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Neighbours Episode 1273 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1272 - 1274>>
Episode title: 1273
Australian airdate: 22/08/90
UK airdate: 03/10/91
UK Gold: 17/09/97
Writer: Ray Kolle
Director: David Morgan
Summary/Images by: Colin
Number 26
Beverly is insistent that she doesn't want to go out for dinner. Jim thinks that sitting indoors all day is not good for Beverly and tries to talk to her but Todd enters and interrupts them. He stares at the box that contained Clarrie's present and goes to his room, Helen returns from the Willis'.
JIM: How did it go?
HELEN: Don't ask.
In the kitchen an angry Helen tells Jim she made a fool at of herself. Jim still thinks it was Pam but Helen says she wants Jim to stop playing detective.
Number 30
Dorothy is cooking dinner, Ryan wants to know how Clarrie will get back the opal from Helen but he has a plan. Dorothy wants a "celebration" of Clarrie leaving but he takes it the wrong way and leaves in a huff, Dorothy decides its best that he is leaving as they'll never get on.
Number 26
Helen thinks Beverly should have gone out for dinner but Beverly tells her not to start, she is still angry with Jim for leaving her at the hospital, as Helen tries to get her to open up she decides to go to bed. Todd comes in and is worried about Beverly and announces he is going to see Ryan. Doug is at the door, he says Pam is making him apologising for being rude earlier, he thinks Helen should apologise to Pam and she says that it will happen later. As Doug leaves Helen opens the box to find the Opal inside!
Number 30
Clarrie asked Todd to swap the Opals round, he gives him another jewel as a present, and he decides to give it to Cody for her birthday.
Number 28
Doug agrees to sell their caravan so they can solve their money issues, Adam and Cody are disappointed as they used to go on holiday there. Helen rings the doorbell (!) and tells the stunned Willis' now that Doug put the Opal back that it's all forgotten.
PAM: I honestly could have thought we could be friends but obviously not.
HELEN: What do you want me to do?
PAM: You can get out of my house and not come back!
Number 26
Helen is telling Jim about the Willis' as Todd overhears. Todd tells them that he took the Opal because Clarrie wanted to swap them. Helen and Jim are angry, Helen is worried how she can apologise to Pam as Todd begs for forgiveness.
Number 30
Dorothy and Clarrie are arguing again, Ryan tells them to stop.
CLARRIE: That's good of you to try and patch things up but there's no point to it, even as a child she was closer to her mother. It's Stella who kept the family going and when she died Dot didn't want anything more to do with me.
DOROTHY: What on earth gave you that idea?

Clarrie asks why she never asked him for help when her mother died, Dorothy was worried Clarrie would react badly. She goes on to say that she was always trying to impress him, all the time. Clarrie says she is very precious but Dorothy says he needed to tell her sometimes.
Number 28
Helen apologises again, it's a bit awkward as Doug is unimpressed, Pam accepts the apology and even Doug begins to come round and Helen leaves.
PAM: I feel like that cuppa now.
DOUG: Alright, where's my wallet?
PAM: Maybe Helen took it!
They laugh.
Number 30
Dorothy decides that she and Clarrie are too alike, Dorothy talks about the AA meeting Clarrie went to. She wishes he had told her what was happening when her mother died (the drinking etc.).
DOROTHY: I wish you didn't have to go away.
Clarrie says he will be back and that they will get on better after everything is in the open.
The next morning Clarrie gives Dorothy a book of her mother's favourite poetry and Ryan some money towards his car. He says he has enjoyed his stay and will miss them both. Clarrie says he wants to impress Helen next time he is here, Toby arrives so Bouncer can say goodbye to Rosie. Toby wants to "adopt" Rosie, Clarrie says he will be lonely without Rosie and Toby decides that it will be OK.
Number 28
Adam is hogging the bathroom and Cody is late for school, Todd apologises to Doug for the Opal incident and they agree to forget about it.
Ramsay Street
Helen and Clarrie say goodbye, they hug and Helen leaves. Clarrie says that Dorothy and Ryan must visit when he gets settled, they all hug and Clarrie sets off with Rosie in tow, Dorothy looks sad.
Number 26
Helen tells Jim that she will miss Clarrie, Jim says that Beverly has gone out but they've no idea where, Jim goes to search the house (in case she is hiding I presume). Beverly has left a note though.
"Dear Jim
I've gone away for a few days to think things through; this is the best thing for all of us"
Helen is worried that Beverly will do something silly.
<<1272 - 1274>>
Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1273
Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1273
Helen Daniels

Clarrie McLachlan, Ryan McLachlan, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1273
Clarrie McLachlan, Ryan McLachlan, Dorothy Burke

Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1273
Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson

Doug Willis, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1273
Doug Willis, Helen Daniels

Clarrie McLachlan, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 1273
Clarrie McLachlan, Todd Landers

Cody Willis, Pam Willis, Adam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1273
Cody Willis, Pam Willis, Adam Willis, Doug Willis

Pam Willis, Doug Willis, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1273
Pam Willis, Doug Willis, Helen Daniels

Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 1273
Todd Landers

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1273
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Ryan McLachlan, Clarrie McLachlan, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1273
Ryan McLachlan, Clarrie McLachlan, Dorothy Burke

Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1273
Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Helen Daniels

Clarrie McLachlan, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1273
Clarrie McLachlan, Dorothy Burke

Ryan McLachlan, Clarrie McLachlan, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1273
Ryan McLachlan, Clarrie McLachlan, Dorothy Burke

Toby Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1273
Toby Mangel

Bouncer, Rosie in Neighbours Episode 1273
Bouncer, Rosie

Todd Landers, Doug Willis, Adam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1273
Todd Landers, Doug Willis, Adam Willis

Dorothy Burke, Ryan McLachlan, Helen Daniels, Clarrie McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1273
Dorothy Burke, Ryan McLachlan, Helen Daniels, Clarrie McLachlan

Dorothy Burke, Ryan McLachlan, Clarrie McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1273
Dorothy Burke, Ryan McLachlan, Clarrie McLachlan

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1273
Jim Robinson

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1273
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

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