdate: 26/04/91
UK airdate: 28/04/92
UK Gold: 10/04/98
Writer: Ray Kolle
Director: Steve Mann
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Jeremai
Paul and Christina are getting ready to leave to Tasmania. Paul still isn't sure she should come, but Christina wants to meet the triplets.
Harold is up late after staying out late playing pool(!) Joe comes in looking for Bouncer - he's got out of the yard again. As he's talking, Harold falls asleep at the table.
JOE: You're going to kill the poor bloke, enough's enough!
Madge wakes Harold up and tells him he's taking the pool tournament far too seriously - Toby will like him with or without a pool tournament win. But Harold is determined to be very good at at least one sport!
Rosemary's place
Rosemary has ordered breakfast for herself and Colin following a night of passion. Yuk.
Colin tells Rosemary that he's going away for a few days on business, but he can't wait to see Rosemary again.
ROSEMARY: Ring me as soon as you get home.
COLIN: You'll be my very first call.
Ramsay Street
Dorothy tells Joe that Bouncer must have a girlfriend, since he keeps tunnelling out.
Glen is out jogging without his shirt on (why?!) Joe tells Glen he'll be betting on him in the pool tournament against Harold(!)
Colin creeps in, but Dorothy is in the living room and hears him.
COLIN: (putting his arms around Dorothy) Well, here's a sight for sore eyes!
He kisses her on the neck. Yuk.
He goes on to tell Dorothy how much he's missed her and how he's spent an uncomfortable night on his friend's couch. Colin puts his wallet down and Dorothy is surprised to see some money sticking out of it. Colin explains that he only got the money this morning. Dorothy goes off to make Colin some breakfast but he says he's not very hungry(!)
COLIN: You're one in a million.
DOROTHY: Do you really think so?
COLIN: Of course! How many time in a man's life does a woman like you come along?
The Pub
Harold is practising his pool skills ahead of the big game tonight. Madge tells him to go home and have a rest. Glen comes in to start his shift and tells Harold he has no need to practise today - his shooting arm's in top condition. When Harold has gone, Madge tells Glen that Harold is very insecure and he's hoping to impress Toby tonight. Glen looks thoughtful.
Helen and Dorothy are talking about Helen's leg and suing the hotel. Dorothy thinks she's definitely doing the right thing.
Colin comes in and looks a bit guilty when he sees Helen there. Dorothy starts talking about their second honeymoon again but Colin insists that he has some business stuff on the go at the moment and doesn't want to leave them. Dorothy doesn't really mind and tells Helen that every day is like a honeymoon anyway.
HELEN: I'm so glad everything working out for you.
DOROTHY: Yes, after all these years, everything's even better than it used to be.
The Office
Paul and Christina come in, having just got back from Tasmania. Jim pops in and asks how it want - apparently Christina and Gail got on really well and the triplets are "gorgeous". Jim hopes to pop over and see them one of these days. It seems that Gail and Steven are going to get married in the next couple of months and Steven is prepared to take over financial support of the triplets. Apparently he's a nice chap and a good dad - he and Gail are really in love. Christina says Paul has been very touchy about it since they left Tasmania though.
Jim goes into the inner office to talk to Paul. They chat about the engine plans and Paul advises Jim to get on to his solicitor. Jim invites Paul to the Waterhole tonight for the pool tournament, but he's too busy.
The Pub
Madge shows Harold the pool tournament trophy and he moans that it's a bit small(!) Joe asks Madge if she'll have a little wager on Harold.
MADGE: Harold's very good and he's been practising very hard.
JOE: He'll be done like a dinner.
MADGE: Fifty bucks says he won't.
JOE: You're on!
Jim tosses the coin and Harold calls heads. He wins the toss and does a terrible break!
Glen and Harold have won one game each and are about to enter the decider. Helen rings the bar phone to talk to Jim - she wants him to come straight home to see about a car manufacturer.
JOE:(to Madge) God, he's got a strange style!
MADGE: Yeah, but a *winning* one.
With that, Harold misses his latest shot.
Rosemary is telling Helen that Paul has been driving her crazy about the Henson report. Helen says that Rosemary could word the report so that it isn't too damning. Rosemary tells Helen that she's met a man - no-one she knows, he's new to the area. Helen is surprised because Rosemary is normally very cautious with men.
ROSEMARY: This one's different. We have a lot in common and he's very charming!
She allows that she's not sure of his status - she just knows that he's separated from his wife.
HELEN: Oh! That's what a lot of them say!
Jim comes in and tells them excitedly that they've offered to pay him for his engine work because he has a lot of refinements the other inventor doesn't have. They're also going to employ him as a consultant on the project!
The Pub
There's a very tense atmosphere and Glen takes his shot on the final black. He misses, just. A crowd has gathered while Harold takes on a difficult shot. But he makes it! Madge jumps on his an hugs him - Harold is delighted.
Madge presents the trophy to Harold and Joe claps. Then she demands her $50 from Joe!
JOE:(to Glen) I thought you beat professionals?!
GLEN: I must have been a bit rusty.
Madge quietly thanks Glen for letting Harold win, but Glen claims he just lost his concentration.
Glen and Joe come in and sit down at the kitchen table for a beer. Glen shows Joe the paper - a vicious dog is terrorising the neighbourhood. The description sounds a lot like Bouncer.
Paul is in a bad mood. Christina brings him a cup of tea and he snaps at her. Then he apologises, saying Gail has asked him to sign a paper to allow her to take the kids out of the country. She and Steven are relocating to Europe. Paul had to sign it - he can't stand in the way of Gail's fresh start.
PAUL: It did feel like I was signing them away forever. I'll probably never see them again.
CHRISTINA: Yes, you will. We can go and visit them in Europe.
PAUL: Oh, sure, when? At least in Tassie they were only a few hours away if anything happened, or I could be there for special occasions. It's ridiculous. I've got four kids of my own, and none of them are with me! All I want is my own family around me.
CHRISTINA: You will have one, you and me.
PAUL: Yeah, when?
CHRISTINA: Well...I wasn't going to say anything until I was sure, but I'm pretty certain that I'm pregnant.
PAUL: You're what?! (Delighted) Chrissie, are you serious? That's wonderful.
They hug.
<<1419 - 1421>>
Harold Bishop, Joe Mangel, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1420
Harold Bishop, Joe Mangel, Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1420
Harold Bishop

Colin Burke, Rosemary Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1420
Colin Burke, Rosemary Daniels

Rosemary Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1420
Rosemary Daniels

Glen Donnelly, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1420
Glen Donnelly, Joe Mangel

Colin Burke, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1420
Colin Burke, Dorothy Burke

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1420
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Glen Donnelly

Colin Burke, Dorothy Burke, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1420
Colin Burke, Dorothy Burke, Helen Daniels

Jim Robinson, Christina Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Jim Robinson, Christina Robinson

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Harold Bishop, Glen Donnelly, Joe Mangel, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Harold Bishop, Glen Donnelly, Joe Mangel, Jim Robinson

Rosemary Daniels, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1420
Rosemary Daniels, Helen Daniels

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Jim Robinson

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1420
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Glen Donnelly, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1420
Glen Donnelly, Joe Mangel

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1420
Harold Bishop

Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 1420

Joe Mangel, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1420
Joe Mangel, Glen Donnelly

Christina Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Christina Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1420
Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson

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