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Neighbours Episode 1027 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1026 - 1028>>
Episode title: 1027
Australian airdate: 15/08/89
UK airdate: 19/10/90
UK Gold: 07/10/96
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Bronwyn tells Henry that she's developed feelings for Mike and wants to split up with him.
Beverly is puzzled at a suitcase that has arrived for Jim from the airport. It's very heavy indeed. Apparently Jim is back, but has rushed off to the workshop.
Beverly asks Helen if she's told Madge about Harold's "new woman"! Helen doesn't know what to do.
Jim comes in and pashes Beverly. He picks up the suitcase and puts it on one side. He's evasive about what's in it. He goes off to say hello to Nick.
When Jim has gone, Beverly and Helen puzzle over the suitcase. Beverly gets out her stethoscope and uses it on the case, but she is no nearer to an answer!
Henry is looking at a ring that he's obviously bought for Bronwyn. Bronwyn takes out her first suitcase and Henry sobs that he loves her and says that he can change.
HENRY: Mike's a lucky guy.
Henry says that he envies Mike and Bronwyn leaves a bit tearfully.
Jane tells Des about the cosmetics company paying the wedding costs in return for filming it. Des isn't very keen - he says that he'd rather pay himself, and anyway, Mark (Jane's ex-fiance) owns the company.
Bishops, the following morning
Henry tells Madge and Harold with difficulty that there's plenty more fish in the sea. He tells them carefully that he's going to build up his business now without the distraction of Bronwyn.
HENRY:(uncertainly) I'm trying to build a business. Lately, all I've done is worry about Bron. No question...it's affected the business.
MADGE: No question, love.
Henry asks Madge and Harold not to talk about him and Bronwyn anymore. He makes them promise not to take things out on Bronwyn.
Harold heads off to the Coffee Shop, and when he's gone Henry's brave facade crumbles and he sobs in Madge's arms.
Ramsay Street
Harold sees Helen in the street. She tells him that she saw him at the concert with a friend. Harold confirms that Robyn is a woman and tells Harold that Madge is under the impression that Robyn is a man. Harold says he'll correct the misapprehension and speak to Madge about it.
Later, at the Coffee Shop
Mike comes in to talk to Bronwyn. She tells him that she's split up with Henry. Mike is very pleased and puts his arms around Bronwyn, but she fends him off. She tells him that she doesn't want to rush into another commitment and Mike accuses her of playing games. Mike becomes angry and Harold is forced to send Mike packing.
Still later, at the Coffee Shop
BRONWYN: What am I going to do, Harold?
HAROLD:(sympathetically) No-one can tell you that, I'm afraid.
Bronwyn goes back to the kitchen and Harold tells her not to end up with no-one.
Madge comes in and tells Harold that she's filling in for Henry at the pub because he's too upset to work. Madge is furious with Bronwyn and Harold tries to calm her down.
Harold tells Madge that Robyn is a woman and says he doesn't want Madge to get the wrong idea. Madge starts to laugh.
MADGE:(laughing) You, having an affair! Do me a favour!
HAROLD: Yes, well, I'm glad you trust me.
MADGE: Of course I trust you, love. Anyway, look at yourself, you're not Paul Newman or Robert Redford are you? Who else but me would have you?!
Madge thanks Harold for cheering her up and leaves. Harold looks hurt.
Outside the COffee Shop
Jane sees Mike brooding at a table. He tells her that Bronwyn has dumped Henry and has now got the guilts. Mike says that he handled it very badly and Jane advises him to back off for a while.
The Office
Des and Jamie come in looking for Jane. Gail chats to Des about the wedding offer and he's clearly very uncomfortable with it. He thinks the whole wedding is turning into a circus. Des says that he's written Gail a character witness for the court case. Paul still wants Gail to plead Not Guilty. Gail isn't happy, but just wants the whole thing over with. Paul says she must plead Not Guilty, against the advice of her solicitor.
Coffee Shop
The Coffee Shop is empty when Robyn comes in to talk to Harold. She tells him that she doesn't understand why they can't be friends - they haven't done anything wrong.
HAROLD: Perhaps I am being a little over-sensitive. I just don't want to cause a situation... Robyn, the truth is that I'm very attracted to you. I don't think I could be just friends. And I don't understand that because...I do love my wife, very very much.
