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Neighbours Episode 0869 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0868 - 0870>>
Episode title: 0869
Australian airdate: 01/12/88
UK airdate: 13/03/90
Summary/Images by: Jeremai
Number 30
Edith is tired from being on her feet in the coffee shop all day. Sharon can't understand why she cooks big meals at home too.
EDITH: Yes, well you've been living in the city too long haven't you? It's all microwaves and fast food isn't it? Do you know Henry actually makes coffee in the microwave? Can't be bothered boiling the water!
Bronwyn arrives to see how Aunt Edie got on today. She says she was virtually doing the work of two because Henry does very little! Bronwyn notices Nick's mural has been painted over and Sharon says she gave in because she'd fallen out with Nick... she thinks things are over with him.
Number 22
Gloria says Rob was a different person from the minute she started losing weight. Gail says Rob likes his women short and plump like Mum!
GLORIA: Built for comfort not for speed, that's what he always says!
Gloria says Rob thinks other men are after her and he has got an awful temper. She doesn't mind a bit of a ding- dong, but Rob has told her to give up the diet. She likes the way she looks so he can stick it up his jumper! If he only married her for the flab then it doesn't look like they have a future.
Number 26
Todd is on the couch, watching TV. Jim tells him it's time for bed; he can stay up late during the school holidays. Todd is jealous of Lucy getting an extra week's holiday and he is nervous about going to see his parents for Christmas, although Katie is looking forward to it.
Todd goes to bed and Jim answers the door. It's Sharon looking for Nick, who is not happy to see her. Sharon is sorry about his work being painted over but Nick is upset that she helped. He says Sharon keeps him at arm's length until she needs something. He doesn't think there's any point going on but reluctantly agrees to stay friends.
Number 22
Paul is on the phone to his stockbroker the next morning. Gail thought he was going to take a day off to get over his jetlag but Paul says you can't build empires by taking days off. Rob arrives, looking for Gloria who has stayed the night. Gloria comes downstairs and they have another argument; if Rob wants her to put weight on then he had better stay out of her life for good.
Daniels Corporation
Paul finishes a phone call to Des about closing accounts. Gail teases him about him doing more empire building. Henry arrives, looking for an extra shift at the bar this week to get out of working with Edith at the coffee shop! Gail refuses to go over Madge's head in changing the rosters. Gloria arrives as Henry leaves. She didn't get anywhere with Rob; he just won't see her point of view...
Rob tells Jim that Gloria won't see his point of view! He says Gloria's whole personality has changed and she's just not fun any more. Des calls by to book his car in. Jim wants to speak to Des about remortgaging the house to pay Bess' medical bills from the States. Des suggests asking Paul for help. After he leaves, Rob is still moaning about Gloria. Jim tells him to buy her a present, admit he was wrong and give everyone a bit of peace!
Coffee Shop
Henry wants to relax after the lunch rush but Edith wants the dishes done. Henry tries flattery but it gets him nowhere. Sharon arrives and Edith tells her she can help Henry with the washing up! Des comes in to check on things, much to Edith's frustration.
EDITH: Everything is fine. It was fine when you came in at 9:30 and it was fine when you came in at 11:30 and I'm sure if you were to drop in this afternoon everything would still be fine!
In the kitchen, Henry asks Sharon why Bronwyn broke up with her ex, Tom, but Sharon is not forthcoming. Henry thinks he has a right to know. Sharon tells him that their father caught Bronwyn in the wool shed with Jimmy McMuntie on the night of her engagement to Tom. Edith comes in, interrupting the story.
Number 26
Nick is sketching Todd who suggests going to the pictures with Lucy this evening. Nick doesn't want to and Todd thinks it's because of Sharon. Jim arrives home with Lucy and introduces her to Nick. Lucy clearly likes what she sees!
Number 22
Gail comes home and Paul starts to tell her about a fantastic opportunity with Rosemary but they are interrupted by Rob. Gloria comes downstairs and Rob apologises and gives her a present. It's a box of chocolates! Gloria thinks he wants to fatten her up and throws the chocolates back at him.
Number 24 back yard
Henry tells Bronwyn he knows about the bloke in the wool shed but he still trusts her. Bronwyn is furious that Sharon told him and that he has been snooping.
Number 30
Lucy has introduced herself to Edith and asks Sharon how well she knows Nick; he's such a spunk! Sharon awkwardly suggests he might be a little old for her. Bronwyn bursts in and has a go at Sharon for blabbing to Henry... she will never forgive her!
<<0868 - 0870>>
Bronwyn Davies, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0869
Bronwyn Davies, Sharon Davies

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0869
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Jim Robinson, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0869
Jim Robinson, Todd Landers

Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0869
Sharon Davies, Nick Page

Rob Lewis, Gail Robinson, Gloria Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0869
Rob Lewis, Gail Robinson, Gloria Lewis

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0869
Paul Robinson

Gail Robinson, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0869
Gail Robinson, Henry Ramsay

Jim Robinson, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0869
Jim Robinson, Rob Lewis

Jim Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0869
Jim Robinson, Des Clarke

Edith Chubb, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0869
Edith Chubb, Henry Ramsay

Edith Chubb, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0869
Edith Chubb, Des Clarke

Sharon Davies, Edith Chubb, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0869
Sharon Davies, Edith Chubb, Henry Ramsay

Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0869
Todd Landers

Nick Page, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0869
Nick Page, Todd Landers

Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0869
Nick Page

Nick Page, Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0869
Nick Page, Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson, Todd Landers

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0869
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Rob Lewis, Paul Robinson, Gloria Lewis, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0869
Rob Lewis, Paul Robinson, Gloria Lewis, Gail Robinson

Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0869
Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies

Lucy Robinson, Edith Chubb, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0869
Lucy Robinson, Edith Chubb, Sharon Davies

Sharon Davies, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0869
Sharon Davies, Bronwyn Davies

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