Madge sees Sky drawing on her book and stops her. She tells Kerry she'd better teach her otherwise. Kerry says she's not going to smack her. Madge says it doesn't matter what she thinks - she's not going to interfere in the way Kerry brings up Sky.
Harold comes in looking for his newspaper. Madge says she doesn't think it's arrived this morning. Harold goes off to have a word with the newsagent. Madge rolls her eyes, but Harold says that Australia was built on "cheerful, efficient service"(!)
Jim is unrepentant about his attitude to Helen. Beverly thinks it's about more than the money. Jim says it hurts to know that your mother just simply doesn't love you. Beverly hugs him.
Paul and Gail's house
Henry and Bronwyn are having a cuddle. Henry is very pleased that Skinner is behind bars and Bronwyn isn't going to belly-dance anymore.
Paul comes in and tells them that he's fed up of getting the cold should from Gail - he's thinking about calling it a day with her. Henry suggests he has a night out, but Paul says he has too much work to do. Paul gets irritated by Henry and Bronwyn's banter and decides to go back to the office.
When Paul has gone, Henry and Bronwyn think it's a real shame that Paul and Gail aren't getting on - they're made for each other.
Madge accidentally smashes a glass but manages to pick Sky up just before she was going to walk in the broken bits of glass with her bare feet. Madge is upset and tells Kerry that she should put shoes on Sky's feet. Kerry takes offence and tells Madge that Sky doesn't need to wear shoes at every waking moment. They start shouting at each other. Harold comes in and is rather surprised to hear shouting.
The atmosphere over the dinner table is rather frosty. Nick and Todd try to make conversation to lighten the atmosphere, but Jim abruptly gets up and announces he's going over to see Des.
When Beverly and Helen are left alone at the table, Beverly tells Helen that Jim is still upset. Helen says she and Jim have always talked things out before, but now he's got a wall up. Helen says she's thinking about taking a unit and moving into it. She says she doesn't have the strength to cope with Jim the way he is at the moment.
Kerry, Madge and Harold are having a summit about shoes. Kerry is still insisting that she'll raise Sky as she sees fit. Madge says Kerry should take sensible precautions. In the end, Harold intervenes and says he thinks Madge is right. Kerry isn't impressed and goes off to give Sky a bath.
Paul and Gail's house
Gail comes in to pick up her mail. Henry tells her that Paul has been down in the dumps lately. Gail says there's nothing she can do because Paul keeps putting business before their marriage. Henry points out that Paul did follow her to America but Gail says they've got a long way to go. She does love Paul, but she doesn't want to come home.
Henry tells Bronwyn that he has a plan.
Jim comes in, still in a bad mood. Beverly tells Jim that Helen is in her room, still upset about the argument. She tells Jim that Helen is going to move into a unit. Jim is shocked.
Paul and Gail's house
Henry has been out to do a few mysterious jobs. Henry invites Gail to stay for dinner. She isn't very keen though and goes off for an early night. Bronwyn says it's a pity that Gail has left - Paul will be home soon and they could have relaxed together for a change. Henry reveals that he's removed a piece of the ignition from Gail's car!
The bell rings and it's a man looking for Helen - he has a letter from the solicitor in Hong Kong. Jim gives the letter to Helen - it's a personal letter from Jim's mother, written before she died.
Paul and Gail's house
Gail comes back in, having been unable to start her car. She goes to ring Rob, but Henry and Bronwyn offer her dinner and a lift home afterwards. Bronwyn has laid the table up very nicely.
Just then, Paul comes in and is surprised to see Gail there. Bronwyn and Henry insist that they sit down at the table together. Just then, they "remember" that they're supposed to be meeting someone down at the Waterhole. They rush off, leaving Paul and Gail alone together.
One page of the letter is for Jim. He reads it aloud.
Leaving the money to Helen was the most difficult decision I've ever had to make in my life. But I know that giving you money now won't make up for the love I withheld when you were a child. Depsite my neglect, or possibly because of it, you've become a successful man, both in business and your personal life. You don't need my money. But Helen has sacrificed much in taking care of you and your family, that's why I left it to her.
It's strange that through my writing I could evoke anger or laughter or tears in my readers, but when it came to expressing my love for you I mostly failed. I hope some day you'll forgive me.
Jim tells Beverly that he owes Helen an apology. He goes off to find her.
Madge and Harold have been watching a movie. Kerry comes out and makes a sarcastic comment to Madge. Harold tells her not to jump down their throats for showing genuine concern about Sky's welfare.
Kerry goes into the kitchen, and on the way steps on a remaining piece of glass with her bare feet. Kerry sees Madge's point about Sky and says she'll put shoes on Sky when she's running around in future.
Paul and Gail's house
Paul and Gail are getting on well and have enjoyed their meal. They go into the living room to finish drinking their champagne. As Paul sits down on the sofa, he finds the piece of Gail's car. They realise that Henry and Bronwyn have set them up. But Paul says that maybe they should thank them for letting them spend some time together - they need it. They kiss.
PAUL: Will you stay with me tonight?
GAIL: Yeah, I'd like to.
Paul carries her off to the bedroom!