ROBYN: I...er...won't come in here again. Perhaps we'll see each other across the park. Out walking.
HAROLD: Perhaps we might.
ROBYN: If ever you need a friend.
Robyn leaves quietly.
Outside the Courtroom, Monday Morning
Gail is arguing with Paul that she wants to plead Guilty but he's not having any of it. He, Gail, Helen and Beverly go in.
Coffee Shop
Harold is pleased at how well his Joggers' Breakfasts are going.
Bronwyn is still fed up and has been moping all weekend. Harold tells her that Henry has been doing the same. Bronwyn is very disapointed Mike.
BRONWYN: I couldn't believe him, getting so heavy. (Wistfully) Henry would neer have done that.
Harold suggests that she speaks to Henry and maybe they could remain friends. Bronwyn says that she'll think about it.
The Office
Des comes in to see Jane. He tells her that he doesn't like the deal with Reflections (the cosmetics company) He doesn't want their marriage to become a circus.
DES: I don't want to discuss it, that's it. End of story.
JANE: What?
DES: I've made up my mind.
Jane tells Des that he's just jealous of Mark and she wont' go into a marriage where Des makes all the decisions without consulting her.
The judge is not impressed at Gail's plea of Not Guilty and thinks the defence is trying to cover up. He thinks Gail's offence was pre-meditated made worse by her decision to plead Not Guilty. He gives her a criminal conviction.
Henry is surprised to find Bronwyn at the door. He's clearly still breaking his heart (awwwwww) and has been crying again. Bronwyn sits down with him on the sofa.
Bronwyn tells Henry that she's had a big fight with Mike.
BRONWYN: I know Mike, and we won't work as an item.
HENRY: Bron, what are you trying to say?
BRONWYN: I'm just telling you what happened. You've got a right to know.
(long pause)
BRONWYN: Henry, can we be friends?
HENRY:(in disbelief) Friends?
BRONWYN: Friends! I blew anything else, I'll live with that.
HENRY:(tearfully) Bron, how do feel about me?
BRONWYN: Oh, what's the use...?
HENRY: How do you feel about me?!!
BRONWYN:(through tears) I know now I still love you, OK? But I made a big hash of everything and it's too late now, I accept that. Alright, are you satisfied?
HENRY: Being away from here, away from you, made me realise some things. That it was time to grow up. Time to face responsibility.
BRONWYN: I don't follow.
Henry gets up and gets the ring from the drawer.
HENRY:(opening the box) I'm asking you to marry me.
BRONWYN: (smiles) Are you serious?!
HENRY: Well, what do you think?! Well?!
Bronwyn hugs Henry tightly and gives him a pash. (We'll take that as a yes, then!)
<<1026 - 1028>>
Beverly Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1027
Beverly Robinson, Helen Daniels

Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1027
Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson

Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1027
Henry Ramsay

Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 1027
Bronwyn Davies

Des Clarke, Jane Harris, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1027
Des Clarke, Jane Harris, Jamie Clarke

Henry Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1027
Henry Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1027
Harold Bishop, Helen Daniels

Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 1027
Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop, Mike Young

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1027
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 1027
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Robyn Taylor in Neighbours Episode 1027
Robyn Taylor

Des Clarke, Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1027
Des Clarke, Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1027
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1027
Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson

Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1027
Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop

Jane Harris, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1027
Jane Harris, Des Clarke

Judge in Neighbours Episode 1027

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1027
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1027
Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay

 in Neighbours Episode 1027

Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1027
Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay

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