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Neighbours Episode 1201 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1200 - 1202>>
Episode title: 1201
Australian airdate: 14/05/90
UK airdate: 25/06/91
UK Gold: 09/06/97
Writer: Roger Moulton
Director: Steve Mann
Guests: Mr Vasiliou: Vince D'Amico
Leonie: Fiona Kent
Janelle: Traci Morley
Babs: KellyAnne
Thommo: Tony Di Dio
Summary/Images by: Shona/Graham
- Toby smashes his Mother's Day present by Noelene's grave and runs off.
The Coffee Shop
Chrissie is talking to Matt and Melanie about Kerry selling her jewellery through the shop. But she hardly thinks Paul will notice any profits they make - Caroline won Sunstyle, the biggest convention account ever, and she's not in her league. Matt tells her that she can do anything - he's doing things he never thought he could do because he thinks positively.
Eddie asks Madge about how campaign is going. She has the Erinsborough News article and is chuffed it emphasises her fresh approach. Harold thinks it merely highlights she's an inexperienced rookie. Madge disagrees. She comes out much better than he does but Harold thinks that's to be expected as the interviewer's bound to be biased towards another woman! Harold has a look at his article and actually thinks it's quite fair - it makes him out to be a more professional politician. Madge thinks that's rubbish - it's shows he's too slick!
Number 32
Kerry thinks Toby really should have professional help. Joe isn't keen but Kerry says there are specially trained therapists. Joe thinks that's what his family should be doing but Kerry believes you sometimes need an outsider's help - even the Robinsons are seeing a marriage counsellor (something Joe is surprised to hear). There's no shame in it. Joe agrees to her phoning someone for more information. Kerry says if they can't reach Toby, then maybe someone else can.
Robinson Corporation
Paul and Melanie talk about Joe. Melanie moans about the fact Paul tricked Joe into giving a lower quote but Paul points out he wanted the job and now he's got it, so everyone's happy. They should leave it at that.
Caroline arrives back late from lunch and tells Paul in his office that she's been offered a job at Parkside Pacific by Mr Vasiliou. They were impressed by her winning Sunstyle contract. Paul thinks she'd be doing the same as she's doing at Lassiters but Caroline informs him she'll have more responsibility and more money. Paul isn't pleased to find she's thinking it over - whatever happened to loyalty? Caroline says it's her career - business is business, isn't that what he taught her?
Number 32
Matt is over for a chat. He finds Des asleep on the couch, having returned early from Perth. Matt tells him to go home to number 28 and rest there but Des is worried it'll be too noisy. Kerry comes up with a better idea - he should stay and have dinner there. An exhausted Des agrees.
Robinson Corporation
Melanie informs Paul that Joe is here with the plants. Paul is shocked to find Joe with two tiny plant pots - not what he was expecting!
After the commercial break, Joe reminds Paul that there was nothing in the contract about the size of the plants. Paul is incensed - it goes without saying that they should be the same size as the previous ones! Joe says he's supplied the right number of plants, as in the contract. Paul says he wanted to make Lassiter's greener!
JOE: They'll grow!
That makes Paul even angrier but he hasn't a leg to stand on as there's nothing in the contract about size. Joe will be expecting his cheque soon.
Number 28
Melanie has brought all her dance buddies over to practise, since she has the house to herself. They start tap dancing to some awful jazzy music and poor Des is woken up. He stumbles into the lounge in his dressing gown and demands to know what's going on. Melanie tells him the studio has flooded and they needed somewhere to practise. Des tells her that he hasn't had any sleep in two days but Melanie promises to entertain him - it's too early to go to sleep anyway! Poor Des sits on the sofa, struggling to stay awake as they start to dance.
Number 24
Harold and Eddie talk about handing out leaflets and putting up posters. Kerry arrives with some bad news for Madge - all the other candidates have full page ads in today's newspaper. Harold and Eddie watch her dismay with glee. Kerry thinks they should send one in as soon as possible. Harold is no help as he doesn't know how much the ad cost (his committee paid for it) but Kerry has sussed it out and it's $2000! Madge tells Kerry to do it. Harold is annoyed that she's spending his money. But Madge argues that her wages go into that account too! She tells Kerry to go ahead and place it.
Number 28
Des wants Melanie's mates to leave. Matt returns home just in time to see Des yelling at Melanie that he hasn't had any sleep for forty straight hours!
Matt pulls Des aside and tells him that Mel had some disappointments when he was away. She's had troubles in love and a thwarted singing career and this is the first time in ages Matt's seen her happy. Des agrees to Mel's dance troupe practicing for a little longer.
Number 22
Caroline returns home with the news that she's sticking with Lassiters. Paul is pleased to hear it.
Once Paul's left to do some reading, Chrissie asks Caroline for her input on choosing a business course but Caroline says straightaway that her sister just doesn't have the head for it. Chrissie asks how she knows that if she hasn't tried it, but Caroline thinks she'll be wasting her time.
Number 24
Madge and Harold are arguing over the money for the campaign. Harold isn't happy about her using their savings but Madge says half that money belongs to her and she can spend it how she likes! Harold thinks she should be saving it. Madge thinks that maybe she should just take the money and put it into a separate account. Harold is incredulous and looks to Eddie for support but he tells them of how his girlfriend in London ran off with their savings. Maybe separate accounts is the way to go. Madge looks triumphant.
Number 32
Kerry tells Joe that she's made an appointment with a therapist called Lesley for Toby straight after school. Joe is going to take time off work as he wants to go in with him but Kerry tells him that the therapist wants a few sessions with Toby before involving the parents. Beverly assures her that Lesley's a good therapist. Joe hopes that's the case.
Chrissie can't meet her sister for lunch as she needs to work more on finding a business course. They argue again; Caroline again reiterates she's not a business person and Chrissie says she always undervalues her. She's going to prove her wrong.
Mr Vasiliou catches up with Chrissie, thinking she's Caroline, and tells her how disappointed he is she refused the job. Chrissie tries to tell him he's made a mistake but he keeps going on about how he feels he can trust her and she has something special - she could go all the way to the top! He asks her to reconsider and Chrissie decides to keep up with the charade. She tells him she has reconsidered - and she's going to take the job! Mr V is a very happy man!
<<1200 - 1202>>
Christina Alessi, Harold Bishop, Melanie Pearson, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1201
Christina Alessi, Harold Bishop, Melanie Pearson, Matt Robinson

Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1201
Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham, Madge Bishop

Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1201
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop

Caroline Alessi, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1201
Caroline Alessi, Paul Robinson

Des Clarke, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1201
Des Clarke, Matt Robinson

Melanie Pearson, Paul Robinson, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1201
Melanie Pearson, Paul Robinson, Joe Mangel

Paul Robinson, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1201
Paul Robinson, Joe Mangel

Leone, Melanie Pearson, Thommo, Janelle, Babs in Neighbours Episode 1201
Leone, Melanie Pearson, Thommo, Janelle, Babs

Leone, Melanie Pearson, Des Clarke, Janelle in Neighbours Episode 1201
Leone, Melanie Pearson, Des Clarke, Janelle

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1201
Des Clarke

Eddie Buckingham, Kerry Bishop, Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1201
Eddie Buckingham, Kerry Bishop, Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Matt Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1201
Matt Robinson, Des Clarke

Caroline Alessi, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1201
Caroline Alessi, Paul Robinson

Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1201
Christina Alessi

Eddie Buckingham, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1201
Eddie Buckingham, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Kerry Bishop, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1201
Kerry Bishop, Joe Mangel

Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1201
Caroline Alessi

Mr. Vassiliou in Neighbours Episode 1201
Mr. Vassiliou

Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1201
Christina Alessi

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