Melissa deciding she and Todd should try to get Cody and Josh back together despite Todd and Cody dating in secret.
Number 26
Helen is sweeping, the phone rings, it's Derek Wilcox. He wants to know where Helen has been, Helen says she has been busy. She says she will come and visit him today, she seems apprehensive about it though.
The Coffee Shop
Ryan tells Kerry and Joe that Lochie is leaving to stay with her parents in New Guinea. Joe seems pleased by this! Kerry is here to get Joe to his relaxation session. Candice comes in and Ryan think she's hot, Des says he has not chance but introduces her to Ryan and Joe. Ryan starts talking to Candice, they flirt and Ryan asks her for a movie, she agrees, Ryan is surprised by this as are Des and Joe.
Melissa is telling Josh she is planning to get him and Cody back together; they decide to come up with a plan.
Helen says she will help Derek set up his Trust Fund but not be the administrator because of his daughter. He says she doesn't understand but that he wants Helen to do it anyway.
Health Spa
Joe and Kerry are at a relaxation session, they are trying to get Joe into a Relaxation bath/machine. Joe doesn't want to get in but Kerry persuades him and Joe climbs in!
The Coffee Shop
Lochie is having a drink as Todd joins Melissa. She tells Todd that Josh is going to a concert tonight and she's going to set Cody up with him, Todd doesn't want to do it but Melissa is insistent. Ryan comes in to find Lochie, Dorothy's friend is sick so Ryan has to look after her tonight, he isn't happy at this.
Health Spa
Kerry is happy after her relaxation session, they open up Joe's bath and he is asleep! He wakes up very confused! He wonders what the point is; he can sleep in his own bed!
KERRY: Your subconscious will benefit.
JOE: I better have a word with my subconscious then, I've blown twenty-five bucks on a sleep!
Derek wants to go out of the hospital grounds for a while; he hasn't been out for a long time. Helen says she will take him out one day and this cheers her up.
Paul's Office
In reception, Ryan explains to Candice that he has to babysit, Candice says she will come over and keep him company and Ryan is ecstatic.
Rock Concert
Josh and Melissa are waiting for Cody, for some reasons all the extras are dressed in blue! Josh doesn't want to waste the ticket so Melissa goes in with Josh.
Number 26
Cody is sitting with Todd, she feels guilty about not turning up to the concert. Todd is sick of the lies and as they kiss Helen walks in on them! Cody wishes that Josh will go out with someone else; Todd says he has a plan.
Number 30
Ryan is hiding his school books; Lochie blackmails him for money so she will stay in her room. Candice arrives and Lochie plonks herself on the sofa, Ryan physically removes her! Ryan and Candice are left alone.
The Waterhole
Joe is telling Des about the Health Spa earlier, Kerry is eavesdropping and tells Des about Joe's snoring. Joe says it's a rip off, Kerry disagrees. Joe says darts is more relaxing and begins to play, Kerry is unimpressed.
Number 30
Candice is saying she wants to stay at The Robinsons Corporation, Lochie comes in again and Ryan sends her away again but she stays to spy on Ryan, he tries to kiss Candice but she reaches for her coffee instead! Lochie just laughs as both of the adults spot her.